The Maupin Times Published every Thrusday at Maupin, Oregon Jeesiliue E. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One year, $1.50; six months, 75 cents; three months, 50 Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un der the Act of March 3, 1879. Wapinitia the are the Some warmer weather past few days, but nights cold. Wednesday morning mercury hovered dangerously near the freezing point, and ice was formed in some places. B. L. Foreman and son Dill went to The Dalles Wednesday. Bill remained in town for a few days' visit, Mr. and Mrs- Swanson of Port land are spending the week vis iting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dixon 'of The Dalles spent Saturday even ing and Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs. C. J. McCorkle. N. G. Hedin returned Sunday after a week's stay in The Dalles E. E. Miller and wife arrived Saturday from Portland and are occupying their house at Tine Grove. Godlinp Teschner met with a serious accident Tuesday even ing while attempting to shoe one of his horses, which in some way got him down and stepped on and kicked him badly on the head, neck and body. A. F. Evick of The Dalles spent some time here last week, visiting his father and looking after business-affairs. Dr. Brewer and little daughter and Mrs. Chester Rice came Sun day from Lyle, Wn., and visited until Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Kice. N. G. Hedin, Robert Elen wood, W. A. Dane, Carl Powell, L). W. Sharpe and George Burn side are up in the mountains this week repairing the breaks end washouts in the ditch. Charley Heisler and Rev. J, I. Powell came over from Dufur Sunday, visiting at the J. M. Powell home. John Bowen made a trip to The Dalies last week. Geo. Heitz went to The Dalles Sunday. Oscar Hammer was at The Dalles Saturday. ' J. S. Brown was fishing on the Deschutes this week. The Commercial Club meeting ! was postponed lait week until e coining Saturday evening. Ml are invited to attend seV- The Dalles, Oregon, May 2nd, 1921. TO THE TAXPAYERS AND VOTERS OF WASCO COUNTY, That you may have a better understanding of the proposed $800,00O.CO Bond Issue TO BE VOTED ON JUNE 7TII, the carrying of which means a permanent macadamized road through Wasco County, we submit some statistics which we believe will prove of interest and conclusive as far as your influence and your vote is concerned. These figures are based on the cost to you when the entire $800,000.00 in Bonds are SOLD. The 1920 assessed valuation of Wasco County was - - - $20,162,072.44 The interest on $800,000.00 at six per cent per annum is 48,000.00 The $800,000.00 Bond Issue (should the entire issue be sold at once---and it will not be) will cost YOU PER YEAR ONLY $2.40 for each thousand dollars of assessed valuation. For each unit of $100,009.00 of Bonds sold, YOUR taxes will increase per year ONLY 30 cents for every thousand dollars of YOUR assessed valuation. By voting this Bond Issue The Dalles-California road will be built as a State Highway, which means that it will thereafter be MAINTAINED ENTIRELY by the State. ALL COUNTY, MARKET, POST and LOCAL ROAD FUNDS may then be spent on other county roads as none of theue road funds will be needed in maintaining this main Highway. If this Bond Issue tanics, it means further that the State will put up an equal amount or $800 000.00, making $1,600,000.00 to be spent largely here at home for material, lalor, etc. We then secure two dollars worth of road for every dollar we spend and the money left in our oui county. In conclusion, ytm should realize that The Dalles-California Highway WILL BE DIVERTED through Sherman County if this Bond issue fails to carry in Wasco County, and we will pay our proper tionate share. Sherman County along with other counties throughout the State will the have a STATE HIGHWAY which Wasco County has helped to pay for but receives no direct benefits. Are you going to allow this opportunity to get away an opportunity which may never come agdn the opportunity of Laving a trunk highway built and maintained ujjen cur payirg only lifly per cent of the building cost? Shall Wasco County take its place with other counties or shall we remain an isolated section of the State? IT CANNOT, MUST NOT, WILL NOT fail to carry. WORK FOR IT - TALK IT VOTE FOR IT . " BOND ISSUE COMMITTEE The Dalles-Waseo County Chamber of Commerce NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOL !v;mi uoent of the Interior V ' in-1 office at The Dalles, Ore cm,' April 11, 1P".1. . Nntuv is hereby tiiven that j,u.b W. 1 U kU.cmi. one of the heirs, 'a I -1 for the heirs of Hamilton P. Pavid s.-n. docvised, (,f Tyt'h Vall v Oregon, w ho on Feb. 2o, made ' Homestead Entry No. ora:'i for sti-iswt-4, sw1-4sei-4, ;5;c. 10, wl-2NEl-4, NWl-4. section 15, T iwnship 0 south, Range 14 east, V, iHameite Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before P. D. stuart, United slates Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore- 011 the I Tt li day 01 may, ivn. Claimant names as witnesses: H. M. Given. I.. D. Woodside, H. L. Young, C G. Shoesberpr. all of Maupin, Oregon It, Frank Woodcock, Register. end reports of commitrteeu are to be heard, also the annual election of officers. Joe Graham made a trip to Clackamas Lake the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs, Goo. Magill and Mrs. Faekar(', were over frotu, Wamic Sur-rJay afternoon. j Childtv n'a Uav will he obscrv. Lhe S. S. here June 5th. Jatr..e- Chalmers Coeval Blacksmith hip Hcrse Shoeing n Specialty Maupin, Ore. r Vtopiaftia Auto Stage Reaves Maupin, 1 p. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 8 a. i, V. ROBERTS, Prop.. ed by AH 'S. S. in the Kurroundin.j Wintry will be asked to join ns 3' nd help make it a real Chil dren's Day. Mr. and Mra. Ray Kaylor moved down 1'roKi Walkerville to Maupin a k days ago. Dill Foreman had a very nar row escape last Sunday eveniti g when he attempted to solder vs gasoline tank for his Foul. He removed the tank and emirti ed it, waslird it out with cc-Vd water. Then brought it on th e porch of the house and when he held the match near it to i melt the solder an explosion, fol- lowed which was ' heard for Tjiore ) then a mile away. And hie v the vj'tank all to pieces and bra ke a Did you buy a Home? Never before was the oppor tunity before you. We are selling Lots of Lots. Buy Now. Terms if Desired HARVEY L. MORRIS Local Interest li - - - - j window ofit of the house and put tC O. F. ,t!ie lights out. One piece of the W AT IN 1 IT A i stuck him on the leg , and JfJg. Ko. 2(. Muf.ii), Oregon. fruised it badly, lie sofT red meets e.veij' fcawrciay me lit- ti oiner minor injuries, such as I. O, UK ball. ViBiting umm I hair and eyebrows singed ehts sina.ys weicomn. III: ii Mll,ivirr. XT i' I J 1), F. Turner. Secretary. Need the Dough! E. B. DUFUR Attorney at Law MAUPIN. OREGON Dr. T. DeLarhuc EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glioses Properly Fitted Inclusively Optical Uotmis 17,18 Vogl Block, oyer Crosby's l?rug store, The Dalles, Ore Phone Pluck HU 6l The following was used as. a clincher in a letter written by an over-zealous young collector, i "it is rumored that a certf iiv young society lady of this c; !ty knead? bread with her m.j This incident may he peculi r. But there are others. We m k? bread with our shoes on. J'VV nc.!d bread with our pants 'tr. I llrss we can cp in n fe n- Ovet half the fives that occur in the national forest are due to human ageJicies, and are, there fore, preventable. S. N. Hill was a Maupin caller from Wapinitia last Friday. Dave Donaldson came Friday from Sandy, Oregon, Mr. Donald son says the big fish stories brought him to Maupin. Your duty care with fire. Young stallion, 3 years old, dark bay, branded lazy HR low on stifle, has been running in my pasture 12 monts; he is so wild I cannot get him out, will not go through a gate, seems ia. be afraid of wire. Owner come and pay pasture bill and other dam ages or he will be sold for same in 12 days' time. Sam Lease, Criterion, Oregon. Sale to be .at Criterion. Arthur Dake came up from Portland Saturday to look after his homestead and fish for a few davs, Mrs. F. . Butler is expected to arrive home today after a vis in the .Williviiette valley and roitlaud. To squander the future in ad- and unless we can cet in a fe iv ice. always he ten minutes our outstanding accounts we. t4 ill iat0 Ex. need bread without a d MmJ a .n was born May on, and this city will her, garden of Eden if collections don't im prove very shortly. You can da much to prevent this. -Lx. 6th t .mm Ht.., Mr. am yms- ueorf 1UT; , John 'ltefK3"'01'1'1 and fam"y and Fraak'Kagill. wife and baby were over t Ipsr Waralc Tuesday. Harry Anderson went to Port land yesterday, to be absent sev eral days. Now for the Fishing Tackle. It don't pay to bother with burr, stuff. We've got the kind that gets the Fish. Maupin Diw Store. An eight pound son arrived Sunday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Stogsdill. Mrs. B. F. Turner and children moved to the homestead Sunday. Mrs. Rose Florer came from Hood River Sunday to visit her sister Mrs. Don .Stogsdill and make the acquaintance of her lit tle nephew, Don Arthur. ( Mr. ancVMrs. E. A. Hartman of Wapinitia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beck with. All members of Universal Un ion are requested to be present at next meeting, May 14th, at 1 o'clock. Important business. If you are not a member any present member has abplication cards. Cooperation is the big word. Eventually, Why not now ? Mr. and Mrs Harold Rether ford were Maupin visitors from Pine Grove yesterday. Jiggs. Dr. Elwood's little dog. disappeared a few days ago and is very much missed . Earl Cunningham came home this morning from near Condon, lakinir n two week's vacation necessitated by tin dislocation of his left shoulder. . Notice Maupin Oregon April 1. J'Jl'l Blaeksmithing-, Woodwork General Repairing, horteshti-ii:; Chilled Plow Shears ground. Owing to the depression of prices of farm product, 1 v il reduce price of all work doue 'J to 30 per 'cent from last year':' price. A.F. Ma'its NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IVpartment of the Interior U S. Lind OHice at The Dalle?, Ore ;..on, April 18, 1921. Notice is ht'ioliy given that Mamie L. Pruitt, formerly Mamie L. Grace, of Maupin, Oieson, who on November 8 IK', made Homestead Entry No. liisi-M for Nl-2 sl-2, SEl-4 SEl-4, swl 1 swi 1, Sec 23 and fw1-4 swl-4, Sec. J4, Township 4 fouth, Range 15 east, Vlud.iu ite Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to .I-il 'iiMi claim to the land above de-..rh-..l, refer? F. D. Stuart, U. S. i ,.niii,i: e.ner, at Maupin, Oregon, on li,.. ilih u:y of June 1921. C! Miiuiit iniiiu's as wiliiofnt's: James Hi. run. el MiMipin. OrefT'm, J. R Flem- ii'. nt Maupin. Oreipni, A. 1. Lindley, ,' .M.eipm. ( 'leR'in, Marion Dimciin, of '.Viiieie, Oi .m. II. frank Woodcock, Rogiutcr. i HO: I UK riTLICATION IULAIBP TRACT I'ublic Laud Sale liriiaitincnt of the Interior f. ;;. I -nd Offlce at The Dalles, Ore . Apiii 6. i'.'';i. I.iilne i hereby given that as nii i.-if il liy the Commissioner of the ; inn ill I noil offii-e, under provisions if -or. tii.D, H. li.. pursuant to the i ;ilic;tii.n of Oliver Barton Serial .;-'. 1-21 we will offer at public ;a!e to the highest bidder, but at not than 2.50 p?r acre, at 10.45 c(ck A. Si. on the 8th day of June, ,i.-. I fit this office, the following tract if L-rel; nwI-4 swl-1, Sec. 11, T. 7 8., K. 14,6. W. M. (Containing 40 Acres). IhW tract is ordered into the market in a showing that the greater portion thereof i3 mountainous or too rough ;or cultivation." '1 'he sale will not be kept open, but vill l,n declared closed when those piescot at the hour named have ceased iiid'ding. The person making the high st bid v ill he required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof Anv persons claiming adversely the described land are advised to rile their claims, or objections, on or hp) ,ii e the time designated for sale. '11. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE OK PUBLICATION 1 lepartmenl of the Interior ir. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gii, April 11, U21. Notice is hereby given that Mary E. Morrison if Tvgh Valley Oregon, who on Feb. It, Pi?, made Homestead entry No. ii;tfVt2, for 8E1-4NW1-4, Nl-2fJWl-4. Bee em etl-4SEl-4, Section 30, Town !iii :s south, Eange 14 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention I U In ake final three year proof to f.lal;iusli claim to the land above de- i. iibed, licfore F. t. Stuart, United I tate.i ("ommisstoner at Maupin, Ore ! tjiiii, ,,ti the 10th day of May, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: John,, I f'lnmv. Lee F. Jackson, Edward Dis- i.i mv, Thomas Ashley, all ot lygh val- ( l(yfil, li. frank Woodcock, RpRister. NOTICE Of ;.a l Be it known, that the dklrict l ry board of Wasco count v is off for oale to the highest bcUce I b- f house ot rormer school di.-lrict I"". ,'" located in the NL 1 4 of eeoU-n ; Range la E. Township 5 y, k-mwn ie the Derthick school, sealed bids sii'm!. be sent to A. E. (',io!ie'.Vii!., F.wic'-i District Boundry Beaid li'U '.' ill 1 opened at the next meeting of tli-Vt rict uoundry boaid, J'mie 1st. .'If'il i 1 a. ni. 1 Signed: J. T. Adkis?on. Couiiti-MtnV L. B. Kelly. County Coriiinissii nf r A. h. GronewhIJ: . County Schiol .Soft. Tim nalles oiegon. May 7th, 1921. NOTICE TO Clf?.DirOKS. ! Notice is hereby given that the umii i signed has tieem appointed Adiuini.-ilia i tnx of the estate ot Wilbur Julm Alien ! deceased.' All persons having. r'nimst a ! gainst the said estate are lcpmed t" ! presenthem, pr'operlv verified, to (In undersigned at the office if fianci. ; V.Galloway in The I'aiK--, res n. i "ithin six months troio the liau of this pnblcation said date bein; flj. , 12, mi. , Julia Christine Allen, s ' Administratis. Nunt si l Oil ri'BLICATION Department of the Interior I '. S Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, April, 12, 1321. J : li e is hereby given that Donald Morrison f Shainko, Oregon, who, on Feb. 57, PM. made Homestead Entry No. (lWi, f"i- set 'IswT 4, ewl-4sEl-4, , ?'!, wl-2i!El-4, fel-2wl-2, Sec tien "'!, 'lowuship 6 south, Range 14 .-:.i 4 v ill? met ie Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three reav proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. i'.uH.i t. United states Commissioner at Mf.ipin, Oiegon, on the 20th day of Way, U21. t lairnant names A3 witnesses: B. F. iferrlino, of Criterion, Oregon, P. J. Kirseh, of Criterion, Oiegon, Laughlin 'ibinison. of shaniko, Oregon, Oliver B.uUiii, of Maupin, Oregon. , II. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land umce at l lie Danes, ure Ron, Aprf Charged with a stahibij charge. Lewis Gilion nr rested at his heme in Tyci, Valley Saturday and brought to the local county jail, j ending in vestigation by the grand jury. The case is said "to invohe ;t prominent Tygh Xv,ky jrirl. The Dalles Chronicle, "lon.lp.;. Godleiup TosehiKf of V,',.; u i tia was kicked Tuesday by a; horse. He reeeiu-d a m;ml";r tf severe injuries, and hU eoii.ii tion was for a timeqnuc fcei.e, ' Atty. Dufur is making a his: nefs trip to The Dalles 1321. lice is hereby Riven that Matt r; Duffy, Junior of Maupin, Oregon, who on November l.'l '. made Homestead Entry No. p2117 , for F.1-2KE1-4, Section 11, swl-4-T'-'. 1-4, Kl-2swl-4, KEl-4, Section 12, M irvl-4, sw1-4ke1-4, Section 13, Township 5 south, Range U east, wl : ,,vl 4 section 7, k!-2Nw1-1, section 18, Towiiihip 5 south, Range 15 east, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to e-jUtbiiih claim to the land above de ?ci ibed. before Register and Receiver, t'mtcd States Land Office, at The Palles. Oregon, on the loth day of J-ir-. 1321. C Luinant namts as witnesses: Clar ance W. Fargher, Arthur W. Fargher, Thomas Faherty. Anthony J. Connolly, Jo!.:, Foley, allrif Maupin, Oregon. II. Fiank Woodcock, Register. For Sale. A bed Pole Hull, 2 years old ' iasl March; registered and tu bucular tested. W. F. Fruitt, Maupin;