Wapimiia A few !;pht showers followed by winds. Crops looking fine. ' A 7J pound daughter arrived Monday at the home of Mr. und Mrs. Goortrn Hetbe. Lester McCorkle was a visitor at The Dalles last week- D. Woodside is building a rcw cow barn on their farm west of town. The local ball boys met tl eir Waterloo in a ball game Satur day with the Indian Boys at Simnasho The Indian team will play the local team here next Sunday, Mrs. Alice Chappel is helpinn with the work at the Kelly home this week while Mr. and Mis. Floyd Kelly are in The Dalles. S. N. Hill was a Dalles visitor Tuesday. Carl Powell and C. Uurnside left today for Long Trough camp on the ditch to build up banks and do repair work. The crew finished their work last week and water in tho ditches on the plains. I'rof. Digbee visited Mrs. Big bee in The Dalles Saturday and reports her getting along fine. Bill Foreman sprang a surprise on his friends here last week when Thursday morning in The 'Dalles, he and Miss Carrie lit! -ron were quietly married. The Smock hems Weather cloudy. Mrs- G.H.Eadshas been on tU siek list tut is recovering Mrs. L T. Larson her mother, of Th Dalles is stajing with her fo awhile. J. C. Bradway went to Jeffei son county Monday on busines'. J. F- B'anchard and fami moved back to the farm S;itm i!ay, af or leaching a year in Tyek The ticlool board met at lit homo of Mi. Diaduay on Mon day to transact some business oi the district. Do you have Eyestrain'1 Dr. Clark of t!m C!a k-B owei O.ticd Co, U2i 6th St, Pt.il iund, Ore , will be in Maupin Sat., May 28, Wapinitia. Sunday mom iug the 20th, at Tygh Va'ley.Sun day afternoon at the different Hotels. He will be glut to meel there, who n ay be n netd oi Optical attention. He will have a lame stock oi artificial eyca and is prepared, P lit and adjust them for any win may ho in need. Commencing this month Dr. Clarke or Brower will vir.it yotii City once a month reguhnly. James Chalmers Genera! BJaeksmilliing ribrse Shoeing a Specialty Maupin. Ore. Wfljiinilia Aaio S'3y Leaves M.nuin, 1 p. in. Ixnvf't Wpi iiiitia, 8 a m. V. R0BERI5. Pro?. I I f). O f JU'WAI'INITI L-di;l. No. 2W, M.Mi.i, Oi.'i!'i. tn"H evtrv .'i.ilurdiiv night, i 1. 0. O. F. bull. Viitih( mem iM'ra vs wi'lvoii'H. Geo, McDonald. N. G. 1) 1", Tvknkh, Ijpi'ictMrj , E. B. BUI UR Attorney at Law MAUPIN, OIU1GON Dr. T. DeLarhuc EYESIGHT Sf'ECIALbT Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusive!;, Optitsl Kooms 17 1 H Vegt Block, oyer Cris.bj-, I'fOR store, The Dalles, Ore rinit.ii Clack 1111 6 qt. Granite Lipped Preserxing Kettle No Phone 1 Leal Iurua Paint is on the drop. Gt om prices, Maupin Dins? Store. " Born Thursday, May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. DeCamp it Criterion, a son. Try Hrcehvood ice cream ?ml 4 malted milk shake at Andj'j jlace. Home Transformations That you can with paint, va W E have established a service for women and men who want to do small jobs of interim painting, varnishing or refinishitig of furniture, Honrs, bath roouir, walls, and bric-a-brac. It's a free service. You simply tell ns what you have to relinisli, Low finished now and what effect you want to get. We tell you how to do it in detail. What kind of matetial to use. What kind of brush. W hat method. Where to buy. You can work transformation?, in home things that will surprise you. Old bedsteads, tables, chairs. -woodwork, floors, bath tubs, etc. are old really, only on the surfacr Paint, varnish or enamel them, and they're nm! We make a special line of paint: varnishes, etc., for just this kin. of home work Fuller's "Horn Service" Taint Products, for yo; to use. j They dry perfectly, spread easib and smoothly, and give every de fired result. You'll be surprise; to lctrn what you can do one $ you'v e used them. Fy filers 9 sr tews at:?? Homo SeFttfcaTiaints Vjmlfihc!T-;trtorrfc:5 MTd byW. P. Fuller & Co. Dept. I, ian'Frtncisco Floneer Flint M- utaciurers lor It Yit Eltu Jsl.td 1849 Br.nehit In It Citit. in I . Wett-D.-al.r, Err,ht ' Por All Et.rbr Jobs ( Faintinc. it i. Advi,.b! to Sur. th. Strvu- oi M5t:r P.mttr. white enamel tin; . nri with full , ttyi white tnd w(j' Fti!!f?r' S !i.'nw'li!t- p . . (duet, i rich, braut:: 1 finih en furniture i interior weodwiik. tntmsi. i tie ni:!a efTvt," vtw m tea, prcdjwj by Fullw'fc Eit'httt Knanl fie:h. friiei a chirms mtPTior. Obtj'itbfe n white a ad old irvf od tven othr wttnvt ttnta. MAY 21, L- DAY Orders Taken Only one to a F WILSON Mrs. B.D. Fraley and children visited her sister Mrs. Darnall at Dufur Sunday. Portland Painless Dentist, 305, Second St. The Dalles Oregon, All work guaranteed, W. T. Slatten U, I). S. Proprietor, Eastman Kodaks and Kodak Supplies -lMaum'ti Drug Store. make yourself rnish or enamel Our experience with paints and painting practice goes back more than 72 years. We are one of the country's largest manufactuiers. Our experts make a study of speci fying paints for every kind of use. Follow Fuller's "Home Service" Specifications, and you'll get the exact effects you'te looking for. Don't think yen can't because you haen't done this kind of work before. Let Fuller products and Fuller service show you that you can. Remember don't tllow sui faces to rot. It costs less to paint them. Where to Buy Important that you gtt the right rr.a'.fml so be sure to go to the right i'tre tor rimer pia rli;ct5. Cut out coupon below as a memo to direct you. V nte us now i pnst card for complete catalog of fuller s Spec- incation florae Serv ice" Paint Produc v.hich tells just v ha buy tor 'he work vuti ln'-e in mind. Send full description of, and get our frte addict relative to rerinishing furniture, chairs, bric-a-bra;, basketry, etc. SAVE THIS (Cut tM. nt tni ml tl In your pockit. book or hnAig at i.mo) AGINT Pirre Prepared PAINT Maupin Drug Co. Maupin, Oregon iw rr ts. IWIVI 1921 SATU CO Did you 1 buy a Home ? Never before was the oppor- ttmity before you. We are selling Lots of Lots, Buy Now. Terms if Desired HARVEY Wanted A bunch of horses t pastjre. Otto Herrling, Criter ion, Oregon. Mrs. Cecil Chastain will clost her school in the Fairview rlis trict tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Etchels, parents? of Mra. Cecil Chastain came yes terday from Portiand for a fev day's visit, Friday's Chronicle made men t'on, as Dalles visitor?, of tlv fowing residents of this section Job Crahtree and France Confri of Maupin; William Norval, J. IX and Woodcock, Grant Led ford 1 1 Wamic; Roy Patty, Wapinttic. and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Buule o1 Dufur. Now for the. Fishing Tackle. It don't pay to bother with bun stuff. We've got the kind thai gets the Fish. Maupin Drin Store. Edith Miller returned Sunda night from The Dalles where shr was called by the illness of hei mother. '.G.I. Dei thick is over from Dufur looking after his homestead- Expressing penitence, Chas.J. Canedo, says he descried from the army at Vancouver Darr.H ks 01 days ago, surrendeied Tucsdaj to Sheriff Johnson, who returned him to the post yesteray. Cauedi says that he and and another boy, Rollie Shannon, left the barraens together. He traded his uniform for civilian clothes. ,,1 want to get back and take my medicine and go right' said Canedo, who says he enlisted from San Diego. Calif. Hood River Glacier May 12lh. One of the tin rt unique stunts probably pulled off by any of the small boys of this section since the recent visit of the circus ocurred Friday when a wee lad pinned a rag d illy to a telephone line. We wish to announce that the Springs are open for the Season with Larger Camp Ground?, Im-' proved Roa is. Groceries, Wood,' Oils and Gas kept on hand, j Kah Ne-Ta Hot Springs Co. V V I A I m Li! Fa i Customer L. The Times $1:50 per year. NOTICE OF lie it known, that tlie dk.tria Iothi,: ry beard of Wasco counlv is off-riot fur sale to tlie lni;!icst biddr-r tho?, lioo house of former school diitriot Ki . 7 located in the NE 14 of 8cti- 11 '; Range 13 E. Township 5 S, known n the DerLhick school. Sealed bids shoij!. he sent to A. E. Grontuvald, Seuvi!i District Honndry lioard. B'da will b ofiened t the next meeting of tlip,l,.,i 'iot noundry hoard, June 1st. rm t 1 a. in. Signed: J. T. AdkisKon. Cciinly JuiIlc L-li. K. lly. iVunt v Coiiimiy.-ii m r A. K. Ci-on-".- :d.. County & limit Soj t The Unllcii orrnoii. Alfiy Vih, l'.'l. notick to Cki Sii ro;; Nolii'f h hiToby Kiven t!:at -the uinb signed has Itch ;) i-oinlvd Adnon '.in. 'iix of ho - itato of Wilbur John A ; 1 i lKW-d All j ciswis hnh oaio-i ; Hinsi ihc 8hM rstnl are iv oii- .l . present them, propi'i lv veutiod, to l . umlei signed at the oli'iie of i n , , ' 7. Unllimay in T It? Uall.-s, Oif-oo within six months fiom ihe l'ir,t of tlvi imbl cation said dt(e bhi. M 12, 1H21. Julia Clsris'.itie Alien, Admiiiiitislrix. noi' cv; row, ivm ir, nt,ri Pi I II I tlorl.t ( f t!in l:,t, j, r U. K. bund (dike t lire lialios O, May V. IK I. Mo'.ii e rs berebv xen ,,i tnincc? M. h i,,, :, "i I i'(. i:,.n, I'u-uon. v.ho 1-t-i. nnde Honi'siend '"MC'-ru nod , ii .... ,.! : Moi.ni ii r; w-.i, 'it,r , I 1. 1 - - v t I. i.-y 1 i i ;' si-2Nti j. si.i 4 sec. ni , '. Audi 1 b-;:l .lb. I, i" .t 4 4. S-i-tien :., towns no Ii S ,i!i 11 Et. Uillamett Mmdciii. ii., m. notice of intent h n to make proof, tu estiilislj ciaim i, above nVr-tiletl. bttuie b. the Ian- 1. StUHIt Unlteil MllllS t. OUlllT-V, r( ; Oregon, on the 11th day 1921. r Juiv. t.laini.'iit names aj v, il:i-s-t.;: I' P. Aptdinc, Otto lleriiii's:. U. 1 . lleuh,. P. J. Kitsch, all cf Criterion. Ok-uh II. Prank Woodcock, Ktij' tr. NO net l OR PUBLICATION Department of the hiUrit r V, S. Land Ollice at 'Ih? p.d!o Ore ion. May 12, 1921. Notice is hereby given that Paul iJ. KiiM-'.i uf Ciitcrioii. t ircsron. who on f.'.n etiib, r 1", lpp.t, made I'oine?t'j..i No. (..Ill) lor si:l Jsi'T 4, t-oc. 1.!. r.l.l t;; .j' F.L4sw, and vl 2 u 1 2. ., , lb n i ;' Township 7 s u;b, m;-11 i.a-.t. Wil lamette Meridian, has fih-.J n ii i. ,- oi intuition to mal e I i r e y-ai' proof, to estil li?h tbnii to the land a ' o . , ilesciil eiL befoio 1'. D. btuart. I mud -tates Comn is;ioner n Mjmi m, olt. Eon, on the 11th d.iy of July. 1921. Claimant rame as witiu;:o.-: t. F. I.ea?e. Otto Herrling, IS. F. HerrMni P. J. Kirvh. all of t ritCon, Oregon! II. Frai'k NS'coiico'-k. r--j.i;tcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION iii (.artreect i'f tiif Interior l". Unti Oboe t The Palter, Ore p.m. April IS, 1921. Notice i.-, Imvby given that Miiii.ii' I.. 1 imtt, formerly Mamie L. Grace, j.f Muci'in, Oregon, who on November ! I made Homestead Entry No. ! pi Ml' -i. fur Nl-2 st 2, skI-4 SBl-4, swl i 1 t; 11. fee 23 anil swl-4 swl-4, Sec. Townuliij) 1 si'Uth, Range 15 east, I WiUniiK'Uc .Meridian, has tiled notice of ! itil.:iitin to ni'iKo three year proof, to e tai'iih claim to the land above de soribcd. before V. 1). Stuart, U. S. Comiiissiouer, at Maupin, Oregon, on the Kth day of June 1921. . l.iiina'U names ns witnesses: James A Doian, of Maupin, Oregon, J. R Flem- - ii.p. of Maupin, Oropo:i, A. T. Lindley, of Maupin. Oregon, Marion Duncan, of Wa.iiii', Ore:;on. 11. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore (son, April 5, 1921. Notice is hereby given that as diivcted, by the Commissioner of the (J-meral Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2155, R S.. pursuant to the api ligation of Oliver Barton Serial ' No. mm, we will offer at public j:ale to the highest bidder, but at not lo.s than $2.50 iicr acre, at 10.45 o'clock A. M. on the 8th day of June, nrxl, at this ollice, the followinR tract of land: Ntt l 4 Hivl-1, 8oc. 1.1, T. 7 S., I; 14 K. W. M. (Containing 41) Acres), "lids tract ii ordered into the market on a showing that the greater portion ilii'iiof in mountainous or too rough for cultivation." 'I he sale tvill not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. 'Ihe person making the high est bid will be required to immediately pay t o the Receiver the amount thereof Any persons claiming adversely the flhove-iWeribed land are advised to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale, il. Frank Woodcock, Register. ho net FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. ii. Laud uttie at The Dalles, Ore oo, April, 12, 1921. idolize is hereby given that Donald Morrison if Shaniko, Oregon, who, on Feb. tl, I'.'IS. made Homestead Lntry No. lliUVi'f, for 8E1-43W1-4, swl-4.;l-4, Section 27, vl 2t!El 4, El 2wl 2, Sec tion 34, Township 6 south. Hinge 14 isst Willamette Meridian, has filed no! ire of intention to make tnree .car pi oof 10 establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United states Commissioner at . 'aui.n, Oiegon, on the 26th day of ' da--, li'2t. la lumut names as witnesses: H. F. I "M iinjr. of Criterion, Oregon, P.J. !u.'.h,.( f Criterion, Oiegon, Laugldin I oi lison. of ihaniko, Oregon, Oliver I.' i ti", of Maupin, Oregon. 11. Fiank Woodcock, Register. NO I'lCft FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. ti. Land OIBce at The Dalles, Ore gon, April 27, 1921. j Ijotice is hereby given that Matt P. OufTy, Junior of Mtuipin, Oregon, who on November i', F.'l:'', made Homestead Entry No. for E1-2NE1 4, Section 11, SWl 4 i'vl 4, Nl 2swl 4, keI-4. Section 12, Nl 2mA -i, swl-4NEl-4, Section 13, i owuship 0 south, Range 14 east, wl :.nl 4 section 7, n12nw1-4, section 18, l o.vnsl iji 5 south, Range ltj eaut, Wil Sanirtte Weiidian, lias filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to oslabli-.h claim to the land above de u nocd, before Register and Receiver, , United States Land Ollice. at The ili'':i. thegun, on the 10th day of lone, I '.'21. Claimant names as witnesses: Clar tiue W. Farglier, Arthur VV. Fargbcr, llion-.a--, l'aheity, Anthony J. Connolly, folm l-'olcy, ail of Maupin, Oregon. H I-rank Woodcock, Register. no ricsr. i or publication D pai linent of the interior V. S. Land oHice at Ihe Dallei, Ore i"ii. "da; 1 1, 1921. 1 .'otice in hereby given that Marion A. Duncan of V, amir, Oregon, who on January 17, '21. made Homestead Entry No. for eI-2hw1-4, N1-2SE1-4. Sec. I', s I 2:;ivi-4, Section 29. p1-2ne1-4 '. Township 4 Eouth. Range lb' t, Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to make final L i oof, to eslabhsh claim to the land il-ove dcscritied, before F. D. Slnart, U. S. Commissioner, at, Maupin, Ore ;on, on ihe ill) day of July, 1921. I iimant names as witnesses: Mamie L Piuitl of Maupin, Orepon, W. F. u itt of Maupin. Oregon, Ellis Hughes f Crass Vallev, Oregon, Emery llulies of Grass Valley, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOIICF. fOf? PUBLICATION Depaitment of the Interior U. S. I and Office at The Dalles, Ore .". Maiy 9, 1921. t'otice is hereby given that Call Get son Of f.'Mllllin flteurtr, ll In. r... f.. Oft nud" Homestead Entry No. 016119 I Vr Lot tS, Section 12. Township j srouih. Pange 13 East, Willatn- 4 i Meiidian, has filed notice of ' ; o U-iition to make three year proof, to i .s'ablish claim to the' land above ii!" i. hefore Reeister and Reciv itr. I.'iiii. d States Land Office, at The i lu-kf, Oregon, on the bth day of buy. 1921. ' ! Cl.iitnant name3 as witnesses: A. I A. Cantield, Frank Gahel, both of The - n..il-s. Oregon, Anton Seifert, Robert y.uir. both of Maupin. Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register.- For Sale A Keel Tole Bull, 2 years old last March; registered and tu lucular tested. W. F. rruitt, Maupin.