The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 25, 1921, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Government!
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
King Peter of Serbia died la Bel
grade Tuesday.
Prohibition has been abolished In
soviet Russia and the country now Is
on a light wine basis.
Brigadier-General It. M. Blatchford,
now with the fourth division, has been
ordered to the command at Vancouver
barracks, Washington.
The senate has passed a bill mak
ing it possible for the president to ap
point Major-General Leonard Wood
governor-general of the Philippines.
Although the Inland Empire and
Spokane were struck Saturday night
with one of the worBt dust, wind and
electric storms since 1913, little dam
age was reported.
Cuts ranging from about 2 cents to
8 cents a 1000 cubic feet in the price
of gag to California consumers were
made effective on meter readings of
September 3 by an order Tuesday of
the state railroad commission.
A resolution introduced by Senator
Culder, republican, New York, felici
tating the people of Italy, who will
celebrate the 600th anniversary of the
birth of Dante, the poet, on September
14, is adopted by the senate.
Five persons are dead as result of
disorders which began when a negro
ran amuck Tuesday through the cen
tor of the business section of Augusta,
Ga. Seven were known to have been
wounded, two of them probably fatally.
The denationalization of real estate
in soviet Russia, through a decree
authorizing ex-owners or otjier persons
to buy houses and land rom the gov
ernment, is announced in-a 'Moscow
dispatch to the Rosta Agency, the of-
fical soviet news disseminator.
The senate claim to a Bhare of
responsibility for the foreign affairs of
the nation was recognized by Presi
dent Harding Tuesday by the designa
tion of Senator Lodge of Massachu
setts, chairman of the foreign relations
committee, as a member of the Amer
ican delegation to the disarmament
Curtailment of naval building, due
to decreased appropriations, will ma
terially slow up work on new battle
ships and battle cruisers, it is said at
the navy deportment. There Is f 53,-
000,000 available for the work, against
$115,000,000 requested. A partial sus
pension of work at plains fabricating
material for the ships 'already has
, taken place, it is Baitf.
Russian relief negotiations, as they
involve the question of American con
trol of food distribution, were discuss
ed in some detail Tuesday by Presi
dent Harding and his cabinet. Con
siderable difficulty has arisen from
the disposition of the Russian soviet
government to Impose restrictions con
flicting with the American relief ad
ministration's determination that re
lief supplies must be under American
control throughout.
Any householder could have home
brew under Interpretations placed up
on an amendment to the Willis-Campbell
beer bill, approved Tuesday by
the house. The amendment, adopted
us a substitute for a senate provision,
would require federal agents to have
warrants before entering homes In
search of liquor. It provides, however,
that no warrants shall be Issued tor
search of a home "unless there is rea
son to believe such dwelling is used
as a place In which liquor Is manu
factured for sale, or sold."
Governor Harding of the federal re
serve board telegraphed the San Fran
cisco federal reserve bank Tuesday to
Investigate a complaint of Dr. C. J.
Smith of Portland, Or., that the North
western Wheat Growers' association
is in danger of losing heavily on 25,
000,000 bushels of wheat because of re
fusal of local banks to advance need
ed money. He said local banks took
the view that wheat should be actually
sold before money could be advanced.
Dr. Smith's telegram, received by Sen
ator McNary, requested government
aid to the extent of $5,000,000- to be
used as a revolving fund, the security
to be given to consist of wheat re
ceipts covered by mortgage and Insurance.
Senate Bill, Amended, Is Passed by
House-Stimulus Promised,
Washington, D, C With a number
of amendments, the senate bill, which
would make f 1,000,000,000 available
through the war finance corporation
for stimulating exportation of agri
cultural products, was passed Monday
by the house.
Only 21 representatives voted
against the bill, while 314 voted for It
The house eliminated senate sec
tions authorizing the purchase by the
war finance corporation of $200,000,-
000 worth of farm loan bonds, and the
creation of a new bureau in the de
partment of commerce to obtain In
formation as to trade conditions
abroad. The house also eliminated a
section which would permit govern
ment loans to accredited foreigners
engaged in exportation of American
farm products, but added an amend
ment providing for rigid restriction
of such loans,
By a vote of 196 to 136 the house
rejected a motion to recommit the
bill, offered by Representative Wlngo,
democrat, Arkansas, to reinsert the
eliminated senate provisions and to
add an amendment authorizing the
war finance corporation to make di
rect loans to agriculturists.
Panama. Panama Is prepared and
ready to repel the Costa Rtcans should
they invade the disputed Coto terri
tory. No definite action will be taken,
however, until it has been learned
what attitude the United States gov
ernment will adopt toward Panama in
the event the Panamans oppose the
taking over of Coto by the Costa
Cable messages sent by the Pana
man- government to Washington, with
the view of ascertaining the Ameri
can government's attitude toward
Panaman resistance to Costa Rlcan
occupation of Coto, have not been an
Armed men to the number of 150
have been ordered to proceed to Coto
from David. They will take with them
ten machine guns, which were pur
chased In the United States last April
Secretary of JuBtice Alfaro has
given orders to Chief of Police Arango
to hold the entire police force of Pan
ama and Colon In readiness to march
to Coto. Identical orders have been
sent the heads of the police forces in
Interior towns.
Mayors have been ordered to revise
their volunteer forces and to advise
the men to be ready for an emer
gency. Legion Has Relief Fund.
Washington, D. C. One hundred
thousand dollars, collected by the
American Red Cross during the war
for soldier relief work, was turned over
by the society Monday to the Ameri
can Legion to be used by the latter
organization . in searching out cases
of former service men entitled to but
falling to receive aid.
The fund is to be UBed, together with
sums donated by the Y. M. C. A., Na
tional Community service, Knights of
Columbus and Jewish welfare board,
in the formation of "flying squads'
charge) with aiding needy service
Living Cost Drops Bit
New York. The cost of living de
creased .7 of 1 per cent in July, ac
cording to figures made public Mon
day by the national industrial confer
ence. Prices are still 62 per cent
higher than in July, 1914, and only
2.8 per cent lower than the peak reach
ed in July, 1920. Declines in July
were in clothing, which dropped 3.5
per cent, and In sundries, which drop
ped 1.1 per cent. Food prices, the re
port said, went up 3 per cent
Red Cross Agent Short,
Washington, D. C C. E. Wilson,
second assistant treasurer of the
American Red Cross, was arrested
Monday charged with larceny follow
ing an audit of his books, which show
ed a shortage of about $14,000. Ac
cording to the police, Wilson admit
ted shortages of more than $13,000
and attributed his misfortune to gam
bling on horse races.
Burns In New Position,
Washington, D. C. William J.
Burns of New York was sworn in Mon
day as director of the bureau of in
vestigation of the department of Jus
tice. Mr. Burns succeeds William J.
Flynn, who resigned last week.
Famine Relief Agreement Is
Formally Signed.
Order Already Placed for Loading
Ships With Food and Medicine
for Suffering Thousands,
Riga. The agreement between the
United States and Russia providing
for American relief for the famine
stricken district was signed at 11:30
o'clock Saturday morning by Walter
Lyman Brown, European representa
tive of the American relief adminis
tration, and Maxim Lltvinoff, repre
sentative of the Russian famine com
mittee. Philip Carroll of Portland, Or., will
at least temporarily head the work of
feeding the starving people of Rus
sia, a task the American relief admin
istration considers the greatest it has
yet faced. Walter L, Brown, Euro
pean director of the administration,
announced that Mr. Carroll would lead
the first party of relief workers, which
probably will leave here for Moscow
Thursday. Mr. Carroll, who has been
with the administration two years,
made an excellent record by his work
in Germany, South Russia and Serbia.
Hope that the signing of the agree
ment would lead to further relations
between Russia and America was ex
pressed in speeches made by M. Lltvin
off and M. Melrovitz, the Letvian pre
mier. Russia is, by the terms of the con
tract, made the beneficiary of a far
reaching program, which includes not
only providing food for the people
of the famlne-strlcken Volga region,
but the combatting of epidemics.
It is understood that orders already
have gone to Hamburg, Danzig and
New York directing that relief ships
be loaded with food and medicines
for Russia. Actual work in Russia
possibly may commence in a little
more than a week.
Political and commercial activities
will be outside the realm of the work
ers' duties and any violation of this
clause of the agreement may be cause
for expulsion from Russia, upon proofs
being submitted to the directors of the
relief work. All Americans engaged
In feeding and caring for the famine
sufferers will enjoy diplomatic rights.
All relief shipments will be trans
ported free of charge to points se
lected by the Americans, who will
have absolute control of distribution.
It is the plan to restrict relief meas
ures to those people who are in ac
tual distress and to prevent govern
ment employes and men In the army
and navy from coming into possession
of supplies.
Japanese Policy Grilled.
Honolulu, T. H. Foolish policies of
Japanese bureaucrats and militarists
have led to a general misunderstand
ing of the Japanese people as a whole,
according to G. Muko, prominent edu
cator of Jflpan. ' i
"We Japanese must change our at
titude towards the far eastern coun
tries," professor Muko said. "We must
return Shantung to China and we will
do it, I hope.''
Hospital Is Whiskyless.
New York. James McArdle, a keep
er in the Bronx zoo, was reported re
covering Saturday from the effects of
a bite by a copperhead snake. Mc
Ardle naked for a drink of whiskey,
which he declared was the best rem
edy for snake-bite, but the doctors at
the hospital where he was taken told
him there was no whiskey in the in
stitution. They gave him a serum in
stead. Much Wheat is Shipped.
Spokane, Wash. More than 600,000
bushels of the 1921 wheat crop have
been received and shipped alread this
season by the Northwest Wheat Grow
ers' association, according to George A.
Jewett, general manager.
"Most of the grain," he said, "has
been shipped to Portland and Seattle
for export and for delivery to private
grain dealers."
Alleged Whisky Ship Tied Up.
Stevenson, B. C. Provincial author
ities Saturday tied up at New West
minster, B. C, the five-ton American
cruising steamer Yankee as the re
sult of an alleged attempt to smuggle
aboard whisky valued at $2000. The
vessel is said to have started for the
International boundary under cov'er of
darkness. Customs officers seized it.
The Voice j
I of the Pack I
; " ' A
I 8
6 By Edison Marshall 'i
(Copyright, 1W0, Little, Brown Company)
Love story, adventure
story, nature story -all
three qualities combine
in the "Voice of the
Pack," a tale of modern
man and woman arrayed
against the forces of age
old savagery.
If one can Just lie close enough to the
sreaat of the wllderneai, he can't help
tut be Imbued with some of the life that
pulses therein. From a Frontiersman's
Long ago, when the great city of
Glteheapolls was a rather small, un
tidy hamlet In the middle of a plain,
It used to be that a pool of water,
possibly two hundred feet square,
gathered every spring Immediately
back of the courthouse. The snow
falls thick and heavy In Glteheapolls
In winter; and the pond was nothing
more than show water that the ineffi
cient drainage system of the city did
not quite absorb. Besides being the
flespalr of the plumbers and the city
engineer, it was a severe strain on
the beauty-loving instincts of every
Inhabitant In the town who had any
luch Instincts. It was muddy and
murky and generally distasteful.
A little boy plu.ved at the edge of
the water, this spring day of long ago.
Except for his Interest In the pond, It
would have been scarcely worth while
to go to the trouble of explaining that
It contained no fish. He, however,
bitterly regretted the fuct. In truth,
he sometimes liked to believe that It
did contain fish, very sleepy fish that
never made a ripple, and as he had an
uncommon imagination he was some
times able to convince himself that
this was so. But he never took hook
and line and played at fishing. He
was too much afraid of the laughter
of his boy friends. His mother prob
ably wouldn't object if he fished here,
he thought, particularly If he were
careful not to get his shoes covered
with mud. But she wouldn't let him
go down to Glteheapolls creek to fish
with the other boys for mud cat. He
was not very strong, she thought, and
it was a rough sport anyway, and be
sides she didn't think he wanted to
go very badly. As mothers are usual
ly particularly understanding, this
was a curious thing.
The truth was that little Dan Fail
ing wanted to fish almost as much as
he wanted to live. He would dream
about It of nights. His blood would
glow with the thought of it In the
springtime. Women the world over
will have a hard time believing what
an Intense, heart-devouring passion
the love of the chase can be, whether
it is for fishing or hunting or merely
knocking golf balls into a little hole
upon a green. Sometimes they don't
remember that this instinct Is Just as
much, a part of most men, and thus
most boys, as their hands or their
Hps. It was acquired by Just as la
borious a process the lives of un
counted thousands of ancestors who
fished and hunted for a living.
It was true that little Dan didn't
look the part. Even then he shoved
signs of physical frailty. His eyes
looked rather large, and his cheeks
were not the color of fresh sirloin, as
they should have been. In fact, one
would have had to look very hard to
see any color in them at all. These
facts are Interesting from the light
they throw upon the next glimpse of
Dan, fully twenty years later.
Except for the fnct that it was the
background for the earliest picture of
little Dan, the pool back of the court
house has very little Importance In
his story. It did, however, afford an
Illustration to him of one of the real
ly astonishing truths of life. He saw
a shadow In the water that he pre
tended he thought might be a fish. He
threw a stone at It.
The only thing that happened was
a splash, and then a slowly widening
ripple. The circumference of the rip
ple grew ever larger, extended and
widened, and finally died at the edge
of the shore. It set little Dan to
thinking. He wondered if, had the
pool been larger, the ripple still would
have spread ; and If the pool had been
eternity, whether the ripple would
have gone on forever. At the time he
did not know the laws of cause and
effect. Later, when Glteheapolls was
great and prosperous and no longer
untidy, he was going to find out that
a cause Is .nothing but a rock thrown
Into a pond of Infinity, and the ripple
that Is its effect keeps growing and
growing forever.
The little incident that Is the real
beginning of this story was of no
more Importance than a pebble thrown
Into the snow-water pond; but Its ef
fect was to remove the life of Dan
Falling, since grown up, far out of
the realms of the ordinary.
And that brings all matters down
to 1910, In the last days of particu
larly sleepy summer. Too would hard
ly know Glteheapolls now, The busi
ness district bus Increased tenfold.
And the pluce where used to be the
pool and the playground of Dan Fall
ing is now luld off In as green and
pretly a city park as one could wish
to see.
Some day, when the city becomes
more prosperous, a pair of swuns and
a herd of deer are going to be Intro
duced, to restore some of the natural
wild life of the park. But In the sum
mer of 11)19, a few small birds and
possibly half a dozen pairs of squir
rels were the extent and limit of the
wild creatures, And at the moment
this story opens, one of these squir
rels was perched on a wide-spreading
limb overarching a gruvel path that
slanted through the sunlit park. The
squirrel wus hungry. He wished that
some one would come along with a
There was a bench beneath the tree.
If there had not been, the life of Dan
Falling would have been entirely dif
ferent. If the squirrel hud been on
any other tree, If he hadn't been
hungry, if any one of a dozen other
things hadn't been as they were, Dan
Falling would have never gone back
to the land of his people. The little
bushy-tailed fellow on the tree limb
was the squirrel of Destiny I
Dan Falling stepped out of the ele
vator and was at once absorbed In
the crowd that ever surged up and
down Broad street. He was Just one
of the ordinary drops of water, not
an Interesting, elaborate, physical and
chemical combination to be studied
on the slide of a microscope. He
wore fairly passable clothes, neither
rich nor shabby. He was a tall man,
but gave no impression of strength
because of the exceeding spnreness of
his frame. As long as he remained
In the crowd, he wasn't Important
enough to be studied. But soon he
turned off, through the park, and
straightway found himself alone.
The noise and bustle of the crowd
never loud or startling, but so contin
uous that the senses are scarcely
more aware of them than of the beat
ing of one's own heart suddenly and
utterly died almost at the very border
of the park. The noise from the
"Why, You Little Devil 1" Dan Said
In a Whisper.
street seemed wholly unable to pene
trate the thick branches of the trees.
He could even hear the leaves whisk
ing and flicking together, and when a
mnn can discern this, he can hear the
cushions of a mountain lion on a trail
at night. Of course Dan Falling had
never heard a niountuln Hon. Except
on the railroad tracks between, he
hod never really been' away from
cities in his life.
At once his thought went back to
the doctor's words. They were still
repeating themselves over and over
In his ears, and the doctor's face was
still before his eyes. It had been a
kind face ; the Hps had even curled in
a little smile of encouragement. But
the doctor had been perfectly frank,
entirety straightforward. There had
been no evasion In his verdict.
"I've made every test," he said.
"They're pretty well shot. Of course,
you can go to some sanitarium, If
you've got the money. If you haven't
enjoy yourself all you can for about
six months."
Dan's voice had been perfectly cool
and sure when he replied. He had
smiled a little, too. He was still rath
er proud of that smile. "Six months?
Isn't that rather short?"
"Maybe a whole lot shorter. I think
that's the limit."
There was the situation: Dan Fail
ing had but six months to live. He
began to wonder whether his mother
had been entirely wise in her effort to
keep him from the "rough games" of
the boys of his own age. He realized
now that he had been an underweight
all his life that the frailty that had
thrust him to the edge of the grave
had begun In his earliest boyhood. But
it wasn't that he was born with phy
sical handicaps. He had weighed a
full ten pounds; and the doctor had
told his father that a sturdier little
chap was not to be found In any ma
ternity bed in the whole city. But his
mother was convinced that the child
was delicate and must be sheltered,
Never in nil the history of his family,
so fur as Dan knew, hud there been a
death from the mulady that uffilcted
him. Yet his sentence was signed and
sealed. '
But he harbored no resentment
against his mother. It was all In the
game. She had done what she thought
wus best. And he began to wonder
In whut way he could gut the greatest
pleasure from his last six months of
"Good Lord I" he suddenly breathed.
"I may not be here to see the snows
cornel" Duu had always been partlul
to the winter seuson. When the snow
lay all over the farm lands and bowed
down the limbs of the trees, It had
always wakened a curious tlood of
feelings in the wasted man. It seemed
to him that he could remember other
winters, wherein the snow lay for end
less miles over an endless wilderness,
nnd here and there were strange,
many-toed tracks that could be fol
lowed In the Icy dawns. But of course
it was Just a fancy. He wasn't in the
least misled about It. He knew that
he had never, In his lifetime, seen
the wilderness. Of course his grand
father had been a frontiersman of the
flrBt order, and all his ancestors be
fore him a rangy, hardy breed whose
wings would crumple In civilization
but he himself had always lived in
cities. Yet the fulling snows, soft and
gentle but with a kind of remorseless
ness he could sense but could not un
derstand, had always stirred htm.
He'd often Imagined that he would
like to see the forests In winter.
In him you could see a reflection of .
the boy that played beside the pond
of snow water, twenty years before.
His dark gray eyes were still rather
large and perhaps the wasted flesh
around them made them seem lurger
than they were. But It was a little
hard to see them, as he wore large
glasses. His mother had been sure,
years before, that he needed glasses;
and she had easily found an oculist
that agreed with her.
Now that he was alone on the path,
the utter -absence of color in his
cheeks was startling. That meant the
absence of red that warm glow of
the blood eager and alive in his
veins. Perhaps an observer Would
have noticed lean hands, with big-.
knuckled fingers, a rather firm mouth,
and closely cropped dark hulr. .. He
was twenty-nine years of age, but he
looked somewhat older. He know now
that he was never going to be any
older. A doctor as sure of himself as
the one he had Just consulted couldn't
possibly be mistaken.
He sat down on a park bench, Just
beneath the spreading limb of a great
tree. He would sit here, he thought,
until he finally decided what he would
do with his remaining six months.
He hadn't been able to go to war.
The recruiting officer had been very
kind but most determined. The boys
had brought him great tales of France.
It might be nice to go to France and
live In, some country inn until he died.
But he didn't have very long to think
upon tills vein. For at that instant
the squirrel came down to see if he had
a nut.
It was the squirral of Destiny. But
Dan didn't know it then.
Bushy-tail was not particularly
afraid of the human beings that
passed up and down the park, because
he had learned by experience that they
usually attempted no harm to him.
But, nevertheless, he had his Instincts.
He didn't entirely trust them. After
several generations, probably the
squirrels of this park would climb all
over its visitors and sniff in their ears
nnd Investigate the back of their
necks. But this wasn't the way of
Bushy-tail. Ho had come too recent
ly from the wild places. And he won-.
dered, most Intensely, whether this
tall, forked creature had a pocket full
of nuts. He swung down on the
grass to see.
"Why, you little devil 1" Dan said
in a whisper. His eyes suddenly
sparkled with delight. And he forgot
all about the doctor's words and his
own prospects in his bitter regrets
that he had not brought a pocketful
of nuts.
And then Dan did a curious thing.
Even inter, he didn't know why he did
It, or what gave him the Idea that he
could decoy the squirrel up to him by
doing It. That was his only purpose
Just to see how close the squirrel
would come to him. He thought he
would like to look into the bright eyes
at close1 range. All he did was sud
denly to freeze into one position In
an instant rendered as motionless as
the rather questionable-looking stone
stork that was perched on the foun
tain. .
Where Dan Failing decides
to spend his last six months
and who ha really is, are in
teresting features of the next
Installment of "The Voice of
the Pack."
Spread of Bathing In Europe.
Bathing came to Europe as one of
the good results of the Crusades. The
Knights of the Cross found baths in
general use among the Saracens, and
seeing what good things they were,
on returning from those wars took the
initiative for their Introduction. In
this they were highly successful first
In England and from that to other
countries. So popular did the bath be
come that it became customary to have
one before ceremonies such as mar
riage or knighthood, and the people
have been ever since learning the value,
of keeping their skins clean.
People who live In the same square
don't always move la the same circle.