' AN ft htiiU It's OREGON-WASHINGTON & IDAHO AIRPLANE CO., HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING. 9 Riittonhnllnir Rnttnna All Mail Orders given careful and prompt attention Elite Shop, 384 Morrison St. NORTONIA SAFE AND CENTRAL REASONABLE RATES Excellent Cafe Special Weekly Rates Bus Meets All Trains 11th and Stark, Portland, Ore. BAB'S RESTAURANT T H E L Cafeteria SHOE REPAIRING nnnTI Mlin Minr Ol Ufnftl rUil I LAilU HIUC a HUUL 105 UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND. OREGON. Write for Prices and Shipping Tags JEWEL Restaurant Page & Son Portland, Oregon X OTEINO Ijf CLBANINe C.TASUSHMCNT Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND. ORE. EXPERT Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE By Parcel Post. Return Postage Paid. Write for Circulars and Prices. "At Your Beck and Call" Your Oil trouble and Piston trouble wKsvfeawill end when we Install .-i-"- E. C. LONG NON-EX PANDING PISTONS For pleasure cart, trucks and tractors. GUARANTEED HANSLMA1R & CRABB 1090 East Yamhill St., Portland STOCK THAT GROWS l.nest stock that can be raised at a price you will like to pay. Write or call. The Villa Nurseries RFD No. 1, Montavilla Sta., Portland, Or Guaranteea Nursery Stock We have got just what you want. CaVJ or write for prices. Russellvllle Nursery Co. H. A. LEWIS, Prop. Montavilla Sta., Portland, Oregon Fire Proof and Modern NEW HOUSTON HOTEL C. S. Richardson, Manager Weekly Rates to Permanent Guests Sixth and Everett Streets, Three mocks from New Postofflce, Four Blocks from Union Depot, Portland, Ore. lUPflPIC Expert advice on any InUUilC income tax piuulema. m Several years' actual experience in Govern EDflDI CMOnient Bureaus is offered rnUyLLlllOtlu.se unable to visit our office. State your troubles briefly and send In with ?1 and we will give you hon est to goodness advice. It will pay you to get In touch with us now. E. J. Curtln, Room 608 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon. DR. G. E. WATTS 212 Oregonian Building, PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. n,:rt tt ,,til IllTlllJirV. OT1 all w0 uu u"". - merchandise and glasses. uring una au. ... om.ii r 112V4 Sixth St. Portland THERE'S ANOTHER DENT Dents and blemishes on your car can be removed and we are the boys to do It. Why? Because we specialize In that kind of work. We also repair radiators and carry Liberty Rndiutor cores In stock. All work guaranteed. J. E. DtWIAM, the Fender Man SO North nth St. l'ortland, Ore. PILES FISTUUA.FISSURE, Itch ing and all other rectal conditions except Cancer permanently cured with out a surgical operation. My method of treatment saves the tissue Instead of destroying it. It is pain less, requires no anes thetic and is permanent. There is no confinement II, Ull, tl'l ...... I ... ....... til. i inAna a alal ann'summcnlq I guarantee a cure or will refund your fee. Call or write for booklet Mention this paper when writing. DR. C. J. DEAN Second and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore. Discover Amber In Canada. 'Vancouver. Hundreds of tons of despised culm from the Coalmont col lieries In the Nicola valley of British Columbia have turned out on expert examination to contain amber. This Is believed to be the first amber dis covered on the North American con tinent. Professor of "Movies." Berlin. A chair has been estab lished In the Berlin Technical high school for klnema technology. 5 1 Lit, J iii-J v J OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE True! Our Aviation School is Now Accepting Students for the Complete Course of Flying Instruction for the Unheard of Tuition of $200.00. The former charge was $500.00. If you are red blooded and want to get somewhere write us for particulars. 214 Spaulding Bldg., Portland, Ore. Plnltiner Turklnc And fThinHtnhtn Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Changs Sun. and Thurs. Matinee Daily. Twice Nightly Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Continuous HOTEL You Will Feel Right at Home Hera A rood plica to Eat and Lin Well. luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m 826 Stark St Sixth afreet opposite The Oregonian and Al der street opposite Meir & Frank's. The Beat Eating- place in the City. The Finest Coffee and Pastry a Specialty. We employ expert repair men with years' experi nee Return parcel post charges paid. Give us a trial at lowest city prices. Morrison Shoe Repair Factory, 219 Morrison tf We Pav Hiehest Prices for OU. hides, pelts: wool, mohair. CASCARA BARK. Address Department B 4(16 Wash. St. H. L. Day, Prop. Oysters, Steaks and Chops Our Specialty. Special Entree each day. Open 10 a. m. to 1 a. m. Write us for price, and market condition, on Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc Forty Years in the Same Location. RUBBER STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. The Dalles Fruit & Produce Comp'y Wholesale Dealers in FANCY FRUITS and FARM PRODUCE 161 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. Our Motto Is to Please YOU. THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL 127 Light, Airy Rooms, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. 92 N. 3d. St., Cor. Flanders, Portland, Ore. ED. F. GODDARD, Mgr. Phone Bdy. 1975 RAINIER HOTEL Ritel $100 mil us. 128 N. 6th SL Parlland. On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to aU Depots, and one block from main Postolfice Fire Proof and Modern RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON STS. Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel, Popular Prices. Center Shopping and Theater district. FRANK A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. "A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit" HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth, the Principal East Side Hotel. 6 minutes from Shopping District. Four blocks from S. P. Kast Hide Station. BROOKE DRUG C0."KK2J" CUT KATE MAIL ORDER DRUGGISTS. Do you suffer from Asthma? If so, order a bottle Langdale's Asthma Remedy Sold under Money Back Guarantee IT'S JUST A SMALL BOOK of 16 pages. "Ornamental Plants for Landscape Planting" is eager to acquaint you with the best varieties of plants for landscape use. BUT IT'S WORTH ASKING FOR Because it gives sound advice on the subject of developing the home grounds. The Weed Landscape Nursery Beaverton, Ore. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT, SANDY'S Portland's Kodak and PenMan An Ever-Sharp Pencil, Fountain Pen or Kodak for Xmas. Mail Orders receive Personal Attention by Sandy Claus. P. O. Box 740. ALASKA PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. Pipe Fittings, lowest prices. 363 E. Morrison. RAZING, WELDING A CUTTING Northwest Welding ft Supply Co., 18 1st Bt CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning: and l0Tui Dyeing service send parcels to "JJtKtjt M us. We pay return postage. tnHDia. H Infn.n.nHnn onA r,laa oivan upon request. ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS Established 18D0 Portland CUT FLOWERS A FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison Bt DANCING EVERY NOON ft EVENING Oriental Cafe. Chinese-American Kitchen Corner Broadway and Wash. PORTLAND DOORS AND WINDOWS We can sell you Doors. Windows. Roof' ing, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware direct We are manufacturers. Write for prices before buying. Heacock Saab. & Door Co.. 212 First St., Portland. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th ft Madison, HARD WOOD FLOORING Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., 231 X. "6th at N. Floors electric sanded. PLEADS FLEAS Husband, Explaining in Court, Blames the Family Cat for Troubles. Atlantic City. His wife's "fondness for a cat Infested with fleas was re sponsible for the domestic unlmpplness of Mr. and Mrs. James Cathrnll, ac cording to the story told by the hus band when arraigned before Judge Ingersoll In the domestic relations Iht Offiae" atmtaoAK.TiiMTS roTUNe.eiwoa DRUQLESS PHYSICIAN Chronic diseases a specialty. Dr. W. N. Allen JUU r leidner tiuiloing. HORSES, MULES BOUGHT. SOLO Crown Stables. Inc., 25 Front St., Port land, Ore. Horses and mules for sale or hire. Special rates to loggers and con tractors. With or without harness. Phillip Suetter, Pres. U. S. STABLES 365 Union Ave. Draft horses bought and sold, l EARN MULTI GRAPHING The Callan School, only recognized school on the coast. Experienced opera tors always in demand. 4u5 Artisans Bldg. MACHINERY Send us your Inquiries for anything In Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractors' Equipment, Loco motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Rail, Cauie, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 628 Railway Exchange Bldgy Portland,jOr. MFGS. OFVULCANIZEb ROOF "PAINT New roofs and repairing done. Young and Woods. 1103 E. Caruthers St MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works. MOTORCYCLES ANDPARTS All makes. Easy terms EAST S1LIE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46 GRAND AVE. PIPE REPAIRING fa pippc Repaired by experts, jkasaeaas t If EjJ plpe BhoPi 272 Wash. PORTLAND SHOE REPAIRS, MAIL 'EM Model Shoe Repair, 272 Washington Bt Davis Bros., American Shoemakers, 108 4th St. PRUNE TREES!! PRUTvjETREESTTl Before buying elsewhere see us. Columbia Kursery Co., 14S0 Union Ave., Portland. PYORRHEA DENTISTS Smith.Long.Stevenson, 310 Bush-Lane Big RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED" Single 30c; Double 35c. Razors Ground and Honed. Backlund & Son, lu6W. Park Safety Razor Man, 145 M, 3d St., Portland! SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We help the appearance of women. Twenty-two inch switch or transforma tion, value $7.60, price $2.45. 400 to 412 uekum Bldg. SCHOOL OF WELDING Otficially recoenized bv state and fed eral board as The place to learn welding ii meiais. commercial scnool or weld ing, 511 East Grant, Cor. 11th, Portland. TYPEWRITERS NEW OR REBUILT Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 304 Oak Street VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton. Portland. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces- Lubliner Florists, 348 Morrison St. Welter System of Suggestive Therapy or. x. w. Ayers, no ueaum uuig. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TINWARE Portland Tinware Mfg. Co., 47 First St SUNSHINE INSIDE HOGHOUSE Excellent Plan to Use Wire Gates and Partitions Keeps Building More Sanitary. In order to get the most vajue of the sunshine Inside the hoghouse It Is an excellent plan to use wire gates and partitions tfetween the pens. This will allow the sun to get through and afford better reflection of the sun shine. This allows the floors to dry out and keeps the building more sani tary. Basic Feeds for Pigs. Corn, milk or buttermilk and tank age are basic feeds best for getting pigs Into condition most quickly and cheaply. Exercise Most Important. Exercise Is immensely Important In developing size and bone In breeding animals. Silage Makes Steer Grow. Silage makes the steer grow and at a price you can afford, even at the present market SUPERIOR LICE KILLER For kerosene emulsion take two gallons of kerosene, one gal lon of water, one pound of bar soap and one pint of crude car bolic acid. Boll the soap In wa ter until dissolved, remove from the fire and while the water Is boiling hot add the kerosene and acid, churning with a spray pump for ten minutes, and then add six gallons of hot water, stirring well. Apply on walls, floor, roosts, fences, etc., with a spray pump. Dirty Eggs Bring Less. Dirty eggs are graded from two cents to five cents lower than "firsts." They are the result of dirty nests or no nests. A little care means a con. slderable Increase In Income. Soli for Poultry Yard. In selecting a location for a poultry yard, choose a light, sandy soil. Big Road Program. The state highway commission In New Mexico has launched a big road building program with six new federal aid projects, one to cost $40,707.02, a second to cost $65,505.07, a third $58, 302.87, the fourth $41,024.73, a fifth $09,844,49, and the sixth $74,194.47. Dixie Highway Leads. Of the 9,030 miles of roads to be constructed throughout the United States through the aid of federal ap propriation, the Dixie Highway leads the list with 895 miles. Cost Borne by Motor Owners. In a number of states the entire cost of construction and maintenance of stnte highways or of state bonds for road Improvement Is now borne entirely by the motor owners. Hiphvpvs in China. Hlghwnv ,.- f,- ... ::! feet to 55 feet In w'',,r " construction In Chlnn MADE HIM FLEE court here. Decision was reserved. Cathrall, answering a charge of de sertion and nonsuppnrt, said his wife Insisted upon the cat slopping under his window. Fleas, exercising their long distance Jumping nullities, entered Ills room In such numbers that life beenn a burden to him, and he left. The United States had 5 4.1 Smiths la the service in the war. Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER 'TEENS AND TWENTIES BY EXPERIENCE the child soon finds that food satisfies hunger, that water quenches thirst, mat a hard blow gives him pain. As he grows older he learns that bis own actions produce certain re sults which to him are pleasant or unpleasant. As a child he avoids doing things that cause him bodily pain. If he burns his hand or cuts his finger, he dreads fire and sharp- edged tools. He knows that if he takes undue liberties with them he Is sure to suffer physically and men tally. Deductive reasoning In children at the age of three or four years Is as keen as the edge of a razor, but through some trick of time when they merge Into their 'teens, their childish caution flits away and leaves them imprudent and venture some. They flash a red light to warn the old folks to beware of the wisdom and superior cunning of youth. 'Teens and twenties are the forma tive, red-light ages In which both sexes, consciously or unconsciously, shape their destinies. If in these dangerous ages Indulgent parents permit their offspring to have unrestricted, freedom, allow them to have their own way at the turning point of the right or the wrong road, the chances are that they will waste their time and substance and drift through life without forming even a nodding acquaintance with success. To you who are In these perilous periods, running along madly In pur suit of elusive nymphs of pleasure, "stop, look and listen I" Stop to consider what you are doing. Look about you at those who are climbing the hills. See how cau tiously they step. Listen to the words of wisdom, and especially to the ad vice of your elders. They have trod the worldly way and know how treacherous it is; how pitfalls are hidden by alluring glamours, Intended to deceive youth; how pride, wantonness and vicissi tude take at last to sorrow, eleventh hour abnegation and finally to brok en health and poverty. You have the power within you to rise to success and distinction. It Is for you, for you alone, to make use of this power, to overcome, to press forward and to make your mark. Keep on the right path. Hold fast to faith, and at some turn In the road the vista will brighten and you will find yourself at the hilltop, thrilled with unspeakable delight. (Copyright.) the omm COTUD I feel -a. tond of 3vrrYM5trvv Utk t cede ri 10 VI sVkl I WKo jump jo jctrefvlly TKey ketr t. Ktwcjty wto Korr. I. I YOURHAND How to Read Your Characteristics and Tendencies the Capabilities or Weaknesses That Make for Success or Failure as Shown in Your Palm. THE HAND OF AN ARTIST FOR a person of either sex to win success In any of the various fields of music, literature, etc.- the hand should be supple, and the fingers should be long. Short fingers denote want of attention to details, and this Is, of course, In the majority of cases, fatal to the hopes of success In art. "Genius Is an Infinite ojipaclty for taking pains" Is true In art. Other favorable signs are the fol lowing : 1 A small upper phalanx of the thumb If, in addition, the thumb Is very flat, the fortunate possessor has an excep tionally favorable thumb for an artist. If the middle phulanx of the sec ond finger, the Finger of Saturn, is well formed and well developed, and long, It Is a sign of great love of the beautiful In nature. The top phalanx of the third finger, the Finger of Apollo, should be strong, to Indicate color perception. (Copyright) O HER IDEAL. Inventor: That machine can do the work of ten men. Visitor: Q whlzl My wife ought to have married Itl f It .V ilL m : STATE news: t IN BRIEF. i Xasaasaaaaaa T,, Bend. More than 10 per cent of the 326 inhabitants which Bend boast ed when the first census of this city was taken 13 years ago are still resi dents of Bend, a survey made here shows. Bend. Moving Into the new Union high school at Redmond was under way Friday afternoon. The formal opening Is expected to be one week from today, at which time State Su perintendent Churchill will be in at tendance. Woodburn. A largely attended meeting of the North Marlon Berry Growers' association was held in this city Saturday. The committee, sent to Salem and Eugene to investigate co operative conditions there, reported. The committee was dismissed and no definite action was taken. Toledo. The development of the berry industry In the Toledo vicinity will be in a major project undertaken by the Lincoln county farm bureau during 1922. Special stress will be laid upon growing raspberries, black berries and strawberries and with less er proportional plantings of the log'jn berries. . j St. Helens. The sawmill of the Island Lumber company will resume operations some time In February,, ac cording to a statement of H. F. Mc Cormlck, president of the company. He said the date had not been defi nitely decided, but depended upon weather conditions and the lumber market. Salem. Salem merchants, following a survey here, announced that their sales in 1921 exceeded those of the previous year by approximately 10 per cent. The figures were based on reports by 14 business establishments. Merchants were of the opiulon that. 1922 will be even better than the pre ceding year, Salem. The state sealer of weights and measures office Inspected a total of 10,602 scales during 1921, according to a report prepared here by W. A. Dalziel, deputy sealer of weights and measures. Weights inspected num bered 23,457, linear measures 2511, liquid measures 7839 Salem. More than 25 actions tiled In the circuit court here were dis missed by Judge Kelly Saturday for want of prosecution. Under a rule adopted here, all cases which have not been prosecuted within 12 months, un less proper showing for continuance has been made, are dismissed from the trial docket. Salem. There vera a total of 242 accidents reported to the state Indus trial accident commission during the week ending January 6, according to a report prepared here. Of the total accidents, 219 were subjeot to the benefits of the workman's compensa tion act, 12 were from firms and cor porations that had rejected the law, and 11 were from public utilities not entitled to benefits under the act. Dallas. Notwithstanding the recent meeting of taxpayers ordered a cut in the Polk county budget for 1922 of approximately $18,300, the county court In making the final levy made but one change in the budget as orig inally compiled. The cut of $100 in the traveling expenses of the county commissioners, as requested by the taxpayers, was allowed. The total amount of taxes to be raised in this county next year Is $431,270.27. Boardman. The rabbit poisoning campaign Is being worked out system atically In Morrow county. The weather continues favorable, there Is a blanket of snow and the tempera ture hovers around freezing. The chief difficulty is that snow at night covers the bait. The ranchers, how ever, are placing out small quantities daily and are getting results-. County Agent Calkins has plans for a series of drives to supplement the work of Toledo. The chicken business is better than milking cows, Is the con tention of A. F. Gragle of this city, who substantiates his statement with a report of his business. Mr. Grable has 580 hens and pullets, only a por tion of which are laying at this time, He has two checks, one for $54 and another for $38, and in addition he has another for two cases of eggs coming which will bring him an ad dltional $25. This report is for two weeks' egg production, or approximate ly $60 a week. Salem. All Petite prunes In the Wil lamette valley held by the Oregon Growers' Co-operative association have been sold through orders received dur ing the past few days, it was an nounced here. The recent demand for Willamette valley prunes was due, of ficials of the association said, to the Increase In prices for the California product. Most of the prunes shipped by the Oregon Growers' association during the past week were consigned to foreign markets. They were han died through eastern brokers, Is needed in every department of house keeping. Equally Rood for towof- ble linen, sheets and pUlow cases. Cuticura Soap Is Ideal for The Complexion 3orp,Oinfmwit,TriCTim H ewywhare. FirmDlefJ Do Something Worth While. Let all the Intervals or void space of time be employed in prayers, read ing, meditating, works of nature, rec reation, charity, friendliness, neighbor liness, and means of spiritual and cor poral health. Never walk with any man, or undertake any trifling employ-, ment, merely to pass the time away. Jeremy Taylor. Human Weights. A woman, forty-three years old, five feet five Inches tall, should weigh 143 pounds, and a man forty-eight years old, whose height is five feet seven Inches, should weigh 156 pounds, ac cording to a table compiled by the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors and the Actuary ' Society of America. Don't Forget Cuticura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume, ren dering other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on It because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum). . 25c each everywhere. Adv. That Word "Strike." The first use of the word "strike," as applied to labor troubles, occurred in a London newspaper In 1765. In September of that year were numerous references to a great stoppage of labor In the coal fields, aud the workers are said to have "struck out" for higher wages. Indianapolis News. Peculiarity of Judas Tree. One of the curious things about the redoud, or Judas tree, is that It bears flowers on the old wood. Blossoms are found In abundance on twigs that are five or six years old. Keeping Books. Leather bound books should be kept where the air is hot and dry and cir culates freely enough to prevent the natural oil of the leather drying out too rapidly. No Man Always Right. The man who Is always right does not live. He U still the prospective product of the development of the species. Even the one who generally thinks ha is right will be found fre quently to draw wrong conclusions, but he's safer to follow. Grit. Meteorites Cool on Journey. Meteorites are never very hot when they strike the earth. They have fallen into haystacks, barns, etc., without setting them on fire. No baking of the soil or charring of vegetation is observed where they have struck the ground. Why He Loses Control. There are two things a man cannot control. One Is the weather, and the other is his wife. Cincinnati Enquir er. He frets because he cannot con trol the first, and he is foolish enough to try to control the other. Canton (O.) News. Could Be Spared. Several hundred sermons were stol en from the study of a Rochester clergyman. TosBlbly the members of his congregation who extended sympa thy were slight exceeded in number by those who didn't. Buffalo Express. Her System. Young Woman (to librarian) I do not wish to bother you, but I've for gotten the name of the book I want If you'll Just mention what books you have, I'll stop you when you come to It Edinburgh Scotsman. Changes Come With Years. A young girl should always remem ber to the credit of her mother's judg ment that "father" has changed con siderably since ho was a young man and "mother" married him. Leaven worth Times. Mmi 'ffDfSR Bms. Rclrtshes, Soollirv 'ilLKpjZ BmIj Keep your Eye 'iafiB r41 strong and Jlealthy. M jol' they Tire, Smart, ltch,cw niii?t.'5tC Burn if So- Irritated, IUUK LICJ Inflamed or Granulated, jse Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book Marine Eye Kenedy Ctmpaay, Cfalcaaa. U.S. Are Yen Satisfied? BEHNKF-WALKER BU51NL3S COLLECe Is the biggest, mest perfectly equipped Business- Training School in the North went Fit yourself for a higher position with mora money. Permanent aoaltlona aawured our Hr&duates. Write for catalog Fourta and TamhJH, Portland. P. N. U. No. 2, 1922