The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 18, 1921, Image 4

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The Maupin Times
Publiuhed every Thrusday at
Maupin, Oregon
Jcosiline It. Monition, Publisher
Subscription: Ouc year, $1,50; six
tuoutbK, 75 cents; three wontlis, 5t
Entered as second class mail
matter September J, 1914, at tb
postoffice at Maiiplti, Oregon, un
der tbe Act of March 3, 1879.
For Sale
All kinds of Rough Lumber
for sale for $15 M. Kramer &
GroBsman, 9 miles west of Tygh
Local Items
Two straw Btacka for sale
Job Crabtree.
The W. C. T.'U. met Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. Staats.
All enjoyed a social afternoon.
For rent, house in east Maupin
8 rooms with water and phone
in house; chicken house also.
Write Uox 762, The Dalles.'
Mrs. Ray Kaylor is taking the
place of a man helping her hus
band hall wheat, do to scarcity
of farm help.
Portland Painless Dentist, 30P,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Anderson
and brother of Mra. Anderson of
Walla Walla Washington, arrived
Monday and after a few days
visit here with friends they leit
for Klamath falls and East
Good Mare 4 years old, weight
between 1400 arid 1500, will
trade for young cow and calf.
It. II r DeCamD.
Don't let the flies bother your
cows. Get some Fiy Chaser
at the Maupin Drug Store.
818 Calhoon St.. The Dalles, Ore
Neat, quiet and home like
Terms reasonable. Phone Red
Mrs. Nellie Marris, Prop.
(continued from page 1)
Orrjnn's Higher InMiiuttan ol
Fight Srhooh; Sovrnly l)"g.rtnirnl
FM.I TTKM OffNS SH'T. 19, 1121
for infnrmitinn will? lo thf K-pinrtr
Oregon Agricultural College
' ;RYius
Portland Saturday Bnd is a
guest of his brother Johnny
Gordon. He iB recently from
Lester Crofoot, Dave Campell
Andy Bails and Belvie Patison
went to Maupin Sunday to help
organize a brass band.
Clliford Miller who has been
workinir in the harvest fields
here returned to Maupin Sunday.
Clyde McMurry and family
were up from Portland visiting
at the J. P. McMurry home.
Arbv Maarill and Misg Alda
Norvel were Dalles visitors t
Guy Harvey has been very ill
the past week with typhoid
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy
Miss Lucile Kennedy, and Ed
Driver came down from the pos'
camp Sunday.
Lester Crofoot and IIoust
Johnson who spent several day
at the summit went on to Port
land returning by the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Orange Bi'iltait
of Tygh were guests Saturda
night at the Cheater Brittair
The Misses Iva and Mrtl
Mulvany were down from Smock
Mit Wing, Al Gillis, Dick Sav
age,. C. S. McCorkle, Hermai
Gesh, Sid Mulvany and theii
families. J. R. Woodcock. Ivb
and Myrtle Mulvaney and Mrs
Lura Savage went to the mount
ains Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pratt
are staving at the C. S. McCorklt
home this week.
P. B. Driver went to Maupir
Saturday and aeain to day to
get ice for Guy Harvey.
, Phil Byrd and family came out
from the mountains Friday
lhey remained over night at thf
Dick Palmateer home. Miss Phil-
lis Byrd stayed until Sunday
Bert Knighten and family ol
Tygh are guests of Mrs. Emmr
Chastain Sunday.
Dr. Elwood was called to sei
George Tillotson who has typhoii
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woodcocl
and Barnard Welch entertainet
twenty five guests at the Wood
cock home Sunday with
cream and cake.
Attorney at Law
James Chalmers
General Blacksmithing
Horse Shoeing a Specially
Maupin, Ore.
I.O. O F.
Lodge No. 200, Maupin, Oregon.
iiweU tvnry Saturday night ir
I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem
bnrs always welcome.
Geo. McDonald, N. G.
B. K. Tuhm;h, Secretary.
and General Repairing
Chilled Shears Ground
All Trices Way Down
A. F. Martin
For Sale Kentucky Wonde
String beans.-Mrs. Job Crabtre
' Wapinitia
continued from page 1
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Eielusivoly Optical
Rooms 17-1S Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug tur,
The Dallrs, Ore
Phone Black 1111
from the mountains Tuesday.
Mrs. C. J. McCorkle is visitiny
relatives in The Dalles.
Mrs, Chappel has been sick
a few days. Clyde Flinn has
been taking her place with the
McCorkle threshing outfit.
Grandpa Evick is much bettei
and his sons have returned to
their homes.
Ralph Dodge has returns
home again.
Harry Lewis and family are ii
the mountains.
Bessie Arnett is employed at
Roy Batty 's.
Rev. and Mrs. Matthews of
Simnaaho were guests at ' the
parsonage Friday.
Mrs. Pegg is at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Abbott while
Mrs. Grisham is in the mour-
Mrs. Nathan Hill returned
home Sunday after a week's
visit with her parents at Smock
Mrs. R. W. Richmond enter
trained with a chicken dinnei
Sunday in honor of Mr. Rich
mond's birthday. Those present
I were Mr. and Mrs. D- Woodside
'and Lloyd and Miss Alma Powell
. and Rev. J. I. Parker and family
i It is reported that the Sini
! nasho Indians have purchased a
threshing machine and tractor.
Work began Tuesday on the
new Market road by the United
Construction company.
Everett Richmond went to
Camas this week with a truck
jload of powder for Joe Graham-
Brunswick Records
August Release
Boll Weevil Blues-Al Bernard and Carl Fenton's Orch
I Ain't Afraid of Nuthin' Dat'B Alive. , .Ernest Hare
UaLikeNo aLike. .Frank Ferera - Anthony Franchini
Honolulu March..
Memphis Blues Al Bernard Carl Fenton's Orch
Frankie and Johnnie. " " "
Peggy O'Neil Billy Jones
All By Myself. . Ernest Hare and Crescent Male Trio
Ain't We Got Fun-Fox Trot. .BennieKrueger's Orch
Dangerous Blues Fox Trot..
Carolina Lullabv Chas. Hart and Elliot Shaw
Orange Blossoms Crescent Male Trio
Peaches-Fox Trot-Accordion Solo Mario Perry
After These Years-Fox Trot. . Acc. Solo Mario Perry
Poor Buttermilk-Piano Solo Zez Confrey
You Tell 'Em Ivories-Piano Solo.
Oh Me! Oh My!-Fox Trot. . .Carl Fenton' Orchestra
Tea-Cup Girl-Fox Trot
Ain't We Got Fun ...... . Harmonizer's Male Quartet
Down on the Farm
I'm Nobody's Baby-For Trot. Green Bros.Nov Band
Listening-Fox Trot -.Green Bros. Novelty Band
Moonlight-Fox Trot Carl Fenton's Orchestra
i- . '
uecp in your eyes vyhiiz. . .
Mello 'Cello-Fox Trot. .Erdody Penn. Hotel Orchestra
All For You- " " ..
Drifting Down Criterion Male Quartet
Gospel Train
I,nldie Ruck of Minn James Sheridai
Mollv O Jame Sheridan and Crescent Male Trio
Siren of a Southern Sea-Fox Trot.Isham Jones Orch
Mon IIomme-Fox Trot. . . .Knickerbocker Orchestra
The World Can't Go 'Round Without You. Dor Jardon
Hebrew Melody, Dance-Violin Solo, , , E'ias Brceskin
Serenade Espangncle-Violin Solo " "
Until Theo Karle
Remember you can play these Records
on Columbia, Victrola, or any Needle
R. E. Wilson Co.
Maupin Tovvnsight ami Springs are priced now at
Next week will see a raise in price of $1000
All lots in Maupin are remarked; warranty
deed and abstract goes with each lot from this date.
If you want a lot buy before the raise.
We have some houses for sale right. Also we
can put you in touch with the proper parties for
easy terms if you desire to build in Maupin.
Wc insure everything and anything for you.
MORRIS BROS. Matipin, Oregon
Automatic Air Control
automatically controls the volume of air
entering the carburetor, making it possible
to throttle your car down on a very lean
Gives a more correct mixture at all speeds
Results: More Power, more
flexibility, less carbon, less
heat, and an Increase of
Three to Eight Miles
Per Gallon of Gas
The Eclipse is mechanically and scientific
ally correct. The double valve absolutely
Prevents Any Damage by Backfire.
For Sale by
Wm. L. Morrison and J. E. Morrison
Sole Distributers for Wasco and Sherman Counties
Fresh Fruits and
East End of Bridge Maupin, Oregon
University of Oregon
The College of Literature,
Science and the Arts
The School of Architecture
end Allied Arte.
The School of Buaineat
The School of Education
The Extension Division
The Graduate School.
The School of Journalism
The School of Law
The School of Medicine
The School of Music
The School of Physical
The School of Sociology
Fall Term Opens September 26
A Mflh standard of cultural and professional scholarship has become
one of the outstanding murks of the Stale University Hor a catalogue,
folders on tlie various schools or for any Information write
Public Land Sato
Department of the Interior
U. S. Lund Oflice at The Dalles, Ore
,,,, ., . iii !E". June 20, 1921.
Whaite returned last Nulicc jH iorcb giv(;n lmt ag
from MarsllflCld, Oregon. I directed by tho Commissioner of the
I General Land office, under provisions
, jot sec. Wh, K. b., pursuant to tho
Bert Knighten and family i application of James P. Abbott, Serial
e . 'i, l, .it.,,ln ; No. 021959, we will offer at public sale,
were over from lyfeh Monday. t0 ,. hi 'hegt bldd ,lt 'at not , '
Closing out the Season's Fish
ing tackle at your own price,
Maupin Drug Store.
A. F. Evick, G. G. Allen am)
T. E. Morgensen renewed their
subscriptions to the Times this
. A few $15.00 42-piece Dinner
Sets left. Will close them out
at $10.00. Maupin prug Store.
Dr. Dake returned to Portland
this morning.
Mrs. Geo. Cunningham is ill.
suffering from ulers of the
Mr. and Mrs. John Confer and
Mrs. L. B. Kelly left Tuesday
morning for the mountains.
Mrs. W. O, Miller returned
home Sunday night from Corval-lis.
Conference Superintendent of
the U. B. church, Mr. McDonald
of Portland will preach Sunday
morning and evening at the
Wapinitia church and Sunday
afternoon at the Pine Grove
school house house. He will
hold the last quarterly confer
ence for the year at Wapinitia
church Friday evening.
Kah-Ne-Ta Rot Springs
We wish to announce that the
Springs are open for the Season
with Larger Camp Grounds, Im
proved Roads, Groceries, Wood,
Oiis ajid. fjas kept on hand.
Kah-Ne-Ta Hot Springs Cp,
The Oakley-Pate Seed Co. of
Joplin, Mo., favored the Times
thia TVpe' with a copy of a
beautiful pictorial catalogue of
the Ozarks.
Wanted. 4 or 5 dozen hens and
2 or 3 small pigs. C. B. Dahl,
Tygh Valley.
Notice is hereby given that-the undr
signed has been appointed Administra
tor of the estate of Daniel F. Osborn,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the said estate are required
to present mem, property vermea to
the undersigned at the office of Francis
v. (i&nowav, in ine yanes. uregon,
within six months from the first date
of this publ.catiun, iaul date being
July 7, 1921.
Willard A. Osborp,
than $2.00 per Hero, at 10:15 o'clock A,
M., on the 20th day of September,
next, at this ollice, the following tract
of land: Wl-2 BBl-4, section 4. town
ship 6 st'Uth, Range 12 East, VV. M.
Containing 80 Acres!.
Hie sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at the hour named have ceased
bidding. The person making the high
est bid will be required to immediately
pay tfl the Receiver the amount thereof
Any berapns claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
L, A. Booth, Receiver.
Public Land Sale
Department of the interior
V. S. Land Oflice at The Dalltu, Ore
gup, Juno JL l
Notice is hereby given t)at as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land office, under provision
of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the
application of James P. Abbott Serial
No. 021960, we will offer at public
sale, to the highest bidder, but at not
less than $2.00 per acre, at 11.00
o'clock A. M. on the 13th day of Sept
ember next, at this office, the following
tract of land: Nl-2 SEl-4, Section 8,
Township 6, 'Solith Range Jasfj
W. M. (Containing 80 Acres.
"This tract is ordered into the
market on a showing (hat the greater
portion thereof is mountainous or too
rough for cultivation."
The sale will not be kept open but
will be declared closed when those
present at the hour named have ceased
bidding. The person making the high
est bid will be required to immediately
pay to the Receiver the amount thereof
" 'Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land 'are! 'Advised ' to
hie their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
L. A. Booth, Receiver,
Department of the Interior
TJ. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles,
Oregon, AugUBt S, 1931.
Notice is hereby given that
Alexander Rosa
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who on August
10, 1918, made Additional Homestead
application No. 01H583, for se1-4ne1-4,
NKl-4fiEl-4, section 22, Township 3
south, Range 18 east, Willamette
MeriiJiftl), has filed notice of intention
to niBke final three year proof, tj
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiver,
United States Land Office, at Tho
Dalles. Oregon, on the 27th day of
September, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Edgar
H. Miller, Alfred P. Fergueson, M. F.
Coberth, C. VV. Wine, all of Tvirh
Valley, pregpn.
u. frank woogcpcls, Register.
Deoartment of the Interiorior
U. tJ. Land Office at The Dalle3, Ore
gon, July 18. 1921.
Notice is hereby given that
Gussie I. Derthick.
of Maupin. Oregon, who on July 12,
1920, made Additional Homestead Entry
No. 020478. for Wl-2swl-4, Section 22,
Nl-2Nwl-4, section 27, swl-4NEl-4, NEl-
4sw1-4. E1-2NWI-4, section 28. lown
shin 5 south. Ranee 14 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has hied notice of
intention to make three year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before F D. Stuart, united
States Commissioner at Maupin, ure
gon, on the 15th day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses: W. C.
Richardson, a J. Williams, W. H.
Williams, B. F Turner all of Maupin.
II. Frauk Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interior
(t. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gn, August 8, 1921.
Notice Is hereby given that
Millard FT Coberth
of Tygh Valley Oregpp, who on Nov.
0, 1916, made Homestead entry No.
016686, for wl-2 NWl-4, wl-2 swl-4,
SEl-4 swl-4, sl-2 seI-4. Section 29,
NEl-4 NEl-4 section 32, Township
3 south, Range 13 east, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make final three year proof to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiver
United States Land Ofiice at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the 2th day of
September, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Alex
ander Ross, Edgar 11. Miller, Alfred
P. Fergueson, George Lofton, all of
Tygh Valley, Oregon.
H, frank Woodcock, Register.
Clifford.4$len is working in -
the Maupin warehouse. Taking
Mr. Andersons, place, who re-
signed his job for his former
occupation as chief cook.