The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 19, 1922, Image 4

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    The Maumn i imes
Fubliihal Ever- Thursday ft Mdupn. Ocgon,
Subscription: One Year $1.60, Six Months 73cts, Three Months 50c
Entered as second class mail matter September 2, TJ14, at the
poet office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
$10,000,000 FOR
Union Pacific System Will
Build Them All With Lumber
From Northwest Mills.
The Union Pacific system will ex
pend Immediately nearly llO.onu.iM
for tunr-iased freight car equipment
necaidlng to announcement ynbtfrday
tlirmmli the local offices. This if
linn -UK the first announcements nt
railway expenditures that is of Impor
Unc to the Pacific northwest.
The contracts which require the ex
peoditure of the money tall for the
building o 4500 new freight cqrB fo!
delivery the first six mouths of thli
year. The. contracts require the of
of lumber from this territory to witsi
Into the construction of the ears
Several million feet ot fir lumber wir.
he need in building the oars. The
railway officials have specified that
this car builders who will erect therr
In the eat obtain this lumber frorr
mills on the Union Pacific lino la thu
Ot the 4500 car3. SU!)0 will he
rtnuhlhr.athfcd 40-foot. bO-tan box
ears; 1S10 will be apuclal double
eheathed 40-foot, 50-ton Automobile
car for general nervine, Including
movement of itrain In hulk, and 100H
are to be teI 60-foot. 60-ton automo
lille ran suitable- also for general
freight eervtee.
The building of the special cars for
the carrying of built grain will be of
Erejt benefit to the grain hlppers of
this section. Thess cars will he tight
and moisture proof. It Is planned te
keep them In service for shuttle Frv
1c back and forth from grain load'ne
stations to railroad terminal and chip
ping points at the time of ycir shen
grain 1s moving In its Krotiteat built.
Looking Hack.
Look back and count things over,
rhen look ahead and smile
I'he heaviest fields of clover
Are in the aftervvhile! .
Look hack and camly ponder,
rhen look ahead and sing
fhe hopes are far off yonder
Tomorrow makes the king!
Look back and keep the tally,
Then look ahead and cheer
L'he trumpets of the tally
Sound over ascs clear!
Lookback and then remenibtr
fhe world bedim today,
And that the (fray Dec'iubcr
Lends life to gates of May!
Luok back, hut never sadly;
Ahead, and always sweet
rhe best days bum so gladly,
the world is yet to meet!
Look back, but not in sorrow,
Ahead, and not in fear
Life builds on dreams tomorrow,
Che best is not yet here!
Is a good time to look over your Plows and
order your EXTRAS
Around Maupin
Mr. M. I. Shearer was in town
Portland Painless Dentist. 305.
Second St. The Dalles Oregon.
AU work fnmrHiiteed, W. T.
Blatten V), D. S. Proprietor,
The U S. Civil Sendee exam
bullion for Pnfdnmter at Maupin .
will be held at The Dalles Febru
ary, 11th, 1922.
Mr. Warner moved hhi family
o it from The Dalles Friday.
He is employed at the Maupin
Garage. Thev are ei 'reditu: a
tent house for their present, home to
Kindly Remarks
If they keep up the crusade to
riake everything cash it will
juoii be impossible to even gl
your battery charged.
Remember, every dollar ,yov
;end to a mail order house fiom
Maupin robs your town of W
cent? worth of prosperity.
You can't keep a good man
"lown, but in these strenuous
tunes his creditors can keep him
ivifitlinc like the dickens.
Clergymen and newr-papcrr-are
continually prote?tinj: again
st, short skirts, but the girls think
they have two perfectly good
reasons for wearing them.
In the old days when a man
took two sidwalky in wabbling
home the people used to pill
him Now they wonder when.
Ij" pot it.
YVamic News
We are having very cold
weather the past week. Ev ry
thintr (;i frozen up solid, even the
siinw j nioi-o like ice than snow.
Many children luue tire coi -
their homes with the
flu. Several grown up persons
are attacked but it seems to be
more prevalent among chidren.
Dr., Ehvood was here from
Maupin Monday to attend little
Val Miller, who has the flu-
Mrs. Neva Driver has been
cmfmed to her 'home the past
week with the flu.
Clifford Miller was over from
Juniper Flat Thursday.
Willis and Vard Norval and
their families, were Dalles visitor
the fore part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McCorkle
received a letter from their
daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Hurtig
list, week saying that Mr. Hurtig
m -it her lost her house with all
its contents by fire and that e h
an 1 his sister were inmates of
their home. The fire occured
in the night.
Mrs. Mary Pratt spent last
: week in Maupin taking medical
i treatment.
A light snow fell here this
! morning.
Mrs. M. Flynn returned last
week from a ten clays visit in
Jmcs Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General BUcksmithing
Maupin, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith took
8etty Nell to Maupin Monday to
.see Dr. Ehvood.
Dr. Griffith of Dufur, called to
tee Mercy Maddroii last Friday.
t this writing she seems to he
Mrs. Rice is steadily gaining
Mrs. De-Lore is staving with
her daughter while the children
ire sick .with colds and soie
Dorothy Harphara was sick
Calvin McCorkle spent Mon
day night in Maupin visiting his
nother who is ill.
Robert Ellinwood Jr. . ha
been sick the past week.
Wednesday A M. Plenty of
snow underfoot. Sun shining
brightly and thermometer regist
ers 16 degrees below zero.
P.ill Maynard has finally gotten
back on his old place and has set
ip batchelor quarters.
The many friends of Mrs.
fohn Crisle, an old resident ot
this place, will be sorry to heai
that she passed away last wvek
it her'home in Sanger Californih
H. N. Dodge was in from his
rjnch Saturday.
Z. A. Watkins was over from
Tygh Valley Saturday. 1
More winter weather for
Maupin. A couple more inches
of snow Tuesday made a protect
ion for the ground during the
present cold snap which immedi
ately followed. Reports of mer
cury location vary from 20 de
grees below at the timber line
west to 2 below zero here in
Art. Fargher is in town today.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as Administrator of the
estate ot Harry r. bliunnun, deceased,
lias filed it full accounting and report
of the administration of said estate,
and has tendered- his resignation aa
3uch Administrator.
Notice id hereby given that, in the
County Courtroom in the Court House
at The Dalles, Wa3co County, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 4th day of February,
1422. at 10 A. M., the said report and
resignation will be considered by the
Court. All persons having objections
to the said accounting- or resignation
t,f he linrlr-f-amrierl onrl tl-io urinr.inf -
Several water pipe3 are I met 0f an Administrator de bonis
fio;.en. Fuel is sufticcnt
ward off any fears of famine.
Eggs may be higher when
they arrive. -
(0 non, are hereby notified to appear at
aaici time ana place,
Francis V. Galloway,
I.O. O. F.
W A T I N 1 TlA
l,ii:t. No. M mini " Oregon
iiiiU every tSiit urdny night it
I. 1). V. F. hail. Yituling mem
i( rn ulw iivk ni'i"oi!K'-
Tl. IL l'l UNLK, Secretary
I.KsiEit CiuM-nuK, N. G.
Paint Them Yourself, Madam
Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Etc.
WE furnish frre JiliutJ
ndvice on rffiniihinj
your own furniture, tlci;,
vails, etc. Vc tell you wit
kind nf paint, v.irnidi or enamel
to ue. LinJ of bn:.l
Where to buy the mate
"Just a can of paint er var
nish and a little vnrlc tV't'i
f'in," will wotk wonder? in yiir
home. Try it on furniture ivvv
in your storero'Ti.
Afr 72 (ai of fNp'r" '?
widi pai"H jtvl painoti p-v-tice,
FiilUr n'Vfs pe- i d Lie
of rint, vat:iiihi. .Hid Cit il
e' for pr-t fitch pnrf re t
joii to ti;e yourff'f.
They erily, "dry p'r.
fectly, and t've every de'itel
r.ay, and great fun to u?
tliem. Fconumkal, too.
We are one of the largest
manufacturers of paints, var
ni?!ie?, etc., in the United Staffs
and make the very finest kind of
Let our 7? yeoi' exrerimie
J yen. Fo'Igw F uli'r $.!' ih
e.T'ieu and you'll frt the
!r.f. depend oil that.
ln't thiolc von can't do
woiV ble thu ji'p'y bee line
' u h.ven't ever dne it. 1 ry
ir, vitli eue b,-!p. bee hivv de
l.hted you will be.
Tor Furutture and
f at tirm fm ri
Mi chif. I'fl-
e t c. Boilin
T.mtt cannot htrm i.
n t ro)lmK furnr'.ir.
rn frtt in four
h-ir. Walk on it over
The All f uipes Vmlh'
r r,i''4. Thr vatnih
r V. ith'tir.'Ji mMritt wfir
r l N er tum vhiti. Dit tf
m i
Lli Lj
Hmc Scrvicc'Paints
M fd. by Xf. T. TwWrt k Co.
t it yM tt t'rt rrt
ea cpiii n to ti fi. i i
mtrao lo itirttt v.-u.
f Vt, iHifh ! Iff !
mhit In bur. Pfo-rit t
Fr ll titHrf S of r,rllf II It -liK! ! lltUi
h iiv!ca l a Mattr nfr
Flftr'n For F!"rts
Llt.Vii tiu.v.
A'9 "ii"i e( PVr fBt F'"f
rmt. VohaHt V, F-m.h
hit Frnel, Auto F.ftirol. Poith
fcup rnu
W. P. Fuller & Co.
rr!' frtncnc Ft r rm'ill:urtr lor
1J itit
l-n'.lin In I '' '"
Dral.ii E.tutnn
r. tin. ..( trS fi It In fit
t, ...hcfi lunitil nwnel
F ,'.,' ' H-m ?.!" Ftimt
to b Iht lt.i:i)-in U euf
. AGINT Pure Piepared PAINT
Maupin Drug Co.
Maupin, Oregon
Around Maupin
Mrs. Rose Dahl was a Maupin
visitor Monday.
Don't forget the Pcndh'tor
Woolen Mills robes and blanket
at H. E. Wilson Co.
Plastering and interior finish
ing work is making as good pre
gress as weather conditions will
permit for the three concrete
structures .on Deschutes aenue.
Fires are being kppt day nr;
night'. F, C. I3nt!er will probably
be open fur business in tv-c
weeks and Sbattucks will move
in their bnihling within the next
month. IF R. Kaiser expects t:
move into his building; a wcel
or ten day?,
The Govt, seeds from IJ. J.
Sinnott have ai rived nt the
I ime3 office and givei
to any one who calls, writes, m
phones, while they last.
firs. bee. vy. bmitn was a
Maupin visitor Monday.
Reduced prices in Dory Pyrn
lin at Maupin Drue Store.
Ate MMt ii.-,iiii;- The Tom. - lin-
A'ltiuin w lit. ii on lw,e iiny thin,
'.o '-ill ot want to Iny otii Mtiiili tout ni'thli'i ni:u h-ivv: c
iv i ,ie-. Id di po c i I II not ti
l diil .id in ti l'iivn,
A. W. Faryh'T was a btirines?
visitor in Maupin Mond.i;-.
Genrge Mcirii went to Th
Da'les Tuesday.
Get your supply of woolei.
blankets at Wilson's.
Charles Fierce va.;a Maupin
visitor Saturday.
Arch Outlier was in from their
ranch S.ituiday.
A. J. Hammer wai in Maunin
Job. Crahtrrr was a Maupin
visitor Monday.
Frank McCoy was in Maupin
James Abbott was a Maupin
visitor Monday.
To the users of Maupin Springs
Until further notice to the con
trary, yeu are requested to pay
your water rent to E. B. Dufur
it. his office in Maupin, and upon
payment of the same, you will
saeh receive a proper receipt
therefor. Mrs. Dufur is author
ised to receive the money and
make and deliver the receipt, in
the event of my absence.
Payment of the water rents,
is the 15th day of each month,
and I will thank you to be prompt
in payment of the same.
E. B. Dufur, Attorney for
Mrs. Arabell Staats.
Corvallis, Or.JJcc. 26-31, 1921
Winter Short Courses
Put Science into FarmPractiee
Fruit and Vegetable Course
Dee. 3-17, '21
Tractor Mechanics Course
Jan. 2-March 18, '22
Dairy Manufacture Course
Jan. 2-March 18, '22
Agriculture Course
Jan. 2-March 18, '22
Dairy Herdsmen's Course
Jan. 2-June 18, '22
Grain Grading Course
Jan. 9-21, '22
Beekeeping Course
Jan. 30-Feb. 25, '22
Honiemakers' Conference
Mar. 20-25. '22
Full information on any Course
by writing The Registrar, O. A.
C, Corvallis, Oregon,
Department of the Interior
V, ii. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
4011, December i'i, Wll.
Notice is hereby given' that
Bernaid A. Marx
if (iatewav. Oretron. v. ho on October
i, ;l-, made Homestead Limy rm nr ni-x, seettuu iu, lownsmp t Boutn,
ilf.;i:.'t for SwMsvvl-4, NL'l-4swl-4, 1 Range 13 east, WillainetteMendian, has
tiepurtmeiit. of the Interior
U. s. Land Orlice Ht The Dalles, Ore
gon, January 1), 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Drlbert L eland McCoy
of Wapitiitia, Oregon, who on March 5,
Wis, mane lloineateari tntry Io. Ui'Jdl4
fl-2rU.l-4. Rpc. i.7, rwl-4swl-4, Sec.
:,!. titl-4Nvl 4, Sec. J. SE1-4.NE1-4.
jh1-414, yection 21, Township V
wuth. Range 14 egit, Willamette Me
ridioi. has rled notice of intention to
'liaKe final piouf, to establish claim to
the laoil alune described, before K. D.
ittiait, U. S. Coimniasiuner, at Maupin
hejt'.in. on the 7th day ef February,
e laimsiit names a witnesses: Grover
IV, C. Ward, John Fsrre,
Pi!ii Button, all of Gateway. Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
hied notice of intention to make three
tear proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, befoie F. I).
Stuart, United states Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 23th day of
February, 1?22.
Claimant names as witDcsaes: A. R.
Wilcox, of Wapinitia, Ureguii, Willni
Roberts, of Maupin, Oregon, Frank
McCoy, of Wapinitia. Oregon, V, R.
Sluigi?, of Wapinitia, Oiegon.
J. W. Uonnolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. Land Othce at The DallM,
)r!KPO, I eiember, 9. U'21.
i.-t ice is hereby given that
Moses Webb
f T, srli Valley, Orrcon, who on January
:. l?li, made A'l'litional ll"iuef lead
.ni v N'o. Hl''v'.4, for 1. 1 2neI-4, swMn
.1 t. and ?Jt: 1 4 NWl 4, section "I. Town
h'p , ii'iiih. Kmige 14 east, Willamette
vt-iiiliHi;. has Med notice of intention
u nioiKe thiee year proof, to
it i!.li--h ''iniiii to the land above de
,;n!f!. tetore Y. I'. Stuart, U. S
i'!:inik-si'jnei', nt Maupin, Oregon, on
i..- ,; d-v of Januiiy, 1722.
CUunant nanus aa witnesses: J. S.
lv.h-t. W. ('. LKPe. O. L. Web''.
;. ' I.. Frown, all of Tyb Valley.
J. W. rAnnclly, Keguter.
inartnifiitof the Interior
V. b Land Office at The Dalies. Ore
jnn, .!amirv 9. 1722
Notice is herebv given that
Fhilbp A. tea's
...f Maupin, Oregon, who on October
22, "2r, tnde Additional Uotnestiad
entry tin. tC7, for Kl-4 Nwl-4.
.c-tvn If. i-wl-4 ewl 4, Section 4.
:U I and CLl-1 sT I. sec'i"n 5, Town
ship b south, Range lleait. Willamette
Meridian. a hied notice of intcntinn
to li'akc hnol three year proof to
cr'abli. h claim to the land above de-jenst-rl.
before F. I. fctuatl. United
oiatcs ConmurJioncr tt Maupin. Ore
gon, on the Ist day of February.
Claimant rames as wttne.-sea: John
Foicv. Tom Faherty. H. M. Greene.
W. C. Bolton, ill ot Maupin. Oregon,
J. W. Tonncllv. Register.
Iiepartment of the Interior
U. S. Innd Office at The Dalle?, Ore
g'H. uce. 22. I'.'21.
Notice 13 b.eieby given that
Charlie Conley,
"f Tveh Valley, Oregon, who on March
, l'.'li. made Homestead F.ntry No.
l? L"t 3 and jl 4ixl t.Section
(i l')v nship 3 loutb, Range lleast, Wil
lamette Meridian, ha-i hied notice of
intention to tnake three year proof, to
cslabluU claim to the land above de
scribed, before F. D. Stuart. United
U!e3 Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the gih day of February, 1922.
Claimant names a- witncs:ca: Lee
l Jackson. W. M. Morrison, W. R.
Head, T. L. Aliley,all of Tygh Valley, '
3. W. Donnelly, Register.
Attorney ot Law
Dr. T. DcLarhuc
Guises Tropcrly Fitted
Kirluiively Optical
HiHitns 1 T-1 Vogt Bl k, oyer
Ctoby'6 I'tug store,
The Dalits. Ore
rhone Black 1111