rm Meetloa This Piper Warn MATINEES HlPPODROl'lE T ATTTMriTPV BY PARCEL POST. J;; AN U 1 X laundry and send tons. You cm get the quality mil w mm w mm Portland tradejret Wo py rtrturn postage. Palace Laundry Co. Portland, Ore. Hotel Alder D A D'Q DFCTl TTD A JP A od place to Eat and Llv. Well uit J IXtLO 1 lU Kil 1 KemarkaU. (Uo luncheon at noon. UJ. xmr m, w a .a v M. Qpn , , m tota. m m Stark St I L Cafeteria Page & Son Portland, Oregon LIBERTY BONDS and UNLISTED STOCKS ON ANY MARKET SWOLLEN (Varicose) VEINS Are painful and often rfangwrotii. Our Hftnd-woven-to-flt Elastic Stockings, BlU and Baniittgei always giva reliuf. Fitters and Makers for Fifty-five Years Satisfaction or Money Back. Bend for Book and Measure Blank Today, WOODARD, .CLARKE & CO. Portland. Woodlark Building . ' Alder at Wat Park RUBBEP STAMPS, and MARKING DEVICES. "Entry thing for the Office' twm e oak stsmts wntuuie. suae. PORTLAND RUG CO. Manufacturers el FLUFF and KA(i KUGS Soecialty OAUPKT CLEANING, LAYING A SUING 1672-1674 East 17th Street SP ' .' CoroNA The Pergonal Writing Machine. Weight lb. Price toO. 00 case Included Fold It Up Tike with You; Typewrite Anywhere. E. W. PEASE, 110 Siilb, Portland, Ore. Write for folder "G" Glen Haven Rest Home Electricity ByJrolkeripy BATTLE CREEK METHODS fV'" T li Applied as your physician 1j.X ,. ,..! directs. Transient patient! 115 EAST TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET Corner of Alder Phone East 4222 Portland, Oregon - FireX a Success Every auto, truck, triu-tor and home should be equipped with FireX, the new J2.60 Instantaneous Fire Extin guisher bnrnis nothing but FIRE. Complete Extinguisher ready for us. mulled to any address In Oregon or Washington on receipt of price. Needed everywhere, any climate, guaranteed. Agents wanted. FireX Company, Portland, Oregon. JONES LUMBER CO. Established 1859. 291 Fnirta St., Cur. Columbia, Portland, Orefoet Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings Let ua figure your next lumber bill. DR. E. H. EAST PHYSICIAN-AND SURGEON Bpeclaltleai Goitres, Disease, of Women and Maternity Office Morgan Buildiag Portland, Or.. Live Wire Agents Wanted In every locality to sell KING MUD HOLE DEFIER For pulling automobiles out of tha muf on your own power. It ia a real success. Write. Price 4.80 F. O. B. Factory. KING MUD HOLE DEFiER, 429 Pillock BIk Established Twenty Years In Portland. Oregon C. GEE WOS' ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES Give Wonderful Result. 162H First Street Peruana, Ore ? Says Jazz Dead in London English Dancing Authority Predict. Fox Trot Will Be Stand ardized. London. Hie "jazz" Is dead In Lon don, says V. J. S. Kiehardson, one of the foremost English autnorities on dancing. He declares that no "new dances will be popularized this year, Aumlii These AdverusiMts. At Heilig Theater, Portland, Oregon Thru Nl.htll Sun. Mn T.... Four Matlneeu Sua. Mon. fun. Wed. Ide to 7Se. NICHTS-18etet1.2S VAUDEVILLE MElRU PHOTO PUIS Cbnt Proinm Sunday, Thursday Twice Nightly. Popular Prlcai, Ballooni Saturday Matins DO YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER BOTE 281 Aldor Street. Portland. Oregon, will rent you a room for 11.00 per day, or a room with bath for 11.50 to $2.00 per dayT Sixth street opposite Tha Oregonian and Al der .treet opposite Meir ft Frank's. Tha Beat Eating place in the City. The Fineat Coffee and Paatrjr a Specialty. Now ia the time to market capons. We are the pioneers ui largest handlers of these in the Northwest. Write lit. Capons HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Railway Exchange Builning. "Where Hone Comfort Abound" PORTLAND, OKI. The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you Belect Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find In your own home town, await you at the Multnomah. Garage in Connection. We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Rag Rugs, all .lies. Mail order prompt Rug. and carpet, .team and dry cleaned. Phone or write (or price ll.L Bar solic itor', commission. Northwest Rug Co. Ill B. Eighth St East 1110 "A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit" HOTEL CLIFFORD Blast Morrison St, at East Blith, the Principal East Side Hotel, i minutes from Shopping District Four block from S. P. Eaat Sid Station. AUTO REPAIR PARTS Send for free catalog PISTONS PISTON PINS RINGS Cylinder and Crank Shaft Grinding. Auto motive Machine Work and Welding. COOK ft GILL CO., INC. 11th and Burnside Sta. Portland, Ore. Phone: Bdwy. 3281 HELP WANTED-MALE Ex-Air SERVICE men we want a good live representative to handle our publicity and jet young men interested in learning AVIATION. Must be EX-AIR Service man, possessing personality and business ability. This is a good paying proposi tion for the right party. Don't answer unless you are interested In AVIATION. DLTDREY AIRCRAFT CORP. 105-7 North 11th St. Portland, Ore, NO CASH DOWN PAYMENT Make Your Own Terms In Reason. " 100 Cars to Select From New and Used Claasy Touring: Cars, Roadsters, Trucks, Fords and many best makes, all in good condition, offered at $250.00 to $1000.00 off regular prices for new cart and corresponding reduction on used ones. American Warehouse & Sales Co., Supple. Dock, East End Morrison Street Bridge, Portland. WE USE IT OURSELVES WE KNOW IT IS GOOD Let u. (how you how to save money by uaing the genuine Preservative Guaranteed PAINTS 16 Colors, gallon Deck and Floor PAINTS 10 Color., ffO OC gallon pj.bJ Sonrl fnr color card. Order by mail. Mail orders filled Bame day as received. The Beebe Company Cor. 1st and Wash. Sta. Portland, - Oregon but the fox trot, one-step and tango, which have held International Interest for two or three seasons, will be stand ardized. "Previously persons taught the same dances by different teachers found themselves hopelessly at sea when they tried to dance together," he said. "Through standardization, on which pi i INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Catalogue, .uppll.d and com mercial Inqulrlea cheerfully answered. Write any firm below I Do It nowl ACCORDIAN PI-BATINQ " Knlfe"andoxpieallnalSnTrfcWng, 10c yd. Button, covered. Eastern Novelty Mfg.Coy 86 K Fifth street Portland. AGRICULTURAL IMPLKMKNTS New and Seeond hand Farm machinery and Im plement.. P. K. Knbonah.de, Pni-tlsnd. ART LEATHER GOODS Leather Legglna, Traveling Bags, Trunks, Portland Leuther Co.,i!26 Washington. BOILEFCtoORKS New Sepalrlno Eaat Bide BollerWke, East Water ft Main BRAZING, WELDING A CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co., I l.t It CLEANERS.'TAILORS AND DYERS Special attention given to mall order. REGAL TAILORS, 127 North Blxth St. CREAMERY Willamette Dairy, Buyer of Milk, Cream and Egg, We pay cash, m Union At.N Oregon Creameryjor Eggs, Cream l6ind CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN LiAugUBta E.Clsse 601L"ekum Bldg. CUT FLOWERS e FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 2r7 Morrison Bt DANCING EVERY NOON V EVENING Oriental Cafe. Chinese-American Kitchen Corner Broadway and Wash, PORTLAND DEFORMITY APPLIANCES K. E. Karlson Co., 462 Burnside Bt ENGRAVED- WEDDING INVITATIONS Irwln-Hodaon, Stationers, Portland, Ore. FARM LOANS Devereaux Mortgage Co., IT Itk Bt FLOWERS. FOR ANY OCCASION Geo. Bets ft Son, l7 William At. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th ft Madison. GARAGES AND AUTO REPAIRING MuttnomahHotel GaiageTftTand Ankeriy, Commercial Oarnger E. 11th and rturnitd GUARANTEED REBUILT alACaiAhS Oregon Typewriter Co., 84-A th Bt HARD WOOD FLOORING Etaman Hardwood Floor Co. I8 E Wash. Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., 231 Bi 76th bt N. Floors electric sanded East Side Hardwood Floor Co., Inc., 410 E. Burnside. Hemstitching, Buttons Covered, Plaiting B. P. Sanborn, 242 Alder St HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD Montgomery Stables, 380 Front St JOY THE TAILOR. Suits cleaned, SI. 25 We pay return Postase. 104 Fourth St. Portland, Ore MFGS. OF VULCANIZED ROOF PAfNT New roofs and repairing done. Young and Woods, 11U3 E. Carutners St MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sta. Otto Schumann Granlte ft Marble Work NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN Nervous and chronic diseases a speclal ty. Dr. J. W. Batdorf, 3U4-10 Dekum Bldg NURSERIES Russellvllle Nursery, R. F. D. 1. NURSERY STOCK Villa Nurseries, R. No. 1, Portland. PRODUCE BOUGHT Peerless Produce Co., 175 Front Bt OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. J. H. Lehmann, Prop, 1914 East Stark OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Only School In Northwest. Commercial 3chool of Welding, 427 East Ninth. PYORRHEA DENTISTS . Smith Long Stevenson 310 Bush A Lane Bldg. , TIRE REPAIRING AND RETREADING Used and new tires bought and sold. Aft BJl'ireJShop, 389 Hawthorne Ave. rYPEWRITERS NEW OR REBUILT Rebuiltl'ypewriter Co.. SIM Osk Street SCHOOL OF MASSAGE Office: 711 Swetland Bldg. 3ILOS AND WATER TANKS National Tank & Pipe Co.. Portland BJHAMPOOING ANDMANJCURING Face and Scalp Massage. The Powder Puff,637 Morgan Bldg. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TINWARE Portland Tinware Mfg. Co., 47 First St. Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. Pipe Fittings, lowest prices. 363 E. Morrison OregoTArUflc5alTjmb for Catalog.- 201 2nd St, Portland, BTAWONSTJWjLR nam your price. Repairing a .peclalty. Reiner Jewelry Co., 16 N. Slith. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN "elvoTisamf"cTmmTcd ty. If others have failed give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, 136 13th Street. CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing serv ice send parcel to us. We pay return postage. Information and price give upon request. ENKE'S CITT DTB WORKS Established 1190 Portland EMBROlDJR I N OA NtJPL EjJfJNG- 'ccordTaTTsTde and box Pleating, Hem titchlng, Buttons Covered, Braiding, etc. K. Stephans, 219-20-21 Pittock Block. HEJJSJJTHINjalDP Accordian and Box Pleating. Buttoa and Pleating Shop, 609 Royal Bldg. Over 900 Portland Homes for Sale. See Frank L. McGulre, Abington Bldg. A Position for Each Graduate ALISKY BUILDING DOORS AND WINDOWS WcalTBeirVouDoorsTWm lng, Paint Glass and Builder' Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. Write for prices before buying. Heacock Bull ft Door Co., 212 First St, Portland. HORSES AND MULES BOUGHT forsslind'lnuTeTXoug load lots. We hire by the month to re sponsible parties. Phil Suetter, Crown Stables, 286 Front St., Portland; U. 8. STABLES. 365 Union Ave. Draft horses bought and sold. Horses, wagons and buggies for sale. !02Front St. ' LFARN MULTIGRAPHING school on the coast. Experienced opera tors always In demand. 406 Artisans Bldg. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER "Wrlte'uTforTHiceTHRoTie 186 First St, Portland. DR. F. M. STUMP, M. D. Physician V Surreon ?pializinflr in Diseases of Kidneys and BladdtH itc. 602-503 Morgan Bldg., Portland. ATTENTION Beautify the home with BANITILE floor, and drain board. Our MASTIC FLOOR for Cannerie, Creameries, Warehouse, etc., I unex- :elled. Sample and price upon request Oregon Mastic Floor Co., Inc. Of Chamber of Commerce Building Portland, Or. the majority of dancing Instructors in London have now agreed, a common framework In the steps will be Insured, without eliminating all chance of In troducing Individual variations. Freak ish and eccentric 'light gymnastic,' such as exaggerated forms of 'Jazz,' are rapidly passing out" Very Human. Jud Tunkins gays his automobile unexpectedly quits work and demands more money, the same as If It had human Intelligence. Washington Star, FARMS FOR SALP. Fur Knlo by Uwnur. iieuuu.ui twnuiif ette Vulley fur in, HO Here.. Hull mile west of Ht Paul, Oregon, on the main road to Torn' Kerry and til. main road to Newbtti-g. For further Information addres. owner, Jane Connor, 207 Tudor Arms Apurtinenta, Portland, Oregon. MACHINERY n6emMTrTfOur : liiqulrlne for ' VuyThTnif Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractor.' Equipment, Loco motive., Boiler., Engine., Crusher, Ball, I'.hle, lleltlug, etc, burke Micklaery Co., 62 Ksllw.y Exchange Bldg., Portlaad, Or. MEAT AND PRODUCE BOUGHT New oolera installed assurlne urotec- tlon to shippers of dressed hogs, butter. eggs, eto Try us. Brown ft Co., 810 lluyt MOTOR CYC L E 8 A N D PA RTS "TClTmateB" fiSMjTterms. EAST SIDE MOTOKCYCLH CO. 44-4H GKAN"D AVE. PEERLESS DENTISTS Painless by nerve blocking. Open nights. Out of the high rent district. We save you money. N. E. Cor. 2nd and Burnside. PERSONAL nftArtRYlirD5ffEl7 me; best and most successful "HOME MAKER"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description tree. "The Successful Club," Mr. Ball, Box 666, Oakland, California, PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER eadlTghts reaflvered, 11.00 pair. mdllrht reallvared. 11.00 salr. Buo lignt. ii.oo eacn. part nickeled, nara ware reflnl.hed. California Plating Wka., Cor. 2nd and Salmon Bt. PLUMBING A PLUMBINGSLPUEJ "vvTTaTiuTDTyyouwlth anr kind of plumbing lupplle at wholesale price, we will gladly estimate coat of any Jo. Writ for prices. STAKK-DAVIS CO., 118-190 4th Bt., Portland TEACHERS OF TRUTH Send 25 cents and self-addressed envel ope to the Gages, 40S Fleldner Bldg., re gardlng Health, Happiness and Succes. TREES AND PLANTS Clean, well-rooled iiarshalTBtraVberrv Plants at $2.50 per thousand while they lost. Order today. Benedict Nursery Company, 185 E. S7tb Street North, Port- land, Ore. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We heloheliDiDeajrancaofiwom Twenty-two inch switch or trajuforma tlon, value 17.00, price 12.46. 400 to 4iz DeKum Biqg. 2 J MARVEL SOAP And Powdered Soap at your grocer'. Ask for sample. MADE IN OREGON. 1 J Marvel Soap, 223-26 Russell St UMBRELLA REPAIRING RecoverTmrTreDamnKdo mailed back. Samples on application. The Surety Shop, 360H Alder, Portland, WANTED FIR PITCH WtttuyFlMMCalrrui auantltv Highest market price. Payment on de livery. Write for schedule of price on pitch and equipment Northwestern Tur pentine Co., let East Ninth St, Portland. DAIRY CATTLE NEED SILAGE Succulene It Supplle I Very Nece aary for Large Milk Production Cheapest of Fteds. Silage Is tht best and cheapest form In which to store succulent feed. Uany forage crops can be made Into silage, but corn, wher It can be grown successfully, make th best silage. Good allage depends upon cutting the crop at the right stage, fine cut ting, even distribution, thorough packing and plenty of molstur In tb cut material. When rightly put up and carefully fed, ther should bt little if any loss through spoiling. Silage Is well suited for feeding ta all live stock. Dairy cows need It perhaps more than other clasaes of animals, because tha Succulene It supplle It very necessary for large milk production. It Is cheap aid economical feed for beef cattle, from breeding cew to fattening tteer. Sheep like It, and It Is well suited t their needs. Even horses and mules may be fed limited quantities of good silage with excellent results. OBTAIN PROFIT IN DAIRYING F.ed Pries Have Slumped While Price af Sutter Still Remain at High Flgur IrCltle. Feed prices down SO per cent or more and butterfat prlcea (till high should mean that men who arc now milking cows or who get into the dairy buslnes will make money. Corn and alfalfa hav made decided drops In price, while butter Is (till retailing around 60 cents s pound In these cities. Hence the best way to mar ket these two feeda would appear to be through stock, especially milk cows. A few good milk cowa, with feed as cheap as It now Is, assures an Income and should mean a good profit FAULT IN CREAM SEPARATOR Often Happen . That Foreign Matter Lodge In Screw Causing De crease In tha Flow. If th flow from th cream (pout of th separator seems smaller than ordinarily, It usually pays to inveitl gate. In spite of all precaution, It often happens that foreign matter lodge In the cream screw thua caus ing part of the cream to b retained with the skim milk. A test of the sklmmllk will tell. . Index to Dairyman. The kind of bull a man keeps Is pretty fair Index to the kind of dairyman he Is. Difference. In Feeding. There' a difference between feed ing cowa so they can exist and feed ing them (O they can product milk. "Boarder Cow Detected. A cow-testing association shows the farmer and dairyman which are his "boarder" cows and which ones are the best from which to raise calves. Only Way to Water Milk. The legitimate way to water milk Is to provide plenty of clean water for the cow to drink. Scours Rarely Developed. The calf which Is properly fed by a man who Is thoroughly Interested In calve rarely develop! scours. vv Get thrlcc-dally benefit from III vSv this low-cost aid to II Y cppetlia and dteestloo II Yj It keeps teetb white III v breath sweet I'l v and throat III Yj Makes your I v smokes J )Ok taste I better 11 Wsiiii H I llWIm-m m.. ... ... mirl) ! ! I if The F favor Lasts Van Buren' Attar of Roses. The Jar of attar of roses which was presented Martin Van Buren when he was President and which was for a time on exhibition In the patent office was stolen within a few years of be ing placed there. The exact date of the theft is not known, but it was probably between 1850 and 1860. Thl Fish a Fighter. Muskellunge sometimes run up to one hundred pounds In weight, says the American Forestry Magazine, and to land one with rod and line Is a feat not to be forgotten In a lifetime. Remarkable Wild Flower. Hungary grows a wild flower which is the exact floral image of a hum ming bird. The breast Is green, the throat yellow, the head and beak al most black. Cutlcura Soothes Baby Rashes. That Itch and burn with hot baths of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cuticura Ointment. Nothing better, purer, swceter, espe cially if a little of the fragrant Cuti cura Talcum Is dusted on at the fin ish. 25c each everywhere. Adv. Add Embarrassing Moments. When a finical cafeteria hound, who always wipes his knife, fork and Epoon on his napkin before using, discovers from the amused looks of his fellow guests that hs is absent-mindedly do ing the same thing at a formal dinner. Boston Transcript. Whenever there is a tendency to constipation, sick-headache or bilious ness, take a cup of Garfield Tea. All druggists. Adv. The Unfortunate Rich. Our observation is that being rich is no credit to a bachelor and no help to a married man. Dallas News. Pure blood is essential to good health. Garfield Tea dispels impuri ties, cleanses the system and eradi cates disease. Adv. Just aa She'd Finished. Marjory (before getting into bed) "Mamma, I forgot something I wanted to say in my prayers. Shall I say P. S.?" Boston Transcript. Necessity. "Now, wife, let's rough It, Go out in the wilds." "All right. Provided the place has a picture show." Louis ville Courier-Journal. tfttlWTNfk "nil, Befreshes, Soothes, JILrllit He Is Keep your Eye f 1 Strong and Healthy. I K-mlr li a J uwT: c . r,Au ..- T-m T'l li c- t i . 1 tiffc tt7 V oure, uniaicu, UR LTU Inflamed or Granulated use Murine often.? Safe for Infant or Adult At all feruKgist. Write for Free Eye Book Marine lyt Bcaedy Cm;any, Ckicago, U.S.i LOSS OF POWER and strength follow loss of 5 flesh. These I come from im poverished blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery enriches the blood. Btops the waste of strength and tissue, and builds up healthy flesh. Thin, pale, puny and scrofu lous children are made plump, rosy and robust by the "Discov ery." They like ilj too. In recovering from "Grip," or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, it invigorates and builds up the whole system,'and brings health. The Fifth Reel. Many autos carry a fifth wheel, so that there will he no delay should any thing happen to one of ithe other wheels. Some movie plays that ought to be of four-reel length are provided with an extra, or fifth, reel of tha story, so that the audience won't get home too early. Film Fun. Wealth and Happiness. "A man who says wealth doesn't bring happiness," said Jud Tunkins, "never saw a small boy who found a quarter In the street Just as he was passing a candy store." Washington Evening Star, But It's Less Popular. Doctors are fond of sending their patients for a rest cure. In the ma jority of cases a work cure would do them mora good. Dean Inge. Coated tongue, vertigo and constipa tion are relieved by Garfield Tea. Adv. , Card in Ancient Pack. The playing cards of the Fourteenth century differed materially from the pack In use today. The Venetian, pack, for example, consisted of 78 cards 22 of them marked with em blems of various kinds and 56 with numerals, divided Into four suits of 14 cards each. Cuticura Soap Is Ideal for The Complexion Soap 25c, Ointment 25 ana 50c, Talcnn 25c. Ars Ynn SatUnprl? brhnke-walker me iuu odiiiiitui business college I the biggest most perfectly equipped P'islaess Training School In the North est Fit yourself for a higher poeltlo with more money. Permanent poslUon aepured our Graduate. Write for eaUlog Fourth and TamhlU, Portland. P. N. U. No. 10, 1921