FTTH? mm Devoted to the Interest? of Southern Watsco County VOL 7, NO 40 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 14.1921 THE YEAR $1.50 HE MAUFEN OLD SETTLER PASSES Early Resident of Tygh Valley Dies in Portland. J. T. Harper, 65 years old, died in Portland Sunday, follow ing an extended illness. Mr. Harper was an early resident of The Dalles at one time operating a grocery store here. Later he moved to Tygh Valley where he operated a general merchandise store until about four months ago, when he moved to Portland He is survived by his wife, one sister, Mrs. Mary Bass of St. Joseph, Mo., and three brothers, J. II., A. II., and W. D. Harper, all of The Dalles. He was a member of the Tvgh Valley Odd Fellows' lodge and the Dufur Masonic lodge. The body will arrive in The Dalles tomorrow, Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 6:30 p. m. from the Crandall Undertaking' company's chapel, Rev. W. H. H. For3yth officiating. Fraternal services will be held at the grave, under the direction of the Mosonic lodge. Burial will be in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Chronicle, July 11. Excursion Date Changed. The excursion of farmers from the middle west to Oregon which was scheduled to leave Omaha on July 19 and which would have reached Maupin on July 27 has been postponed until some time in September. The reasons given are that because of the excessive rains throughout that section, there are miles of wheat in Kansas, Nebraaka and Missouri still in the shock and the weather is such that it cannot be threshed and the farmers are unable to leave at this season of the year. The farmers interviewed by the Union Pacific men and others assisting in the work have stated that they would be glad to come to Oregon in September and re quest that the date for them to leave be postponed until that time. HOTEL MAUPIN Sanitary and Commercial Rooms Home Cooking PHONE 8A82 Our Motto is SERVICE A Bad Habit Carrying your surplus money around in your pocket. A Good Habit Futting it on time deposit with us at four per cent interest. Start today. Maupin State Bank VVs Strive to Merit Approval DECREE FAVORABLE J J . i i ! 0 I COMING Mnnnin. Sunday. July 10 Back To God's Country j By JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD j You will see Eskima women and papooses J Eskima dogs, Valuable furs and ono of th I best animal pictures ever taken and a good Skipper Comedy. A guaranteed show. If 5 you miss it you will be sorry. J Admission 25c and 50c 1 Wapinitia Irrigation Co. Wins ZZ:Bitterly Contested Suit." Si The decree of Judge Wolver ton in the Keep-Morgan suit against the Wapinitia Irrigation Company and water users is here in below printed. It was one of the most bitterly contested cases in the U. S. Federal Court in many years. It lasted ten days. Among the witnesses who attend ed the trial were L. B. Kelly, J. S. Brown, v John Ayers, W. B. Keen, Joe Colt Edward Fisher, and others. This victory over Keep and the Eastern Irrigation Power and Lumber Company is ocasion for rejoicing over Wap initia Plains. The attorneys for Morgan and Keep were Shepherd & Mendelshon. Richard Montague repiesenled the farmers and wat'i' users. Attorneys Harry Hay a idS. B. Houston, the late senator, represented. Wapinitia Irrigation Company. ' DECREE That the complaint should be, and hereby is dismissed. That the defendant Joseph R. Keep and M agents, employees and attorneys should be, and hereby are, perpetually enjoined from interfering, directly or in directly, with the Wapinitia Irrigation Company in its enjoy ment of the property and rights, franchises, etc., acquired by said defendant corporation by virtue of the deed to it from the Eastern Irrigation, power and Lumber . Company which 'said deed is further described as bearing date on or alout the twenty-fifth day of September, 1914; and are also perpetually enjoined irom in any manner disturbing the said Wapinitia Irrigation Company and UK water users securing water from the ditches of said defendant company, or either or any oi them, in the full enjoyment of their respective properties, rights and privileges with reference to the irrigation plant of said Wapinitia Irrigation Company. That the answering defendants in the suit, namely, the Wapini tia Irrigation Company, a cor poration; E. E. Miller, J. P, Abbott, C. E. Alexander, J. W. Ayres, Fen Batty, Frank Batty, Roy Batty, Ed Bothwell, H. F. Bothwell, O. D. Bothwell, A. A. Britton, John Carlin, W. O. Chastain, George Claymier, F. M. Confer, Charles Cox, J. S, Brown, Andrew Crabtree, M. Delore, Earnest Dodge, R. B. Diriver, Volney Endersby, Floyd Eubanks, A. F. Evick, F. S Fleming, N. W. Flinn, B. L, Foreman, Joe Graham, Herbert Hammee, Ira Grishani, Bert Hammer, Hank Harpham, James Hartman, L. C. Henneghan, Frank Huston, L. B., Kelly Calvin McCorkle, R. W. McCor kle, Fred Magill, P. H. Mott, E. A. Mayhew, J. W. O'Brien, O, L. Paquet, Mrs. Mary Pechette John Powell, J. L Kelly, Bren ton Slusher, Harvey , Slusher, Grover Slusher, Roy Slusher, Elmer Snodgrass, Arabel Staats? D. W. Talcott, I. C. San ford Louis Walters, Walter Woodside, L. W. Woodside, Dee Woodside G. E. Wood, J. W. Ward, J. I West, W. 0. Wilson, E, Fischer"; and each of said answer ing defendants hane and recover of and from the above-named complaint, their respective costs and disbursements in the abov entitled suit. Done and dated at Portland Oregon, this 9th day of May 1921. Chas E. Wolverton, District Judge. Game Warden Makes Catch Verily the way of the trans gressor is strewn with much grief, and he that fisheth with out a license had best keep his weather eye peeled for the wily srame warden. "One gentleman of Maupin and two more of Tygh Valley have cause to believe there is wisdom in the above paragraph. L. B. Kelly of Maupin, being of the opinion that Old Sol was miling too brightly for comfort on tne hill, hied himself to the river to whjle away an hour or two in the shade of a willow and neidently angle for the'luscious ainbow. Mr. Kell is not really fond of fishing and seldom in dulges in this form of sport oi- pastime, consequently Mr. Kellj ad neglected ' to secure the necessary angler's license, (We think Mr. Kelly will agree the word necessary is well nsed). Mr. Earl B. Houston, game warden of , Bend, being a very ndustrious game warden, and a game warden who ranges wide and silently, - silently ranged upon Mr, Kelly in his quiet and deluded and shady spot. Mr. Houston is not a fisherman and seldom indulges in the sport but seems to have an over grown hankering to feast his eyes upon the little blue tinted slip the state uses for a receipt for the coin they extract from your bank roll for the priviledge of fishing. Of course Mr. Houston Could not visit with Mr. Kelly very long without mentioning this special hankering of his and Mr. Kelly being unable" to assuage said hankering because Mr. Kelly does not care a great deal about fishing -just goes occatsionly for want of something better to do and perhaps kill a little time in the shade and breathe the pure air and refresh- ng breeze that interferes with accurate fly casting, Mr. Houston n formed him that the state demanded that all of ,the male gender over the age of sixteen carry one of those little blue tinted slips whilo flirting with the finny tribe if fur no other reason than to show game wardens who have a hankering to look at them, and provides a penalty for failure to satisfy the desires of the hankering game warden. Mr. Kelly, being of a very generous and obliging dis position, deplored his inability to satisfy Mr. Huston's craving, accompanied Mr Houston to the chambers of Judge Fischer and contributed the required salve for the healing of the wound inflicted. Louis J. Bonney resident of Tygh Valley, was also encount ered by Mr. Houston, while fish ing near Shearers bridge without permission by the state as indi cated by the little blue tinted slip. He also made the usual contribution in Judge Fischer's Court. The Bonney case came up Monday and Mr.. Kelly had his turn Tuesday. HOTEL KELLY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT When you come to Maupin come in and see us and bring the family. We will be glad to meet you and you can eat at the Hotel Kelly as cheap as you can at home. M. FLYNN, Prop. Rite3 Bick to Normalcy Service up-to-Date YELLOWSTONE .NATIONAL RAMt The World 's Greatest Playground and Museum vf Natural Wonders Maniricienl botela and commodious cainrs, SOU miles of improved highways; all in the midst of matchless scenery. Its botelu M'O marvelous establishments. Its camps are pretty little tent villages models of cleanliness,' Kanitaticn, order, comfort and simple, informal living. An ideal place, for vacation pleasures. Send for. our beautifully illustrated boojtlet telling all abeut its wonders in word and picture. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Operated DAILY during the Ha son between PORTLAND - WEST YELLOWSTONE by the ; , UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM ' COMMENCTNG'SATUK DAY, JUKE' IS, 1 EA VI NG rORTLANliST. C Our local agents will be glad to explain the various tours which enable visitonto see the Yellowstone so comfortably and at minimum coat; also to quote fares, prepare your itiner ary and make vour reservations. Call on R. B. BELL, Agent Maupin, Oregon or address WM. McMURRAY, General l'aasuner Atfenl Portland, Oregon The Times for the Home News I The Harvest is On. Threshing commenced for the season on Juniper Flat at R. W. McCorkle's farm Wednesday, when Mr. McCorkle and sons started up their machine. Considerable binder work has been done and some heading, and in .a few days harvesting and threshing will he underway in the entire section. Tuesday's Dalles Chronicle made following comment: Fall wheat is now sufficiently hardened that no amount of heat, even including the dreaded 41 U t ,lt ,' -r ' ' I i fV ' ''.'ihv-'lj f ,VV V ".'1 h!vV;.;','it (continued on pge 4) You've fitted Machinery to your Farm THEN WHY NOT me fit music to your home H. ANDERSON Maupin, Oregon let I i