The Maupin Times I'nliJLshfil cvtiy r'liday at Maupin, j Uncoil TTecsiline K. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One year,; six mouths, 75 cent; three iiiointi-, 50 Kutercrl ns second class mail rmitlcr f-'cptt'iitber a, 191-1, at ( lie posKHtc at Maupin, Ultsoii, 1111. dir (lie Act o( M.ucli 3, 1S79, 1NOTCE FOK PUBLICATION Department of tho interior U. S. Lund Oll'wc at The Didloa, On Kori, March 10, K'2I. Notice im hereby rI ven Hint, William V. I'ruitl of Maupin, Oregon, who on Neptcmbci pi, till!), made Addit iliment:i' entry, No. il7b'!G fur NW1-4NUI-4, ill ZNl-2, Nl-isEl-4 sel-aKll, Section 2 tuw iMhip 4 South, I'.unge 15 Kaal Willamette Meridian, hus liled notic of intention to n.ake final three yen proof, to nalih claim '0 the tar. above ili'Hcnbod, before F. II. Slum' United Stale ('omiiiwuoni.'r at Maupi. Oregon, on Iho l!nh day of April Cluitimiit rami as wUuwaeit: nnl Ny-, of i'ufur, Oregon, Marioi Duncan, of Winnie, Oregon, Ejwii Mayn, of Maupin, OrvpMj, Irvine Hh ria, of Maupin, Urea or . It. Frank Woodcock, KKitr NO r ICE. f OjR PVBMCAriOM Department of the Interior It. s, Unci Otiie hi The lullcs, 0 goo. March lu. Notice b hereby given that I-ternard Ny of T.yyli Valley, Ureui', who on 1 J. wiiii;"r i;. nr-nl Addition-' IJomcatfwt Entn Xo. OW4r2 tor K' 4wi.l- t, jn-:l W.i i. iVe. 1. Nl-?sM-; Nvl-4iEl 4, wl -if f,I 4, Seetlvn a, U" N,vMH 4, Mvl 4N61 4, 8e. 21. Trw Khip t south, litiMje 'i, Whhr etlo Mi.'iidian, htis filed no'.'.oe intention to make fiual rucuf, to e--tihtih Um in the I ami bcv dewiibed, befute Register ai:d Peer er. United KWtei Land Ofiictr, fit Ik Dalles, Oregon, on the 0O1 cty . My, l"2l. iflaittwnt names as witnesses: Car N'i, of Dufor, Oregon, Edward W lluHfliil'p.-k, of T ft h Valley, Org"! William Fmili, of Maupin, Oregon y tMnU-y Minks of Grass Valley, Urego' It. Funk Wijort. L'ek, Kgistf.r. u ri c T fur R'muca rior- Department of the Interior j. .V Laud Office at The Diilk--, Oi rutin, March. 1", 1921. Uc.i" ia hyrfhv given that Ivlw.ud W.'ll.d!enbei'-k cf Tygh Valky, OrKOn, wiio on Ma.; li, mad"? Ail'liriwul Hjimstrai Kiitry Nn. niSSW fr nwl-4l 4 pc lion i, bKI 4 :r.l 4 auction a, nfI-4.n.k-4 (ftiou tl, Ni ;!''' 1-4, eivl 4nw1 4, t'i 2sr.l 4, fftticii luwtihip 4 Houib. Kaii'.fi) 14 ta?t, Willamette Mendwi, Ikis filod iiotlti? uf iiiltii'ton lu makf liu-.'l pioof, In wtal.'lih claim t- the Wild aim-e i1ui ril.'H, Murs ."fgis Ire and ltecrivei-, Uuitnd tatt'a Lanu I Ufliitf, at. Tde', Urcn, nn h I t.'h day of May, I'.iiil. ! (Jlaiinaot iwm.s a vvitneSH1'-: Horn md Nys, Carl Nyp, Mo Wi-tdi. Joht li'ylof.. a'l of 'fynh VhHw, dfROn. FI. Flunk VVtairloock, Ketriter. . i " 1 MO'IICKJOK i'vulicavion i Iiopnrtmoiil. of tlift Inti rior V. S. I nd t'llic" at Ike Mai!?;, fire p.ii. March IS, m. f.'oticn h 1 t' if 1 1 v Riven that Matt P. iJiiilv. Jimi'.-r of Maupin, Oifgoii, v, hu on Novfmhoi I I 111, ni"'1( Horne:,t(:?r Knlry 1N0. 021 1 :, lor f.l ;;t.Rl 4, Swii'rti 11. 4- I 4, Nl-'v.l 1, rj. 1. Sjtcti.-n 12, Nl .-iiKl-4. svv1-1ne!-4, Section HI. Township S si'ijth, Haimf! 14 catt, tvl V!N-M-J sei tion 1, ni Nwl-l, section ia, Township u south, Kiinse 15 cast, VVil- ) lanioUn Mmidinn, liHa illftl nilk'8of, Intention to make Ihrca year proof, to j (f-tbbli.'h elaim to thu Kind nhove do- 1 w.rUu'd, I'ljf.'re Rj$!t'lor r-Md Koeriver, United St. "iles l and UlTice, at The Dulles, Oreen, on tho 25th day uf! Apiil, t?2t. I V. Parjiher, Arthur W. Farhtr, 1 ThoniHS f'sherty, Anthory J. Osmolly, 1 John I'l.'lev, all of Matipin, tlrepoit. j H. Funk Wovdcock, Keg'er. 1 J Wapiniiia Jmog I Leaves Maupin, 1 y. in. j Letups Wfipitiilia, 8 a ru, V. K33ERTS. Proa.' W A V t N I Tl A IjM.ljfo No, 2tt', Maupin, Ojogoti. im-.'tu eery tf luiiUv mjlit m I. t. O. f, hail. Viiiitiujj luem Wis nlk avs iM-h'ouiH. Geo. McDonald, N. G. U. b, TiKSKii, S-rvietMiy, E. B. DUFUR Attorney at Law MAUPIN. OIXKGON Dr. T. DcLarliuc LYL61GHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exvlu.oveiy Optical Kouius 17-13 Vcl nicvk, otr Ciuiliy's Tiuk toit, TLe lalle, Ore Thone Blsrk 1111 Vamic 'J'jie (eachors nnd nchool child id liatj a picnic in the kfo e on J03 Charttin place. We have had some very heavy fro Us (luring the past two weeks. Percy, r.d, Willis and Tom Driver transacted business in The Dalles Tuesday. The farmers are very busy with plowing and some are al most through. The ground plows hard on account of so much rain this season. Mrs. Irma Munier wasaOalles visitor Saturday. The fair association held a board meeting at the fairground Saturday. Jim Kennedy and P. 3. Driver attended. Dien Munger is movinR to hit. homestead 'on upper Fifteen mile Dr. and Mrs. W. A. thori were over from Dttfttr Salu d i and .Sunday. llaruuiitiPattis'in went In The D.illes Monday. Mr. find Mrs. Ji c Kistu"!' ol Tygh were Dallas visitors Inst week. They leave the 14th to I" ibsent from home some thnr. Mrs. Eliza Johnson is i'l at li?' home this week. Mrs Dollie K'.sfner vter;t the Dalles la;;t week. Mrs. Myrtle Swift was cpf rat ed on in Purtland la.t wek. Mr! and Mrs. Tom Fa-low omock spent several day? in I'hs l'all'33 last week. M'3. E'limi Chtain si ent three weeks at the Lhtley honu near Maupin returning h'.'tvtf Saturday. Mrs. Mart New received word of the deat h of Robert Power. a fakima, Wash, whieh otiettred s week ago Saturday. He was the son Mrs. Jack Powers who hss visited at Maupin. M. F. Cobert has moved from the White river, plant to his homestead. J. R. Woodcock returned last week from a few days stay in 1'he tfalles. Pete and Winn Hull left Fri day for Seattle, Wash., where .they hare employment. Mrs. Mary E. Noble who died March 22, at Puyullup. Wn., was the mother of Mrs Nora Miller of Tygh Valley, and a resident of this place many years ago. Wapinitia N. G. Hedin staled for the inl'ormaliiinofWamic and Smock leaidents wha have been consid erably niisim formed as to1 the litigation pending brouaht by the While River Power Co , that the Wapinitia Irrigation Co. has made no claim on any waters tributary to the Wamic-Smock district. A little daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lewis. A bad t'nm was organized here Sunday. Mose Deltiewa chosen manager, Ben Flinn cap tain. A game between the locals thd the Simnasho Indian boys is .ht-dulcd for next Sunday. Directors' Meet ins flatuiday afternoon the first iliu'c'ois' mcetiug of the re-or-f.ivv7-!d i lmmber of Commerce va? lipid in the chamber of com- iiic-rcc The l.ialles. for the pur : rose of fleeting officers fur tht 1 1 est of 1SL1. The ot'icers elect ed .1 are: H. S. litce, president: ;U. D. I hattirld, Hosier, first c ptesHent; N. G. Hedin. j Wipiu'tia. second vice presiden' N. A Bonn, treasurer. Upoi. tiijt'on by I. 11 We?t it wasde eid"l to eiiH'h'y V. F. Van ; c'.i 'ick a?, sr net -try for anothet t wo montho. Mis. M. Cnnninghnm madi filial proof on her homesteat ahop Ms'ip'n Tuesday before V. ', S. Land Commissioner Stuart. Mis Cuni'ingham stated her im provements a3 valued at $2.0(10. ! However, her neat spacious resi dence is far superior to an aver- j age rural home. Solid Facts No. 9 Land pivparcd for alfalfa when slightly sloping should be well unified or smoothed on sur face; if it is flat it should be care fully leveled. Water will overflow the cor regations and cause flooding when the surface is uneven. Hence labor and time spent in thorough preparation is good economy. The crop returns from well prepared land always x ceeds roughly prepared land crops as high burned spots and low drowned spots are prevented It is a little better lo irrigate before cutting as both cutting anl irrigation check growth pro cess. Don't al'ow alfalfa hay to lie .inraked too long as it become? b-ittle very rapidly and the i.aves ami blossoms fall of I causing a loss of the mist vtd tiab'c pai l, A better p'an is to rake and chock and let cine afterwards. Then alfalfa ulvmld b? cut .i us-1 in the bloom tooi-me u;ood tender hay- If alfalfa seed is to be grown following the first hay c t ing no water should be pu on. If alfalfa land is to be P'utured in the fed! after hav J' tMng. little or no water should be put en after the last eu't'ng. If hogs and cattle are taUured on alfalfa plots in suni tne a division of field is leeorn ntended so one section may be irrigated and drained or dried somewhat before cattle tramp it. As a hog pastine alfalfa has no superior. Hie California Joint Stock Land Bank k receiving: applications for Farm Loans, 33 years at 6 per cent to pay off existing mortgages, to buy land 01 improvements. Those wishing further information see Harvey L. Morris. No commissions charged. What we Can Bo 3ell jou Gas by gallon or barrel; or Oils. Overhaul jour Car; repair jour car, small or large job; weld your broken casting?, large or it all, engineer engine head; tr broken parts. A new man at the torch; he makes hh work neat and strong ard guarantees all he does for. you. He is also an auto i fair man in any work you want done on your car. He will do it; price ia right; ivy him. He guarantees to vnu his work; if your work in not good and strong and d ?s not hold up, 'come back ond if he doesn't make good your money will be rtti ii it to i nilhtut fail. Give him a trial once. Vi e have tires and tubes for sale. When you buy a tire f-i m the Maupin Garage we put it on for you free. Wf pump your tire free. We rel! on a tube; we put it in free. We se'l you transmission oil; put it in free. We sell you differential oil; put it in free; SVe. sell you Exide batteries; put them in free; we te&t your batteries free. We sell you spark plugs; jtut them in free. We sell yt u fan belle; put them in free. We sell you comatatores and brushes and cuniiection wire; put them on free. When you are in Maupin jiark jour car in the Maupin Garage in the daytime free. We give you more free ser vice than any other place in tl e cn-nlry. Nov if you can get all this free at the Maupin Gaistge, w hy not try them. We are at jour service day or night by labor, or with a car to ii Ire jcu where you want to 0, or with a small truck to haul your snnll wants. Remember we are at your service here or anywhere you want us to go day or night, and a man that has 12 years at the business and guarantees all he docs for you, behind him in what he does and says. And what we for you as soon as anyone can get it for you. Give us help to supply jou with ycur needs. When ycu come Garage and tell us jrour need. "We will help you at once. Everything we can sell you or give you free we will appreciate. Yours truly, MAUriN GARAGE. Nolicc Maupin Oi-gun April 1. I'.la.ksn.itbinM. Woodwork and ;."i..'ral Ropa-rine. horeesh.Kinu ' rhill.d How Shears ground. ,to be played at Maupin. April jou.. a library station for some KVth?" OivniR to the dcpreMon 0f2t the boys co to Antelope and 1 and it Will be a pleasure to many ! to estabhsb claim to the land above pneesof farm products" I will tun, game with the j to know that books can again be! S'ct re Juc pric of ail work done, "tl Antelope team. I be awed from thi3 point Fff ty . on the nth day of Mav. i?2l. to 30 per (cent from last Everybody be on hand at 2.S0: U.,ks have been sent in this col iGrMffito p. ice lueit Sunday to see the lig game j lection, to, remain here three fC G. Skoesberg. aU of Maupin. Orecon A.F. Martin IwithDufur. t month. j H. ftuk woodcock, ftiet. The International Harvester Company soys in their lecture chart, "I would advise every farmer to try at least a small piece of alfalfa". If work is thoroughly done and in season you will most certainly recure a good stand. No piece of groucd on the farm will bring greater profits. Make a beginning Start how. S. C. Annual Picnic Following the custom inangur ed by the County School Super i'ntendant, some years ago, of holding the annual county school picnic at the Tygh Valley fair grounds; we, the teachers of the Tygh Valley School, wish to ann ounce that our annual picnic will be held at Tygh Valley, Saturday April 16th. All of the teacher:', pupils and school patrons of Was co County are cordially invited to attend; everyone brio,; lb" well filled basket and have u good time with us at the Typ." Valley fair ground:, April liitb. Local Ilfra Try IlHZelwood ice crenrn and a malted milk shake at Andy',, place. A sun was bom to Mr. .nod Mi?. John Foley Wednesday iiicni'mg. Ais joii using The Times liuci column n hen on have anything to :-:ell or v, ant lo buy some ar'.icl that otir neighbor mpj have c: wishes to dispose td? 11 not try a want ad iu that column. Ball Game , . ... , ,, ; l.ii'ia y itu nauoi ng a tra e inc 17' ' 1 h bctwcenlJlVa,.v Mam,in ha, ,1PPn KJ Pufr 8,1,1 ,,(,me n iJ'' ld,-, Ma"', m ha3 bfen w,th - Howard Nye's brother Charley and family arrive here to-day. Eastman Kodaks and Kodak Supplies. -Maupin Drug Store. Pat Collins killed a small rattle snake on the 0. W. track above Maupin Wednesday. Portland Painless Dentist. 305, Second St. The Dalles Oregon, All work guaranteed,. W. T. Slatlen 1), I). S. Proprietor. j Now for the Fishing Tackle. U don't pay to bother with bum 'stuff. We've got the kind that gets the Fish. Maupin Drug Store. Wm. Nickerson's residence at the White river bridge near Tygh burned Wednesday evening, the fire starting around the stove pipe, a few things were saved. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Nickerson were re I turning from The Dalles and saw I the smoke as they were decend ingTygh. Nei ghbors across thr river gave the alarm to Tygh central mid many from Tygh canic imme iially, kit too late t" nave the hou!i It' you would like a Jersey heifer calf cheap or a While Wjandnlte cockerel for $! - -so1 PotuK'". Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Miller en tet tai.ued a inimberof the young married people with a caidpuvtj and luuch at their home Tuesday night. l'aint is on the drop. Get run prices. Maupin Drug Store. SI'ATf MBNr of the ownership, inatigeuifot, eitrula tion, etc , required by the set of Con gresa of August 24. 1H12, of The Mau em Times published veeklv at Maupin Oregon for April 1, 1920. State ol Oregon Wasco county. Before me I Notary Fublie in and for the State nc' I county aforesaid, personally app'arei I JessiHne L. Morrison, who having beei ; dulv swoin according to law, deposes j and pays that she is the owner, pub- iishc-r, editor, lusiness manager of the ! Maupin Time?, and that the follovirifr is, to the best ot her knowledge an. belief, a true statement of the ownei ?hiri, management, etc, of the afore said publication, for the date Bhun-n ii the above caption, 'that there are n known bondholders, mortgagees, am other security holders. Jessiline E. Morrison. Sworn to and subscribed before in this 3Ut day of March, 192J. F, D, Stuart. for You and the Maupin Garage is haun't in stock we will get a trial. W e are on the go to to Maupin call at the Maupin . Cvr's Conft'Ctioney have ai - ranged w ilh thd Wasco County , ., , , ,,. . ,. ' Library for handling a traveling NOTICE t OR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior .U.- S. Lund Oltice at Tho Dalle?, Ore ijon, March, 2i. 1H21. Notice ia hereby uiven that Kuftis H. Decamp of Maupin, Oregon, who on Oct. 10, 1917, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 01JI346, for Nl-2 Nwl-4, Section 28, Township 6 noulh, Ranee 15 Rant, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to estnbliah claim to the land above described, before I 1). Stuart, United States States Commis sioner at Maupin, Oregon, on tne Jid day of May,- 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: C. A, Duus, of Criterion, Oregon, W. E. Kidder, of Maupin, Oregon, J, B. Kidder, of Muupin, Oregon, H. M. Greene, of Maupin, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Derartment of the Interiorior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, March 24, 1921. Notice Is hereby given that Carl A. Duus .)f Criterion, Oregon, who on October 20, 1916, maue Additional Homestead Sntry No. 016623, for NE1-4nw1-4, Nl-2 NEl-4, Section 7, NWl-4 mvl-4, Section 8, Township 6, south, Range .5 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed iOtice of intention to make three year proof, to establitih claim to the land ibove described, before I' 1). Stuart, United Stateat'oniniibiiioner. at Maupin iregon, on the Hid day of May, 1921. Claimant uaiiicj an wilnesKcu: R. 11. IM'amp of Maupin, Oregon, C. G. .'kugaherg, of Criterion, Oregon, Cert Knight, f'riteii'.n. Oregon, 11. F, hn dan of Criterion, Oregon. It Frank Woodcock, Register. JOitcL ur riNM, settle- MENr Notice is hcifby giren: That A. C, Martin, Adniinisliatur if the estate ot Margaret Ann Confer, .ceased, has bled his final account Hh the county clerk of Waaco county Iregon. in the above estate and that Monday the 2nd day of May, 1921, at be hour of 10 o'clock of said day ill he County Couit Pooin in the county outt huuse in llie Dalles, Wasco vo'jnty, Oregon, has been fixed as the ime and place for the hearing thereof. All persons aie hereby notified to appear at said time and place to show ;auee, if any theie be. why said final account should not be allowed, and an aider made discharging said Adminia tretor. A. C Martin Administrator NOlICfc OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice is here given: That A. C. Martin. Administrator of .f the estate of Christian Confer, de eastd, has filed his final account with die county clerk of Wasco county, Oregon, in the above estate and that Monday the 2nd day of May, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock of said day in he County Court Room in the county :ourt houae in The Dalles, Wasco, county, Oregon, has been fixed as the lime ur,rl nlaffi for tho Viciarincr thurcnf All persons are hereby notified to ippear at said lime and place to show :aue, if ana there be, why said final recount should not be allowed, and an irdt r mads discharging said Adminis- mtor. A' C. Martin. Administrator. NOTICE f OH rinLlCATION Department of the Interior ti. S Land Office at The Dalles, Ore jou, April j i, wzi Notice is hereby given that Mary E. Morrison d Tygh Valley Oregon, who on Feb. 11. li'18, made Homestead entry No. 19M2, for seI 4nw1-4, Kl-2swl-4. sec ion 29, NF.1-4SE1-4, Section 30, Town hip U south, Hange 14 east. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention o make final three year pioof to slabli.h claim to the land above di jcribtd, before F. D. Stuart, United itattfs Commissioner at Maupin, Ore ion, on the 16th day of May, lb21. Claimant names as witnesses: John Janroy, Lee F. Jackson, Edward Dis ji'ow, Ihoinas Ashley, all of Tygh Val ey. Oregon. H Frank Woodcock. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Ore ion, April, 12, 1921. Huti:e is hereby given that Donald Monison I Shaniko, Oregon, who, on .Feb. 5 7, 1918, made llo.nestead Entry No. Jl?077, for sEl-fcwl 1, swl-4::r;l-4, lection 27, wl-2NLl-4, El 2wl-2, Sec tion S4, Township G south, Rtnte 14 ast Willamette Meridian, has filed iOtice ot intention to make tnree ear proof o establish claim to the land above described, before F. I. ciluatt. United states Commissioner at Maupin. Oregon, on the 20th day of May; mi. Claimant names as witnesses: B. F. Kerrling, of Criterion, Oregon, P. J. Kirsch, cf Criterion, Oiegon, Laughlin vlorrison. of shaniko, Oregon, Oliver Barton, of Maupin, Oregon. ii r-. n.,4 ,i, n...:.. 11. 1 1R1.IV ..ULULUn, V-CfclBlCl . NOTICE. f'UR ri'BLICATIOL Department of the Interior U. s. Land Office at The Dalies, Ore gon, April U, ll. I Notice ii hereby given that ! Jacob W. Daudfon, one of the heirs, Und fur the heirs of Hamilton S. David I -?on, deceased. of Tygh Valley Oregon, who on Feb. 25, ll?!3. made Homestead Entry No. ; oraa-. for bt:i 4,-wi-r, s-wi 4iEl-4. ; niviw for iri4.-i M dt j f.ip b south. Ri 1 -4. section 15. Ranae 14 east.