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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1921)
WORLD HAPPENINGS OF Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. Emory Mapes, of Minneapolis, CS years old, president of the Cream of Wheat company, died Monday night of hoart disease. Archaeologists at work In the ruins of ancient Ephesus have discovered a crypt believed to be the tomb of St. John the Evangelist, it was said n a dispatch roceived In Paris. Joel and James Cheatwood, twins, colebrated their 90th birthday at the homo of the former in Leavenworth, Kan., Tuesday. Both have reared large families and are active. A reduction of 40 cents a barrel In the wholesale price of flour was an nounced Tuesday by a prominent Cali fornia milling company. This Is the first drop in the price of flour in the last two months. John A. Spencer, ex-clergyman, who waB convicted in Lakoport, Cal., for the murder of his wife, Mrs. Emma Spencer, and sentenced to life impris onment, arrived at the state prison Tuesday to begin serving his sentence. Herman Stout, 15 years old, West vllle high school boy, yielded a six Inch screwdriver when operated upon at a Danville, ill., hospital Tuesday morning. Stout had been at the hos pital for a week suffering from a sup posed attack of appendicitis. Machinery of a national investi gation, designed to cheapen the marketing of dairy products to give dairy farmers better prices for their goods and to provide city con sumers with better products at reason able cost was sot in motion in St. Paul, Minn., Tuesday. A site for a naval aviation base at Charleston Harbor, Wash., has been offered to the government by the Charleston chamber of commerce, it was announced Tuesday at a hearing before the house naval committee Ad visability of establishing such a base off Puget sound was discussed. A. I!. Burgess, a negro employed by the Atlantic Coast Line railway at Savannah, Ca., probably has the larg est family in Georgia. Ho is the fa ther of :!2 children and had three wives. Twenty-six of the children are living. The negro has been blessed with seven sots of twins and two sets of triplets. In a spectacular raid staged simul taneously In five precincts of Wash ington, D. C, Saturday, prohibition of ficers gathered in 31 suspects, Includ ing the alleged "king of Washington bontlgegers," and a large quantity of Honor, and smashed what is believed to be one of the largest whisky rings in the east. A hope that the public press through outout the world will do its part to promote International understanding, and particularly to make easier tho tasks of the armament conference, was expressed by President Harding in a message to the press congress of the world, which began its session Tues day at Honolulu. Several Russian provinces which up to tho present have been considered self-supporting, nro clamoring to be listed for government aid because of famine, M. Kalinin, head of the Rus sian central committee, for famine re lief, announced in a speech at Moscow Saturday. The number classed as starving, therefore, is raised to nearly 25,000,000. Liberty bonds, which recently touch ed the highest prices of the year, were heavily sold Tuesday and closed at a decline of from 58 to 156 points for tho second 4s and the various 4t; per cent issues. Sales approximated $13, 500,000. Tho decline was largely at tributed to realizing of profits by spec ulative interests who had bought at considerably lower levels. A meeting in the Colorado state cap Itol Saturday night called by women's clubs to stir public sentiment against prohibition violations was thrown into commotion when Judge Ben It, l.ind sey of tho juvenile court, denied the privilege of the floor, leaped to the top of a desk and shouted denuncia tion of city officials In the enforce ment of the prohibition statutes. CURRENT WEEK BAR RAIL RATES' CUT PLAN Proposal to Avert Strike Held Impos sible by Kailroad Chiefs. Chicago Presidents of the leading middle western railroads in a state ment Monday night turned down aB "Impossible" the proposal of the rail road labor board public group that freight rates be reduced Immediately as a possible means of averting a gen eral railroad strike, and charged that the proposed walkout "would be a strike against tho government, called by tho unions primarily for the pur pose of nullifying tho transportation act creating the labor board." The statement followed a meeting of the association of railroads enter ing Chicago and was signed on behalf of the organization by Samuel Felton, president of the Chicago Great West ern. The Chicago & Northwestern, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Santa Fe, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul are some of the larger roads represented at the meeting. By coincidence, the statement, which reviews the railroad situation and causes of the strike, was Issued at almost the same moment Warren S. Stone, president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, was giving out a statement in Cleveland telling why the four big brotherhoods and the Switchmen's Union of North Amer ica had authorized a walkout on Oc tober 30. The president's statement said, in part: "The thing it is proposed to strike against is the decision of the railroad labor board authorizing the reduction of 12 per cent in wages which the railways put into effect July 1. There is at present no other possible ground for a strike by the railway labor brotherhoods. "The labor board was created by the transportation act passed by con gress in 1920, which delegated to it the duty, in case of disputes, of deter mining reasonable wages and working conditions. The wage reduction put into effect July 1 was authorized by the board under the provisions of this act. Therefore, the strike which has been ordered will be, if it occurs, a strike against a decision made by a government body acting in accordance with a federal law." SHIP LINES PREPARE FOR EXTRA DUTIES Washington, D. C. The shipping board issued a statement that no ac tion was taken officially Monday, by either tho shipping board or the emer gency fleet corporation, to form or discuss plana for using government vessels in the event of a general rail road strike, and "that no request had been made for them to act or to fur nish information." A. J. Frey, vice-president of the emergency fleet corporation, said that tho fleet could turn over 25 oil-burning ships a day for ten days in the event that their use was desired immediate ly, the statement continued. He added that there would be no difficulty In obtaining crews owing to the number of seamen out of employment, and further, that the men, employed on the laid-up vessels, would form a potential nucleus in manning any such boats. Chief's Bank Account Big. New York. Bank accounts of Police Commissioner Enright showing depos its aggregating $100,421 since he as sumed office in 1918 were read into the record of the Meyer legislative committee Monday. Other bank ac counts offered in evidence showed that E. P. Hughes, ex-police inspector, who retired & few months ago to operate a private detective agency which guard ed piers, had deposited $1,009,152 since 1918. Postal Loot $200,000. San Francisco. More than $200,000 was the total face value, as disclosed by checking Sunday, of the registered mail stolen by four unmasked robbers from the Rialto postoffiee station at New Montgomery and Mission BtreeU The actual loss, however, was much lower, because the bulk of the known shipments involved was of a non-negotiable nature. Wheat Supply Cut Down. Washington, D, ('.Wheat on farms, excluding that required for use by the farmers, was estimated by the depart ment of agriculture in figures made public Monday at 318,000,000 bushels (his year, compared with 447,000,000 bushels last year. Rltz Hotel Changes Hands. Frank A. Clark, formerly proprietor of the Clyde Hotel, has recently pur chased the Rltz Hotel at Park and Morrison. Portland, Mr. Clark Is one of the best known hotel men In the state and is spending several thousand dollars in making the Ritz Hotel a Class "A" property. OCT. 30 ORDERED 500,000 Men to Go Out First Day; Million May Follow. BROTHERHOODS ACT Mail Trains Are Specifically Included In Instructions Issued on Walkout- Paralysis of Lines Plan. Chicago. More than half a million American railroad men Sunday were ordered to initiate a strike October 30, while other unions whose membership brings the total to about 2,000,000 an nounced officially that they were pre paring to follow suit and make the walkout general on the same date. Under this programme the tleup would be complete, according to union predictions, by November 2. The hour was fixed for 6 A. M. October 30, except for one Texas line, whose trainmen were authorized to go out October 22. Railroads listed in the first group on which the strike is to become ef fective touch 42 of the 48 states, with a trackage of 73,000 miles out of the total of approximately 200,000 miles. The New England states comprise the group that is virtually untouched in the first walkout. The strike orders were issued to the big five brotherhoods, oldest and most powerful of the railway unions, and they specifically included mail trains. Their provisions instructed strikers to keep away from railroad property with a warning that "violence of any nature will not be tolerated by the organiza tions." The strike was announced following an overwhelming vote, said to be up wards of 90 per cent, favoring a strike because of a 12 per cent wage reduc tion authorized by the railroad labor board of July 1, and after it was de clared by the Association of Railway Executives in session Saturday that a further reduction would be sought by the railroads. It was said that the strike decision was made before the announcement of this further intended cut. Printed instructions as to con duct of the strike, issued in Chicago, were dated Saturday, October 14. "I fear it will be one of the most serious strikes In American transpor tation history," said W. G. Lee, presi dent of the railroad trainmen, who, during recent weeks, has sent circu lars to his men warning them of the critical nature of the steps they con templated. The country was divided into four groups, in which the men were au thorized to walk out progressively, one group every 24 hours. Names of the groups were not made public, but un officially the identity of roads in the first group to go was learned, subject to changes, which union officials said would be few. This first group in cluded some of the country's greatest rail systems, from coast to coast and from Canada to the gulf. WAY TO PREVENT STRIKE IS SOUGHT Washington, D. C. The public group of the railroad labor board and the full membership of the interstate commerce commission, by personal di rection of President Harding, joined Saturday in an effort to avert the threatened serious railroad labor com plications. Summoned here by the president, the three members representing the public on the railroad labor board were escorted by Mr. Harding to a conference with members of the inter state commerce commission, which was unfinished and left open to re sumption Monday. Silence was maintained even in the face of the strike call Issued late Sat urday at Chicago, but the purpose of the meeting was said in an announce ment to be consideration of "the pos sibility of an early adjustment of rail road rates and wages." Puebla Governor Flees. Mexico City. Jose Maria Sanchez, governor of Puebla state, fled from Puebla Sunday night on horseback, accompanied by 30 followers, in the course of a demonstration against state authorities, who were charged with being responsible for the new tax law. which was alleged to provide for excessive rates. Although martial law has not been proclaimed, federal troops under General Maycotte are guarding the city. It? The Voice of the Pack By EDISON MARSHALL SNOWBIRD SAVES DAN. SynopBls. Warned by his physl clan that he has not more than six months to live, Dan Fulling sits despondently on a park bench, won dering where ho should Bpend those six months. Memories of his grand father and a deep love for all things of the wild help him in reaching a decision. In a largo southern Oregon city he meets people who had known and loved his grandfather, a famous fron tiersman, lie makes hie home with Bllas Lennox, u typical westerner, The only other members of the household are Lennox's son, "Bill," and daughter, "Snowbird." Their abode Is in the Umpguu divide, and there Falling plans to live out the short span of life which he has been told Is tils. From the first Failing's health shows a marked improvement, and In the compan ionship of Lennox and hla son and daughter ho fits Into the woods life ob If he hud been born to It By quick thinking and a remarkable display of "nerve" he saves Len nox's life and hla own when they are attacked by a mad coyote. Lennox declares tie Is a reincarna tion of his grandfather, Dan Fall ing I, whose fame as a woodsman la a household word. Dan learns that an organized band of outlaws, of which Bert Cranston la the leader, Is setting forest fires. Lan dry HUdreth, a former member of the gang, has been Induced to turn atate'a evidence. Cranaton shoots HUdreth and leaves him for dead. Whlsperfoot, the mountain Hon, springs on HUdreth and finishes HUdreth and devours him, thus ac quiring the taste for human flesh. Dan discovers Cranston In the act of setting a forest fire. CHAPTER II Continued. 10 Dan felt himself straighten ; and the color mounted somewhat higher In tils brown cheeks. But he did not try to avenge the insult yet. Cranston was still fifteen feet distant, and that was too far. A man may swing a rifle within fifteen feet. The fact that they were in no way physical equals did not even occur to him. When the in sult is great enough, such considera tions cannot possibly matter. CrnnR ton was hard as steel, one hundred and seventy pounds in weight. Dan did not touch one hundred nnd fifty, and a deadly disease had not yet entirely relinquished its hold upon him. "I do very well, Cranston," Dan an swered in the same tone. "Wouldn't you like another match? I believe your pipe has gone out." Very little can bo said for the wis dom of tills remark. It was simply human that age-old creed to answer blow for blow and Insult for Insult. Of course the Inference was obvious that Dan was accusing him, by Innu endo, of his late attempt at arson. Cranston glanced up quickly, and it might lie true that his fingers itched and tingled about the barrel of his rifle. He knew what Dan meant. He understood perfectly that Dan had guessed his purpose on the mountain side. And the curl at his lips became more pronounced. "What a smart little boy," he scorned. "Going to be a Sherlock Holmes when he grows up." Then he half turned and the light in his eyes blazed up. He was not leering now. The mountain men are too Intense to piny at insult very long. Their in herent savagery comes to the surface, nnd they want the warmth of blood upon their fingers. His voice became guttural. "Maybe you're a spy?" he asked. "Maybe you're one of those city rats to come and watch us, and then run and tell the forest service. There's two things, Failing, that I want you to know." Dan puffed at his pipe, and his eyes looked curiously bright through the film of smoke. "I'm not interested in hearing them," he said. "It might pay you," Cranston went on. "One of 'em is that one man's word is good as another's In a court and It wouldn't do you any good to run down and tell tales. A man can light his pipe on the mountain side without the courts being interested. The second thing is just that I don't think you'd find It a healthy thing to do." "I suppose, then, that is a threat?" "It ain't Just a threat." Cranston laughed harshly a single, grim syl lable that was the most terrible sound he had yet uttered. "It's a fact. Just try It, Failing. Just make one little step In thnt direction. You-couldn't hide behind a girl's skirts, then. Why, you city sissy, I'd break you to pieces In my hands!" Few men can make a threat without a muscular accompaniment. Its very utterance releases pent-up emotions, part of which can only pour forth In muscular expression. And anger Is n primitive thing, going down to the most mysterious depths of a man's na ture. As Cransion spoke, his Up curled, his dark fingers clenched on his thick palm, nnd he half leaned forward. Dan knocked out his pipe on the log. It was the only sound In that whole mountain realm ; nil the lesser sounds were stilled. The two men stood face to face, Dan tranquil, Crans ton shaken by passion. "I lve you," said Dan with entire coldness, "an opportunity to take that back. Just about four seconds." lie stood very straight us he spoke, and his eyes did not waver In the least. It would not be the truth to say that his heart was not leaping like a wild thing in his breast. A dark mist was spreading like madness over tils brain; but yet he was striving to keep his thoughts clear. Stealthily, without seeming to do so, he was set ting his muscles for a spring. The only answer to his words was a laugh a roaring laugh of scorn from Cranston's dark Hps. In his laughter, his Intent, catlike vigilance relaxed. Dan saw a chance; feeble though It was, It was the only chance he had. And his long body leaped ilk a serpent through the air. Physical superior though he was, Cranston would have repelled the at tack with tils rifle if he had had a chance. Ills blood was already at the murder heat a point always quickly reached In Cranston and the dark, hot fumes In his brain were simply nothing more nor less than the most poisonous, bitter hatred. No other word exists. If his class of de generate mountain men bad no other accomplishment, they could hate. All their lives they practiced the emotion : hatred of their neighbors, hatred of law, hatred of civilization In all its forms. Besides, this kind of hlllman habitually fought his duels with rifles. Hands were not deadly enough. But Dan was past his guard before he had time to raise his gun. The whole attack ws one of the most astounding surprises of Cranston's life. Don's body struck his, his fists flailed, and to protect himself, Cranston was obliged to drop the rifle. They stag gered, as If in some weird dance, on the trail; and their arms clasped In a clinch. For a long Instant they stood strain ing, seemingly motionless. Cranston's powerful body had stood up well under the shock of Dan's leap. It was a The Battles of the Mountains were Battles to the Death. hand-to-hand battle now. The rifle had slid on down the hillside, to be caught In a clump of brush twenty feet below. Dan called on every ounce of his strength, because he knew what mercy he might expect if Cranston mastered him. The battles of the mountains were battles to the death. They flung back nnd forth, wrench ing shoulders, lashing fists, teeth and feet nnd fingers. There were no Mar quis of Queensherry rules In this bat tle. Again and again Dan sent home his blows; but they all seemed Inef fective. By now, Cranston had com pletely overcome the moment's advan tage the other had obtained by the power of his leap. He hurled Dan from the clinch nnd lashed at him with hard fists. It Is a very common thing to hear of a silent fight. But It is really a more rare occurrence than most peo ple believe. It is true that serpents will often fight in the strangest, most eerie silence ; but human beings are not serpents. They partake more of the qualities of the ment-eoters the wolves nnd felines. After the first instant, the noise of the fight aroused the whole hillside. The sound of blows was In Itself notable, nnd besides, both jf the men were howling the prim ordial battle cries of hatred and ven geance. For two long minutes Dan fought with the strength of desperation, sum moning nt last all thnt mysterious re serve force with which all men are born. But he was playing n losing game. The malady with which he had suffered had taken too much of his vigor. Even as he struggled, It seemed to him thnt the vista nbout him, the dark pines, the colored leaves of the perennial shrubbery, the yellow oath SSMl Copyright. 1920, by Little, Brown & Co. were all obscured In a strange, white mist. A grent wind roared In his ears and his heart wns evidently about to shiver to pieces. But still he fought on, not during to yield. He could no longer parry Crans ton's blows. The Intter's onus went around him In one of those deadly holds thnt wrestlers know; and Dun struggled In vain to free himself. Cranston's face Itself seemed hideous nnd unreal In the mist that was creep ing over blm, He did not recognize the curious thumping sound as Crans ton's fists on his flesh. And now Cranston had burled him off tils feet. Nothing mattered further, He had fought the best he could. This cruel beast could pounce on blm at will and hammer away his life. But still he struggled. Except for the constant play of his muscles, his almost un conscious effort to free himself thnt kept one of Cranston's arms busy holding him down, that fight on the mountain path might have come to n sudden end. Human bodies can stand a terrific punishment; hut Dan's was weakened from the ravages of his disease. Besides, Cranston would soon have both hands and both feet free for the work, and when these four ter rible weapons are used nt once, the Issue soon or late can never be In doubt. But even now, consciousness still lingered. Dan could hear his enemy's curses and far up the trail, he heard another, stranger sound. It sounded like some one running. And then he dimly knew thnt Cran ston was climbing from his body. Voices were speaking quick, com manding voices Just over him. Above Cranston's savage curses another voice rang clear, and to Dan's ears, glorious beyond all human utterance. He opened his tortured eyes. The mists lifted from In front of them, and the whole drama was revealed. It had not been sudden mercy that had driven Cranston from his body, Just when his victim's falling unconsciousness would have put him completely In his power. Rather It wns something black and ominous that even now wns pointed squarely at Cronston's breast. None too soon, a ranger of the hill had heard the sounds of the struggle, and had left the trystlng place at the spring to come to Dan's aid. It was Snowbird, very pale but wholly self sufficient and determined and Intent, Her pistol was cocked and ready. CHAPTER III. Dan Falling wns really not badly hurt. The quick, lashing blows had not done more than severely bruise the flesh of his face ; and the mists of unconsciousness thnt had been falling over him were more nearly the result of his own tremendous physical ex ertion. Now these mists were rising. "Go go away," the girl was com manding. "I think you've killed him." Dan opened his eyes to find her kneeling close beside him, but still covering Cranston with her pistol. Her hand was resting on his bruised cheek. He couldn't have believed thnt a hu man faee could be as white, while life still remained, ns hers was then. All the lovely tints that had been such a delight to him, the play of soft reds nnd browns, had faded ns sn after glow fades on the snow. Dan's glance moved with hers to Cranston. He was standing easily at a distance of a dozen feet ; nnd except for the faintest tremble nil over his body, a muscular reaction from the violence of his passion, he had entire ly regained his self-composure. This was quite characteristic of the moun tain men. They share with the beasts a passion of living that Is wholly un known on the plains ; but yet they have a certain quality of Imperturbability known nowhere else. Nor Is It limited to the native-born mountaineers. No man who Intimately knows a member of that curious, keen-eyed little army of naturalists and big-game hunters who go to the north woods every fall, as regularly and seemingly as Inex orably as the waterfowl go In spring, can doubt this fact. They seem to have acquired from the silence and the snows an Impregnation of that eternal calm and Imperturbability that is the wilderness Itself. Cranston wasn't In the least afraid. Fear Is usually a matter of uncertainty, and he knew exactly where he stood. "Oh, I wish I could shoot you, Bert." (TO BE CONTINUED.) Bull Baiting. This wns a sport once popular In England, but declared illegal in 1835. A bull was attacked by dogs, and sometimes the nostrils of the bull were blown full of pepper to Increase his fury. Another form of the sport was to fasten the bull to a stake by a long rope and then set bulldogs at him, one at a time, which were trained to seize the bull by the nose. The bulldog seems to have been developed for this sport from a short-eared mastiff Called "alaunt"