The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 16, 1921, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 7, NO 36
THE YEAR $1.50
: i
5 H
Fire, Fish and Game
There is a -movement for law
enforcement on National Forests
Fire. Fish and Game.
After 15 years of education
and persuasion 70 percent of our
fires are caused by the careless
ness of man. This method seems
a failure, and now enforcement
of the law is to be tsied.
Scrape away dirt and inflama
ble material down to mineral soil
before starting a camp fire.
Don't leave a camp fire burninjjr
Extinguish a fire if you find
one, and if you can't, notify the
nearest ranger at once.
Don't burn brush during the
closed season, June 1st to Octob
er 1st, without first obtaining a
permit and the assistairce of a
Stale fire warden.
Don't carry a rifle out of sea
son, or withdut a hunter's license
Don't fish without a fishing
Women must have license.
Don't catch more than 30 fish,
or more than 20 pounds of fish
in one day,
Don't be found with more than
two day's catch in your posses
sion. This means business and
not a bluff, in forested regions.
Be careful and don't become a
Joe A. Graham,
, Forest Ranger.
A Success
A picnic given at the fair
grounds in Tygh Valley by the
Universal Farmers Union to the
Columbia Local, who came out
ahead in the membership con
test, was well attended by mem
bers and their friends., The
picnic was considered one of the
beat affairs of the kind ever ln-ld
in this part of the country.
County Agent Jackman, Coun
ty 1'rosident Hillman and Flank
Ingles gathered with the Colum-bia-ites
at the "big feed'' which
they had earned. Afterwards,
contests between the two locals
filled the afternoon. The ball
game, tug of war, and various
races were entered into with
zest and spirit, and furnished
much fun. Our people proved
themselves much better at sports
than at securing members, how
ever, and feel themselves the
gainers in many wass; one of
the greatest of which is the
opportunity to mc,et and get ac-quainted-with
such a number of
progressive farmers from the
northern end of the county.
Plans for making this an annual
affair may be made.
At a meeting after dinner a
scale of wages for harvest work
ers was adopted as follows:
Haying $2
Box drivers $2.50 to $3.
Header punchers, loader, and
sack sowers H $5.
Spike pitcher $3, $3.40.
Forkers $4, $4.50.
Hoe-down $3.50, H.
Separator tender and engineers
Roust-a-bout $2.50.
Cook $3.
A special meeting for ordering
harvest supplies for this local is
called for Friday evening, June
17, at 7 o'clock.
You know the time and the
place, therefore
Publicity Committee.
Cool weather, this sounds
good while the grain is filling.
Several cars passed through
here this week enroute to clear
Lake. The fishing is good for
this time of the year.
Mrs. Chester Brittan returned
toWamic th's week.
Ed Berna'd was over from
Simnasho Sunday visiting at the
Alexander home.
We Make Paints, Varnishes
? For Women's Use at Home
THOUSANDS ef women
with keen home pride want
to do their own painting and
(varnishing at home, and thou
sands do with materials we
;We make those materials es
pecially for home use. You
Bsk for "Fuller's Home Service"
Paint Products.
'And we maintain a special
"Home Service Department"
furnishing free information and
'detailed directions which will
enable anyone to do his or her
own work.
You simply describe the arti
cle, how finished now, and the
effect you want to get. We tell
you how, the kind of paint, the
kind of brush the things you
need to know to do good work,
. You'll be surprised, delighted
to see the transformation you
yourself can make in home
things furniture, floors, walls,
woodwork, bric-a-brac, etc.
"Just a can of paint or var
nish and a little work that's
fun," works wondere.
Our knowledge of paints and
painting practice has been gained
through 72 years' experience.
We are one of the country'9
largest manufacturers of paint
products and make the very fin
est kind of goods.
Don't think because you've
never done it that you can't do
work like this yourself. Try it
With our help. Just follow
Fuller's Specifications and you'll
get the desired effects.
Remember don't allow sur
faces to rot. It costs less to
paint them.
r -iv i"
Home ServicoPaints
Varnishes Enamels
tant that you get the right ma
terial so be sure to go to the
right store for Fuller product!.
iui out tne coupon to tne right
memo to airect you.
Write us now postcard
eatioa "Homs ttmti" Pain
Products whfch tells Just whit
to buy or the work you have ia
Consult our Advisory Depart
ment relative to the question!
you may have in mind,
"The All-Purpoee Varnish"
Adapted for any surface either
inside or outside. The most dur
able varnish obtain
able. Withstands in
terior wear and
weather exposure.
Does not scratch,
peel, rub off or turn
white. Dties over
night. Fullerwear h Ful
ler's Specification for
all-purpose varnish
ing at home for furniture, tables,
chairs, linoleum, etc. Boiling water
cannot harm it, nor rolling furni
ture. Dries dust-free in four hjura.
Walk on it overnight.
W. P. Fuller & Co. -
Dept. 11, San Francisco
Pioneer Paint Manufacturers tot
12 Years
Established 184 .
Branches in IS cities in the West
Dealers Everywhere
Also makers ef Rubber-Cement Floor
Paint, All-purpose Varnishes, Silken
white Enamel, Fifteen-for-Floors Vat
nish, Washable Wall Finish, Auto
Enamel, Barn and Roof Faint, Forch
and Step Faint.
ifli w est ssi an asi asi B am R sen 11
Cut this out and put it In your ni'.ket.
book or handbag as a memo)
Fuller's "Home Service" Faints ai
esld by the following in your cityi
AGENT Pure Prepared PAINT
Maupin Drug Co.
fr til Werlor libs of patatint it U advisable to obtain the oervlces ef a Master Fainttf
Maupin, Oregon
Carrying your surplus money around in your pocket is
Putting on Time Deposit with us at four per cent Interest is
Start today
0 A seven and a half pound
daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. J. I. Parker Monday.
Rounding up and driving the
range cattle to Clackamas mead
ows will commence some time
next week.
N. W. Flinn and family left
for Hood River last Wednesday
to pick strawberries. Mr. and
Mrs. David Sharp are leavine to
day and will join them.
George Morris has been writ
ing fire insurance policies in this
section the last few dayB.
Mr. and Mrs. Delhert McCoy
and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McCov
returned from 1'ortland hint
iiiursday. mat evening a large
charivari party gathererd and
pent the evening- eating ice
cream and candy smoking oigarg
and dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. David Sharpe
Mrs. Minnie Hartman spent
Thursday in The Dalles. Her
brother returned with her.
N. G. Hedin was called to
Portland last week, Mr. Miller
being very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Revel returned
from Portland last week, for the
Miss Anna Lewis, Delbert Mc
Coy, and Mrs. Mae Barzee and
ewis McCoy went to Portland
last Monday and were married
n Vancouver, Tuesday, June 1st
They are well known here and
we extend heartiest congratula
Joe, O'Brien had new potatoes
and turnips for the Monday
menu. Gardens are looking fine
N. G. Hedin made a trip to
he. Dalles Wednesday, taking
the "ballot box" in.'
Rev J. I. Parker purchashed
l Ford last week.
Mack Holloman and Ben Flinn
.vent to the post camp Wednes
day. They will make posts this
Children's day exercises held
I tit Sunday in Abbott's grove
Vt'Jo enjnyed by about 250 peo
ple. bmocK, nne ijrove and
iVap'nitia Sunday Schools were
represented. J he address in the
afternoon was delivered by Rev.
!!ads of Smock. A good pro
jram, the splendid fellowship,
ideal day, beautiful prove and
'jounteous spread made a very
pleasant occasion for all.
Harold Stanton and family
vereover from Simnaslio Sun
lay. Roy Woodside will attend O.
A. C. summer school as a guest
if the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
.'or growing the finest corn in
vVasco couflty. He also took the
.irst prize at th state fair.
Born, May 30 to Mr. and Mrs
"Walter Sharp, an eight pound
Mrs. J. S Brown received the
announcement of the birth of a
ion to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gabel
in The Dalles hospital Monday,
On Flat
Local Interest
County Roadmaster P. J. Marx
today placed a crew of men at
work surveying the route for the
new Wapinitia market road,
which will be built this summer
and fall from funds derived
from three separate sources;
county, btatejpirt individual road
district. The plan of nu-ivov
will connect the southern end of
the market road with The Dalles
California highway near Maupin.
The new market road will be
approximately nine miles in
length and will be topped with a
fine macadam surface. Under
the state market roads law,
Wasco county will put up$L'6,G00
which will be matched by the
state for application on this road
The Wapinitia road district, in
addition 10 tnis, has voted a
pecial road levy which will
probably bring the entire amount
to be spent upon the construc
tion of the road up to around
$60,000. As soon as the survey
is completed bids for grading
Base Ball
The Maupin base ball boys
play their next games at Moro
next Saturday and Sunday, June
18ehand 19th. On June 26th
the last game of the season to
be played at home will be be
tween Antelope and Maupin.
The Antelope team has the
credit of winnihg the only game
lost by Maupin this season. The
i. - 1 1
teams nave piayea two games,
each winning one.
Everybody come to Maupin,
June 26th and see these boys
play off the tie.
and macadamizing will be adver
tized for. -Chronicle, June 11.
Residents of Maupin were for
Hie bond issue from the very
first, and did not take any pains
to hide their feelings in this
matter, a member of the election
board told County Clerk W. L.
Crichton yesterday. "When the
flood of anti-bond propaganda
sent out by Mark A. Mayer wos
received by Maupin citizens,
they at once got together all of
the literature received, tied it
together in bundles and mailed
it backt 0 Maver and his Citizens
Welfare League," the Maupin
man explained. Chronicle, June
Sanitary and Commercial Rooms
Remember we run on pre-war prices -home cooking, neat and clean
MealB Served: Breakfast 6 to 8; Dinner 12 to 2; Supper 6 to 8.
Our Motto is SERVICE.
Wapinitia 24. Wamic 25. Maupin 26
Wallace Reede in
Valley of the Giants
A picture of the Big Things of earth, Giant Men, Giant Trees
-a struggle of Hearts' Wits and fists, a tale of the Big Outdoors
and the Redwood Lumber Camps of the West.
Sennett Bathing Girls Comedy
Poland Comedy Admissission 20, 40
Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson
and son Ivan lelt this morning
to visit Mr. Donaldson's sister
it Boring, Oregon. They plan
to make the trip from The Dalles
to Portland over the highway.
Water Patrons, Warning: "Be
careful that you do not let your
water run later than 10 o'clock
at night. This is for your own
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Harpham
are out from The Dalles for a
vi:"t with friends and relatives.
Now for the Fishing Tackle.
It don't pay to bother with bum
stuff. We've got the kind that
gets the Fish. Maupin Drug
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You've fitted Machinery to your Farm
let me (it music to your home
Maupin. Oregon