Latm Coming Wapinitia, Friday, Oct. 14 Wamic, Saturday, Oct.. 15 Maupin, Sunday, Oct. 16 Jackie Coogan in PECK'S BAD BOY who played the Kid wiiii Chaplin, plays an im portant, purl in lYek's J'-tid Hoy with his father J'cck. Sec Jackie Mat l:n;ail his fal her to got money to p to the ( in-ps. See Jackie rescue his dog Tar Haby from the dog catcher. A youngster who plays practical jokes and always escapes punishment. Touneville Skipper Comedy Admission 25c and 50c Sound Insurance MORRIS BROS. aW H K M FUNERAL HOME 1100 Kelly Ave. The Dalles, Ore. Phone Main 3151 The Maupin Times Published every Tliutsday lit Maupin, Oregon ,fFsilin 1C. Miii i ison, Publisher fcuh.sciipliou: One year, $i.Sf: six mouths, 75 cents; three utoiutm, 5c Knterwl as second class mail mailer .September 2, t')H, at the poMoffice at Maupin, Oregon, tin. drr the Act of March 3, Timely Praise Callie M. Biubeo has been a faithful teacher in Wapinitia Wapinitia high school for the paHt three years. She has been a worker for the pood of ihe school, and has thine all has been possible toward its stand ardization. The writing of the children was soon clunked from the fliiRer movement to the muscular movement and most of the students have won awards from the Palmer Method Com pany for their food work. uun work wao revived an; fie school took most of the prizes at the county i'air,iesides some of the students winnitiK free trips to the state fair and summer school at 0 A. G. Outside of the work at school she taught music to a number of boys and girls after school. She gave programs for the help of the church and Commercial club. yhe has done her part in making our town what it is, and showing wnattne cnunren in tins con - nvmity can do if given a chance Although she will not be with us this year, we will remember hor and think of the spleml time we have had together. Wapinitia High School By Jennie Bronner. Public Salo Rills are out advertising auc tiou oule at the I), 0. Woodsidt ranch 4 miles north of Wapinitia on October 2(Hh, Stovall'a fly Swatters 5e each Maupin Drug Store. SI c A Hard Winter In the summer of 1889 we had a failure of crops, which was followed'hy a hard winter. The snow was about two feet deep. Horses, cattle and sheep starved and froze by thei thousand. At one time wo had five days of rain bhtween the breaking- up of snows. 'vn haul several cold nights which were all the way from twenty-live to thirty-five below zero. The people also had a hard time to keep warm. They had to burn rails and most anything they could find. I here was a little hay left over from the year of 18c 8 They led this to the stock while it i.-.tru, uia m ic-r uiat was gone the.v had to turn the stock out o 1 the hills and let them rustle for their food on starve and irotue to death. There wasn't any hay t) be bought or people would have been glad to pay nnst t.ny pi ice for it. People u.m to turn out toeir horses and fit tie because thiry had nothing to feed them. T!heie were few cattle, horses ajid sheep that pulkd through. Tin's hard winter lasted four months. It started in Novembt r and never stepped till April. This was a Unit the hardest winter that ever struck this country. We have had several hard winters since that but pec Pie and Animals always could tmd plenty toi eat and protection. -Helen Weherg. 7th Grade Hurley Fur Sale, feed or seed, at my rami or at the warehouse -John V. Ay res. Are you using The Times liner column ujieii you have any thing to sell or Avaiit to buy some article 1l1.1t v(t neighbor nia have or wishes to dispose of? If not try a want ad in that column. For Sale Three rotjiir house, shade trees find lawn on iVschutea avenue, 7:.l).00cafcli. II. A. Whaite. Tygh Valley School Notes The primary room is glad to say that their September attend ance was 98 per cent. At the first of the month a new pupil entered the fourth grade making a total attendance of 11 in the primary room. All review work hai been completed and the children have settled down for real work, Friday will be visitors day for the primary room and all the friends of the school aie asked to come. The Intermediate room began the second month of school Mon day, with every one present and a new pupil, Irene Mathews in the fift grade, We are very glad to have her with us. The 5 6 7 and 8th grades arc working hard for the star in the Spelling Honor Role and are doing very good work in spelling The star is given to the grade in which every member obtains 10(1 for a certain number of days The 8ht grade reached the goal yes terday and are now holding the star. Basket hall is the chief point of interest for the intermediate after school nowdays, every one gethers at the hall as quickly as possible in order not to miss 11 single basket. We have two good practice teams and the work is progressing. The Intermediate Literary So ciety is planning a programme for Oct. Mat 2 30 p. 111. The high school and primary rooms as well as the parents are cord 1a y invited to attend. The second month of the Tvch school began with a total enroll ment of forty nine distributed as follows. Drimarv room four. teen, high school twenty one. and intermediate room fourteen The spirit of the school is won derful. From the first grade to the twelfth a deep interest is dearly shown. General assem blies for the entire school h phi in the high school room are great ly enjoyed and proving mutually beneficial, not alone to the minils and students of the school but to the teachers as well. The high school mixer for the purpose of formally welcomine the members of the Freshman class will be held in the IOOF hall atTygh Vallev. All friends of the school are invited to be present and enjoy a pleasant evening. Under the direction of Miss Hollyburton glee club sinir- ing. The girls glee club started practiceon their first four part song. Miss Alda Nerval presides at the piano and the vnnnn people all of them render their parts in a manner characteristic of the school. Both a male and mixed quartet of the hieh school will render selection? The high school orchestra also will participate. Orchestra music has been orderd and is ex pected to arrive within a few days. Alda Norval, Faye New. Bol New, Veil McMtirrv. Owen Magill Winston Lake and Vern- ey Wing are ricking- hack and forth from their Wamic homes and are attending the Tygh high school. At a student body meetino Monday it was decided to hold the regular annual student body mixer on the evening of the first Friday in November. Winston R. Lake, Editor. For Sale All kinds of Rough Lumber for sale for $15 M. Kramer K Grossman, 9 miles west of Tygh valley. Apropos Brevity In stock at this office: . Carbon paper-large sheets Typewriter ribbons various makes Butter "paper and cartous Blank Notes Real estate contracts School report cards aper, card board and en vplnnpa We do the printing Maupin Times. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Notice U hereby nivii that the umteiV signed Iii'l'll appointed Administra tor of HiKCHlalii il' Inane .1. Powell, hilo of Wanco i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 y , ami nnw deceas imI. All pei'HuiiM having chums against 1 ho Huid I'ulaM urn Iieri'tiy rciiiiri'(l lo pri'Hi'iil tlii.Mii, properly verified !o the fluiieriiigiii'il ntlhfl nflicc of K. H. Dnfur, in Maupin, Oregon, within aix months from the. first date of this publication, raid date being Octo ber lllh. l!Ct. John M. Powell, Administrator. NO TICK t OR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office, at '1 ho Dalles, Oref (;oii, August 2:i, 11)21. Notice in hereby Riven that Robert M. Cunt well of Mniipin, Oregon, who on July 111, P.UH, mud" Homestead application No. II1H2K!, for l-:l-2swl , Section 21, El 2nwI I, Nl-itwl-'l. Hi:l-1wl-4, swl- I Isid- l, Sec t inn L'', Townsldp G south, lituiK'o 11 I'.aHi, vviiianiello lYlcridiao, has filed notice of in 1 i-n I ion to mako three year proof, to eHtahlish claim to I ho land aliove described, before Y. D. Sumrl, United Slates Commissioner, at Maiiin, Dregun, on the 20 day of Oct ober, I'.l. Claimant names us witnesses: Thomas-Faherty, .loin t'oley, W. H. Wil liams, Lester Kelly, all of Maupin, Orison. 11. Frank Woodcock, Register. ( NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior i;. S Land Olliee at J he Dalles, Ore i;on, August S, lllL'l Nolii'e is lierchv given that Millard' K. Coberth ofTych Valley Oregon, who on Nov. 'i, HUii. 10111I1) lloiiii'tUead entry No. oliliisc. for vl 2 Nvvl-1, wl-H swl-l, si t I swl I, Kl-ii .'tl'.l 'l. iieelinn 2), ni:I 'I M l -J reel ion 'M, Townaliip 1 iomIIi. limine 1H easl, Willametle Ali'iidiun, has liled notice of intention ,0 niaUe final ihroe yrnr proof to I'tiltilihtJi I'ltiini lo the land above de ii i-ilicd, lieloru Id'niMtor and Uecciver (iniled Slides hand Oflieo at The I).iI!''n, OreMoii, on lliu 27( h day of Si'liioinber, Y.y'A. ( hiiioaiil. nioni'H mi viliioH:'s; Alex .imler Uo:s, Edciir il. Miller, Alfred P. KergiicKon, (Ji'orgo Lofton, all of lynh Valley, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, ItcKiuter. NO I ICK I OR PUPLICATION ISOLA I V.U TRACT 1 t'ublic Land Sale Uepartment of the Interior U. S. Land Oflke at The Dalles, Ore ion, August 15, 11)21. Notice is hereby given that hs directed by the Commissioner of the lletiTal Land oflirp, under provisions if See. 24. ;, K. S.. pursuant to the .iiiplieiilion of Thonias Jomes, Serial No. 2l: we will oll'er at public iale to the highest bidder, but at not less than $:i.i.n per acre, ut 11 o'clock A.M. 011 the 2-nd day of Novembi r ii' xt, at this olliee. the following tract of land: swl 4 NKl-4. si -2Nwl-4, Sec. I.-., T. a 8., K. 11 E. VV. M. (Containing 120 Acres). The sali! will not bo kept open, but will be declared cloned when those present at the hour named have ceased biddine. The person making the high est bid will be required to immediately pay to the Heeeiver the amount thereof Any persons claiming adversely the itjove-dtseribtd land are advised to file their chums, or objections, on or before the tinip designated foe sale. l. A. Booth, Receiver. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice is hereby Riven that the under 'itsneU Francis V. Calloway has riled his final account as the Administrator of the estate of William Hreen, dc-i-eased, and that the County Court has lixid November 111. 11121. in llu. Count V Court Kooni of Urn .ciinntv court bouse in The Dalles, Wasco, county, Oregon, at the hour of 10 1 clock in the forenoon tho fimo an I place for the healing of objections thereto if any there be. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified and required to ii"ur at said time and nlaee anrl tien and there show cause, if anv exist::, why paid final account should not he allowed and approved and the a ud e.itate settled. Dated this lllh day of October, 1921. Fiancis V. Galloway Administrator. E. B. DUFUR Attorney at Law MAUPIN, OREGON I.O. O F. WAPINITIA Lodge No. 20!). M a inn n. Orpmm meets every .Saturday night in t. O. (1. F. hail. Viullinn ..,om , 6 """" rets always welcome. B. F. Turner, Secretary Lester Crabtrek, N. G. James Chalmers General lilacksmithing- Horse Shoeing a Specialty Maupin. Ore. Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical IunmiP 17-18 Yogi Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore 1'lione Black 1111 ST Jsa&i 'i