mm INFORMATION DEPARTMENT liii-MI iW tif IfTi ifciUMIf" - ill 1 1 III a III II I III! IIIIMIllllllMlIM iswsal fill Mean. Menttoa Thi. Paper Waea Hotel Alder DO Will with BAB'S RESTAURANT isjssr. ? L Cafeteria iDO YOUR OWN. PLASTERING WITH A HAMMER AND A SAW iKstL "Where Home I Comforts Abound" PORTLAND. OK! The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select. Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find in your own home town, await you at the Multnomah. Garage in Connection. TYPEWRITERS Guaranteed Rebuilts. Rented or sold. Easy payments. Send for il lustrated catalogue B. Wholesale Typewriter Cs. 321 W.ihiwlon Si., PORTLAND, ORE. RUBBEP STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. "Every thing for the Office" -JunmrHAilMlA f m a qak tkut rorruNi. owooa SWOLLEN (Varicose) VEINS Are painful and often daneerous. Our Band-woven-to-flt Elastic Stocking.. BelU and Bandages always give relief. Fillers and Makers for Fifty-five Years Satisfaction or Money Back. Bend for Book and Measure Blank Today. WOCDARD, CLARKE & CO. Portland. Woodlark Building Alder at West Park Used Ford Trucks and Touring Cars Bargains at all times' UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Used Fords Exclusively Grand Av. & Yamhill Port land. Wiilt for price, anil terms. PILES FISTULA, FISSURE, Itching and' all oth er rectul conditions except Cancer perma nently cured without a surgical operation. My method of treatment saves the tis sue instead of destroying It. It Is pain less, requires no anesthetic and Is perma nent There Is no confinement to bed, no Interference with business or social en gagements. 1 guarantee a cure or will refund your fee. Call or write for booklet. Mention this paper when writing. DR. C. J. DEAN Second and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore. DR. E. H. EAST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Specialties: Goitres, Disease of Women and Maternity Office Morgan Bulldlag Portland, Ore. DR. G. E. WATTS 212 Oregonlan Building, PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and CLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. jhw Repairing done by mall. Most cin&S noaern equipment. (Satisfaction vQ guaranteed. PRE-WAR PRICES Clark. Brower Optical Co.. 112 6th Street NEW FLUFF RUGS AT HALF COST OF NEW CARPETS. Have your old worn out carpets and woolen clotheB made Into artistic revers ible FLUFF KIJGS. Carpets and rugs re paired, steam cleaned. Kag rugB all sixes. Buy from factory and save money. Write for prices. Northwest Rug Co., 'ffi The Dalles Fruit & Produce Comp'y Wholesale Dealers In FANCY FRUITS and FARM PRODUCE 161 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. DRINK 'HARD LIQUORS' NOW Germans Using More Whisky, Brandy and Gin Draft New Law. Bfrlln. Consumption of wines and liquors has been Increasing so rapidly In Germany since the war that the relchstag has directed the' drafting of a bill to regulate the traffic. The law also Is to check a growing increase In the number of suloous, in Berlin particularly. Jtiif 9 Aunrlnf TaM Adwn. YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL 286 Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. ' rent you a room for S1.00 per day, or a room bath for 11.61) to 12.00 per day? to Eat and Lin Well 60c luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m 526 Stark St. Sixth street opposite The Oregonian and Al der itreet opposite Meir & Frank's. The Beat Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee and Pastry a Specialty. USE PERFECTION WALL BOARD PlasterWallsThat Mil Not Oath) ASK FOR SAMPLE AND INFORMATION. Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND, ORE. EXPERT d Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE By Parcel Post. Return Postage Paid. Write for Circulars and Prices. "At Your Beck and Call" IJ Pacific, Chiropractic College Park and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon Augmented curriculum, able faculty. Highest standards. Day and night courses. Clinical facilities unexcelled. Fall term September 1. Write for catalogue. Accordian Pleating Knife and box pleating, hemstitching 10c yd. But tons covered. Mail orders a specialty. Novelty Shop, 85V Fifth St., PORTLAND, ORECON. KODAKS Let us finish what your Kodak began. Best work, best service. Old established Kodak finishers, 12 years In Portland. Mail orders given special care. We pay return postage. All prints made on Velox DaDer. Reeular Eastman Dealers, all the Kodaks and sundries in stock. Kodak or fremo catalog sent on request, tveiana & Lewis, 413 East Morrison tit., Portland. AUTO REPAIR PARTS Bend for free catalog PISTONS PISTON PINS RINGS Cylinder and Crank Shaft Grinding. Auto - motive Machine Work and Welding. COOK & GILL CO., INC. 11th and Burnside Sts. Portland, Ore. Phone: Bdwy. 3231 OUR GIFT TO THE BRIDE Before you order your weddinjr announcement! and card write or visit THE CHETOPA PRESS A request for samples entitles you to 50 beautiful calling carda in an engraved effect free of charge. Broadway at Taylor Portland. Oregon "A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit'1 HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth, the Principal Eaat Bids Hotel, i minutes from Shopping District Four block from . P, East Side Station. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Do not be embarrassed with unsightly hair or fuse on the face, neck or arms. The American system removes it permanently. No electric needle or depilatary used. Eyebrows straightened. THE AMERICAN SYSTEM, 427 Pittock Block. Everything for the Motorcyclist Rebuilt Harley-Davidson MOTORCYCLES Same guarantee as new. From (200.00 up to .350.00, all late models, with i-speed and electric equipment Easy terms If desired. Pay while you ride. Send for literature. Motorcycle and Supply Co., Harley Davidson Service Center, 200 Ird St., Portland, Ore., corner Taylor. BROOKE DRUG CO. :Z".Nr CUT HATE MAIL OHOEK UKUGtilS'iti. Gleonis Pile treatment, sold under guarantee. Sfi.OO, no pain no operation. Chybke's Tape worm Remover, $10. Chybke's "Dermo SepUne" for akin eruption, eczema. 16.00. Letters answered. PERSONAL beat and most successful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon: strict ly confidential; moat reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. "The 8uc- ni,,l, kiicu au Ecu OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. The crime wave which has been sweeping the country for many months Is attributed by muny to the "drlnk crar,e," and especially to the more gen eral use of cheap cognacs, green whis kies, gin and other "hard liquors." The Germans, In fact, are gradually losing their old reputation as beer drinkers. Practically all the cafes and wine rooms of Berlin are Installing "Ameri can bars," against which the customer may lean, with his feet on a brass rail. There is no charge for a place at the bar, but to sit at the tables It It I JL BRAZING, WELDING A CUTTING Northwest Weldina- & SuddIv Co.. 18 1st 8t CHIROPRACTOR AND ELECTRO. THERAPEUTICS Drs). Baker and Uleaon, 817 Dekum ldg. CUT FLOWERS LORAu DESIGNS" Clarke Bros., florists, 287 Morrison BL DANCING EVERY NOON A EVENING Oriental Cafe. Chinese-American Kitchen Corner BroadwayandJVash. jORTLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th ft Madison. GUARANTEED REBUILT MAC II INKS Oregon Typewriter Co., 4-A sin HI HARD WOOD FLOORING Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., 231 B. 76th St. N. Floors electric sanded. MFGS. OF VULCANIZED ROOF PAINT New roofs and repairing done. Young and Woods.llo3 ECaruthera St MFGS. OF REED FURNITURE Buy Coast Made Goods. Reed Specialty Shop, 319 JVllliams Ave. OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. J. H. Lehmann, Prop. Hit Eaat Btari PYORRHEA DENTISTS SmithLong Stevenson 310 Bush st Lane Bldg. SALVATION "ARMY RESCUE HOME Will help frelndless girls. D, & M, car, Mayluir & Alexandria Sts. SILOS AND WATKK TANKS National Tank & Pipejii.. Portland. TYPEWRITERS N EW OR REBUILT Rebuilt TypewriteCo.. 304 Oak Street. Welter System of Suggestive Therapy Dr. T. W. Ayera, 71b DekurnBldg. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TINWARE Portland Tinware Mfg. Co.. .7 First St. ALASKA PLUMBING 4 HEATING CO? Plumbing Fixtures and supplied. Pips Fittings, lowest prices. 3(i3 If.. Morrison CLEANING "ANDDYEING. For reliable Cleaning anoT5yetngiarv Ice send parcels to us. Ws pay return postage. Information and price givsa upon, request. ENKE'S CITY DYB WORKS Established 1890 Portland DOORS AND vyiNDOWS lng;, Faint, Glass and Builders' Hardware direct. We are manufacturers. Write for prices before buying. Heacock bash & Door Co., 212 First St., Portland. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Chronic diseases a specialty! fJri'wT Allen, 302 Rahegh building. EMBROIDERING AND PLEATING Ae7iofd!anlneand box PleaUngIam stitching, Buttons Covered, Braiding, etc K. 8tephans, 219-20-21 Plttotk Block. HORSES, MULES BOUGHT, SOLD Crown Stables, Inc., 2.5 Front St., Port land, Ore. Horses and mules for sale or hire. Special rates to loggers and coa tractora. With or without harness. Phillip Suetter, Pres. , U. S. STABLES, S65 Union Ave. Draft horses bought and Bold. C. L. Chappell, 222 Union Ave. South. LEARN MULTIGRAPHING The Callan School, only recognised school on the coast. Experienced opera tora always jndemand.jlo6 ArtlsansBldg. Are You Looking for a Dependable Produce Dealer? Veal Butter pork Cheese Poultry Eggs Honey Any Product Get our prices. RUBY & CO. 169 Front St. Portland, Ore. Sixteen Years' Reliability. MACHINERY Bead us your Inquiries for aaytklng la lroa or wooaworxing atscsiBery, ueggiag, fuwmlll. Contractors' Eaulomeat. Loco motives, Boilers, Buglnes, Crashers, EsU, Cable, Belting, stc. Bark Mscklaery Co., 628 Railway Bxchaage Blag., Portland, Or. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS All makes. Easy terms. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46 GRAND AVE. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We helo the aDnearance of womsm. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value sv.tiu, price ai.w. 400 to 411 Dekum Bldg. CHEAP COOP FOR BACK YARD Inexpensive House Will Prove En. tirely Satisfactory Where Small Flock Is Kept. It Is not necessary to spend jnuch money for housing If you are going to keep a small flock of hens In your back yard. Indeed, It Is unwise, say poultry specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture. One or two piano cases or a large packing box may often be mode Into an acceptable home. But whatever you build should be made dry and free from drafts, and have good ventl latlon. The United States Department of Agriculture has numerous bulletins giving directions for this kind of con struction, and any of these are avail able for the asking, or for a very few cents where a charge Is necessary. A curd to the division of publlcalons, United States Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C, will get you what you need. Don't Dope Healthy Fowls. Don't continually "dope" well fowls with stimulating tonics and condition powders; they don't need It, If the fowls are healthy and kept under san itary conditions. Cull Unprofitable Producers. Old hens that become lazy get over- fat and should be disposed of. If three or more years old, it Is not likely that they will ever again become profit. able egg producers. Marketable Fowls. It does not necessarily follow that because a fowl seems to be of good size that It Is marketable. Frame Is not all, In the market ; It must be well covered with flesh and a little fat. Cause of Soft Shells. If you find a soft-shelled eggg occa sionally you may know that the liens are being overfed, or they lack lime and a proper variety of foodstuffs. Sunflower Seed Helps Plumage. A little sunflower seed occasionally will help gloss the plumage. compulsory to- drink chumnacne some other wine of similar price. Con sumption of champagne has i stripped all previous records the last twelve months, amounting to mors tnan 1,000,000 bottles. The Herald of Gospel Llbarty, a re ligious paper published at Dayton, O., claims to be the oldest teliglous paper in the country, probably In the wotld, as it was established 113 years ago and has been printed regularly tnrougn an the years. GUINEAS FAVOR FREE RANGE Fowls Can Be Depended Upon to Pick Up Considerable Portion of Their Food. (Prepared by the United States Depart- ment ot Agriculture.; Host guinea - raisers allow their breeding stock free range of the entire farm at all times, and this helps to keep the birds strong and vigorous. During ,the winter the breeders should have been fed a grain mixture of corn, wheat and oats twice a day, and where no green feed was available, vege tables, such as potatoes, turnips, beets and cabbage. Anlmul feed is essen tial to best results and can be supplied by feeding meat scrap or skimmed milk. Given free range, where the sup ply of natural feed during the win ter and early spring are ample, as It usually Is in the southern portion of the United States, the guineas can be left to pick up a considerable part of their feed, say poultry specialists of the United States Department of Agrl culture. Free access to grit, charcoal, and oyster shell Is necessary through' out the breeding season. Avoid hav lng the breeders too fat, but keep them in good, firm flesh. Like quail and most other wild birds, guinea fowls In their wild state mate In pairs, and this tendency prevails among domesticated guineas, also, pro vided the males and females are equal In number. As the breeding season approaches, one pair after another sep arates from the remainder of the flock and ranges off in the fields in search of a suitable nesting place. Once mated this way, the male usually re mains with his mate throughout the laying season, standing guard some where near the nest while the hen is laying, and ready to warn her of any approaching danger. However, It is not necessary to mate them in pairs under domestic condi tions to secure fertile eggs, and most breeders keep but one male for every three or four females. When mated In this way the hens are more apt to lay near home, and several usually lay In the same nest, thus- making it much easier to find the nests and gather the eggs. i While guineas can be kept In the best breeding condition upon free Guineas Can Be Confined If Necessary, But They Do Best When Given Free Range. range, still they can be confined, If necessary, and satisfactory results ob tained. One extensive guinea raiser has confined as muny as 45 hens and 15 males in an acre pen throughout the breeding and laying season and been successful. This pen is Inclosed with a wire fence five feet high, and the birds are prevented from flying over by clipping the flight feathers of one wing. Within the pen is a grass pas ture with bushes here and there where the hens make their nests by scratch lng out a bowl-shaped hollow In the ground. The winters being severe, a roosting shed Is provided,- having a cleated board reaching from the floor to the roosts for the wing-clipped birds to walk up. GEESE GOOD GRAZING STOCK Fowl Play Important Part In Util izing Waste Grain About Stables and Feeding Pens. Geese have an Important part in the endless war on waste. They are In class with chickens In utilizing waste grain about stables and feeding pens, In a larger measure than chickens or any other kind of poultry they are a grazing stock, getting their living In large purt from the ordinary grasses of the pastures, say poultry special ists of the United States Department of Agriculture. When It Is considered that the demand for geese lg steady, and extended over almost the whole year, not confined to holidays, as in the case of turkeys, that .geese excel all other poultry as producers of fat, the Importance of geese In the poultry scheme Is realized. STUDY DEMANDS OF MARKETS Poultryman Should Learn How. Where and When to Dispose of Products to Advantage. A large part of the profit In poultry keeping often depends upon the prop er marketing of the products, and the producer should study the market de mands as to how, where and when to dispose of the products to the best ad vantage. Ml WRIGLEY'S Newest Creation The Flavor Lasts Makes a Handy Tool. From an old screwdriver may be made a handy tool for turning castel lated nuts that are Inaccessibly lo cated. A slot Is ground in the busi ness end of the screwdriver of such a size that as the bolt comes through the nut Its end enters the opening, where It does not interfere with the wielding of the turning tool. Opals Found In Few Places. There are known' only five gem-opal regions In the entire world. For BOO or 600 years, a deposit in a remote section of northern Hungary has been mined by local peasants. The removal of opals from this region ceased about 20 years ago. For the most part, stones from northern Hungary are milky white. A Great Jewel. We publish beautiful editions of books, to be sure, and thousands of people enjoy them; but In ancient times the expense that we spread thinly over a thousand volumes was all compressed Into one, and it became a greut jewel of a book, a heavy folio, worth its weight in gold. Hawthorne. Etching for Reproduction. That etching, as a branch ot art apart from Its fascinating accidents and means of expression, is also a process of reproduction which Inter ests many of the present-day dealers, artists, and students, cannot be de nied. E. A. Taylor, "Drumfire's" First Prominence. Drumfire Is first mentioned In Tol stol's description of the bombardment of Sebastopol In August 1855. Cuticura Soap fot the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio. Adv. Honesty In Business It depends upon the point ot view whether present-day appeals for hon esty In business are regarded as a hopeful sign of the times or as the re verse. Boston Transcript. Thirty-One Children In Family. Gen. Marston O. Clark, a noted In diana pioneer, who died in 1840, was one ot a family ot 31 brothers and sisters, by the game father and mother. Man to Be Dreaded, In our wide world there 1b but one altogether fatal personage, the dunce he that speaks Irrationally, that sees not and yet thinks he sees. Carlyle, AFTER EUERY M CAI vi t.nis A delicious peppermint flavored sugar Jacket around pep permint flavored chew ing gum. Will aid your appetite and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. Cuticura Soap Imparts The Velvet Touch Sot.OIMmnt.Ta!roin au..rTwhn- uFwiamptaa .ildrea.: CullcurLbortori.i,, Ml(Un,liM. Sun Engine -Does Good Work, - The most remarkable sun engine, built up to date is operated at Mead, near Call, in Egypt. It consists of fire 205-foot boilers placed on edge and In the focus ot five channel-shaped mirrors. Its best run for an hour yielded 1,442 pounds of steam at a pressure of nearly 1G pounds to the square inch equivalent to 03 horse power an acre ot land occupied by the plant. Sharp Reminder. When poison ot any kind Is brought Into the house it Is a good plan to Im mediately run two common pins through the cork, opposite each other, with the pin points extending about an eighth of an Inch past the heads on each Bide. The prick of the pin gives warning by duy or night the Instant the cork is touched and proves an ef ficient safeguard agulust mishaps. Such as They Are. Even if there should never be an other book publishes!, there are plenty of masterpieces aLroady printed to keep the average reador busy for at least 100 years. Boston Transcript. Lived Up to His Motto. "Give and take Is my motto," re marked the thug as ho bestowed upon the citizen a scientific rup upon the occiput and then abstracted his val uables. Lines to Be Remembered. The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good In our own way, so long as we do not attempt to duprfve others ot theirs, or Impede their efforts to obtain it. John Stuart Mill. Penalty of Conceit. Lots of failures can be traced to the belief that other people are not quite so smart as we are. New Haven, Register. Bastions Invented by Italians. Bastions were Invented by the Ita lian engineers ot the sixteenth century to prevent the enemy from colluding In the ditch round a fortified town. Ar Yah Salkfipil? BEHNKE-WALKER we iou oaiisneu: business college Is the blgfrest, most perfectly equipped Buslnem Training; Hchool In the North west Kit yourself (or a hlfher position with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write for catalog Fourth end Ternhlu, Portland. P. N. U. No. 37, 1921 III Bk 1 & M wMw