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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1922)
WATCH MAUPIN GROW THE MAUPIN TI Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 8. NO . 15 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 19, 19U- THE YEAR $130 I; Bought Martin Shop James Chalmers ha3 purchased the A. F. Martin blacksmith shop and is moving the machine ry and tools to his shop on this of the river. With the purchase of Mr. Martin's shop, Mr. Chalmers will be fully equipted to give the people . the best of service at all times. Harry Anderson left for Port land Saturday, he expects to be gons about two weeks. District Quarterly Meeting The third quarterly meeting of the conference year will com mence. Friday evening at the church. District elder W. N Coffee will have charge of this meeting all are welcome, do not miss hearing him. H. A. Walter, pastor. Mrs. R W. McCorkle is up and around again after a serious illness of about three weeks. us Has Maupin a Commercial Club? If so, who are they? What are they? Have they done anything the past year? If they have plans for 1922, what are they? Extra Ply Tires 1 am now handling an extra grade of automobile tire and tubes. Dont deprive jour self of the economy and safety gain ed by the use of these excellent tires Mellinger extra Ply guaran teed 8000 miles, Mellinger cord gaaranteed 10,000 miles, Mellin ger special 6000 miles. Guaranteed by bond. W. H. Mayfield. Wamic Oregon Sale agent for Wasco County. D Notice There will be a basket social at the Farmers Union hall on Feburary 3rd, 1922. A nice snappy program followed by a dance. Every body invited. All the ladies please bring baskets and lunch for two. Any one wishing to buy work or saddle horses call at the Ed. Bothwell ranch, we are breaking en colts, you have a good choice -Bothwell Brothers. O. A. C. Extention School January 27 and 28 promi se to be big days for Wapinitin. A two day meeting is' scheduled for that time with bounteous basket dinner at noon hour att ractions. A corps of speakers from O. A. C. will be present with many subjects of intrest to all. A lady instructor will be there to entertain the ladies along the line of millinery and dressmaking Every body come. Near East Relief News We have just atTniicfl for a series of stories by J. J. Hand saker, State Director of the Near East Relief, who spent the sum mer in the Near East. He met there a number of Oregonians, and will furnish accounts of the men and women who are at work in the Near East, awl of what they are accomplishing-. Among the items which we will present to our readers soon are accounts of the doings of Mr and Mrs. Sam Newman, Mrs. Newman is a graduate of O. A. C. of 1920 andis now in charge of an orphanage of 2,000 children, while her husband is running a 20. 000 acre farm, Mrs. Amy Burt of Bend secured the safety of a thousand children when they were, threatened dy death. Miss Margaret (Dolly) Hinman and Miss 'Nellie Cole of Forest Grove, Dr. and Mrs. C Ft. Gannaway of Med ford, Miss Margaret Reid of Portland, who wa3 rencently decorated by Governor Oleott for heroic service in. the Neat. Eai-t, and and Miss Frances Gage of Port land are among those whose stories of quiet heroism will have much interest for all our readers Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper from The Dalles went though Maupin Sunday on their way to Antelope. They have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dahl. Quince Morrow's wife arrived from Boiati Idaho, Friday, CLEAN ROOMS L Wasco County residents will appreciate a II pleasant home and delicious meals when in J l I lie Dnllri if oii inuliP vnnr liparfmiflffprK at. I ) HOTEL Mrs. N. W. THIS DALLES ' Pay your bills by CHECK And You Will RECEIPT Maupin State Bank We Strive to School Notes The High School has finished monthly examinations and the ones averaging 90 or above are Jesse Walter, Orland Walter, and Mabel Cyr. The class leaders are: Fresh manStanley Houghten. Soph more Orland Walter. Junior Mabel Cyr. Senior Lester Cro foot. The class leaders of the gram mer grade room are. Eighth Jan Wilson. Seventh Helen Weburg. Sixth Jame9 Butler. Fifth- Crystal Stuart. Those averaging above 90 are Melven Jory, Lela Wcbcrg, Winifred Kaiser, and Olive Turner. Next Monday begins the sec ond semeaterof the year. While the work of the first semester has not been as strong as we might have desired in some re spects the students show real pro gress in their work and we have hopes for an exceptionally strong second term's wprk. Supt. Gronewald tells us we will likely have the local institute with U3 this spring and ho holds out to us the prospect of of Slate Supt. Churchill being with m at that time We hope every one in the community will hcl to make this as enjoyable affair a the meeting we had last year. The next Literary meeting will he held Friday January 27 at 2:00 P. M. and everyone ia wel come. Weals) extend an invitation to the ladies of the community to come and talk over arrange ments in regard to the teachers institute to be held here this 3pring. The 19th and 20th are the be loved bays of tjd high school. Final exams. L. E. C , C E. Solomen ilauser left the first of the year for Ellensbcrg, Wash, where he is in the sheep busi ness with K. O. Kohler. House for rent-Mrs. Sinclair. Wapinitia Oregon. Write or call 1F.F2. i ; NEW MANAGEMENT OBAR ) Flinn, Trop. - OREGON i Always Have a Merit Approval