MAUPIN T THE SMES Devoted to the Interest? of Southern Wasco County t VOL 8. NO 3 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27 1921 Garden Seeds Coming Congressman Nick Sinnott has notified The Maupin Times that he will make distribution of government seeds allotted to him thiW year through the papers in his district as this method has proved so successful for several years in getting same into the them. There will be several thousand more seeds allotted to each member of congress this year than there were last year. Congressman Sinnott will send a package of seeds to any con stituent writing directly io him at Washington, after they, are ready for distribution; sometime hands of those who most desired I after the first of the year. Little Wonders, Madam that you can work yourself with paint, varnish or enamel WE have established a service for women and men who want to do small jobs of interior ipaintjng, varnishing or refinishing f furniture, floors, bath rooms, vails, bric-a-brac, basketry, brack ets,' tc. i t It's a free service. You simply tell us what you have to refmish, how finished now and, what effect you want to get. We tell j'ou how to do if in detail. What kind of material to use. I What kind of brush. What method. Where to buy. You can work transformation in liome things that will surprise you. Old bedsteads, tables, chaifs, floors, bath tubs, etc., are old really pnly on the turface. Taint, var nish or enamel them and they're new I. , k JVg make a special line of faints, varnishes, etc., for just this , kind of work Fuller's "Home 1 Service" Paint products for you to use. They dry perfectly, spread easily and smoothly, and give every de fired result. You'll b? surprised to Iram what you can do,' once you've used them. - Qur experience with paints and painting practice goes back more than 72 years. We are one of the country's largest manufacturers. Our experts make a study of spe cifying paints for every kid of use. Follow Fuller's "Home SerV' ice" Specifications, and you'll get the exact effects you're looking for. Don't think you can't because you haven't done this kind of work before. Let Fuller products and Fuller service show you that you can. Where to Buy Important that you get the right material so he sure to go to the righi store for Fuller pro ducts. Cut out coupon helow as a memo to direct you. Write us now a post card for complete catalog or fullers spec ification "Home Serv ice" Paint Products, which tells just what buy tor the work you have in mind. Send full description of, and get our free advice on refinish ing furniture, chairs, floors, bric-l-brac, brackets, basketry, etc. to J They Are Fine Late Pacific Coast cranberries are now appearing on the mar kets. The local berries are readily distinguishable from the Atlantic fruit, the eastern cran berry, by the lighter color of the local fruit. This lighter color is now recognized as a distinct asset, as it gives the cooked product a much brighter red hue, and also creates a stiffer jelly. No canberry could produce a sauce or jelly of finer quality than those grown in our own state. In the great cran berry district at the mouth of the Columbia river is the bulk of Pacific coast cranberries grown. Oregon and Washington have joined forces in a marketing campaign, and growers of those states have formed the Pacific Cranberry Exchange which mar kets theirfruit. U SPECIFICATION "Homo Service Paint Vomlshe Enomtis M'fd. by W. P. Fuller & Co. . - i 18, San Francisco Fionter Faint Manufacturer for 72 Years ; Eatablished 1849 Far all Exterior Job a falartln It !e advisable to Secure toe Services ef a Master Painter. Fifteen-for-FIoors SAVE THIS (Cut this out and put It in your packet-book or handbag as a memo.) Fuller's "Home Service" Paint Products are s-jld by tht following n your cityi AGENT Purs Prepared PAINT Maupin Drug Co. Maipin, Oregon Fifeefl-fnr-Floots la Fulier'a Specification for a durable, beauti ful floor varnish ol the finest type. Not Injured by boiling wa ter, rolling furnitura pr very hard wear. Also makers of Decoret, Rubber - Ce ment Floor Faint, "Fullerwear" Varnish. ' mikenwhlta tftamel. Washable Wall Finish. Ante Enamel. Barn and : Roof Paint, rereh and a Paint, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD. 15 J " Wamic News Wamic, October 24. A large concourse of people were in attendance at the fun eral of Mrs. Jula Alfraetta Driver here yesterday at the Lone Pine cemetery. Mrs. Driver died Saturday of pneumonia af ter a week's illness. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock. Rev. Parker of Wapinitia pronounced the funeral rites. Mrs. Driver was a former resident of this place, living here with her family for a number of years. While here she won many warm friends who are saddenedby her passing away. She whs sixty five years of age. She leaves two daughters, Miss Edna Driver who resided with her mother in i he Dalles, Mrs. Mamie Ken , eily and a granddaughter Miss Lucile Kennedy of this place, M in. Driver has a number of reli. ives living here and other reitii .ves in aim around uaKiano, School Notes Oi-nri.i Wvr stiHtPi'. Mia. Mhi'-i . . , ,v , , , , Margaret Schtmian is a new caret 'arcioit ano ner uusoana ... . . ... a ..hK. VlQJpupil mine primary room, bin T . "T , T . I brings the total enrollment up to , . m..-.- w...,..nfi ii J thirty-one. iUUB'" l""",;"ul l "u,'c' On Friday. October 28 we wi r-nvofor hi (' IPSIllllT n HPP. - . . i . llol(J our regular literary pn i ' combined with a celebm lhursday to attend the saleati . Willjll.(1-H the Walter Duver place on Ju.u- whlch mve b(,ell per Hat. Mr. Driver conte.n- ,ven . 0ctobep 22lldi but we pla es going M the Willamette two ,.atn8 K0 va ley to spenil. he winter pr Mr. and Mr. .-r I rait and The gtufent Body b baby Loyal am -d ihursday anouuce the readi B by Mia8 from the.r homes!. near Oak- Beu,ah Hendricha01 of Falla T I ,;y p 7 City, Cal., Dec. 5. 1921. Miss Mr and Mrs. Eugene rait. ' llendrict8on is a pubHc PllUn, Mrs. Laura Savage went to , . , ,A h,, nn . Portland Saturday to I atform her sister Mrs. Franc. 0avBRe of Maupii) gup. W.!!?i. , , , , ,, porting a lecture course this year Phil Molt hauled wood Iroin 'we feel sure an entertainment of the Ernest Gesh place here lust hi h iterBry n,erit Buch a8 M;8B week to his home on Jumper Hend,.jck80n advertiae8 wi,i be a Frank and Henry D"vej ;.! , tiejit lo-M , 8nd the J,m Kennedy went to rheDallf. o 8U1.roundi P0U,,t Fnday, ca led by the acnous ,lJ1ie gtudei(t bo(Jy gre backinK dlnessof Mrs. Julia A. Driver. Mi)Umelt and promise Percy Driver went to The Th pxpect Dalles Tuesday br.nging home ; t . f .utin.a entertJlinment some doors and windows for his , . ( U)eir house. Mrs, Made Pa .son ac-, Thfi , Mmfy ,8 Jn co.npanied h.ra home after spe.,,1 1 (j & (j lm mgseve.a aays ... iu ! for m a year bonk put out by Wilhs Nerval held a sale at t))e gtmkints of the Unive,.yitv his place baturday. . Q u j8 a H wt Kdley We.sbeck. a forest M of m ranger, is out from the moun-j B,vLif H tlie taH.aath.8home.n r.vgh. :siudeuts ot the Univelbll, , t. Mr. Kat.e Driver has an attack of ,. m 01 dbllimd. ,,nit:ilmc uthloHco Ul'l i :aoa n,m uit, t.. , t.t, v--t Lincoln Hartman has returned from a visit with his brorher in Idaho, Quite a number of folks from here attended the sale at Wamic Saturday Grandma Woodside is feeling quite poorly; About thirty ladies were pres ent at the parsonage Wednesday at a shower for Mrs. Everett Richmond. Many beautiful and useful gifts of glas, china and linen were received besides a number of cooking utensils. L. D. Woodside visited wife in Dufur Sunday. THE YEAR $1.50 Around Maupin Now is the time to do your painting we've got the best Paint at the Right Price. Mau pin Drug Store. Crushed rock and sand have been hauled for the cement work of the new buildings of Kaiser, Shattuck and Butler. Excava tion is in progress and the frame for the cement on the Kaiser building is already being con structed, Choice White Leghorn Cock- his erels for sale at $1 each if taken at once, Mrs. Frank Batty. Wamic Lumber Company Has on Hand for Sale ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER at Reasonable Prices It will pay to talk to us about LUMBER -: GROCERIES :- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WILLIAMS & McCLURE East End of Bridge Maupin, Oregon CLEAN ROOMS NEW MANAGEMENT Plow Sale OLIVER No. 7 2 bottom 14 inch Regular price $150.00 Sale $122.00 OLIVER No. 3 16 inch bulkey Regular price $130.00 Sale $112.00 TOHN DEERE 2 bottom 14 inch Regular price $l4b.uu saie ?uu.uu ARMCO DRILL horse or tractor Regular price $258.00 Sale $210.00 Use VEEDOL in your motor Call us when you are ready for that FORDSON demonstration GANNETT MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford and For son Dealer Jimmie Johnson is spending the winter in Grass Val!ej at the John Van Meter place. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodcock and Cecil were over from Maupin Sunday, guests at the A. E. Lake home. Frank Wing,. Mrs. Nellie III ingsworth and Mrs. Dully Kist ner went to Dufur Monday for meieal treatment. Mrs. Kistner remained at the hospital there, T .1 Kenfprt. and familv re- L J L'-iln.r fi-m a irnoL'a Bee t. stay with relatives in Portland. Mrs. Seufert's grandmother, Mra. Gleason accompanied them ; home. j Iiev Howard black erby, urn anu Frank Wing and Herman Gesh went to Badger Lake today tu look atter their cattle. Wilbur Wing and Cheater Unttain went Friday, M. Low passed through here Saturday, going to Wapinitia, having tramped the distance from The Dalle. George Magill brought a load of furniture from The Dallas! last week for Miles Kinney. i M. J. Ferris has leased the John Eubanks place here. C. M. Plyler will give a pic ture show and Hallowe'en danre here Saturday night. Mrs. Ethel Sp.l ctl il scene J ugs apd j J day celebrations, beautiful of the yuiversity buildi life on the campus in winch future students are very much! inteiesteni, also .those of the' community having friends or! relatives in the Oregon Univer- j sity will be pleased to scan its1 pages and get a glimpse of the j life their friends are leading in one of Oregon's greatest educa tional institutions. Come and You are welcome. Jesse Walter, C. E. Wasco County residents will appreciate a pleasant home and delicious meals whin in The Dalles if you make your headquarters at HOTEL OBAR Mrs. N. W. Flinn, Trop. THW DALLES OREGON f The Dalles continued on page 4 Wapinitia j Mr.rinalH will tirpHfli I Sunday night. E. E. Miller is here from Port land this week. Come to the Rally Duy pro gram at the church Sunday morning, S. N. Hill is in Ft. Rock this week. Rev. J. I. Parker is in The Dalles having dental work done. Mrs. J. M. O Brien who has been vjsiting her mother in Dufur haa returned home. Chester Rice is on the sick. The sale at Walter Driver's wa3 well attended. The Drivers have gone to Portland. Jacob TeEchner made a trip to Maupin Wednesday. The Dalles-California Highway Will be completed through the county in the next few years, Start a time deposit for that new fliver and draw four per cent interest on your money. Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval Postoffice