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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1921)
m A II TDI N MES JuL dX JLL JLiond Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 7, NO 35 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9,1921 THE YEAR $1.50 n o "n r nmvaiw IB Csunrnd. to 1 SO0 ? In For Sale 1917 McCormkk Used 12 Ft. Header in Fine Condition, for merly owned by the Davidson-Alexander-Confer outfit. Good canvases. Platform canvas new last year. No repairs needed to go into field. Will sell at $225 cash or on terms to Oct. 1st, 1921 Shatluck Bros. Maupin, Oregon The Farmer's Unions of Juni per Flat and Wrentham are hold ing a big picnic at the Tygh Valley fair grounds today. Paint is on the drop. Get our prices. Maupin Drug Store. TUESDAY'S ELEC- S MEASURES CARRIED Soldiers' Bonus Yes - - 62,613 No - - 22,891 Affirmative majority 39,722 Emergency Veto Amendment Yes - - 43,645 No - - 28,349 Affirmative majority 15,296 Women Juror Bill Yes - - - 41,601 No - - 38,036 Affirmative majority 3,565 Thousands will go Back East this summer because of the Low Round-Trip Fares offered by the big cross continent railroad Union Pacific System Serving the transportation needs of the Great Pacific Northwest and giving through service via the popular direct routes to Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Kansa8 City, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago on these two strictly first class trains "Oregon-Washington limited' and "Continental limited" Tickets on Sale Daily X Until and including August 15th. Return limit 90 days, but not later than October 81st. Chicago $106.80 Memphis $111.60 Pueblo $77.40 Denver 77.40 Minneapolis 87.60 St: Paul 87.60 Kansas City 87.60 Omaha 87.60 St.Louis 101.40 8 per cent War Tax to be Added Proportionate reductions to many points East. Stop-overs at plearure. Side trips may be arranged for Yellowstone, Zion and Rocky Mountain National Parks. For complete details as to routings, train schedules, side trip.', bleeping car rates and reservations, and other travel information desired, call on or telephone Win. McMurray, General Passenger Agent-Portland, Oregon MEASURES LOST Legislative Regulation Amend'nt Yes - - - 30,767 No 41.5,986 Negative majority 16,219 Marriage Examination Bill Yes - - 37,438 No - - - 44,307 Negative 'Majority 6,869 The vote in Wasco county on the road bonds reported to date is yes 1615: no 599. Oiegon Journal. The Maupin vote on the road bonds was yes 170; no 5. Tygh yes 95; no 7. Hosier ves 15, no 119. Antelope Suicide W. E. Johnston, postmaster at Antelope, shot and killed himself Friday morning, following an investigation into the accounts of the postoffice by G O. Brun- ner of The Dalles, postoffice in spector. Johnston shot himself in the temple with a revolver. He died six hours later in his home. Johnston was well known in Wasco county, having acted as postmaster at Antelope for 15 year3. He was also manager of the Southern Wasco Telej l one company. The shooting took place in hi3 little office in tht baek of the combined geneia! store and postoffice. A 4-year old girl, who was in the store, found Johnston, still alive. He was taken to his home, N where he died without regaining conscious ness. Inspector Brunner declared that he had found shortages in Johntson's books extending over a period of more than a year and a half. Coroner C. N. Burget was attending the picnic at Tygh Valley when word reached of the suicide. He was taken to Ante lope by a machine from The Dalles, and had a perilous trip over roads that had been swept by the heavy rains of the day. The coroner arrived in Antelope by Friday at midnight, and held an inquest to day. The verdict was death resulting from suicidal intent. Chronicle. Water Patrons, Warning: Be careful that you do not let your water run later than 10 o'clock at night. This is for your own protection. 1 PATRONIZE Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval Picnic Success As if to bring with additional force the necessity of a main highway through Wasco county, passable the year round, the tail end of a cloud burst yesterday afternoon descended on Tygh Valley, where several, hundred ranchers and business men from various parts of the county had assembled to hold a road bond rally in the interest of the pas sage of the $800,000 bond issue to be used in the construction of The Dalles California highway. The road bond rally was held in the morning, with only one out of several hundred men in attendance, still unconvinced of the great need in the county for such a road at the conclusion of the several speeches. Edward C. Pease, County Judge J. T. Adkisson and Elliott Roberts, representing The Dalles Wasco County Chamber of Com merce, were the speakers of the day. Automobiles filled with 15 local business men made the trip to Tygh Valley yesterday. After the road bond rally, basket lunches were produced and enjoyed by those present. All the while, however the sky had become blacker and blacker, but as no rain appeared to be immediately forthcoming, the ay's program was continued. The lunch completed, H. W. Aibury, Community service di rector in The Dalles, led in a 15 minute community sing. And then the baseball game started. The Maupin nine, with the record of having defeated all formidable opponents in Wasco county, wa3 out to wipe up the diamond with the ball tossers from Grass Valley. The game progressed evenly 0 to 0 until the second inning, when Jupe Pluvius who was apparently on the side of Giass Valley nine, became peeved at a decision given by the umpire and tarted throwing things. He threw rain, in 'great sheets, com pletely breaking up both ball- Igame ana picnic. lue rain is reported to have been the tail end of a cloudburst which had previously struck over Bend, causing considerable damage and washing out roads near that city. On the way back. E. C. Pease became more ardent than ever in his support of the bond issue, if if such a thing i3 possible, when the automobile which he was driving skided into a dangerous position on the Tygh grade and became mired. It was necessary to secure a team of horse3 to pull the big ear out. -Chronicle Saturday. Advance information on the Ellison-White Chautauqua pro gram for the season indicates s week of lectures, entertainment and music that should please "ihautaupia fans". The dates for Antelope have been definitely set for June 24th to 28th. The Time3 has been favored with a couple of season tickets. Bates Shattuck has put screen on their residence porch. NEMS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST The blacksmith shop at Tygh Valley burned last Thursday evening, a total loss. Try Hazelwood ice cream and a malted milk shake at Andy's place. L C. Henneghan is making some very substantial improve ments on their property in Maupin. In addition to a neat spacious garage, the fences hrve received attention and an attac tive addition of porches and bathroo is being made on the house. Now for the Fishing Tackle. It don't pay to bother with bum stuff. We've got the kind that gets the Fish. Maupin Drug Store. The ball game at Tygh Friday resulted in a victory for Maupin over the Grass Valley team 6 to 5 J. L. Confer built a garage on the rear of his Maupin property this week. Born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Doty an nine pound son; all doing fine. Ball Game A large delegation of Maupin players and fans went to Madras Saturday night to meet the Madas delegation on their home diamond Sunday afternoon. The game was clean and ih teristing to the last. No score wa3 made on either side until the sixth inning when Confer and George Morris run in two scores. The game completed when in the ninth inning Cun ningham knocked a three baser, bringing two more home. Madras players reached third base only three times; score ending 4 to 0. While not turning out very largely .for the game, much credit is due the Madras people for their congenial hospitality. All enjoyed a frollicing good time the entire trip. Gateway will play here next Sunday. , k Charles M. Stevens, 28, Albany Ore., and Mary A. Flanagan, 21, 870 Court St.-Oregonian Mar riage License column, Tuesday. Eastman Kodaks and Kodak Supplies. Maupin Drug Store. GRAND OPENING AT HOTEL MAUPIN June 12, Chicken Dinner, Plates 50c Qi ders taken for plates from now until Saturday, June 11, 6:30 p. m Remember we run on pre-war prices-home cooking, neat and clean Meals Served: Breakfast 6 to 8; Dinner 12 to 2; Supper 6 to 8. di V iii D) D) M Mi Real Estate and Insurance 7 U K V-i (Li BEOSo COMING, Wapinitia. June 10 Maupin 12 THE TIGER'S COAT ALL STAR CAST Will give you many a thrill, many a moment of suspense and a very great deal to think about after it is all over. Poland Comedy Admissission 20, 40 Some of the Many Things at Andy's Place Ilazclvvoocl Ice Cream, Vogan Candies Fresh and Cured Meats Home Rendered Lard Meals at all Hours Hutter-Krust Bread Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco . Pool and Billiard Room in Connection Andy's Place, Maupin, Ore.