The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 05, 1922, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Arizona federal authorities admitted
Tuesday that there have come to their
attention persistent rumors to the ef
fect that the execution of General
Francisco Reyna in Nogales Monday
was preceded by Irregularities.
With $411,831 already collected, the
annual revenue from automobile own
ers In Washington bids fair to exceed
the $750,000 estimate set by the last
legislature, which passed the law, ac
cording to Fred J. Dibble, director of
The United States probably will be
Invited to send official representatives
to the international financial and eco
nomic conference, which Is to be
called by the allied supreme council
at its annual meeting In Cannes early
next year.
The supreme court of Massachus
etts Tuesday denied the motion of the
trustees of the Christian Science Pub
lishing society for an injunction to
restrain the directors of the First
Church of Christ, Scientist, from re
moving the trustees.
What Is said to be the heaviest
sentence yet pronounced on a woman
In federal court in Washington for
violation of the Harrison drug act
Tuesday sent Mrs. Kate Vietheer to
the King county jail for one year.
Sentence was imposed by Judge Ne-
' terer, who denied a motion for a new
Deaths from cancer in the death reg
istration area of the United States in
1920 totaled approximately 73,000, ac
cording to a report by the census
bureau, which on a basis of propor
tional population estimated the total
deaths for the entire country at 89,000,
or an Increase of 5000 from the estim
ate for 1919.
Rear-Admlral Charles Henry Davis,
retired, brother-in-law of Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts, died at his
home in Washington, D. C, Tuesday.
He was a native of Boston and 76
years of age. Admiral Davis was a
son of the late Rear-Admlral Charles
Henry Davis and a brother of Mrs
An involuntary petition in bank
ruptcy was filed in the New York fed
eral court Tuesday against Robert II,
Ingersoll & Bro manufacturers of the
Insorsoll watches of this city. Lia
bilities were set forth as $3,000,000
and asBots, exclusive of good will, as
$2,000,000. The concern admitted its
inability to pay its debts and ex
pressed willingness to be adjudged
Changes In soviet governmental poll
clos, recently made, or indicated as
In prospect, may eventually bring
about a resumption of trade relations
between Russia and the United States,
It was said Tuesday at the White
House. Reports received recently by
the American government, It was add
ed, were most optimistic as to the
course likely to be pursued by the
soviet authorities.
Attired In their tribal robes, Chief
Red Feather of Muskogee, Okla., and
Princess Andotnah of Davenport, la..
wore married in the parlors of
Salem hotel at noon Tuesday. The
chief signs his name as Edward De-
moss, and has been engaged in the
theatrical business for a number of
years. He 1b an Indian and as
soloist has appeared in many of the
leading theaters of the country. Ills
bride, who' Is an Indian, hag been
acquainted with her husband since
The people of the United States
spent more than $100,000,000 for toys
and games during the year just end
lng. The National City bank of New
York quoted that the factory value
of toys manufactured here more than
trebled when the wur cut us off from
Germany, formerly the chief source of
toy imports. In 1919 the value of toys
made here was $46,000,000 against
$14,000,000 in 1914. Imports of toys
fell from $8,000,000 In the year before
the war to $1,000,000 in 1918. In 1920
Imports of toys rose to $6,000,000, and
this year to $10,000,000, more than
the value in any year before the war.
Capital engaged In the industry here
advanced from $10,000,000 in 1911 to
$25,000,000 In 1919.
Far East Republic Asks Investigation
France and Japan Deny.
Washington, D. C While practical
ly all machinery of the arms confer
ence halted for New Year's, the unof
ficial delegation of the far eastern re
public took advantage of the lull to
press charges of a secret French-Japanese
understanding for perpetuation
of Japanese control in Siberia.
The far eastern delegates declared
proof of their charges, already denied
by the French and Japanese delegates,
could be obtained by examination of
original documents in the archives of
the far eastern government at Chita.
They suggested that such inquiry be
made by American consular officials
so that results might be known to the
conference when it considers Siberian
To emphaslzze the French denial
made Tuesday, Albert Sarraut, head
of the French delegation, notified Sec
retary Hughes, as chairman of the
conference, that the charges were
wholly without foundation In fact. The
French government, he said in a writ
ten communication, had entered into
no commitments regarding Siberia ex
cept those of which the United States
was aware.
In view of the French and Japanese
repudiation of the charges and the
position of the far eastern delegates
as "outsiders" sent to the conference
by an unrecognized government, the
Inclination in many conference circles
was not to take the development very
seriously. At the same time the ac
cusations attracted widespread atten
tion. Naval experts alone worked Tues
day studying technical questions which
remain to be settled in connection with
the naval agreement. It was said their
deliberations were at Buch a stage
that all the loose ends of the settle
ment probably could be cleared away
within a few days, If questions of
policy raised by thesubmarine regu
lation proposals can be settled in time
the conference leaders believe that a
five-power naval treaty can be put
into definite form this week.
Panama Hit By Quake.
Panama. An earthquake lasting
about a minute occurred at 1 o'clock
Monday morning, shaking up the city,
but doing no damage either here or
along the Panama canal. The center
of the shock was about 60 miles dis
tant. A heavy flood due to rains was reg
istered in Gatun lake between 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon and 8 o'clock Mon
day morning.
Hamberlain, S. D. A pronounced
earthquake, lasting about 55 seconds,
was felt here at 9:50 Monday morning.
Many brick chimneys were tumbled
down, dishes were shaken from cup
board shelves and house plants thrown
to the floor by the tremors.
Hays May Yet Quit Job.
New York. Postmaster General
Hays started back to Washington late
Tuesday to resume his duties after
three weeks of rest. He said he still
was considering an invitation to be
come head of a group of motion pic
ture producing and distributing cor
porations, and probably would give
them his answer at a conference In
Washington January 14. He is report
ed to have been offered a three-year
contract at $150,000 a year.
Hope Seen For Farmer.
Washington, D. C. The farmer can
enter the new year In a spirit of hope
fulness and good cheer, Secretary of
Agriculture Wallace said Monday in
a message to farmers.
"I see nothing which indicates boom
times for the farmers In the near fu
ture," he continued, "but there does
seem to be a promise of better times
both for the farmer and for those
whose business is largely dependent
upon him."
Radical Trio Quit Riga.
Riga. After a week's Imprisonment,
during which time they were not per
mitted to communicate with outsiders,
Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman
and Alexander Shapiro, deportees
from America, who recently came out
of soviet Russia, started a second time
Tuesday for Reval, Esthonia. The
radicals Intend to go on to Stockholm.
New York Hit By Cold.
Utlca, N. Y. Temperatures ranging
from 15 to 27 degrees below xero were
reported Monday. They wero from
central and northern sections of the
Tonnage of Airplane Carriers
, Definitely Fixed.
Americans Withdraw Objections to
Japan's Plea to Claraify
Treaty on Pacific.
Washington, D. C The arms con
ference has virtually reached the end
of its efforts to put a curb on naval
To the capital ship settlement was
added Friday an agreement for llmita-,
tlon of future tonnage in airplane
carriers, and then the naval commit-'
tee adjourned indefinitely, leaving de
termination of various problems of
detail to a sub-committee of experts.
Some sort of declaration with re
gard to the use of submarines and an
agreement not to construct any auxil
iary vessels hereafter with a tonnage
of more than 10,000 are expected also
to be added to the accomplishments'
of the conference before the final cur
tain is rung down. A five-power treaty
embodying all the points of which
there is agreement now Is in process
of drafting. I
There are growing indications, too,
that the four-power treaty to pre
serve peace in the Pacific, which al
ready has been signed, will be in some
way further clarified before the con
ference quits. The American delega
tion is understood to have withdrawn
any objection to the Japanese pro
posal that the treaty's scope be de
fined as not including the major Jap
anese islands, and the plan for an ex
change of clarifying notes or for
amendment of the treaty text is ex
pected 'to take definite form within
a few days.
The Japanese request for a clari
fication of the treaty's terms is said
to have been based largely on the
development of a difference in view
on the subject between President
Harding and the American delegation.
This development has been a topic of
such widespread speculation in con
ference circles that the president Fri
day took occasion to characterize as
"silly" published reports that Secre
tary Hughes was considering resign
ing from the cabinet as a result of
differences arising between him and
the White House during the arms
What Is to be done about the far
eastern problems now becomes the
big unanswered question of the con
ference, Japan and China are dead
locked in their efforts at a separate
settlement of the Shantung contro
versy and, as a consequence, all the
other far eastern discussions are at
a standstill. It was indicated that a
meeting of the far eastern committee
would be held this week, at which
China would attempt to transfer the
Shantung negotiations into the full
Venus Held Uninhabited.
Swarthmore, Pa. Investigations by
E. St. John, director of the Wilson
observatory, California, and Seth B.
Nicholson, his assistant, Indicate that
the planet Venus supports no life, they
asserted in papers read before the
American Astronomical society in con
vention at the Sproul observatory,
Swathmore college. Both declared
they had discovered no oxygen or
water on Venus and therefore the
presence of even animal life was pre
cluded. The council of the society de
cided to hold its next meeting at
Yerkes observatory, Williams Bay,
Wis., the week following next Labor
Poles Out of Position.
Swarthmore, Pa. Walter D. Lam
bert, mathematician of the United
States coast and geodetic survey de
scribes calculations made at a num
ber of observatories showing a slight
motion of the earth's poles. The north
pole has dipped slightly to the south,
the observations over a period of years
indicate, he said, 'but the movement
has never taken the pole more than
60 feet out of its position.
117 Farm Loan Granted.
Washington, D. C Approval of 117
advances tor agriculture and livestock
purpose, aggregating $3,699,000, was
announced Friday by the war finance
corporation. The loans distributed in
cluded: Montana, $155,000; Oregon,
$37,000; Washington, $48,000; Wyo
ming, $105,000; California, $424,000;
North Dakota, $284,000; South Dakota,
CHAPTER II Continued.
"Well rest now," Dan told them at
sn o'clock. "The sun is warm enough
io that we won't need much of a lire.
Ind we'll try to get five hours' sleep."
"Too long, If we're going to make It
rat," Lennox objected.
"That leaves a workday of nineteen
lours," Dan persisted. "Not any too
lttle. Five hours It will be."
He found where the snow had drift
id against a great, dead log, leaving
lie white covering only a foot In
lepth on the lee side. He began to
icrape the snow away, then hacked at
lie log with his ax until he had pro
mred a piece of comparatively dry
food from Its center. They all stood
)reathless while he lighted the little
jlle of kindling and heaped It with
treen wood the only wood procur
ible. But it didn't burn freely. It
imoked fitfully, threatening to die out,
ind emitting very little hent.
But they didn't particularly care.
The sun was warm above, as always
n the mountain winters of southern
Dregon. Snowbird and Dan cleared
jpaces beside the fire and slept. Len
nox, who had rested on the journey,
ay on his sled and with his uninjured
irm tried to hack enough wood from
the saplings that Dan had cut to keep
the fire burning.
At three they got up, still tired and
idling In their bones from exposure.
Twenty-four hours had passed since
they had tasted food, and their unre
plenlshed systems complained. There
is no better engine In the wide world
than the human body. It will stand
more neglect and abuse than the finest
iteel motors ever made by the hands
of craftsmen. A man may fast many
flays If he lies quietly In one place
ind keeps warm. But fasting Is a
Jeadly proposition while pulling
iledges over the snow.
Dan was less -hopeful now. His face
told what his words did not. The
lines cleft deeper about his lips and
eyes; and Snowbird's heart ached
when he tried to encourage her with
i smile. It was a wan, strange smile
that couldn't quite hide the first sick
ness of despair.
The shadows quickly lengthened--llmply
leaping over the snow from the
fast-falling sun. The twilight deep
ened, the snow turned gray, and then,
In a vague way, the journey began to
partake of a quality of unreality. It
was not that the cold and the snow
and their hunger were not entirely
real, or that the wilderness was no
longer naked to their eyes. It was just
that their whole effort seemed like
lome dreadful, unburdened journey In
a dream a stumbling advance under
difficulties too many and real to be
The first sign was the far-off cry
of the wolf pack. It was very faint,
simply a stir In the eardrums, yet It
was entirely clear. That clear, cold
mountain air was a perfect telephone
system, conveying a message distinct
ly, no matter how faintly. There
were no tall buildings or cities to dis
turb the ether waves. And all three
of them knew at the same Instant It
was not exactly the cry they had
heard before.
They couldn't have told just why,
even If they had wished to talk about
It In some dim way, It had lost the
strange quality of despair it had held
before. It was as if the pack were
running with renewed life, that each
wolf was calling to another with a
dreadful sort of exultation. It was an
excited cry, too not the long, sad
song they had learned to listen for. It
sounded immediately behind them.
They couldn't help but listen. No
human ears could have shut out the
sound. But none of them pretended
that they had heard. And this was the
worst sign of all. Each one of the
three was hoping against hope in his
very heart ; and at the same time, hop
ing that the others did not understand,
For a long time, as the darkness
deepened about them, the forests were
still. Perhaps, Dan thought, he had
been mistaken after all. His shoulders
straightened. Then the chorus blared
The man looked back at the girl,
smiling Into her eyes. Lennox lay as
If asleep, the lines of his dark face
curiously pronounced. And the girl,
because she was of the mountains,
body and soul,' answered Dan's smile.
Then they knew that all of them knew
the truth. Not even an Inexperienced
ear could have any delusions about
the pack song now. It was that old
est of wilderness songs, the hunting
cry that frenzied song of blood-lust
that the wolf pack utters when it is
running on the trail of game. It had
found the track of living flesh at last
"There's no use stopping, or trying
to climb a tree," Dan told them sim
ply. "In the first place, Lennox can't
do it In the second, we've got to take
a chance for cold and hunger can get
up a tree where the wolf pack can't"
He spoke wholly without emotion.
Once more he tightened the traces of
the sled.
'Tve heard that sometimes the pack
will chase a man for days without at
tacking," Lennox told them. "It all
depends on how long they've gone
e Vice f the
without food. Keep on and try to for
get 'em. Maybe we can keep 'em
But as the hours passed, It became
Increasingly difficult to forget the wolf
pack. It was only a matter (ft turning
the head and peering for an Instant
Into the shadows to catch a glimpse
of one of the creatures. Their usual
fear of men, always their first emo
tion, had given way wholly to a hunt
ing cunning ; an effort to procure their
game without too great risk of their
own lives. In the desperation of their
hunger they could not remember such
things as the fenr of men. They
spread out farther, and at last Dan
looked up to find one of the gray
beasts waiting, like a shadow himself,
In the shadow of a tree not one hun
dred feet from the sled. Snowbird
whipped out her pistol.
"Don't dare!" Dan's voice cracked
out to her. He didn't speak loudly; yet
the words came so sbarp and com
manding, so like pistol fire itself, that
they penetrated Into her consciousness
and choked back the nervous reflexes
that In an Instant might have lost
them one of their three precious shells.
She caught herself with a sob. Dan
shouted at the wolf, and It melted Into
the shadows.
"You won't do It again, Snowbird?"
he asked her very humbly. But his
meaning was clear. He was not as
skilled with a pistol as she; but If her
nerves were breaking, the gun must
be taken from her hands. The three
shells must be saved to the moment of
utmost need.
"No," she told him, looking straight
into his eyes. "I won't do it again."
He believed her. He knew that she
spoke the truth. He met her eyes with
a half smile. Then, wholly without
warning, Fate played Its last trump.
Again the wilderness reminded them
of Its might, and their brave spirits
were almost broken by the utter re
morselessness of the blow. The girl
went on her face with a crack of wood.
"Maybe Wo Can Keep Them Bluffed."
Her snow shoe had been cracked by
her fall of the day before, when run
ning to the fire, and whether she
struck some other obstruction In the
snow, or whether the cracked wood
had simply given way under her
weight, mattered not even enough for
them to Investigate. As In all great
disasters, only the result remained.
The result In this case was that her
snowshoe, without which she could not
walk at all In the snow, was Irrepara
bly broken.
"Fate has stacked the cards against
us," Lennox told them, after the first
moment's horror from the broken
But no one answered him. The girl.
white-faced, kept her wide eyes on
Dan. He seemed to be peering into the
shadows beside the trail, as If he were
watching for the gray forms that now
and then glided from tree to tree. In
reality, he was not looking for wolves.
He was gazing down Into his own soul,
measuring bis own spirit for the trial
that lay before him.
The girl, unable to step with the
broken snowshoe, rested her weight on
one foot and hobbled like a bird with
broken wings across to him. No sight
of all this terrible journey had been
more dreadful in her father's eyes
than tills. It seemed to split open
the strong heart of the man. She
touched her hand to his arm.
Tm sorry. Dan," she told him. "Yon
tried so hard"
Just one little sound broke from his
throat a strange, deep gasp that
could not be suppressed. Then he
caught her hand in his and kissed It
again and again. "Do you think I care
about that?" he asked her. "I only
wish I could have done more and
what I have done doesn't count Just
as In my fight with Cranston, nothing
Copyright, 1520, by Little, Brown Sc Co.
counts because I dldn t win, It s just
fatj. Snowbird. It's no one's fault, but
maybe, m this world, nothing Is ever
anyone's fault." For in the twilight of
those winter woods, In the shadow of
death Itself, perhaps he was catching
glimmerings of eternal truths that are
hidden from all but the most far-seeing
"And this Is the end?" she asked
him. She spoke very bravely.
"Noi" His hand tightened on hers.
"No, so long as an ounce of strength
remains. To fight never to give up
may God give me spirit for It till I
And this was no Idle prayer. His
eyes raised to the starry sky as he t
"But, son," Lennox asked hhn rath
er quietly, "whnt can you do? The
wolves aren't going to wait a great
deal longer, and we can't go on."
"There's one thing more one more
trial to make," Dan answered. "I
thought about It at first, but It vvus too
long a chance to try If there was nny
other way. And I suppose you thought
of It too."
"Overtaking Cranston?"
"Of course. And It sounds like a
crazy dream. But listen, both of you.
If we have got to die, up here in the
snow and it looks like we had what
is the thing you want done worst be
fore we go?"
Lennox's hands clasped, and he
leaned forward on the sled. "Pay
Cranston I" he said.
Yesl" Dan's voice rang. "Crans
ton's never going to be paid unless we
do It. There will be no signs of In
cendiarism at the house, and no
proofs. They'll find our bodies In thei
snow, and we'll just be a mystery,
with no one made to pay. The evi
dence In my pocket will be taken by
Cranston, some time this winter. If 1
don't make him pay, he never will pay.
And that's one reason why I'm going
to try to carry out tills plan I've got.
"The second reason is that It's the
one hope we have left. I take It that
none of us are deceived on that point.
And no man can die tamely If he Is
a man while there's a chance. I mean
a young man, like me not one who Is
old and tired. It sounds perfectly silly
to talk about finding Cranston's win
ter quarters, and then, with my bare
hands, conquering him, taking his food
and his blankets and his snowshoes v
and his rifle, to fight away these
wolves, and bringing 'em back here."
"You wouldn't be barehanded," the
girl reminded him. "You could have
the pistol."
He didn't even seem to hear her.
"I've been thinking about it. It's a
long, long chance much worse than
the ehfmce we had of getting out by
straight walking. I think we could
have made it, if the wolves had kept
off and the snowshoe hadn't broken.
It would, have nearly killed us, but I
believe we could have got out. That's
why I didn't try this other wny first.
A man with his bare hands hasn't
much of a chance against another with
a rifle, and I don't want you to be too
hopeful. And of course, the hardest
problem is finding his camp.
"But I do feel sure of one thing:
that he Is back to his old trapping line
on the North Fork somewhere south
of here and his camp Is somewhere
on the river. I think he would have
gone there so that he could cut off any
attempt I might make to get through
with those letters. My plan is to start
back at an angle that will carry me
between the North Fork and our old
house. Somewhere In there I'll find
his tracks, the tracks he made when
he first came over to burn up the
house. I suppose he was careful to
mix 'em up after once he arrived
here, but the first part of the way he
likely walked straight toward the
house from his camp. Somewhere, If I
go that way, I'll cross his trail with
in 10 miles at least. Then I'll back
track him to his camp."
"And never come back I" the girl
"Maybe not But at least every
thing that can be done will be done. (
Nothing will be left No regrets. We
will have made the last trial. I'm not
going to waste any time, Snowbird,
The sooner we get your fire built th
Make Love and Live Long.
The act of love-making nas a direct
Influence on the heart and blood, says
a medical correspondent It stimu
lates the working capacity of the for
mer organ, and keeps It up to concert
pitch. As a result, the blood circu
lates with greater strength, hud every
part of the body Is accordingly
strengthened. Love-making, moreover,
has a very decided Influence In stimu
lating the working of the liver. Pat
ent medicines would have to go out of
business to a considerable extent if the
world were more generally given to
the art of making love with genuine
feeling. Perhaps the most striking
proof of the immunity of lovers from
one form of ill, viz., colds and chills.
Is tfforded by the fact that a pair of
Cupid's devotees will sit on a damp
bench for hours and take no harm.
It Is Just as wise to watch your
windings as It is to wind four watch.