The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 26, 1922, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 8. NO . 16
THE YEAR $1.50
WATCH Fpif TfTp3
Income Tax Again!
All taxpayers are urged to
make out their returns at once,
thereby avoiding the rush at the
last hour.
For the purpose of assisting
taxpayers of Wasco county in
making up their Income Tax
return for 1921, Deputy Collect
ors Kueneke & Williams of the
Internal Revenue office, will be
at the following named places
on the dates given below:
Shaniko February 1, Dufur,
February 17, The Dalles Post
office building, February 18 to
March. 1.
Clyde G. Huntley,
Collector of Internal Revenue.
Gus Balzer and family lost
their home on Jordan Creek,
above Tygh, by fire Wednesday
night of last week, themselves
only escaping in their night
clothes. The house was large
and some insurance carried
an opportunity to
A live
Commercial Club
Extra Ply Tires
I am now handling an extra
grade of automobile tire and
tubes. Dont deprive jour self
of the economy and safety gain
ed by the use of these excellent
tires Mellinger extra Ply guaran
teed 8000 miles, Mellinger cord
gjaranteed 10,000 miles, Mellin
ger special 6000 miles.
Guaranteed by bond. W. H.
Mayfield. Wamic Oregon Sale
agent for Wasco County.
live officers
There will be a basket social
at the Farmers Union hall on
Feburary 3rd, 1922. A nice
snappy program followed by a
dance. Every body invited. All
the ladies please bring baskets
and lunch for two.
Any one wishing to buy work
or saddle horses call at the Ed.
Bothwell ranch, we are breaking
en colts, you have a good choice
Bothwell Brothers.
V. W. Endersby Dead
Valentine W. Endersty, a
prominent young farmer ol 2 1-2
milis north of Wapinitia was
found dead shortly before noon
jtoday by his father, U. S. Er,-
dirsoy. Wis gun lying beside
fin, all evidences tend to show
death was accidently self inflic
ted, a large portion of his head
bdng blown away.
It is not known yet if an in
quest will be held, hut likely not
The accident recurred some time
til's forenoon.
Mr En dm by leaves a wife
and three mnill children, a
father, two sisters and two
brothers, Claud of Montana,
Mrs, Sadie Shipfiin, Mr?, tlla
Cox, and Ted Endmby of
Wapinitia. He was 30 years of
fge, well known and highly
respected by all. He has spent
almost his entire life in the
Wapinitia section, where he
owned a large farm. '
Funeral arrangements not
announced yet,
House for rent Mrs. Sinclair.
Wapinitia Oregon. Write or call
Card of Thanks
Wo extend much gratitude
and appreciation to the neigh
bors and friends who so willing
ly gave and shared our burdens
in the recent fire that destroyed
our home.
Mr. and Mrs. Balzer and family
1 have 4 carload of cattle
ready to ship. Anymie wishing
to ship, notify C. I!. Dahl.
JobCrabtree was in Maupin
Ol lie Bothwell was a Maupin
visitor Tuesday.
For Sale
One 8 horse disc harrow com
plete with tandem; used or e
season; price $J0"'. and 16 inch
ji2-bottom gang plow. C. B.
Dahl. Tygh Valley.
Dee Talcott was a Maupin
visitor Tuesday.
Wasco County residents will appreciate a
pleasant home and delicious meals when in
The Dalles if you make jour headquarters at
Mrs. N. W.
Pay your bills by
And You Will
Mauuin State Bank
We Strive to
W.Wilson Foundation Fund
Following are the list of names
who subscribed to the Wilson
Soldier Benefit Fund.
K. C. Woodcock', H. F. Wood
cock, F. D. Stuart, George Mc
Donald. F. C. Butler, L. C. Wil
helm, Lester Cralt-ee, Bates
Shattuck, L. S. Stovall. B. F.
Turner, L. C. Henneghan, O. F.
R;r,itk, A F. Martin, O. B.
Derthick, Andrew Crabtree, J.
W. Darthick. J. L. Elwood, W.
C. Bolton, James H. Woodcock,
E. B. Dufur, M. F. Van Laanen,
J. E. Morrison, Alfred Johnson,
Ira M. KLstner, W. H. Williams,
M. Flynn, R. B. Bell, Robert
Karland, E. J. Fischer, J. L.
Con fer.
Around, Maupin
Special sale 15 cent toilet
soap 3 for 25 cents Maupin
Drug store.
Interior' work is progressing
quite rapidly in Sbattucks new
building and Mr. Shattuck ex
pects to move in about the first
of the month. With thecomplet
ion of the building Mr. Shattuck
will have one of the most modern
and up to date structures in the
state of Oregon, and of which
Maupin and surrounding country
will be justly proud.
Woodcock Bros, report a rapid
growth for flour market in . The
Dalles, as they have shipped 6
tor of flour during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Woodco(k
and little daughter Irene wtnt
to a card party at G. A. Harvejs
home near Wamic Saturday nigl t
There was a crowd of about thir
ty present and a very nice time
was enjoyed by all.
Carl Pratt and family ur&
spending a few days with Mr.
I'ratts parents in Wamic. Mr.
Pratt is doiniz some cai'Denter
'work at the Woodcock Bros,
flour mill.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor
I Phone Main 4821.
Fiinn, Prop.
Always Have a
Merit Approval