AAA4eleieVaAeAAeAAAAAAAAaAAA WW WWV T jfiiilO NORTONIA HOTEL SAFE AND CENTRAL REASONABLE RATES Excellent Cafe Special Weekly Kates Bus Meets All Trains 11th and Stark, Portland, Ore. Hotel Alder DO Will with BAB'S RESTAURANT S5SSS ? L Cafeteria t ier street JEWEL Restaurant Page &Q We Want oOn Turkeys & Fresh Eggs Portland, Oregon OTIINO f CLSAMINO Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND, ORE. EXPERT Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE By Parcel Post. Return Postaae Paid. Write for Circulars and Prices. "At Your Beck and Call" RUBBEP STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. "Eitry thing lot the Offise" rrneoAsiauTe kmtiahs. oeseee AUTO REPAIR PARTS Send for free catalog PISTONS PISTON PINSRINGS Cylinder and Crank Shaft Grinding:. Auto motive Machine Work and Welding. COOK A GILL CO.. INC. -1 1th and Burnside Su. Portland. Ore. ' Phone: Bdwy. 8881 L 1 I MnnAirt I" I B, J or Old Carpels Worth Money! Bring them to us in your auto or send them parcel post. In stead of buying new rugs, la dles, save your old carpels, rugs and woolen clothing. Let us make new rugs for you. The oldest and best equipped fac tory. Fluff and rng rugs woven, all sizes; carpets refitted; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned. 11.60. When you get to town. Phone E. 3580 NORTHWEST RUG CO. v n 188 E. Eighth 8t., Portland, Or. PILES FTBTIILA. FISSURE, Itching and all oth- er rectal conditions except Cancer perma nently cured without a surgical operation. My method of treatment saves the tis sue Instead of destluyllig It. It Is pain less, requires no anesthetic and Is perma nent. There is no confinement to bed. no Interference with business or aoclal en gagements. I guarantee a cure or will refund your 'Call or write for booklet Mention this paper when writing. DR. C. J. DEAN Second and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore. FIND BIG CINNABAR MINE Oeposlt of Ore In Vast Quantltleg That Will Produce Qulck llver. Mnntuicy. Mexico. An Mormon deposit of cliiiinlinr ore, from which quicksilver Is obtulneil, hns been dis covered nenr Sun MlRtiel. stnte of Zacntecrts, by Emlllo M. (, according- to Information received here. It Is itnted Hint the outcropping Of the oro nre extensive qpd 1"! Jf NO M.Lt LAIlTIYl J , Arr.ilnj.lBllnyi I j f i Mae ' I . i MitrsiNkl.iMM j j 1 fteaiaa asMl CseawTs. i I HMduAnl Mir H ' CJXaO-KOlA CO. I v Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Sun. and Thurs. Matinee Daily. Twice Nightly Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Continuous You Will Feel Right at Home Her YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL Z85 Alder Street. Portend. Oregon. rent you a room for Sl.UO per day, or a room bath for S1.50 to $2.00 per day? GO WHERE WAVES ARE WARM IN WINTER Equals Any California Beach. Special Winter Rates Now in Efiect Paved Highway to Seaside Completed. SEASIDE HOTEL SEASIDE. OREGON Lin Well. at noen. Stark St. Sixth street apposite The Orefonian anel Al- opposite Meir or. Frank s. 1 be Best Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee and Pastry a Specialty. 406 Wshington St. H. L. Day, Prop. Oysters, Steaks and Chops Our Specialty. Special Entree each day. Open from 10 A. M. to 1 A. M. Write for Prices. LETTER CARRIER SAYS BARK ROOT TONIC EF FECTIVE TO HEAD OFF A COLD Mr. L. H. Diets, . Letter Carrier, 9ti0 Emerson St., Portland, Or., writes: Have taken your BARK ROOT TONIC with most satisfactory results after a severe case of Influenza last spring and find it equally effective to head off a cold. BARK ROOT TONIC A Mild Laxative. A System Builder. An Excellent Stomach, Bowels and Liver Stimulant. To Avoid Colds, Keep Your System Right. When Nature Fails BARK ROOT TONIC Brings Desired Results For Sale at All Reliable Drug Stores Celro Kola Co. Portland, Oregon Sole Mfgrs. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Suits and Overcoats $25 to $40 Raincoats $15 to $35 -JIMMYDUNtl roimAMrrs original ITVSTAUU, CL0TH1EB UaejUlr, BM-v AUf Cai-iy Mfttr freea lb PaaUiM Your Oil trouble and Piston trouble 'will enu when we install E. C. LONG NON-EXPANDING PISTONS For pleasure care, trucks and tractors. GUARANTEED HANSLMAIR CRABB 1090 East Yamhill St., Portland THERE'S ANOTHER DENT Dents and blemishes on your car can be removed and we are the boys to do it. Wiry ? Because we specialize In that kind of work. We also repair radiators and carry Liberty Radiator cores in stock. All work guaranteed. J. E. DURHAM, the Fender Man 30 North 11th Ht. Portland, Ore. Everything for the Motorcyclist Rebuilt Harley-Davidson MOTORCYCLES Same guarantee as new. From $200.00 up to $3511.00, all late models, with 1-Bpeed and electric equipment Easy terms If desired. Pay while you ride. Send for literature. Motorcycle and Supply Co.. Harley Davidson Service Center, 200 Srd St., Portland, Ore., corner Taylor, Fire Proof and Modern RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON STS Do Dot Morrison Cam direct to Hotel. PoouLur meet. Venter shuppinr and 1 heater diitnci. FRANK A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. The Dalles Fruit & Produce Comp'y Wholesale Healers in FANCY FRUITS and FARM PRODUCE 151 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. "A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit" HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth, the Principal hast Side Hotel. 6 minutes from bhopping District, tuur blocks from S. P, luisi blue station. Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted Repairing done by mall. Most faiJ modern equipment Satisfaction i-S guaranteed. PRE-WAR PRICES Clark. Brower Optical Co., 112 6lh Street DR. G. E. WATTS 212 Orefonian Bilkllns, PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and CLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS It Is rich In quicksilver. In addition to the native mercury that Is fnund In the underground crevasses of the ore. Preliminary Investigations lend to the belief Hint the deposit may be as large as the fnmous quicksilver mines of New Alnmeilen of California. In the same lornllty of the new dis covery are situated the Mnrnvltlas and Ascenclnn clnnnbnr mines which for many yenrs have been the principal source of Mexico's quicksilver produc tion, It Is stnted. Giiya plans to develop the new prop fit INFORMATION DEPARTMENT BRAZING, WELDING A CUTTING Northwest Weldlrg & Supply Co.. tl lit 8t CHIROPRACTOR AND ELECTRO. THERAPEUTICS Pre. Baker and Uieson, 117 Dekum Bids;. CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESIGNS' Clarke Bros., rlonsts, 287 Morrison Bt. DANCING EVERY NOON EVENING Oriental Caft. Chinese-American Kitchen Corner Broadway and Wash. PORTLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS PmrmpHal Iron Works. 7th Madteon. Oregon Typewriter Co., M-A tin bt HARD WOOD FLOORING Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., SSI 76th St. N. Floors electric sanded. MFGS. OF VULCANIZED ROOF PAINT New roofs and repairing done. Toung and Woods. lloS E. Caruthers St MFGS. OF REED FURNITURE Buy Coast Made Goods. Reed Specialty Shop, 31WIUIams Ave; PYORRHEA DENTISTS Smith.Long.Stevenson, 310 Bush-Lane Big SILOS AND WATER TANKS National Tank& PipeCoL, Portland TYPEWRITERS NEW OR REBUILT Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 304 Oak Stret Welter System ot Sugaestlve Therapy Dr. T. W. Ayers, 715 Dekum Bldg. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TINWARE Portland Tinware Mfg. Co., 47 First St. ALASKA PLUMBING i HEATING CO. Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. Pipe Fittings, lowest prices. 863 B. Morrison, Rebuilt Guaranteed Chevrolet All models In stock have been thor oughly conditioned in the Chevrolet shops Lowest Prices Easy Terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. Chevrolet Distributors Open Sundays Phone Bdwy 244 Fourteenth and Alder Sts.. Portland MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works. MOTORCYCLES" AND PARTS All makes. Easy terms EAST SIDii MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46 GRAND AVE. DOORS AND WINDOWS We can sell you Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware direcL We are manufacturers. Write for prices before buying. Heacock Sash & Door Co., 212 First St., Portland. FARM MACHINERY P. E. Esbenshade, 366 E. Morrison St. Portland. Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery New and 2nd Hand. PERSONAL MXrrT IFTfTfifJCrTfoFresIit best and mo9t successful Home Maker hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strict ly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. "The Suc cessful Club," Mrs. NASH, Box 566, OAKLAND,CALIFORNIA.J CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing serv ice send parcels to us. We pay return postage. Information and prices given upon request. ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS Established 1890 Portland rfARN MULTIGRAPHING The Callan School, only recognized school on the coast. Experienced opera tors always In demand. 4u6 Artisans Bldg EMBROIDERING AND PLEATING Accordlan side and box Pleating, Hem stitching, Buttons Covered, braiding, etc. K. Stephana, 218-20-21 Pittock Block. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lubllner Florists, 348 Morrison St. DRUGLES8 PHYSICIAN Chronic diseases a specialty. Dr. W. N. Allen, 302 Raleigh Building. HORSES. MULES BOUGHT. SOLD Crown Stables. Inc.. 285 Front St.. Port land, Ore. Horses and mules for sale or hire. Special rates to loggers and con1 tractors. With or without harness. Phillip Suetter, Pres. U. 8. STABLES, 365 Union Ave. Draft horses bought and solo 0L. Chappell, 234 Front St. MACHINERY Send us your Inquiries for anything in Iron or woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill. Contractors' Eauioment. Loco motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Rail, uauie, Belting, etc. Burke macninery uo., 528 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. PORTLAND SHOE REPAIRS7MAIL 'EM Model Shoe Repair, 27a Washington St. Davis Bros.. American Shoemakers, 108 4th St. PRUNE" TREESTrpRUNETREESm Before buying elsewhere see us, Columbia Nursery Co., lsau union Ave., foruana. TURKEYS How to get the best prices. Have paying advice to give on this sub ject Write, tell us number you have for sale. Ruby & Co., 169 Front St., Portland, Ore. 16 years' experience at your disposal, RAZOR BLADES RE8HARPENED Kuzoi'B ground and honed. Mail safety blades toduy. The urlnder, 67 sixth St. Single 30c; Double 35c. Razors Ground and Honed. Backlund & Son, 106 W. Park Safety Razor Man, 145 3d St., Portland, SALESMEN WANTED We want a household brush salesman In each county. Splendid opportunity for worker to estaollsn lucrative business. Hergen lilfg. Co., 26SOak St., Portland. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We help the appearance of women Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value li.w. price S'.so. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty Dr. Chaa. M. Anderson, Kenton, Portland. WILLEY FRUIT COMPANY. INC, Portland, Oregon. Wanted to buy, three cars fancy Uurbank potatoes, two cars auDles. one car onions. Consignments so. llclted. All klnda ot fruit and produce bought lor can. Used Truck Bargain Republic, One Ton with Good Body. Write for our free circular of truck bargains. WENTWORTH 4 IRWIN INC. Oregon distributors O. M. C. truck! 200 Second Bt Portland, Ore. Fire Proof and Modern NEW HOUSTON HOTEL C. B Richardson, Manager Weekly Rates to permanent Uueats Sixth and Everett Streets, Three Blocks from New Postoffke, Four Blocks from Union Depot, Portland, ore. " RUPTURED We carry a complete lln of trusses, Including the Hrooks Appliance, Drs. bmlth I Honest John, tiooa. buck rite, a n leather Covered Spring. '1 russ fitting is a scien line business wtta me (not a side line). D. W. ELROD 1116 Selling Building. ' POUTLANO. ORI erty. In the Terllngua district of the upper border region of Texas sevenil clnnnbnr mines have been In opera' Hon for more tnan twenty years. These mines are situated close to the Hlo Grande and outcropping of eln' miliar ore have been found on the Mexican side of the river Just oppo site the mines In Texes, but as yet no steps hnve been timcn toward their development. The low const regions of Africa art almost everywhere unhenlthfuL HOTEL HOYT Strictly Fireproof. Near both depots and convenient car service to all parts of city. Single Rooms Without Bath, $1 and up Single Rooms With Bath, $2 and up ELBERT S. ROBE, Manager i TREES AND PLANTS We offer planters a full line of general Nursery Stock, buy where you will, but get our prices first. Benedict Nursery Co., 185 E. 87th St. N., Portland, Oregon. RAINIER HOTEL 128 Nor. Sixth St.. Portland. Or. Very Centrally Located. Convenient to alt Depots, and one Mock from main Guaranteed Nursery Stock We have got Just what you wanL Call or write for prices. Russellvllle Nursery Co. H. A. LEWIS, Prop. Montavllla Sta., Portland, Oregon STOCK THAT GROWS finest stock that can be raised at a price you will like to pay. Write or call. The Villa Nurseries RFD No. 1, Montavllla Sta., Portland, Or Glen Haven Rest Home '-'"i'.Wisj Electricity Hydrotherapy DAI ILL IKttK RltlHUUS Applied as your physici an directs. Transient I patients treated, Ideal Home-Like Surroundings. 115 East Twenty-Eighth Street Corner of Alder Phone East 4222 Portland, Oregon DEDICATE NEW CLUB HOUSE. Pasadena (Cal.) scouts recently ded icated their fine new clubhouse presented to them by the Rotary club the city, with appropriate ad dresses, music and an exhibition ot scout work. The building Is a fine one, feet In length, with a 12xG0-foot porch. It has beamed celling, with special electric lighting and a huge fireplace built entirely of stones from the canyon. The shelf over the fire- Dlace Is of redwood and bears the In scription "Do a Good Turn uany." TO AID AIR SERVICE. The Boy Scouts of America Is again to render peace service to the War de partment by working with the federal air service In constructing airways. Scouts will guard landing stations and lay markers. Many accidents occur because these routes have not been clearly marked hitherto, and It Is be lieved that scouts can render real service and even be instrumental In actual saving of life by marking out the names of each town along the route with white cobblestones. SCOUTS REPAIR CITY SIDEWALKS There Is only one scout troop In LInd, Wash., but that one Is up and doing as Is proved by a recent example of thrift and enterprise. It seems the scouts noticed that the wooden side walks of the city were badly In need of repair. Consequently they marched up to the mayor and offered to do the Job at a nomlnnl figure. The mayor liked the Idea. He also liked the spir it of the boys and took up the offer, arranging that the work should be done. MOUNTED BOY SCOUTS IN HAWAII In a little mountain town of Ma- kawao, situated half-way up the ex tinct volcano of Haleakala, there Is a lively troop of boy scouts, a polyglot group of Portuguese, Japanese and Hawaiian ancestry. Just now they are particularly Interested In horse back riding, and are a real mounted troop. Their scoutmaster says Ihey are splendid riders, and It Is a great sight to see them racing along the mountain roads at full gallop, stand ing straight In the saddle. SOME MORE HIGH ADVENTURE. A small party of scouts of Troop 4, San Jose, Cal., hiked ff Into the hills with a portable searchlight which had been made by one of the boys. In the meantime another party of scouts mo tored to the summit of Mount Ham ilton, famous as the site of the Lick observatory. Within ten minutes the two parties were signaling each other over a distance of fully 25 miles, no small feat, for amateurs with amateur outfits. The incident was a Uirllllng one to the boys. UNIQUE GOOD TURN. Troop 10 of Bnltlmore, Md., recent ly had an opportunity to do a rather unusual good turn when the directors of an orphan asylum Invited them to help teach the kiddles how to play. It seems the orphanage hud been moved from the city to the runj outskirts and the poor youngsters who had never known before the freedom of the greut outdoors didn't at all know what to do with their own new privi leges and were pathetically helpless In their rhnnped environment. A Civil War Veteran's Advice SOMETHING WORTH READING I'lentywood, Mont. "Over fifty years ago I had an awful bad cough had it for five years. 1 was advised liv an aunt of mine to try Dr. Pierce's (mldcn Medical Discovery and one bottle and a half cured me entirely. I have used this rem edy ever since and have recommended it to many, and it has been a aucoces in every case. "I am an old Civil War veteran 73 years of age and ran truthfully say I don't believe there is a better rough med irine than the 'Diw-overy' this side of Paradise." Wm. L. Pierce, llox 4.'l. Ask vnur druggist for this (kilden Medical Discovery, which has been sold for over SO years. It can now lie obtained in tablet as well as in liquid form. Write Ilr lUM nm.i.lonl I ...!,.!.' Il..ll In buffalo, N. V., for free medical advice. . CTflTP lTT7tT7C IN BRIEF. Dallas. City delivery of mail was started in Dallas last week with two carriers, W. P. Miller and Lester George. Prineville. Seven carloads of sheep were shipped out over the city of Prineville railroad last week to Chi cago markets. W. A. Relthmiller of the O. K. company of Waterman made the shipment. Hillsboro Richard Linton, wealthy farmer, living two miles east of Hills boro, died Saturday morning from in juries received in attempting to quiet a frightened team. He fell and the wagon passed over him, causing in ternal injuries. Salem. The Marion Hotel company announced Saturday that improve ments to the hotel property to cost ap proximately $10,000 will he undertaken within the next few weeks. The in terior of the dining room and office will be remodeled and a modern ban quet room will be installed. Salem. Mrs. Philomene Chenette, in a divorce action tried in the circuit court here Saturday, alleged that while she was living in St. Johns, Portland, her husband, Joe Chenette, disposed ot her furniture In order to obtain money to purchase liquor. A decree was awarded to Mrs. Chenette. Prineville The international pota to show of Duluth, Minn., has awarded several first prizes to S. D. Mustard of Powell Butte on a peck of Irish Cobbler potatoes which Mr. Mustard had on exhibition at that place. It is estimated that Mr. Mustard raised approximately 335,000 bushels of pota toes this year. Tillamook. Road district No. 7, which embraces about one-third of the county, held a meeting at Rock away and voted a special road tax of 5 mills, the vote being 138 for and 55 against. The special tax will raise about $37,000,000 to be used on the road from Brighton to Manhattan, on Garibaldi Beach. Salem. Selection of the site for the proposed new state training school for boys was made by a majority of the members of the state board of control over an adverse report filed by W. H. Singerland, Bpecial agent for the de partment of child helping of the Russell-Sage Foundation, it was announc ed here Saturday. Salem. John L. Rand of Baker, who recently was appointed Justice of the Oregon supreme court to succeed the late Henry L. Benson, arrived here laBt week. He will assume his new duties Monday. Justice Rand was ac companied here by Mrs. Rand. They are being entertained at the home of Justice and Mrs. Henry Bean. Salem. Estimates prepared here last week Indicate that tourists who occupied the public camping grounds in Salem during the 1921 season left approximately $250,000 In the city. The Northwest Tourist association estimat ed that each tourist spends $6 a day, but the local estimate was mnde on the dully per capita expenditure ot $3. Sulem. Superintendents of the var ious Btute Institutions, acting upon a suggestion advanced by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, will call a meeting within the next few days to effect a working organization. The first con ference will be given over largely to the election of officers, appointment of committees and outlining of activi ties for the ensuing year. Salem. Receipts of the state In dustrlul accident department for tho last four months indicate a gradual re vlval In the Industrial activities of Oregon. For the month of July the receipts of the accident commission aggregated $163,641, while In August the receipts Increased to $175,930. Sep tember receipts were $180,335 while the October receipts will exceed $190, 000. Sulem. The state of Oregon, undor the Dowcll-Townsend bill, will have available In the near future from the federal government approximately $1 22S.000 for forest roads and $1,180,000 for post roads, according to estimates prepared by George H. Cecil, district forester. This money will be matched by Oregon funds through the sale of highway bonds. This will give Oregon nearly $4,000,000 for the construction of post and forest roadB, Sulem. Figures made public Sat urday by the Oregon Co-operative Growers' association Indicate that there are 6,250,000 pounds of prunes In nine packing plants located In var ious prune producing sections of Ore gon at present. About 4,000,000 pounds of these prunes were grown In the Willamette valley. Deliveries have nut been completed and It was said by of flclals of the Oregon Growers' Co-oper ative association that their earlier estimates of 8,000,000 pounds will be reached before the year's business Is closed. FtcN twn traced fmra beartnl orrll f -5s Apple. Pear, Cherry, Teach, Plum. . ' Prone, Apricot, Quince, Grape Vine. berries. Logans, Dewberries. Asparagus. jiHuoarD. r lowering snruDa. Ki9es. Vine. HerJue, Nut and Shade Trees. Carriage paid. Satlsf action guanwtseO. WASHINGTON NURSERY CO. Toppentsa, Washington. Salesma everywhere. Aioro wanted. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER The Remedy With a Record of Fifty- five Years of Surpassing Excellence. All who suffer with nervous dyspep sia, sour stomach, constipation, indi gestion, torpid liver, dizziness, head aches, coming up ot food, wind on stomach, palpitation and other indica tions of digestive disorder, will find Green's August Flower an effective and most efficient remedy. For fifty five years this medicine has been suc cessfully used In millions of house holds all over the civilized world. Be cause of its merit and popularity Green's August Flower can be found today wherever medicines are sold. 30 and 90-cent bottles. Advertisement Latin Words In English Language. Nearly one-third of the words in the English language are ot Latin origin. Anglo-Saxon was spoken In England until the coming of William the Conqueror, In 1066. With the Nor man Invasion came tho introduction of French Into the English language. Sev eral thousand of the French words were Latin with a few alterations. Later a still larger number ot Latin words were introduced into the Eng lish language. Unlimited opportunity and unrestricted territory. Develop a business of your own at home. Make "No-Blur" moisture re sisting chemical cloths for auto wind shields, street-cars, locomotive, school and store windows. Sheds water, snow, rain, mist, like a duck's back. We fur nish three formulas, sales plan, where to buy materials, Bample of high-grade cloth and right to use our trade name all" fur $1.00. Virgin field. Hlg profits. Sea son Just opening. Cleneral Distributing Co., Box 936, Spokane, Washington. Fruit Goes to Waste. In the total movement of fruit in this country, it is stated that at least 15 per cent of It is Bpoiled by care lessness or indifference in the handling of the fruit In the course of shipment.- A Lady of Distinction.. Is recognized by the dollcute fascinat ing Influence of the perfume she uses, A bath with Cutlcura Sonp and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, followed by a dusting with Cutlcura Talcum Powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin. Adv. A Puncture. Teddy's father has a car and Teddy is quite observant. The other day ha got a slight cut in his foot and, limp ing to his mother, he said, "Oh, please, hurry and wrap it up, or I'll go flut." Boston Transcript. Almost Like New, Caller. "Isn't that picture ono ot the old masters?" Mrs. Newrlch "I be lieve so, but my husband had it var nished and framed In a way that makes it look almost as good as new." New Haven Registor. Worthy Achievement, To write so as to satisfy one's equals and so to appeal also to those who are not specialists that Is not easy. Yet it can be achieved by taking thought; and It Is worth all the pains it costs. Hrander Matthews. Jud Tunklnt. Jud Tunklns says a special delivery letter Is worth considerably mure than a quarter It It's as Important as the girl who receives one usually seems to think. Extent of African Coal Fields. Geologists have found that Africa contains less coal than any other con tinent and that ot the 67,000,000,000 tons estimated to exist there the Union of South Africa has about 97 per cent. used for baby's clothes, will keep them sweet and snowy-white until worn out. Try It and see for yourself. Atgnxtn Shave, Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap. Cutlcura floS-tire Boer. la tk farltf wa.f.l.ratnf thah- 1IJDTNR Dm. Refreshes. Seatse. fVSHl tz Heals-Keen tour Even and Healthy. If ire. Smart, Itch, or ia c r : . . - , 'UK LIU Inflamed or Granulatea aae Murine often.!Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggist. Write for Free Eye Book. Mirtoe Eye Beaiedy Ceapaot. Cbkaae, II. S. a. Are Ya Satisfied? Br.HNKr.WAI.KFR busiNkss cotxtcr la the biggest, moat perfectly equipped busln as Training ninoot in tne rtortn- wrat. Kit yourself for a higher pnautlon wlta more money. Permanent aueiUona eswured our Graduates, Write for aataJuf fourth ana Tamhltt, Porttauid. P. N. U. No. 46, 1921 -AavJU EM 77 i a i 9 yt w ' k iStrona TO zr