Comings Wapinitia, Friday, Oct. 14 Wamic, Saturday, Oct. 15 Maupin, Sunday, Oct. 16 Jackie Coogan ia PECK'S BAD BOY who played 1 ho Kid with C 'luiplin, plays an im portant part in Peck's Bud Boy with his father Peck. Sec Jackie blackmail his father to . get money t" go to the circus. See Jackie rescue his dog Tar Baby from the dog catcher. A youngster who plays practical jokes and always escapes punishment. Tounevillei Skipper Comedy Admission 25c and 50c Sound Insurance MORRIS Zeffs FUNERAL HOME 1100 Kelly Ave. The Dalles, Ore. Phone Main 3131 The Maupin Times Published every Tlmisdny at Maupin, Oregon p Jeesiliue K. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One year, $1.50; six months, 75 cents; Ihree utontlis, 5 "lintered us second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the . tiostoflice ut Maupin, Oregon., un der the Act of Match 3, i7';. . School Notes continual from page 1 bers of the primary room, also an improlu number Riven by Clifford McCoikle and Arthur Philmlee waa well received. The table was beautifully dec orated with appropriately colored crepe paper and cut flowers, (!( nated by the Indies of the town. Upon the table were exhibited several sundials, a writer-clock and a wand-clock, constructed by '.he pupils of the science class also many maps, uitiKruiris, com positions, stories and other writ- leu urk from the various of the different rooms, in which the parents present took much interest in studying: the progress of their children in their differ ent lines of work. The pupils of the school enjoy ed baviiiK with them the goodly number of visitors that were in attendance, and their very ap parent enjoyment of the program and the exhibits. We thank them for their attendance, their pleasant and encouraging re marks, and their many beautiful dowers. Wo invite them and their mends to come again as often as possible. Our nex literary program will be held Friday. October 28. The girls of Mm DerthiekV room have been laundering the curtains this week. Several plants were also added to the school room decorations. Clifford McCorkle, C E. Seed Rye for sale at Hunts Ferry Whsc. See Bolton. BROS. For Sale All kinds of Rough Lumber for sale for $15 M. Kramer & Grossman, 9 miles west of Tygh Valley. For Sale Three room house, shade trees and lawn on Deschutes avenue, $750.00 cash.-II. A. Whaite. Around Maupin Don't let the flies bother your cows. Get some Fly Chaser at the Maupin Drug Store. George Cunningham has th framwork up for a neat cottage on block 39, facing Grant avenue I his will add much to the ap- pearance of the upper rcsiden section of Maupin. A Practically new Florance 1 stove for sale. Inquire at The limes oflice. Get ready for seeding Bh Stone? and Formaldehyde Maup-'n Drug Store. Barley For Sale, feed or see at. my ranch or at the warehouse -John W. Ay res. Are you using The Times li column when you have any th to sell or want to buy some art! that voiir neighbor 11195 have wislitsto dispose of? If not ,1 want ad in that column. Tygh Valley School Notes The closing week of the first school month finds the primary room with perfect attendance, Last Friday being visitor's day the parents had the opportunity to see the primary room engaged in carrying out the work in their daily program. At the inter mediate Literary Society meet ing to be held this week primary pupils will take part in a little play. Last Friday after a pleasant morning assembly in the high school room the intermediate grade were visited by a group of the parents. We were very much pleased to have them with us and to show them our bulle tin board and plants. We hope they will come often. Last Friday the girls in the intermediate room planned for a surprise party for one of our eighth grade girls, Gladys Mor row. The high school and inter mediate grades were invited, als the teachers. On Tuesday evening they surprised Gladys and spent a pleasant evening at her home playing games. Monday morning school open ed with everyone present and on hand for assembly. The Intermediate Literary So ciety will give a small program next Friday at 3:30, in their room. All the townspeople are cordially invited to attend. The school orchestra organized by designating the following officers: Thelma Bonney, presi dent; Winston Lake, secretary treasurer, and Fred Miller, clerk The young people are very en thusiastic. Tuesday morning when school opened it was discovered that a myriad of yellow jackets had visited the high school room The boys armed themselves witl orooms a ny swatters ana soon every yellow jacket had met his doom. A second army visited the room that evening but these the janitor disposed of. We are very proud of the wook done by the young ladies of the high to make our room attractive. White curtains adorn all the windows. Beautiful bo quets and flower pots are a pari of the decorations. The third week of school open ed with 19 in the high school. Winston R. Lake, Editor. Local History The following intersting bit of local history is clipped from a recent issue of the Antelope Herald, which is edited by II. C Rouper, a pioneer of Central Oregon. "One of the remote towns of Oregon is Paulina, from whence come Mrs. Miller and son to the Imperial. Paulina town was named after a decidedly bad Indian whose band of followers raided and murdered and caused trouble generally until a settler named Metolius pumped him full of lead near Burnt Ranch in the Deschutes canyon. " Oregonian. "The bones of Howard Maupin would turn in their grave were they to read the last three lines of the last weeks items in the Oregonian." "Chief Paulina was undoubt edly "Bad Medicine" whose chief home was on Beaver creek a tributary of Crooked river in southeastern section of the pres ent Crook county "Howard Maupin settled in the head of the Antelope Valley in 1863 on what is now part of Judge Bennett's ranch, and where the trail from the valley passes throgh." The Deschutes river was cross ed by a ferry just above the mouth fo Bake Oven creek; which trail and ferry always went by the name of Maupin, and that is why the present town of Maupin was so named," "But to get back to our story Chief Paulina ran off Maupin's band of horses about 20 head. In the early seventies Maupin sold his Antelope ranch and moved over to Trout creek where Little Trout creek joins it." "There one night Paulina with six of his braves again made a raid on the horses. Maupin over took the band in the head of the gulch running into Trout creek, ever since known as "Paulina Basin." There he killed two or three of the siwashes including Paulina and recovered all his horses. The rest of tho Indians left in a hurry for there own "illahee" and never bothered settlers stock any more, at least in his part of the country." Burnt ranch is on the banks of the John Day river and some thirty miles or more east of the scene of Paulina's death, a long way from that plac? The name was derived from another Indian outrage in which two men, Clark and Mastcrson, just escaped with ther lives but that is another story." NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Nnt ic iii herebv given that the under signed hag been apiKiintud Administra- . 4 . L ....... A .. t lunufl I PnUiall lOr OI me I'BlttlU Ul inan v. vv.., late of Wasco county, ana now deceas ed. All persons having claims against tho said estate aro hereby required to present them, properly verified to the undersigned at tho ollice of E. B. Dufur, in Muupm, uregon, wunin six months from the first date of this oubl cation, eaid date being ucto bcr lith. W21. John M. Powell, Administrator. NOTICE ( OR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Ollice at Tho Dalles, Ore gon, August 2lJ, 1121. Notice is hereby given that Robert M. Cantwell of Maupin, Oregon, who on July 19, 1H1(, made Homestead application No. 0168)0, for El-2swl-4, Section 24, El-2NW1-4, Nl-2sWl-4. SEl-4swl-4, swl-4se1-4, Section 25, Township 0 south, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to tho iand above described, before V. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, 011 tho 20 day of Oct ober, 11)21.. Claimant names us witnesses: Thom as Kahcrty, Join Foley. W. 11. Wil liams, Lester Kelly, all of Maupin, Ore trim. 11. l'rank wooilcocK, uegisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior U. S. Land Ollioo at The Dalles, Ore gon, August , wzi. Notice is ncrcoy given mat Millard Coberth of Tygh Valley Oregon, who on Nov. ii, lltlli, made Homestead entry No. OliKiSC, for wl-2 nwI-4, wl-2swl-4. SKl-4 swl-4, l-2 SKl-4. Section 21), Ni;l 4 NEl-4 section !!2, Township .) Boiith. Range 1IJ caBt. Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention 10 inako final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above de scribed, before Register and Receiver United States Land Ollico at The DalleB, Oregon, on. tho 27th day of September, 11)21. Claimant names as witnesses: Alex ander Ross, Edgar H. Miller, Alfred i Feigueson, George Lofton, all of Tygh Valley, Oregon, II. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR IMPLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Salo Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Ore gon, August 15, 11)21. Notice is hereby given that as directed by tho Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 24b5, R. S.. pursuant to the application 'of Thomas Jomcs, Serial No. milil. we will otter at public sale to the highest bidder, but at not less than W.Mi per acre, at 11 0 clock A.M. on the 22nd day of November next, at this oflice. the following tract of land: swl-4 NEl-4, sl-2Nwl-4, Sec. 16. T. 3 S., R. 14 E. W. M. (Containing 120 Acres). The sale will not bo kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the high est bid will bo required to immediately pay to tho Receiver the amount thereof Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. L. A. Booth. Receiver. MATERNITY HOME 318 Calhoon St.. The Dalles, Ore. Neat, quiet and home like Terms reasonable. Phone Red 3262. Mrs. Nellie Marris, Prop. E. B. DUFUR Attorney at Law MAUPIN, OREGON I.O. O F. WAPINITIA Lodge No. 20'.), Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night ii I. O. O. F. bail. Visiting mem oei'U always welcome. B. P. Turner, Secretary Lester Crabtree. N. G. James Chalmers General lilacksmithing Horse Shoeing a Specialty Maupin, Ore. Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Inclusively Optical Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Lrug store, The Dalles, Ore Phone Black 1111