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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1921)
MAUP Demoted to the Interest? of Southern Wasco County VOL 7, NO 44 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 11.1921 IJIE YEAR $1.50 T. E. Morgensen was up from Mosier looking after his Tygh Valley ranch today. B. D. Fraley and family motor ed down to Seaside Saturday to enjoy the cool breeze a few days Miss lea Derthick' returned home from Portland where she has been employed the last three months. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Martin left Tuesday for a few weeks in the mountains. An electrical storm was ex perienced here Sunday evening, accompanied by condideral wind and a brief sprinkling of rain. A Big reduction on Bathing Suits and Caps. Maupin Drug Store. HOTEL MAUPIN Sanitary and Commercial Rooms Home Cooking PHONE 8A82 Our Motto is SERVICE Wapinitia Mrs. Clyde Flinn and little Doris aceompained Mr. and Mrs. Ben Forman to The Dalles last Friday. . ' Jesse Flinn was visiting in Wapinitia this week. Mrs. D. Woodside and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Graham at Clackamas. Mrs. D. W.Sharpe and Melba have gone to The Dalles to Visit relatives. Everett Richmond spent sev eral days in The Dalles" getting some parts repaired for his truck Kenneth Hill gave his parents quite a scare last Tuursday when he drank some turpentine. A. F. Evick is here at the i bedside of his father who is Local Interest B. F. Cook and T. W. Shaugh nessy returned Friday from the mountains, the latter going on to Portland where he is employ ed on the Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Frank liobarge who have hiked the distance from New York to Maupin ar rived here Monday evening, taking the night train for Bend where they have a homestead. Dr. Dake arrived Sunday from Portland and has equipped the rooms in the rear of the Maupin Drug Store for dental parlors and is enjoying a lively practise. Win. Purcell made a trip to Mosier the first of the week with a load of furniture. The Purcells have bought a farm there and are leaving Tygh. The equipment has arrived for the road which is being surfaced grom the Derthick school house to Wapinitia. Work will com mence soon. Rev. Brown announces he will be at Washougal for three weeks where he will conduct meetings The Oakley-Pate Seed Co. of Joplin, Mo., favored the Times this week with a copy of a beautiful pictorial catalogue of the Ozarks. Take a bottle of Stovalls Chap Lotion with you on your Vacation Trip. Maupin Drug Store. You Owe Your Children A Home of Their Own 7--0 34'- 0" 1 :: .-r -s -r.'-Y !l J 7 - jfttllft.."M.I ...Ml U ' I " " jj l' I ' LIVING ftOOM 'XI? WICHLNy"'1' we-us- , fXl J I T JemM ? rxzgV BCD RM !$ FED ROOM HOTEL KELLY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT When you come to Maupin come in and see i us and bring the family. We will be glad to meet you and you can out at the Hotel Kelly as cheap as you can at home. M. FLYNN, Prop. Rates Back to Normilcy Service up-to-Date nnsr FLO Oft PLAN A house is not enoughgive the little ones the present joy and comfort and happiness of YOUR OWN HOME: It's a DUTY. And the best way to secure that home is to BUILD IT. Plan it just as you want it our Architects will help you and fit it to your pocket book all the rooms just as you would like to have them, with the best ideas as to both interior and exterior arrangements and suggestions as to vines, foliage and landscape work. BUILD NOW Nothing can be gained by waiting as Lumber prices are very unlikely to go lower, in fact may go slightly higher. Let all your Homes and Farm Buildings be Planned and Matcrialcd by Car of Coal just in, good stock of nny Wnnrl nn li'imU: U i Prepare for Winter P. S. S'pose you know Lumber's way down hqw about half last year's price. Mm m jT ' sy bell rower m nana r ower The Same Machine Tlie Maytag Washer To take tl in work. and worry out o wash' day, tli'ero's nolhingf C)iate so good na a gasoline chgiiw and a Maytag Washer. But if you don't hapjien to have the engine- that's no reason why you need bo without the wanner. Buy a Maytag Hand Power Washor, now. Then later " " When You Get Your Engine Just take off tho handle, au'l 3011 liave a Tsolt-powcr machine. The Maytag ia the wily "two-iu-ouo" waahor mauo. cce it ut vur siuru. A Power Washer FOR $27.3 O SHATTUCK BROS.; Maupin ipsa I A Bad Habit Carrying your surplus money around in your pocket. A Good Habit Putting it on time deposit with us at four per cent interest. Start today. Maupin State Bank Ws Strive to Merit Approval J very ill. W. 0. Wilson is visiting his sister in Pamona, Cal. Mrs. Sherrard entertained the ladies of Clackamas at an after noon tea last Friday at the sum mer home of Mrs. Graham. The honor guests were Mrs. Sam Brown and Mrs. D. Woodside. Eight ladies were present- Lunch was served on the lawn. Miss Gladys Cethcrfonl of Portland is visiting at the Hedin's and Ketherford't'. 0. L. Paquet went to the mountains Wednesday on a pros pecting trip. Rev. Parker and family made a round trip to Clackamas Tues day. L. E. Parker who has been sick returned with them. Oscar Hammer has returned from Goldendale. Mr. and Mrs. Straight are here from Oregon City. They are tearing down the old Ward house and preparing to build a bungalow in its place. A good time party and a Miss Grace Porter, for the past two years editor and pro prietor of the Long Creek Ranger, a local paper in central Grant county, was married July 31st to A. J. Tanler, a prosperous young farmer of that vicinity. Mrs. Tanler is a daughter of Allen Porter, the largest live stock man in that section, and will undoubtedly prow1 rapablp of the executive duties pertain ing to a rural mansion as well as I he rare distinction of being one of the feminine proprietors' of county newspapers who are making a financial success. H. 0. Brunner, postal inspec tor called at the local postoffice the fore part of the week and expressed his approval of the condition of the office. A number of people enjoyed the cool air and swimming pool down at the island Sunday. S I chicken dinner was given by Gladys Smith at her home Aug ust 6. ft-A r t ' You've fitted Machinery to your Farm THEN WHY NOT ! i let me fit music to your home j H. ANDERSON j Maupin, Oregon