The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 11, 1921, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Thrusday at
Maupin, Oregon
Jcssiline K. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; si
months, 75 cents; three montli.v
Entered as becoud class mail
matter September 2, tji., at
postoflice Ht Maupin, Oregon, tin.
dcr the Act of March 3, 1B79.
For Sale .
All kinds of Rough Lumber
for sale for $15 M. Kramer &
Grossman, 9 miles west of Tygh
Local Items
Leading Magazines. For Sale
at the Maupin Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C.IIenneghan
went to the niountians Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattuck
are away on their vacation-
Two straw stacks for sale
Job Crabtrce,
For rent, house in east Maupin
3 rooms with water and phone
in house; chicken house also. -Write
Box 762, The Dalles.
A small fire occured at the
L. (5. Blakney home the 28th
very little damage was done-
Uay Kaylcr went to The Dalles
Wednesday for 13. D. Fraley.
$225 Claxtonola talking ma
chines Reduced to $175; Wh
Claxtonola talking machines Re
duced to $125 st Maupin Drup.
Store; will give terms.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
'Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor, .
A number of changes in oc
cupancy of local residences took
place last week. A. M. White
and family moved into the cot
tage on Deschutes avenue with
Mrs. White's mother. Mr. and
Mrs. Dufur moved from the
postoflice building to the White
residence. Mr. Brown of the
Christian church moved into the
apartment vacated by Mr, and
Mrs. Dufur.
Onion's Hhcf Itislihiimn of
hghl Si'lmolk; Srvrnly tinrnta
FALL 1T.RM 011 SUT. I'l. I VI
Ftr informs 'en 'viit. 10 tbr Pnitirvr
Oregon Ajirii ".illural 0llej:e
Attorney ivt Law
James Chalmers
General Blacksmithing
Horse Shoeing a Specially
Maupin. Ore.
I.O. O F.
Lodge No. 200, Miinpln, Oregon,
meutfl every LiHhndny night in
1. O. O. F. hull. Vidlting mem
hers always weleonio.
Ceo. McDonald. N. G.
1 B. 1 Turner, fecie-tary.
and General Rcpahing
Chilled Shcirs Ground
All Prices Way Down
A. F. Martin
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses I Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Roonm 17-1S Vogl Block, uyu
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles. Ore
Phono Black 1111
if tA W
Wamic News
Joe Wing has been suffering
from an access on his hand the
past week.
Vernie and Gerald Wing and
Mrs. Emma Winer. Mrs. Alice
Zumwalt and Mrs. Maggie Wing
went to the Dufur orchard lues-
day and brought back a lot of
Rev. G. Brown of The Dalles
postponed his preaching here
Sunday on account of the harv-
est work.
Mrs. Lelah Serrurier and little
Thelma arc here from Grass Val
ley the past week.
The Driver Kennedy and Har
vey thresher finished its run
The company thresher started
its run to day at the John Illing
sworth fields. Mrs. Vesta Ken
nedy of Vancouver Washington
is cooking for the crew.
Mrs. Agnes Chandler assisted
with the cooking at the Kennedy
and Harvey thrashing work.
Much excitement prevailed
here when the Belvie Palrson
wheat field and the Frank Magi 11
stubble burned. A heavey wind
was blowing and it seemed as if
the entire fields east of the coun
ty roads would bo consumed in
the rapidly sweeping flames. The
heroic efforts of the men, a hun
dred or more which responod t
the call fur help succeeded in
putting out the fire.
Barnard Welch arrived Frida
from a ten dsys stay in Portland
his father, Willie Welch accom
pained him as far as the summit
Rernad will return to the moun
tains in a few days where they
will spend a month.
Mrs. Anna Packard is at
Brookling with her son Wily
Knighten who is suffering with
eye trouble.
J. L. Illingsworth came out
from The Dalles Friday. He
brought a quantity of fine peach
es from his orchard. He will
harvest his alfalfa hay whih
Clifford McCorkleof Junipei
flat visited Lester Crofoot Sat
urday night and Sunday.
John Jackson, Lewis Derthicl
Art Gustier and Miss Fronr
Kramer were here from Maupin
Sunday was the hotest day ol
the season the thermometei
registering 102 degrees.
A hail and rain storm fell hen
Sunday evening accompanied b
lightening and thunder. The aii
was very hot and opressive ami
lasted throughout the night.
Lightning stuck a pine tree
near the Joe Wing place Sunda;
evening setting fire to the dry
grass and pine needles. The
heavy rains extinguished tin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poring
Mr. Dorings mother and Mr, and
Mrs. Guy Brittian were up from
1'ygli Sunday ' visiting at th"
John Illingsworth home. Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Brittain went on to
Smock to visit Mrs. M. Duncan.
Two soldiers came over from
Dufur to assist with the Legion
work at the Terry Jones funeral.
Chester Brittain, Wilber Wins
and Gilbert Illingsworth went to
the mountains to day.
Mrs. Pauline French and baby
returned to The Dalles to rlny
after spending a week with rein
fives here.
Prof J. R. Ward will - leave
with his family to night for
Dryed, Washington, where they
will make their future home.
Vhoy will take the one orlock
train at Maupin. Claud Roberts
! will take them to the station.
! The largest crowd of people
j ever assembled at the cemetery
; here was that which came yes
terday to witness the military
funeral rites over Terry C. Jones
' who was brought from Frarce
1 were he died with pneumonia
; while in the service. The Amcri n
; Legion conducted the rites and
Rev. Eadi of Smock pronounced
the religious ceremony. Terry
Jones was highly esteemed by
'those who knew him and many
! sorrowing friends brought flow-
Try Our
A 4 quart genuine
Betty Bright Alumnium
Sauce Pan and cover given
with every 5 pound can
You will come back for more
What are you
School days are coming
Buy Now
see Morris
Dr. II. C. Dake will be in Maupin from
August 6th to about August 20th
And will be prepared to render dental
services. Appointments can be made
with Dr. Stovall.
Automatic Air Control
automatically controls the volume of air
entering the carburetor, making it possible
to throttle your car down on a very lean
Gives a more correct mixture at all speeds
Results: More Power, more
flexibility, less carbon, less
heat, anil an Increase of
Three to Eight Miles
Per Gallon of Gas
The Eclipse is mechanically and scientific
ally correct. The double valve absolutely
Prevents Any Damage by Backfire.
For Sale by
Wm. L. Morrison and J. E. Morrison
Sole Distributers for Wasco and Sherman Counties
to do
Bros, o
Fresh Fruits and
East End of Bridge Maupin, Oregon
era as tokens of their esteem, j
Two beautiful wreaths from the
Legion here and at The Dalles
were placed with tender emmo
tion on the grave.
Mrs. N.J. Jones, Mr. and Mir.
Evans Parish, Mr. and Mrs Fred
Bichsell and daughter Thelma of
The Dalles and Mr. and Mrs.
George Led ford of Friend were
here to attend the funeral. They
were guests for dinner at the
C. S. McCorkle home.
Smock Items
Mrs. Alice (Blanchard) Ayres
with her husband visited the
home folks last week, returning
ta their home in Prineville Sat
urday. Threshing is underway and
wheat is a very good crop.
The rain and hail Sunday even
!ng delayed work Monday niorr-
ing but it laid the dust and was
very refreshing. We have not
heard of any serious damage by
the hail.
Mrs. S. G. Led ford was called
to Ashland by the serious illness
illness of her father Mr. Mayfield
who passed away Mond the 1st.
Her little son David accompa
nied his mother and was taken
very ill ajid operated on for
appendicitis. He is getting along
fine and will soon be at home,
Wamic Girl Married
Miss Mary V. Miller, formerly
of Smock was married to William
A. Lehnherr of Myrtle Point,
August 6th at Coquilh Miss
Miller is a very successful teach
er and for the past five years
she has been teaching in Oregon
She is teaching a summer school
here and last spring contraated
for nine and one half months at
Tillamook where her parents
Mr. Lehnherr is an ex-service
man, having served two years
in foreign service, on a subma
rine destroyer He is a gradu
ate from Astoria high echoo! and
attended a medical college be
fore entering the Government
service. He is a member of the
Masonic lodge and very popular
among the "younger set" of
Myrtle Point.
The young couple will proba
bly make their home near Myrtle
Department of the .iterior
V. Land Office at The Dalleo, Ore
gon,' August 8, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that
Millard f. Coberth
of Tygh Valley Oregon, who on Nov.
y, 1920, made Homestead entry No,
016686, for Wl-2 Nwl-4, Wl-2 SWl-4,
SEl-4 ewl-4, Sl-2 SEl-4. Section 29,
iibI-4 NEl-4 section 32, Township
;i south. Range 13 east, Willamette
Meridian, has riled notice of intention
to make final three year proof to
establish claim to tho land above dc
scribed, before Register and Receivei
United States Land Office at The
Daiws, Oregon, on the 27th day of
Septembe, 2L
Claimant bames as intnesses: Alex
ander Ross, Mgar H. Miller, Alfred
P. Fergueson. UecTea Lofton, all of
Tygh Valley. Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Depart ment of the Interiorior
U. ii. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 18. 1921.
Notice" i3 hereby given that
Gussie 1. Derthick,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on July 12,
1929, made Additional Homestead Entry
No, 020478, for wl-2swl-4, Section 22,
n1-2nw1-4, section 27. sw1-4ne1-4, neI-lswl-4,
e1-2nw1-4, section 28, Town
ship 6 south, Range 11 East, Willam
ette Meridian, han filed notice of
intention to make three year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 15th day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses: 'W. C.
Richardson, O. J. Williams, W. H.
Williams, B. F Turner all of Maupin.
U. Frank Woodcock, Kegi&tcr.
Public Land Salo
Depurtmcnt of tho Interior
11. S. Land Office at The Dulles, Ore
gon, June, ft, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land office, under provisions
of Sec. 2-150, li. S., pursuant to the
application of Peter E. Conroy, Serial
No. 021192, we will oflfer at public
sale to the highest bidder, but at not
lees than $3.50 per acre, at 10.45
o'clock A.M.on the 18th day of August
next, at this ofllco, the following tract
of land: swl-4 SEl-4. Sec. II, T. 6 S.,
It. 15 E. W. M. (Containing 40 Ackb).
"This tract is ordered into the market
on a showing that the greater portion
thereof i mountainous or too rough
for cultivation. "
The sale will not be kept open, but
will bo declared closed when those
present at the hour named have ceaBcd
bidding. The person making the high
est bid will be required to immediately
pay to the Receiver the amount thereof
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
tile their claims, or objections, on or
before the lime designated for sale.
L. A. Booth, Receiver,
Notice ia hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed Administra
tor ot the culato ol uaniei r. usDorn,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the said estate are required
to present them, properly verified to
the undersigned at the office of Francis
V. Galloway in ihe miles, uregon,
within six months from the first date
of this publ.cation, said date being
July 7, mi.
wiuarci a. usDorn,
Public Land Salo
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 20, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land office, under provisions
of Sec. 2150, R. S., pursuant to the
application of James P. Abbott, Serial
No. 021959. we will offer at public Bale,
to the highest bidder, but at not less
than $2.00 per acre, at 10:15 o'clock A,
M., on the 20th day ot September,
next, at this office, the following tract
of land: Wl-2 BEl-4, section 4. town
ship 6 south, Range 12 East, W. M.
Containing u Acresj.
The sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at tne nour namea nave ceasea
bidding. The person making the high
est bid will be required to immediately
pay to tne tteceiver tne amount ipereoj.
Any bersons claiming adversely tho
above-described land are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
L. A. Booth, Receiver.
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalle3, Ore
gon, June 14, 1921,
Notice ia hereby given that as
directed by the Commjsaioper of tho
General Land office, under provisions,
of Sec. 2430, R. S., pursuant to the
application of James P. Abbott Serial
No. 0219ii0, we will offer at public
sale, to the highest bidder, bitt at np(.
lens than $2.00 per acre, at 11.110
o'clock A. M. on the 13th day of Sept
ember next, at this office, the following
tract of land: Nl-2 se1-4, Section 8,
Township 6, South Range 12 East,
V. M. (Containing 80 Acres,
"ThU tract is ordered into tho
market on a showing that tho greater
portion thereof ia inountaiiioua or too
rough for cultivation."
The sale will not be kept open but
will be declared closed whfn those
present at the hour named have peascfl
bidding. The person making the high?
est bid will be required to immediately
pay to the Receiver the amourit thereqf
Any porsona claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
tile their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale,
L. A. Booth, Receiver,
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalle?,
Oregon, August 8, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that
Alexander Rops
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who on August
10, 1918, made Additional Homestead
application No. 016!3, for re1-4ne1-4,
NK1-4KE1-4. section 32, Township 3
ciouth, Range 13 east. Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make final three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiver,
United States Land Office, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the 27th day of
September, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Edgaf
H. Miller, Alfred P. Fergueson, M. F.
Coberth, C, W. Wing, all of Tygh
Valley, Oregon.
'H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Point, where
a large stock
Mr. Lehnherr has
ranch. Scores of
friend3 all over the state wisrj
the young couple joy and happi