r2IiriniroSI!:2riI2IS2p The Maupin Times ll Get them NOW for CANNING iMiblishert tvtry Thmsday at M-uipiu. ( heynu Jtcsiliiif K. MiMrison, rnlilislicr Bartlett Pears Italian Prunes Tomatoes R. E. WILSON CO. I SuksctilHn:'Oiie i'nr, fi.xo: .six months, 7s nut-.; three mun n,-,, 51 Entered us second class tnai' mutter t-tpti ti'ln r 1, i m ' 4 , l tin postniTuc nl Mmii, Olefin), 1111. del the Act ol Mmch 3, 1879. sorizziiiziiniizs:! Telephone Main 3451 1100 Kelly Ave. The Dalles, Ore. OPEN FOR SERVICE l. Zeir s I NEW FUNERAL HOME ;'j A pleasant location in the residential section of the city, litis eliminating ";l the.. noise and confusion ahvavs found in the down-town bu.siuetsN districts. f Private drives and street facilities, making it j oesible to 1 andle funeral ; processions without confusion. :' The arrangement of our parlor as -regards furnishings, lights and v conveniences, has been planned to give QUIET and RESTFUL surroundings. y A Real Home and Home Surroundings Our Home apartments, occupying the second and third 'floois of the establishment afford the opportunity of rendering unusual sen ir e and - accommodation to out of town folks. A lady attendant is always in the hi iWing to render service. Our parlor occupying the ent ire first floor is so arranged and equipped that a distinctive atmosphere marks every service. The Same SERVICE Rendered to All Owning our building, we are enabled to Operate at a very low overhead . expense. Our assortment of stock is such, that those desiring moderate priced . goods, will find satisfaction, while those preferring the more expensive can .vbe supplied. t Our rates are reasonable and we plan to give a SERVICE w hich will eliminate any idea of profiteering on the misfortunes of others. We do not "believe in commercializing the bereavements and sorrows of grief-striken friends. . Our first consideration will be for those we serve and in rendering service, there ..' will be no detail too small to receive our at tention. !;. EXPERIENCE SERVICE- SATISFACTION Our ten years' experience in undertaking means that we can serve you with satisfaction. Also the fact that ! WE HOLD DOTH AN OREGON AND CALIFORNIA LICENSE i j will establish your confidence in our ability. ' , ; ;! Our establishment is now open at all times and we invite the public to ' become acquainted by a visit to the building. ZELL & SON OUR HOME 1100 Kelly Avenue Junction of Pine, Clay and Kelly Avenue Tel. Main 3151 i calling at the Times office and describing the article, ' I he lop ol the pit into which the elevator enjrino ex hausts blew o(T tins morninu nl '. the Hunts Ferry warehouse. I). H. Appling is carryinu hi? right arm in a slinjr, the result of being kicked, when cmikitifi his combine engine some time ago. Barley For Sale, feed or seed, at tny ranch or at the warehouse John V. Ayres. Strayed: Old Dan; grey horse, formerly owned by John Ward. Finder please notify J. F. Blanchard, Watnic, Ore. J. F. Blanchard who taught the Tygh high school last year, will bp in charge of the Antelope school which opens Soptemler 12th. Mr. Blanchard has leased his Smock farm to Tom Wood cock fur two yeais. Mr. Nediy will teach at Madras. Born Monday to Mr, and Mrs. Dolphus Mayhew a tine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Fleming' are here from The Dalles for a few days. Mrs. A. L. ' Pugh of Dufur was here one day last week li t guest of her daughter, Mis. James Chalmers. NOHCKtOK PUBLICATION liopurtment of Urn Interior U. S. l,Hhd Ullicn at The Dalit, On gon, AuKiiHt 21i, 1021. Notice la hereby nivin tlal, Hubert M. Cunt well of Mutipin, Oregon, who on July 11), I'.Ml), mailt: MoiiiohIvhcI uilK'ation No lllliiMi, lor Kl-2s,vl 4. Scciioii t, hi ilNWl-4, N1-23W1-4, kkI-4hw1-1, wl 4SK1-4, Suet KOI 2i, TowmhIup (i hoiiIIi RaiitfM 14 Kast, WillHini'lle Mi'iiilian lias lilcd iiol.ii'o of ml.i'hii'in . mak. til i eo ypr proof, lo pstuhlihli cliiini n tlio land above doKcrilied, bi'iore I'', D. Smart, United SSlateuOommi.-wmru'r, a MhOiIii, Oregon, on tlio i!) iliiy ol 0,:i ober, 11121, (."IhiiiihiiI. imtnos us wiliiexacg: '1 limn HsFahi'iiy, Join Foley, W. H. Wil llama, Loiter Kelly, all of Maupin, Irigon. H. Frank Woodcock, UfgitiUr. NOTICE !' PUBLICATION Department of the Interior I : S LhiVI Ofhce al the Dalles, Ort R'on, Aayiml 8, I'Ul fsoue is hcred i i von that Millard F. i :bert.h of Tyijli Valley Oregon, who on Nov. . li. I'.ihi, made Ituiiiehii'Md entry No 'oltiUHlt, lor wl-2 NWl -1, wl-2 awM. 'SBl-4 BWl 4, Kl-2 SKI . i.iCTtloll at, , Nbl:4 M'.l 4 eetion '., Towuxlii) ; ll south, luuigo i;j rum. VVillanielti ! Meridian, has uled notite "I intentioii i to luako tmal three year pi oof, to esitaliliijh claini lo the laud tibove dc svrilietl, hi-tore Henlsler alio uiTrivei . U ml id Slatua Land Ullice i 'Ilu 'tin Ilea, Oregon,,, on the 27tli day pi hepl ember, I'.IKl. LlHinmnl, lianiea s wilncasea: Alex ander Ituafi. l',d(4ai II. Millei, Amn I'. Furgueijon, (jeorge laifton, all u. '1'ygli Valley, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcoi k, Reni:;! nr. J James Chalmers General lilacksmilhing . Horse Shoeing a Specially , Maupin. Ore. Local mimim n ; a p i n i Tt a Lode No. 203, Maupin, OrBgun, meet! every Saturday uight in I. O. O. V. hftll. Visiting inem burs always tfelcuuie. : ! Geo. McDonald, N. G. B. F. TeKNKlt. iSBcretary. U Dr. T. DcLarhue EYESIGHT SrECIAUST f Glasses Properly Fitted , Exclusively Optical Kimuis 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer 1 Cfoshy'i L'rug store, The Dalles, Ore Phoue Black 11 U George Morris and ID. A. Cvr and. family went to the moun tains Saturday. A few $15.00 42 piece Dinner Sets left. Will close them out at $10.00. -Maupin Drug Store. When driving in a dust, storm in the Sitnnasho section yester dtty Percy driver struck a down telephone wire, demolishing the windshield of his car, showering the interior of the car with brok en glass. No one hurt. Don't let the flies bother your cows. Get some Fly Chaser at the Maupin Drug Store. Dr. II. G Dake of 840 East Taylor St., Portland, will be in Maupin again some time in Decent ler. Seed Rye for sale at Hunts Ferry Whse. See Bolton. Found on Deschutes avenue, a wrench, owner may have by Pi WIT Q:rein' llili,T In .ll'iilitm id TECHNOLOGY Figltt SrhonU; Srvrnly t-unthitrnt- FAM. Tf KM onUS SKPT. ) fP I'or iolormili'Mi it to hf ftriiunr Oregon Aerirultural Otlh jrc E. B. DUFUR Attorney at Law MAUPIN, OREGON MATERNITY HOME 318 Calhoon St.. The Dalles, Ore. Neat, quiet and home like Terms reasonable. Phone Red 3262. Mrs. Nellie Marris, Prop. no rice, i ok ri'BucAi iON I)epnrlnielil, of Ilia Intel inr U. S. Lund Ullice at 1 he Dm Her, Onon, August g, 1921. Notice is hereliy niven that Alexander l!o;-s of Tyah Viilley, Oi etjon, who on A ny usl 10, l!H8, nmtle A'lilitlonal liiHiieli!ml ai.plicatinn No. OJti.'.KJ, for 8Kt 4nki 4, NK).4!lM-4i section ii. 1 nw. nt-In , J. -loillh, UaliKe 13 e.ant, Willmnelle Meii'Jmn, hie? fileil notiie of mteoti"ii lo nrnke, tinul three year proof, ti PrilHliliRh claim to the larifl above o a.-iilidl, heloie Iie(;i3ler nJ Receiver, nited SUtes LhimI (Jtrlce, at Hit- Dallea, Oregon, on the 2'fth eliiy ol .Sejiteinbcr, 1021. Ommiant names as wiiuesaen: iMgai H. Miller, Alfred 1'. Feritueboii, M. Colierth. C. W. Wine, allot' Tygh Valley, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, UcgMler, no rice; iok publication Department of the Interiorior t.l. a l-and Office at The DhII, llrt- goii, July 18, 1!'21. Notice in hereby ejven that (riisne i. berthick, of Maupin, Oregon, who on .Inly 12, 1H2U, made Additional HonieHiend Kntry No. nji)'8. for wl &twl-4, Seelion 'd. Nl 2nwI-4, seel ion 27, hwI-4mkI 4, NKl l.wt-4, e1-2nwI-4, Beciion , Town Vliin 5 iiouth, Ranire 14 Kant, Willam ette Meridian, han tiled notice ol intention to ina.l'C three year proof. Id establish claim to the land ahovi deKcrihed, heforn F. It. Stuart, United States (InmmiiiSKincr t Maiinn, Ore con, on tne lSih day of Scpl.emher, 1:121. t laitnatij. name an wilnennea: W. C. Kiehardpon, ). J. Williams, W. II Willuiiin, K. F Turner all of Maupin. Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Hfg'tcr. -i LEKER at the W'i SEPTEMBER, 22, 23, 24, 1921 14' W Wlf In the wMe World tlwismron tp.t an tntcnMy exciting, urn! with more thridinn and spiH"ta''ulr cli ni9cn, flian the hrling of "outlaw" brorn hos by cowboys and cowftirln. ThoRp cnteit, aluo the wild horse rari'S.wild strerropinsand bulldns- piiB, Indian dances imdpnw wctwn aie alt tbHtremam of U vouna, wiui, viRorotm, yet lovHMe West. GET FARES AN l rAUTl.OJt.AnS FROM ACilCNT 0-W.R.R.& N. VM. McMtTRK X, General Pasntrer Agent. Portland, Oreunn . GKOCERIES . : YlxiAi Fruits and Vegetables WILLIAMS & McCLURE East End of Ikitlgc Maupin, Orcgcn A University of Oregon !mkA CONTAINS: CONTAINS; The College nf Literntin'e, The Grmlunte School Science ft ml the Aria The School of Architecture niul Allied At tn. The School nf HiminfJHS AilminitttmtiDn 'I he School of 1 ili(iiiiion 'I he I:.xtenion I )ivision The School of Journalism The School of Law' The School of Medicine Tlio School of Muatc The School of IMiysicoI IthicHtion The School of Sociology Fall Term Opens September 26 A hlfilt Hhiinlnrit n nilturnl tind prnfrttiiinmil nelioUrdliip lom Vfrnm one nl tlio oiiiutimclinn nmrltH of Oh. Mlr Julvcrnily htr it rtitnlonue Inltlrrw fn tlu vitrions ftrhnnlft or lor nor inlnrniHlum writr TI II- IlKCilSTKAH UNIVLKSITY OJICGON (uficne Ore 275,000 Bushels of Wheat Ih Hie amount lliat will pass through the two elii.a'ors ami the Hour mill at Maupin this KcaMt. . This wheat, if sold at the present quotatui ik would brinjr $250,000.00. When yon receive your .situ re of (his quarter of a million dollars rcnHinbu vur hcal iiiHlitutions. V lupin State Bank We Strive V) Merit Approval I. I Wasco County residents appreciate a 1 J pleasant lionte and delicious meals vvlun in J, I The Dalles if you make j our headquarters at 1 m Vaca tkm Mr. N. W. Flinn, Prop. THE DAl.lllS OREGON Two straw stacks for s;tl: Ogdcn Klwood is visiting his Job Crabtrce. j father, Dr. El wood this week.