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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1921)
MAUPIN t: THE 1MB Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 7, NO 33 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 26,1921 THE YEAR $1.50 Mrs. R. Johnson returned Monday from Portland where she attended the annual confer ence of the Free Methodist church. Mrs. James Cook bad charge of the work in Mrs J's absence. About 50 couple attended the dance. High school pupils furn ished part of the music. M. B. Zumwalt was in Maupin last week from Portland. He is with the shearing crew again this year. ' , Between three and four hun dred people ate dinner at the fish feed Saturday; 150 trout and 97 pounds of salmon were con sumed. Wood for sale $5.50 per cord. Phone 16F883. Are you getting Full Value for Your Money? Some of Hill's Values Tygh Valley Flour $2.25 per sack; $8.50 per barrel School Notes 6 lb. Crisco 1.35 10 lb. Lard 2.25 Bacon 35c lb. Steak 20c Roast 18c Boil 16c 3 bars P G Naptha soap 25c 3 bars Ivory 25c 4 bars Lenox 25c 2 can solid Pack Tomato 35c 2 cans corn 35c 1 can -large- Hominy 15c Salmon, Peaches,. Catsup, Coffee, Mushes, Crackers, Beans, Syrups, other Groceries to numen us to mention, down in Proportion. Get my Prices on Large Orders Tobacco in Tins, Tuxedo, Velvet, Prince Albert 15c "Your Money Goes Farther at Hill's" Wapinitia, .Oregon at the Maupin Garage i The Place to Get the Service on your Car or your Tractor-at the Garage, on the Ranch or on th Road. Just ring the Thone and call for 10A882 and see how long it will take us to be at you needs. No matter what you want or how bad you are Broke Down we will repair your broke) parts and put you on the go in less time and for less money than any one else can do so. . Why . Because we are prepared to do so in any line you want done. If your Tractor needs Overhauling for harvest call in and see us about it. If you have any brokei castings needing repair bring them to us. Wc can save you time and money on them. Don't sa;. they are too big or too small and throw them away- Just bring them in to the Garage anr get them repaired. If we can't repair them it won't cost you any money for us to tell ym they cannot be repaired. If your casting is on your Tractor and is hard to get off, leave it then and we can come and repair -it on the machine in less time than you can lake it oil, and yoi are on the go. All work i3 guaranteed to you. All we ask is for vou to give us one mon trial and if we can't make good; we will return your money, and will not complain. We sell vou Gasoline by the Ticket for Less Money than we can haul it home and fill your cars Every time you spill a pint of ga3 in filling your car and if you fill jour car 15 times out of you- barrel -50 gallons, you lose 15 pints wh.'ch will cost you 2 1-2 tents per gallon, uas costs yoi 35 centa uer eallon at the depot and you waste 15 pints it costs you 37J cents, Ies3 the troubh lianlintr if finme fill d rpfillinir our cur. Call at the Mauvjin Garpce and buy your ca3 by tin ticket and save your money and time and gas. When you buy 50 gallons of gai at the Maupii Garage you get 50 gallons of gas. We Sell Ga3 and Oil and Greases, Goodrich Tires and Tubes; Silveilone, Cords, Kelley, Springfieh Tires and Tubes. We make all adjustments on tires here at the Garage. We are behind the Tire and will make vou satisfied with the Tires you Buy from us. Wo can spII vou a Ford Truck. Ford Tuurimr Car or a Fordson Tractor. We handle a largi stock of Ford Parts all the time for Fords and are ready for service on them. We overhaul your Ford engine and transmission for $2.00 and put it in First Class Shape, less part? " All wnrlc is rushed to vou. Leave your car with us. We will repair it at once and deliver to yoi as soon as repaired. We are here and are ready to go. Ytfurs truly, MAUPIN GARAGE Manager of the Shop. J. W. Temple 1 PATRONIZE Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval The Bacculaureate exercises were well attended. The Sermon by Rev. Matthews of Simnasho was very appropriate to the occa sion and was well enjoyed by all present. The music was excellent. The graduates appreciate the interest their friends take in them, and wish to thank all those that contributed to the affair in any way. Last Friday afternoon the Grammar grade room held a pic nic at Donaldsons Hall. They re port a very enjoyable affair, Miss Vera Tunison was the hostess. Mrs. Miller and Miss Page chap eroned the frolicking'youngstcrs. Wednesday evening the Pri mary Room held their picniu up Bakeoven canyon. They report very pleasant time, although the weather man tried his best. scare them with a shower. Several of the mothers with Miss ilelva Page ected as chaperonep ir the party. Friday, May 27 at S p. m. will be held the last exercises of the hool year. Our eighth grade candidates passed their examin ations 100 per cent strong and 3te feeling the exhilarating joy true succeus. The seniors arc tlmost as joyous but more sedate awing to the sobering influence: f a few more years. Come out everyone Friday night and licai and see them in their new rol" if graduates. A good speaker from the University will be prec- nt and give an inspiring talk. 'here will also be'a number i f delightful musical numbers. I'hcre will be no encores permit ted. Flower girls and page? iiave been arranged, for to takf eare of the thoughtf illness: of ad niiiiiig friends. We wish all n mrry neiiing. Pleise bring y-ur prog i tuns with you as no lumbers will be announced from he platform. And thus come the closing jeenca ot what we trust liau been a pleasant and pioRtabk jchoo! year. We wish to thank nice more, pup;K teacher?, patrons, directs and other ofiie- als and many warm fiieudsfur their earnest and hearty cooper I'ion in co'iibuting so gencr jtisly to tins' vcr suecest'ul vest (Ve may all njoy our ylioi. with a sense of well merited i pl ane return next September will zest for greater tasks an' grander successes, A. M, Winn, Principal A later telegram informs u; that Dr. Kilpatrick will not b ihle to with us, but that Mis; Mozelle Hair, secretary to the Extension Division of the Uni -ersity of Oregon will be present ind talk upon the topic, "The New Day". Mns Hair Is well pialified to geve u a brilliant, ntertaining and instructive tall Oregon Conference The Twenty-sixth session of the Oreg n annual conference of Free Methodist Church met in Portland last week: Bishop Sellew presided over this body, and the whole session was attended with a spirit of peace and optimism. In the wisdom of that body it was thought best I return to Maupin for another vear. so I am here to serve this people and to do my best to help you. You are wel come to all of our sei vie s. We ask that yotir children may at tend the Sunday School. The order of the regular services will be as follows 'Sunday eclioul 10 n. ill. Preaching 1 1 t. in Preaching 8 p. m. II. A. Walter. District Quarterly Meeting. The first district quarterly meet ing of The Dalles district will be held at Maupin June 2 to 5, Dist rict Elder W. N. Coffee who is known in these parts will have charge of this meeting; you are cordially invited to attend these services, W. N. Coffee D. E. II A. Walter pastor. on the part of rooters for the natural difference in racial char acteristics, was the absence of personal remarks, frequently made to players by zealuua fans. A closely matched game is expected here Sunday when the Grass Valley team will come. June 5, the Maupin team will go to Madras. The Cr iterion mail stage team took fright Tuesday noon at a tractor and ran from the front of the postoffice down Deschutes avenue and up past the Tum-A-Lum buildings. They were stop ped ut the bend of the road No damage was done. Two car loads of hogs were shipped from here over the O. f. road Saturday night to Portland. Many Visited Monday's Chronicle gives the following account of the big meeting here Saturday: More than 2,000 persons from all parts of Wasco county assem bled at Maupin Saturday to hear arguments in favor of the pro posed $800, 000 bond issue, and resultant construction of The Dalles-California highway. The good roads meeting was made a holiday affair, whole families bringing basket lunche9 and making a day of it, A big trout dinner was served at noon with plenty of Deschutes river redsides" to go around. Speeches setting forth the various arguments in favor of the bond issue, were made by County Judge J. T. Adkieson, B. C. Pease, Elliott Roberta and H. S. Rice. About 50 person made up the delegation from The Dalles, representing The Dalles-Wasco County Chamber. of Commerce. A baseball game in the after noon between the fast Maupin nine and an Indian teum from the Warm Springs reservation, was won by Maupin 9 to 0. 1 A ! Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Fleming were out from The Ddles Tues day in a new Ford Sedan'. ' . Auto atage leaves Hotel Mau pin at 0:30 a. in. via Wapinitia, Tygh Valley, Dufur, The Dalles. Wapinitia and Tygh Vnliey, fare $1; Dufur, $2. 50; The Dalles, $3.25. Tickets at Hotel Maupin. Mr Carrie Klt kham was out frem The Dalles over the week end, a guest at Cyr's. Mr. Frank Gabel and daughter were Maupin visitors Saturday from The Dalles. General heavy rains in thin section lai;t week. Very warm, fore part of this week. Last evening the intermediate grade pupils gave their teacher Miss Page a handkerchief shower The Dalles Daily Chronicle appeared Tuesday with an ad ditional column, making a seven colomn, eight page paper. Base Ball Last Saturday and Sunday th local baseball artists won lasj games on the Maupin diamond from the Warm Springs delega tion, with respective scores of 'J to 0 and 10 to 2. The Keil men were particularly alllictcd both days with "fumbling" th ball and displayed poorly the fleetnessof foot for which the Indian i3 proverbially noted, but accepted defeat like true sports men. hen in bunuay s game the visitors made their 2 scores in the seventh inning, they were loudly applauded. An agreeable feature in the games of both days, due to just coiibideration BLANCH SWEET in Fighting' Crcssey A Breezy Western Drama taken in the Hills of California in the arly davs of the Gold Rush full of action and pep. A" snappy o rcl Harold LloyH in Captain Kids Kids. Admission 20 and 40c Wamic May 28, Maupin 29 COMING 'TAHOMA' by Edgar Lewis Life on the Plains of t'knl'jhwiia in early days, showing in reality Sandstorms, Outlaws, Indians and Deserts. All play their parts. COMEDY JIGG5 Bringing up of Father in Society Show in Tygh Valley, June 3, Wapinitia Maupin 5. DANCIi at Tygh Valley after Show. Some of the Many Tilings at Andy's Place Hazelwood Ice Cream, Vogan Candies Fresh and Cured Meats Home Rendered Lard Meals at all Hours Bullcr-Krust Bread Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco Pool and Billiard Room in Connection Andy's Place, Maupin, Ore. up J