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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1921)
WORLD HAPPENINGS OF Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Erenti of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing;. Marked Improvement In conditions In the building trades, Attorney-General Dougherty said Tuesday, has been evldonced since his "modest but em phatic warning" ot last week against Illegal practices. Caught In a slide ot sawdust In a logging bin he had been sent to clean, Hugh J. Rogers, 25, a fireman's help er at the Bay City mill at Aberdeen, fell headlong Into the bin and died by suffocation before help reached him. The soviet government has Issued an order prohibiting anyone from the United States crossing tha borders of RuuBia after April 20, according to a message made public by Charles Recht, attorney In New York for the Russian soviet government Members of congress who served with the colors during the world war Tuesday night formed an organization with tho view of exchanging Ideas for the assistance of ex-service men. Fif teen attended the Initial meeting, the majority of them being new members. Suggestion of a 5 per cent tax on corporations to replace the excess profits tax was made to the American farm bureau federation conference Wednesday by T. S. Adams, tax ex pert of the treasury department. He also expected opposition to a sales tax. In the race between an airplane and three carrier plgeoiiB from Portland, Oregon., to San Francisco, the first pigeon, a navy bird called U. S. S. California, reached Us cote in Oakland at 10:59 A. M. Tuesday, coming In Just 21 hours 19 minutes behind the machine. The Bowie line steamship Colonel Bowre, with 22 men on board, found ered In the Gulf of Mexico Monday night, according to wlreloss advices re ceived by the home office at Beaumont, Tex. Three men were picked up by the British steamer Cissy; 19 men are still missing. A citizens' reserve corps of the army on the basis of voluntary service in stead of compulsory training, which it Is hoped will be trained under the direction ot General Perishing Is under formation, army officials announced Monday. Age limits for enrollment were placed at 16 to 35. Francis J. Carey, 19-year-old bonk cashier of Ottawa, 111., whose theft of about $96,000 lust November was fol lowed by widespread criticism of Judge Landls when the latter permit ted the youthful culprit to return home pending sentence, was Monday sen tenced by Judge Landls. While motion picture cameras click ed on the deck of a tug In the KuBt river Wednesday, Daniel Carone, 27, puffing a cigarette, leaped from the center of Brooklyn bridge and was picked up In the water 133 feet below unharmed. It was his second Jump, the first being made In 1915. ' Plans for sending to Washington a -distinguished Japanese, who would take up the entire range of the so called Pacific problems, including man dates, California, China, Siberia, im migration and armaments, were under stood to be in the process ot formula tion by the Japanese government. Archibald Fries, vice-president of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, In an address In New York, recently said private ownership and operation of railroads under government regula tions was the accepted formula for the future. He predicted rates would rise no higher and soon would be reduced by economy of operation. Whereabouts ot the official seal of the confederacy, an unsolved mystery for more than half a century, probably will remain unknown. Jumes Jones, aged negro employe In the senate of fice building, Bald to be the only per son knowing where the seal was buried, died Sunday without disclosing the secret Declarations that the navy depart ment Is ready to take what congress will appropriate and keep the fleet "ready and fit to fight," and that the war department Is pursuing a policy of retrenchment In an effort to get down to "normalcy," were made by Secretaries Denby and Weeks Tues day night before the American Legion post of the National Press club. CURRENT WEEK JAPAN'S NAVY WILL BE BIG Programme Shows No Signs of Favor- Ing Disarmament. Toklo. Japan's present naval pro gram, which say officials, will be com pleted whatever may be arranged with forolgn powers as to future curtail ment, means more than the creation ot the so-callod eight and eight units. The phase "eight and eight" signifies, according to the official view here, that Japan will build until she has eight first class battleships and eight first class cruisers, but It also signifies another "eight," namely that when one of the above 16 units reaches the age of eight years, that unit passes to the second line, to be replaced Immediately by a new ship of the latest design. It Is pointed out, therefore, that Japan's future navy, as at present out lined, will have 16 first class fight ing ships ot the latest construction, as well as numerous ships of the second lino, to which the warships now build ing will fall when a period of eight years makes substitution necessary. Hence, adherence to the "elght-and-elght" plan means constant building and constant big expenditure. It Is the continuing outlay to which ex-Mln-later Yuklo Ozakl takes objection In his campaign for an International agreement for naval restriction on the ground that the budget involved "Will prove disastrous for his country. A comparison of the strength of the navies of Japan and the United States shows, according to the view held here, that in 1921 Japan will have one fewer major ships, two more light cruisers, 220 fewer destroyers and 11 fewer submarines than the United States. By the end of 1923, if the programs of the respective coun tries are carried out, the United States will lead Japan by 16 in major war ships. She will have 231 more de stroyers and 24 more submarines, but on the other hand the American light cruisers will fall behind Japan's to the number of three. By the end of 1927 Japan will have two fewer big ships, three more light cruisers and 47 fewer destroyers. Japan is, however, devoting herself to submarines and it is expected that by 1927 she will beat the United States In submarines to the number of 32. England Hopeful Over Strike London. Although still confronted with the strike in the coal mines and the possibility that work will not be resumed for several days, England faced the week-end somewhat more hopefully than it did the last. All labor quarters were still ex citedly discussing Saturday's action by the railwaymen and transport work ers In calling off their strike and the effect on the future Interests of labor. The best hope for an early solution Is held to He in the new attitude for an Independent Investigation shown by a large section ot the house of commons. In view of the possibility, of a pro tracted stoppage of mining operations the board of trade, in line with the other precautions taken by govern ment agencies, Issuetl injunctions for drastic enforcement of the regulations governing use of coal, light and power. No further move by the miners is expected before the conference here Friday. Land Bank Bonds Ready. Washington, D. C Forty million dollars of 5 per cent 20-year federal land bank bonds would be offered for subscription at par Monday through 1000 Investment bankers over the country, It was announced Saturday night by Secretary Mellon. The bonds also will be obtainable from federal land banks and farm loan associations. The bonds will be redeemable, Mr. Mellon said, at the option of the Is suing bank at any time after 10 years from the date of Issue. "The supreme court of the United States has firmly established the fed eral land banks," Secretary Mellon said. "In view of the satisfactory financial condition ot the banks the exemption of the bonds issued by these banks from federal, Btate municipal and local taxation and with the very adequate security back of these bonds they Bhould provide attractive security to Investors." Phong Rate Reduced. Condon, Or. Two years ago the public service commission of Oregon increased the local telephone rates 33V4 per cent This rate had been ef fective since that time until April 4 when John Jackson, local manager and owner, voluntarily lowered the rate to their pre-war basis. Mr. Jackson said that because of the cut his business had Increased to such an extent that the Income was considerably greater than under the higher rate. Chicago. A cold wave Sunday fol lowed the blizzard which Bwept an area from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic states Friday and Saturday, leaving a trail of death and desola tion. In the central west conditions were slowly returning to normal. The snow which fell In Wisconsin, Ne braska, Michigan and Illinois Is al most vanished. STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. 1 WW WW WW l?fl WWW WW WW wvwww Albany. Considerable street im provement work 1b planned In Albany this year. Most of It will be grading and graveling ot streets In the outly ing residence districts. Eugene. All the money has been subscribed by the farmers of the Crow and Hadleyvllle neighborhoods to pur chase the Lane county bonds to pay for the new road project to furnish a shorter route from Eugene to that valley, according to P. M. Morse, coun ty engineer. Banks. The Banks commercial club met at the Banks hotel Friday evening and the electric light question was dUcussed. A committee was appoint ed to, get out contracts and get all signers possible. Light and power are almost assured now tor Banks. Roseburg, R. A. Booth, state high way commissioner, has presented to theWllbur high school a thoroughly equipped library and an effort will be made at the coming reunion of the former Umpqua academy students to match the sum expended by him to buy additional books and equipment. Salem. Complete control of the flax plant at the state penitentiary is now under the warden of the Institution. This change in the operation ot the plant was authorized by the legisla ture at Its recent session. Heretofore the flax ludnstry had been under the control of the state board of control. Salem. Formal arguments on the application for a rehearing of the Pa cific Telophone & Telegraph company rate case will be heard by the mem bers of the public service commission here Monday. It originally planned to hold the arguments in Portland, but this was changed on request ot the Portland city officials. Bend. Returns received from the elections held Friday on the central Oregon Irrigation district showed the defeat of the proposed $250,000 bond issue by a vote of 262 to 114. The negative vote canceled the district's contract to purchase the Central Ore gon Irrigation company's holdings, which had been offered for $115,000. Oregon City. The Oregon City Manufacturing company, after operat ing its woolen mills in this city short handed for several months, started a full crew Monday morning in both Its plant here and its manufacturing es tablishment in Portland. Word has been Bent out to all employes who were temporarily laid off to report for duty. Albany. Six projects form the spec- al program which the Linn county farm bureau will handle this year In idditlon to Its regular routine work They are livestock improvement, poul try improvement, soil Improvement, rodent control, crop Improvement and club work. This program has been adopted by the executive committee of the bureau. Eugene. Fruit men about Eugene have begun to note that some damage has been done to the cherry crop by the recent heavy frosts. John Thramer, who has one of the best orchards in this district, said some of his trees were affected, but he did not think the damage was general. Other fruit men said their trees were hit by the frosts in spots. Salem. The Oregon state livestock sanitary board, at a meeting held re cently in Portland, caused to be issued a proclamation authorizing sheep breeders to dispense with the dipping of their animals for the year 1921, with the exception of In Deschutes county and that part of Lake county north of a point east and west through what is known as Avery pass. Eugene. Mrs. Mary Roberts Rine hart, noted writer; her husband, Dr. D. M. Rinehart, and their two sons will take a 30 days' trip In the Cas cade mountains this summer, accord ing to Harry G. Hayes, hunter and guide of McKenzie Bridge, who has been engaged by them. The trip will be started near Mount Hood and will be continued through to Crater lake. Salem. Members of the Horticul ture Farm Loan association, at a meet ing held here Saturday, exonerated A. C. Bohrnstedt, secretary-treasurer of the association, from any misconduct in managing the affairs of the associa tion. It previously had been charged that Mr. Bohrnstedt had exceeded his authority In handling the funds of the organization and a committee was ap pointed to make an Investigation. Salem. There are approximately 3500 negroes In Oregon without em ployment at the present time, accord ing to statistics prepared, by C. H. Gram, state labor commissioner, fol lowing a request from Washington. It had been Intimated to Mr. Gram that the negroes of Oregon and other states were being discriminated against by the American Legion, but this was denied In the letter of the labor commissioner. The Homesteader Copyright, All Rights Reserved OUT INTO THE NIGHT. Bynopali. Dissatisfied because of the seemingly barren outlook ot his position as a school teacher In a Canadian town, John Harris deter mines to leave It, take up land In Manitoba and become a "home stouder." Mary, the girl whom he loves, declares she will accompany him. They are married and set out for the unknown country. They select a homestead, build a home and put In a crop. Returning from selling his first crop, Harris finds his wife almost insane (rom loneli ness and with Immediate expecta tion of becoming a mother. A son Is born and they name him Allan. The story now Jumps forward 26 years. Harris is prosperous and all for getting rich. Mary la toll-worn and suddened over the change In her husband. Allan works on the farm. Beulah, the pretty daugh ter, Is rebellious at the shut-In farm life. Jim Travers Is an un usual hired man and he Is secretly In love with Beulah.. Harris and Allan clash with Jim and he leaves, CHAPTER VI Continued. 9 narrls was accustomed to his laughter's frankness, and as a rule paid little regard to It. He was willing enough to be flayed, in moderation, by her keen tongue; In.fuct, he took a lecret delight In her unrestrained sal lies, but that was different from de Dance. "We'll talk about that some other time, too," he said. "And you'll milk the cows tonight as usual." Beulah opened her Hps as though to inswer, but closed them again, arose, and walked out of the kitchen. For nor the controversy was over ; the die was oust. Her nature admitted of any amount of disputation up to a lertiiln point, but when the irresist ible force crashed Into the Immovable jliject she wasted no wind on words. With her war was war. Harris finished his meal with little relish. Ills daughter was very, very much to him, and an open rupture with her wns among the Inst things to te imagined. . . . Still, she must eurn that the liberty of speech he al lowed her did not Imply equal liberty jf action. . . . His wife, too, had Dehaved most incredibly. After all, perhaps he had been hasty with Jim. No doubt he would meet the boy In Plnlnvllle or somewhere in the dis trict before long, and he would then hove a frank little talk with him. and he would say nothing more of the Incident to his wife. He was begin ning to feel almost amiable again when recollection of Beulah, and the regard which she was evidently cuttl rntlng toward Trovers, engulfed his returning spirits like a cold douche, tt must not come to that, whatever Happened. "You better go over to Grant's, Al an, If you're goin'," he said as he left ihe table. "I've some shears to mr.nge that'll keep me busy until you jet back." An hour later Allan returned, ac ompnnled by George Grant, and oper ttlons in the field were resumed. Fa :her and son were both anxious to Too Far," She Agreed. "But You Started It; Let's See You Stop It" nake up for lost time, and they work id that night long after their usual lour for quitting. It was quite dark when the two men, tired and dusty, 'imie in at the close of their long day's abor. The table wns set for two. "We lave had our supper," Mary explained. 'We thought we wouldn't wait any onger." "That's all right," said Harris, try, ng to be genial. But he found It hard er than he had supposed. He was rery tired, ntid somewhat embarrassed following the unpleasantness at noon. 3e had no thought of apologizing, rither to wife or daughter; on the con rrnry, he Intended to make It quite dear to them that they had been at fault In the matter, but he would take his time about reopening the subject. When supper was finished Allan went to the stables to give final atten tion to the horses a duty that had always fallen to Jim and Harris, af ter a few minutes' quiet rest In his chair, began to remove his boots. "The cows are not milked, John," snld his wife. She tried to speak In a matter-of-fact way, but the tremor In her voice betrayed the Import of the simple statement. Harris paused with a boot half un laced. While his recollection of Beu lah's defiance was clear enough, It had not occurred to him that the girl actually would stand by her guns. He had told her that she would milk the cows tonight as usual, and he had as sumed, as a matter of course, that she would do so. Ho was not accustomed to being disobeyed. "Where's Beulah?" he demanded. "I guess she's In her room." Harris laced up his boot. Then he started upstairs.' "Don't be too hard on her, John," urged his wife, with a little catch In her voice. "I won't be too hard on anybody," he replied curtly. "It's a strange thing you wouldn't see that she did as she was told. I suppose I have to plug away In the field until dark and then come In and do another half-day's work because my women folk are too lazy or stubborn to do It themselves." If this outburst was Intended to crush Mary Harris It hnd a very dif ferent effect. She seemed to straighten up under the attack; the color came back to her cheeks, and her eyes were bright and defiant. "John Harris," she said. "You know better than to say that your women folk are either lazy or stubborn, but there's a point where Imposition, even the Imposition of a husband, has to stop, and you've reached that point. You didn't have to stay In the field until dark. There's another day com ing and the plowing'll keep. It Isn't like the harvest. It was Just your own contrariness that kept you there. You fired the best man you ever had today, In a fit of temper, and now you're try ing to take it out on us." Harris looked at her for a moment; then, without speaking, he continued up the stairs. He felt that he was being very unfairly used, but he had no intention of shrinking from his duty as a husband and father, even if Its discharge should bring pain to all of them. He found Beulah In her room, os tensibly reading. "Why are the cows not milked?" he demanded. . "I thought I made It clear to you at noon that they wouldn't be milked by me," she answered, "and there didn't seem to be anybody else hankering for the Job." "Beulah," he said, trying to speak calmly, "don't you think this nonsense has gone far enough?" "Too fur," Bhe agreed. "But you started it let's see you stop It." "Beulah," he said, with rising anger, "I won't allow you to talk to me like that. Remember I'm your father, and you've a right to do as you're told. Haven't I given you everything given you a home, and all that, and are you goin' to defy me In my own house?" "I don't want to defy you," she an swered, "but If you're going to let your temper run away with you, you can put on the brakes yourself. And as for all you've done for me maybe I'm ungrateful, but it doesn't look half so big from my side of the fence." "Well, what more do you want?" he demanded. "For one thing, I wouldn't mind hav ing a father." "What do you mean? Ain't I your father?" "No I" she cried. "No! No! There's no father here. You're Just the boss the foreman on the farm. You board with mother and me. We see you at meal-times. We wouldn't see you then if you didn't have to make use of us In that way. If you have a spare hour you go to town. You're always so busy, busy, with your little things, that you have no time for big things. I'd like to see you think about living Instead of working. And we're not living not really living, you know we're Just ex isting. Don't you see what I mean? We're living all In the flesh, like an animal. When you feed the horses and put them under shelter you can't do anything more for them. But when you feed and shelter your daughter you have only half provided for her, and it's the other half, the starving half, that refuses to starve any longer." "I'm not klckln' on religion, If that's what you mean, Beulah," he said. "You get goin' to church as often as you like, and " "Oh, It's not religion," she protest ed. "At least. It's not Just going to church, and things like that, although I guess It Is a more real religion, if we Just understood. What are we here for, anyway? What's the an swer?" "Well, Pra here Just now to tell you those cows are to be milked before " "Yes, dodge it I You've dodged that luestion so long you daren't face It But there must be an answer some where, or there wouldn't be the ques tion. There's Riles, now; he doesn't ROBERT J. C. $ STEAD K Author of "Tho Cow 3 eunchtr," Htc tA know there Is such a question. Ha takes it for granted we're here to grab money. And then, there's the Grants. They know there Is such a question, and I'm sure thut to some extent they've answered It. You know, I like them, but I never go Into their house that I dont feel out of place. I feel like they have something that I haven't something that makes them very rich and shows me how very poor I am. And It's embarrassing to feel poor among rich folks. Why, tonight George Grant stopped on Ills way home to suy a word to me, and what do you sup pose he said? Nothing about the weather, or the neighbors, or the crops. He asked me what I thought of the Venezuelan treaty. Of course I'd never heard of such a thing, but I said I hoped It would be for the best, or something like that, but I was ashamed so ashamed he might have seen It in the dusk. You see, they're living and we're existing." If Beulah hoped by such argument to persuude her futher, or even to In fluence him, she was doomed to dlsap- With a Light Cloak About Her Shoul ders and a Suitcase in Her Hand, Slipped Quietly From the Front Stairs and Out Into the Night. polniment "You're talking a good deal of nonsense, Beulah," he said. "When you get older these questions won't worry you. In the meantime, your duty is to do as you're told. Right now that means milk the cows. I'll give you five minutes to get started." Harris went to his room. A little later Beulah, with a light cloak about her shoulders and a suitcase in her hand, slipped quietly down the front stairs and out into the night CHAPTER VII. Crumbling Castles. At the foot of the garden Beulah paused Irresolute, the suitcase swing ing gently In her hand. She had made no plans for the decisive step events of the day had forced upon her, but the step itself she felt to be Inevitable. She was not In love with Jim Travers ; she had turned the whole question over In her mind that afternoon, weigh ing It with Judicial Impartiality, sup posing all manner of situations to try out her own emotions, and she had come to the conclusion that Travers was merely an Incident in her life, a somewhat inspiring incident, perhaps, but an incident none the less. The real thing the vital matter which de manded some exceptional protest was the narrow and ever narrowing horizon of her father, a horizon bounded only by material gain. Against this nar rowing band of outlook her vigorous spirit, with Its dumb, insistent stretch ings for the Infinite, rebelled. It was not a matter of filial duty; it was not a matter of love ; to her It was a mat ter of existence. She saw her ideals dimly enough at best, and she would burst every cord of affection and con vention rather than allow them to be submerged In the gray, surrounding murk of materialism. Perhaps It was custom and the subtle pullings of association that drew her feet down the path across the bench to the edge of the stream that gurgled gently In the still night. The stars blinked a strange challenge from the sky, as though to say, "Here Is the tree of knowledge, If you dare to drink thereof." At length she turned her back on the stream and took the path past the house and down to the corral, where she pausid, her ear arrested by the steady drone of milking. A lantern sitting on the black earth cast a little circle of light and threw a docile cow In dreadful silhouette against the barn. And by that dim light Beulah dis cerned the bent form of her mother, milking. "I can't tell you where Beu lah is, John. She left here last night." no an cu.MiKUjau