THE MAUPIN TI ES Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 7, NO 29 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 29 1921 THE YEAR $1.50 Ball Game The ball game at Antelope last Sunday was not very largely at tended on occount of severe cold weather. The ground was cover ed with snow and sleet just be fore the game started. The Maupin boys did not come up to their usual standard of playing. i.The score was 6 to 3 in favor of Antelope. The game for next Sunday will be at Maupin to be played between the home boys and a team front Moro. A good lively game is expect ed. Everybody be on hand for the next two games will be played away from home. Now for the Fishing Tackle. It don't pay to bother with bum stuff. We've got the kind that geta the Fish. Maupin Drug Store. Lumber Prices Now Rock - Bottom Pre-War Lumber Price 1 Since Present Lumber Price Last Year's Lumber Buy Lumber Now for any building need ! Prices on Lumber can't go lower. No other commodity has fallen in price more than Lumber. Our Free Building Helps are valuable ! Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. "Materials with plans for Homes and Farm Buildings" First Piano Recital BY Pupils of Mrs. H. F. Both well AT Maupin Schoolhouse, April 30, 1921 8:30 P. M. Admission 40c and 20c Proceeds to g'o to Maupin School Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval Wamic News Willie Norval, Belvie Patison and A. M. Patison went to The Dalles Monday, Willis and Vard Norvel and their mother, Mrs. Flora Norvel went to The Dalles Tuesday. Willie Norvel underwent an operation at The Dalles hospital Wednesday. A large delegation of men went from this place Monday and Tuesday to attend the water ditch trial. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wing and John Johnson arrived Tuesday from Toppenish, Wn., and are guests at tlic Wilbur Wing home Hanimie Patison returned Tu esday from a trip to Portland and The Dalles. Mrs. Barbra End is heredfrom her home near Astoria, arriving Wednesday. She is at the Wil bur Wing home. Freight Advance War Price PATRONIZE Mrs. Lena Savage came up from Portland Thursday where she was with her sister. R. K. Rankin of the Standard Oil.'company was here Tuesday from The Dalles. The young people of this place have organized a tennis tournament. Hammie Patison had charge of the blacksmith shop last week while Charley Crofoot was mov ing over from Maupin. Mrs. Ben Munger, Henry and Moody and two small children were here from Upper Fifteen Mile Thursday, guests of Mrs, Martha Dean. A very hard wind blew here Friday, rain late in the after noon and ice that night. It is feared feared fruit trees now in bloom were damaged by the cold wave. Mrs. Joe Chastain and baby visited her parents at lower Present Lumber Prices now same as Pre-War Prices - plus Freight Adyance Pre-war plus Ft. advance equals Present. Price. Tygh last week. A, A. Bonney has purchased both of A. M. Young'a houses in Tygh. Frank Burden bought the Weisbeck house, Tygh recently. A. E. Lake was a Dalles visit or Thursday. Eugene Pratt came up from Oakiand Saturday where he was several weeks with Carl Pratt. A force of men have been re pairing the water tank here and put in a new lining. The roads are in excellent con dition between here and Tygh Valley. One or two slides on the grade near the lower end have not yet been fully removed. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woodcock and Irene from Maupin were guests of the Guy Harvev home Sunday. Mrs. H. F. and Cecil visited at the A. E. Lake home Frank Burden of Tygh took a load of furniture to Portland last week for Will Eagill. Mrs. Bur den accompanied him on the trip Miss Oia. Gilson has charge of the hotel while the Gilson's are in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Laura and little Marion Burlin- game and Miss Crystal Fratt came up from Portland over the highway Sunday. George Sutheiiin and Henry Mayhew were here Saturday to hold a farmers cooperative meet ing. So few farmers came, no meeting was held. Rangers Neal, Haverly, Barton and Brown are here looking after horses that are running on the reserve.- - Miss Katherine Clemens came up from Portland Saturday and is at the C. S. McCorkle home. Cold weather and wind. Jim, the nine-year-old son of Emmitt Zumwalt was badly hurt this morning, cut on the noBe and face with barbed wire when turning their milch cow in the pasture. It happened near the home of Mrs. Mary Beaty who oared for the child and phoned the parents who took him to Maupin for treatment. The boy in company with little Jimmie Ward was running whe his foot pecame entangled in a fallen wire which tripped him. Local Items Found on Juniper Flat, one package containing:' 1 pair of men's gauntlet gloves, I cap, 1 pair of canvas shoes. Owner call at Wilson's store. No preaching services at the Wapinitia church Sunday morn ing. The pastor will speak at the Pine Grove school house. Eastman Kodaks and Kodak Supplies. Maupin Drug Store B. F. Turner is preparing to buiid a house on his additional homestead. Postmaster Turner has an nounced that the Maupin poat oflice is now on the third class list a salaried office. Paint is on the drop. Get our prices. Maupin Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Emmons are here from Yakima, guests of of Mrs. Jory. Mrs. Paul Childer3 of The Dalles was a gueit of Mrs. C. B. Dahl at her Tygh Valley home last week. Mrs. Dahl accompa nied Mrs. Childers home Friday, going via Maupin, returning the first of the week. Portland Painless Dentist, 305, Second St. The Dalles Oregon, All work guaranteed, W. T. Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor. Mrs. R. E. Wilson was a Port land visitor the fore part of the week. Title Cleared The Dalles, April, 23-The long delayed decision in the United States Court was handed down to-day by Judge Wolverton in the case of J. R. Keep and Mor gan, against Wapinitia Irrigation Company, for the foreclosure of the Clear Lake and Eastern Ir rigation Power and Lumber Com pany. Wapinitia Irrigation Company won the suit in all points. The complaint of Keep and his bench man was dismissed and completly denighed and the counter claim Wapinitia Irrigation Company, asking a restraining court order against Keep was granted in full by Judge Wolverton granting Wapinitia Irrigation Company permanent injunction against Keep to stop furthir molestation of the project development. It is a long hoped for victory of the farmer and Wapinitia Plains people are rejoicing over, the victory. Adjudication of. White river water shed i3 now progressing favorably in Judge Wilaon'8 court in The Dalles, conducted by water superintendent Cockran of La Grand. All the claimants have been urged to' come in and set up their claims and produce their evidence necessary to establish the same. The main contestants are Pac ific Power and Light Company and Wapinitia Irrigation Com pany other in prominance are Lost and Gate Creek and Com pany, Kound Prairie Company, and High Land Ditch Company. The evidence will all go to the water board and final determin ation be made by said board. In the event of exception to the boards finding the cases in contest may then be taken to the circuit court for appeal and the supreme court for review. Signed: N. G. Headin. All members of Universal Un ion are requested to be present at next meeting, May 14th, at o'clock. Important business. If you are not a member any present member has abplication cards. Cooperation is the big word. Eventually, Why n ot now COMING! Stewart: Klactomi PASSERS BY A COMEDY DRAMA Wapinitia, April 29 MAUPIN, MAY 1 POLLARD COMEDY Admission 20 and 40c Will Not Show Wamic or Tygh April 23 and 24 Some of the Many Things at Andy's Place llazclwood Ice Cream, Vogan Candies Fresh and Cured Meats Home Rendered Lard Meals at all Hours B ultcr-Krust Bread Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco Pool and Billiard Room in Connection Andy's Place, Maupin, Ore. School Notes ' The benefit program given Saturday night was a splendid success both socially and financi ally. The receipts were about se venty dollars with almost no de duction for expenses. The pro gram was received with pleasure and enthusiasm practically all nulnbers being encored. Many enjoyed the social after the pro gram. Special thanks are due all those that took part in the pro gram. To Mr. Bolton and Mr. Stovall for their time and inter est, to Mrs. Kelly Mrs. Kaiser and many other of the ladies that gave time and substance for interest of the school. Also to Mr Fraley and others for the gener ous donations of services. Lastly to the Odd Fellows for their free donation of the hall. Signed by School Board, per A. M. Winn. The Baccalaureate sermon for the graduating classes will be given Sunday, JIay 2L'nd, 7:45 1' m. at the school houne. by Rev. VV. A. Mathews of Simnauho, Oregon. Rev. Mathews i3 well known in this section of the co untry. He will give an interesting discourse appropiate for the oc casion. Good music will also be a part of the services. Every body is cordialy invited. Several pupils from the school' will be in Mrs. Bothwell's Music Recital. The Grammar grade rooms are exams this week. The eighth grade is hsving it easy now but the pupil3 are patiently waiting for their 12th and 13th ex'amB. They are also preparing their song for grad uating exercises. Here's hoping they all pass. C. E. Calvin Potts. Fishing parties are the vogue among the ladies of Maupin, and nearly a daily ocenrrence. A party consisting of Mrs. Bates Shattuck, Mrs. Andrew Cunning ham, Mrs. W. 0, Miller, Mrs. 0. J. Williams, and Mrs. W. L. Fischer went over on White river and Tygh creek Saturday. They report a pleasant trip though few fiah. Wamic, April 30