The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 26, 1922, Image 4

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    The MauDm Times?
Published Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon,
Jhssiline H. Mokrisox, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 5Cc
Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at the
post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
School Notes
The Maupin school literary
society will give a program at 2
o'clock Friday January 27.Every
body is cordially invited.
Maupin' Student Body 'as call
ed to order January 25, a motion
was made and carried, that the
high school play will be he'd Feb
ruary, 21. Another motion was
made and carried that the ladies
would sell their shadows except
some of the pupils below the
sixth gride who would rather
sell baskets.
The high school has divided
and each division has divided so
that each Friday morning a divi
sion on one side will debate a
division on the opposite side, on
the coming Friday. Mabel Cyr,
Clair Green and Arthur Philmee
are going to debate with, Lester
Crofoot, Jesse Walter and Elza
Derthick on the negative side of
Resolved: That a course in athel
elic trainingshould be compulsory
Those averaging . above 90 in
final semester examinations were
Stanley Houghton Clifford Mc
Coi k!e, Orland Walter, Mabel Cyr
and Lorraine Stovall. A few of
the pupils were exempt in some
of their subjects, Jesse Walter
was the only one exempt in all
subjects, Orland Walter and
Stanley Hotighten being exempt
in a few sudjeets. All pupilr,
made their passing grade but
these were theones with highest
The pupils having parts in the
plays are begining to get busy
on their parts.
Supt. Gronewald
tells us we
will likely have the local institute
with us this spring and he holds
out to us the prospect of of State
Supt. Churchill being with us
at that time We hope every
one in the community will help
t make this as enjoyable affair
ai the meeting we had last year.
We als') extend an invitation
to the ladies of the community
to come and talk over arrange
ments in regard to the teachers
institute to be held here this
Paint Them Yourself, Madam
Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Etc.
WE furnish fret dclralid
advice en rplini-liir j
your own furniture, lioorj,
wiills, rto. We tell you v li;it
. kind of paint, varnish or en.imel
to ixc. What kind of hiusl
Where to buy the material.
1 "Ju-t a cm of paint or var
nish mid a little work'
fun," w ill work' in our
home. Try it on furniture new
in viir ftutoroom.
After 72 year of e.vperi'-::.:e
with paints and pjinun; ri.ic
tier, Fuller makti a .special Jim
of p,ii:it, v.irnMir and r.rm
tU for jut such purposes for
jou to ue onrst-If.
They spread easily, dry per-
lanf liut v.u km
If 11 Df rAt n
memo to direct you.
For all tiiltrlaf
viii --
l ill- r. en
M. Lorraine Stovall, C. E.
W. A. Dane left last Thursday
for Modesto California expecting
to visit a month or more with
his sister.
Jack Rice went to Maupin on
business Saturday.
Jerry Young took the train
from Maupin Monday for Loatine
Wallowa County to make his
home with his sister.
Mrs. Virginia Stanton of Seat
tle is visiting at the home of her
orother, Jim Maddron.
The "liichmonds were down
from the wood camp Sunday.
A little daughter arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Gotlieb
Teschner Saturday. Mother and
daughter are doing fine and Mr.
Teschner wa3 able to go to
Maupin for a load of freight on
Earl Locke went to his home
above Maupin Thursday return
ing Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Driver
and Leonard of Tygh and Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Woodside and
son spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Li. ivi. woodside.
Ernest Hart of Sanpy, is visit-
ing his mother, Mrs. Sinclair.
Mrs. Jesse Cox went to Smock
to care for Mr3. Virgil Maytield,
who has the flu.
N. G. Hedin left for Portland
Wed esday.
Mr. Robert Ellinwood was a
Maunin visitor Wednesday.
Calvin Burnside left Wedncs-
day morning for III. having re-
ceived a telegram that his father
was very sick.
Weather much warmer and
roads getting sloppy.
Mrs. W. 0. Wilson expects to
leave soon for Long Beach Calif,
to be with Mr. Wilson who is
Wilson's shipped a carload of
calves to I'rineville this week.
If anybody finds an ugly wooly
dog named Jack please call Mrs
U. W. ijharpe.
and jive every desired
Easy, and great fun to use
them. Economical, too.
We are one of the largest
manufacturers of paints, var
nishes, etc., in the United States
tul. make the very finest kind of
Let our 72 years' experience
aid you. Follow Fu'dtr Speeiti
eta ions and you'll get the right
effects depend on that.
Don't think you can't dn
work hke this simply because
you haven't ever done it. Fry
ir, with our hrlp. See how de
lighted you wiil be.
a lit
Vr. P. Tulkr t Co.
rh! r.u
Kg to
1'iintft. Vktith trtli vmi )-it
wht tf buv. Deter i ht ni grt
cjr f'-et tlvirt on nv kn-i ol
pintiH jtb you wint to do.
jnH of p'ntirf It ii lvfiahU to obuia
tervlcM ol Matter fainur
Is a good time to look over
order your EXTRA
i. j. i ftirTmit fi;ni
Smock News
Several of our enterprising
citizens have been hauling saw
dust from the Mulvaneysaw mill
and putting up ice this week.
Willis Farlow returned home
Saturday after several days visit
in Portland and The Dalles.
Wilbur Mulvaney started log
ging this week with a crew of
several men and teams.
Little Helen Farlow spent Sun
day visiting her cousin Ladelpha
Glen Lucas and Husty Johnson
of Wamic are visiting at the
homes of Tom Woodcock and Mr
Several from here attended the
card party at Guy Haryeys" Sat
urday evening and report a very
plesant time.
Mr. and Mrs. Callie Duncan
: returned home this week from a
the weeks triD to Portland and
McMinnville where they visited
! Dewey Bothwell left for Port
land Tuesday.
! Ben Fraley and R. E. Wilson
left on the night train for Port-
. land where they will attend the
auto show.
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Maupin, Ore.
I.O. O F.
UhIr No. 20y, Maupin, Oregon,
neeis every Saturday night ir
I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem
iers always welcome.
R. F. TURNDH, Secretary
Lester. Crabtbee, N. G.
For FurnUurs and
F'j:ier a Specif.'-n ion
let ill-purpose varr5ih
iry at home for tirri
tjre, tables, chut. lin
clt'.im. tte. Boiling
water cannot harm it,
titr rolling furniture.
l:rir d;ut-fret in iovr
he tn . Walk on it over
"The All Purpose Varnish
A-lipted for any rsrfsee ei'her inHt
cr cutfide. The mff;t duraMe varniih
cttJiinjh.e. Withittnin interior wear
a.i4 weather exposure. Dctt not scratch,
perl, rub of! or turn whita. Dritt ovtr
P rf.icf a mirror-likt e!tie fl'jof
fini'h. V:stard the :uhr;, htil
r.-JtV ar.4 hct watrr. Holdt ita ploia.
C!csn easily.
Alio make-s of Pubber-Cemsnt Phar
Timt. Wahab) Wall Finish. Silkan
uhite Fnamel, Auto Enamel, Porch and
Sup Paint. j
W. P. Fuller i Co.
Dept. 20, Sm Franctaco
Pioneer Paint Manufatturera (of
: 73 eirt
CiUblished ISO
fi:anchei In 16 citirt In the Waal
Dtaleri Evcrjnvhera
iCi tM eyt and rut it In y"tf
pociietbooV or hndbi aa a memo)
Pultrr't "H-ma PerHce" Piinta
era aotd bp tha IcIIqwwi 1b pour
AGENT Pure Prepared PAINT
Maupin Drug Co.
Maupin, Oregon
ifyi fn nifift ifiiT itfA r n it r."
Wamic News
This phice suffered
1 t'O (
weather when the mercury drop-
pod to twenty deareps below
zero last Tuesilay night. The
remainder of th week was
and far below freezing.
About five inches of snow fell
here Monday night and Tuesday
following a cold north wind. I
n,- riviffuv, -oc noUaA hora a
week ago Saturday to attend
Gilbert Illingwovth, who had
the flu.
Mrs. Mollie Brittain, of Tygh
is attending her grandson Gilbert
Illingsworth, spending all last
week here.
A choir practice was held at
the Willie Norval home Friday
School was suspended all last
week on account of so many of
the pupils being sick and by the
severe weather.
Bill Woodcock took John Ming
worth to the station Saturday to
take the train for The Dalles
being called to that place by the
serious illness of his parents.
His father died before he reach
ed The Dalles.
Dr. Elwood was called from
Maupin Saturday to attend Dick
Gerity who had an attack of
pleuro pneumonia. The Dr.
made several other calls while
here, attending Mrs. Elsie Camp
bell, who had heart trouble and
Velma Crofoot who has the flu.
Mrs. May Chub and daughters
Pearl and Irejie were guests ol
Mrs. Laura Kennedy the past
few days since Mrs. Campbell
has been sick.
Winston Lake is boarding at
the Steph. Wing home during
the storm.
Miss Ethel Ledfurd returned
Monday from Hood River ami
White Salmon, Wash. She left
here early in October to pick
apples and was with her brother
Walter at White Salmon, later
visiting at the John Led find
home in Htod Kiver.
Marion Duncan came down
from Smock to meet Callie ami
Ipha Duncan.
Among the tick children last
week were Darrel and Ogden
Wing and Teddy Seutcrt jr.
John and Liberty Chaslain
ffent to the W hite river plant
where they were engaged in
punching ice at the plant.
Jim Wing came up from
Saturday remaining until
day at the Joe Wing home
Mon -
sick while there.
Lon Wing returned Friday
in 7
from Spokane Wash. Where heiUiexon, on the 7ih day of February,
spent several weeks with
daughter Mrs. Lulu Karas.
Mr. and Mis. A. II. Brrry siil!',ohn " V.f l'f-. Oregon.
I J. V. Donnelly, Register,
give a card parly at their home .
on Smock tonight. j notice for FLBLICATION
Mr. and Mrs. Guv Brittain! Department of the Interior
went yesterday to the Jim Mc j .v fi':? lhe UMt' "e
COWll's home to take Care of the ! ' Notice is hereby u wen that
family who are all down with the'., .,, V UT.,n o,,..kJ
in;., .n. .. v, .i:-,i
"v""lim,"wl" lucl'
lhe Dalles Saturday
dent here for many
won many friends
who a -e saddened by
was a re. 1-
.. ... ii
shile licre
I,:. rJr.ntv,
Many persons lost their hotse states Commifiontr at Mnujun. Oie
lantshcreby the suddvn told f. " ,he 2Ut day of tthtwy-
lais Place is i-iiii m ine Ki Pi
of snow and has beca since tie!
-H f- B
first fall in November. Every
o:ie is lookiiiR forward to
""'"B 'B K urea
ol tlie K)"K and cold 'Vlnte;' and
. , r . i. j
.30 liiucn t-now.
Funeral services for John L"
Illingv.orth, who died Saturday
morning at the family home in
Thompson's addition were held
i this afteinooiv at 2 o'clock
the Burget-Morgan company's
funeral home. Rev. G. K. Hart
man officiating. Burial was
in the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Mrs. Illingworth is ill with pneu
monia, but wa3 today reported
on the road to vecovery. Chron
icle. January 23.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Julia Christine Allen, has filed
her linal account as the Administratrix
of the estate of Wilbur Juhn Allen,
and that the County Court has fixed
March 4, VJ22, in the County Court
lioum of the county court house in
I tie Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon, at
the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon
for the time of hearing of objections
thereto, if any there be.
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified and required to
appear at said time and place and
then and there show .cause, if any
there exists, why said final estate
should not closed.
Dated this 24th day of January, 1921.
Julia Christine Allen,
To the users of Maupin Springs
Until further notice to the con
trary, you are requested to pay
your water rent-to E. B. Dufur
at his office in Maupin, and upon
payment of the same, you will
each receive a proper receipt
therefor. Mrs. Dnfur is author
ised to receive the money and
miike and deliver the receipt, in
the event of my absence.
Payment of the water rents,
h the 15th day of each month,
and 1 will thank you to be prompt
in payment of 'the same.
E. B. Dufur, Attorney for
Mrs. Arabell Staats.
Dei artment of the Interior
U. Sv Land Ollice at The Dallef, Ore
tf "ii. December 29. 1121.
Notice is hereby given that
Bernard A. Marx
of Gateway, Oregon, who on Octobei
il, l!-2", made Hi.uietei LnUy No.
uir.H."? for S'. l.isuT-4, NLl-4bwl-4,
Nl 2 -F. 1-4. Sec. .22, Nu l 4swl 4, Sec.
i !. NF.1-4NW1-4. sec. Srt. rl-4:jrl.4
:N'.Nl - 4.NT 4, Section 27, Township 7
outh, Kanae 14 east. illamette Me-
: ridimi. 1ms tiled notice uf intention to
: mil e rV'al proof, to establish claim to
thr land above described, before t. V.
Slim-f. I!. S. ( "nniMtis aif.nor at Mam. in
' ! Claimant names as witnesses: Grovei
rougtas, v . L. v am, Jolin rarre
LOJ. mode Additional Homestead I
No. O2o9u', lor NWl-4 Nwl-4. i
17. swl-4 sl-4, Section 4.'
iseaion 17. s-.vl-4 s14. Section
,sl 1-4 and SE1-4 swl-4. section 5. Town- i
1 ship 5 south, Hnnge 14 east, Willamette i
Mt-ritiittii. lias tiltd notice of intention t
to make filial three year proof u;
csiuun.-li ciuim mine lanu aDo'e
svriucd. before F. I1. Stuart, United
Claimant names as witnet-ses: John
Fotev, lorn Fahrrty. H. M. Grtene.
w c r,ok(!). allot M,Upin.0tegoii.
J- w. I'euneiiy, Register.
Plows and
M '
- Around Maupin
WoiUh n;n mri o t.-tr,
irvijiitiii inn influx 1. 1 I 1 IV
Maupin last Thursday after
Ed. Brown, retired sheep man
is sojourning in Maupin dnring
his vacation.
John Hackler left for Portland
Thursday morning.
W. F. Purcell was a business
visitor in Maupin Thursday.
Johnie Hagey was in Maupin
Thursday with a load of wood
for F. C. Butler.
Perce Driver was a visitor
from Wamic Saturday.
There was a dance given at
the Union hall last Friday night.
Harry McGrevv was a business
caller in Maupin Saturday.
Hazel Williams arrived from
Vale Sunday. She is the guest
of Mrs. F. C. Butler.
Get your supply of woolen
blankets at Wilson's.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as Administrator of the
eBta.e of Harry F. Shannon, deceased,
has filed a lull accountiiiK and report
of the administration of said estate,
and has tendered his resignation as
such Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that in the
County Courtroom in the Court House
at The Dalles, Wasco County. Oregon,
on Saturday, the 4th day of February,
1922. at 10 A. M. , the said report and
resignation will be considered by the
Court. All persons having objections
to the said accounting or resignation
of the undersigned and the appoint
ment of an Administrator de bonis
non. aie hereby notified to appear at
said time and place,
Francis V. Galloway,
Department of the Interior
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, January 9. 1922.
Uotice is hereby given that
Delbert l.eland McCoy
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on 'March 5,
19 iH. made Homestead Entry No. 019704
for Nl-2, section 10, Township G south,
Uange 13 east, WillametteMeridian, lias
filed notice of intention to make three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before V I)
Stuart. United states Commissioner.
at iUKUpin, Oregon, on the 28th day of
Kebiuary, 1922.
Claimant name as witnesses: A. K.
Wile-ex, of Wapimtia, Oregon, Willi.-!
Kol.-eiU, of Maupin, Oregon, Frank
McCoy, of Wapinitia. Oregon, VV. 11.
iituigis, of Wapinitia, Oiegon.
J. W. Donuolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Lnd Ofti-n at The Dalles, Ore
gon, Dec. 22, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that
Charlie Conlev,
'f T;. uh Vallry, Oregon, who on March
7. 1917, mad Homestead Dntry No.'ljvr Let 3 iir.rl SH'l-4i;El-4.Section
sn'lo'.inship 3 south, Range 14east, Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before F. D. Stuait, United
states ConitiiHsioiier at Maupin, Ore
gon, on tne 8th day of February, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Leu
F, Jackson, W. M. Morrison, W. R.
Head, T. L. Ashlev.all of Tvgh Valley.
Oregon. J
J. V. Iionnelly, Register.
Attorney at Law
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Kxolu..iveIy Optical
Kontim 1 7-1 Vogt Block, oyer
Crnbliy'b Drug etore,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Blark 1111