The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 25, 1921, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
I'liblihlii'-l wry i'lidny at Jthuipin,
'TeThiiine 15. MuuisiMi, Publisher
Stibseiiplkni: One Vr. ft.Sui mx
month, 75 twits; liuMiuMiiii.-,
"i77i7i",7 as sLcmid rlnss niil
.'.. tfui..i1ia.r -j. 101.1. at i he
postofliic at Maupin, Oii'uon,
tier the Act of Maidi i, i79.
The dee pent snow of thejeu;
son fell here Sunday, commenc
ing varly Sunday mnrninjt and
continuing; most all day when it
was 16 inchcK deep, hut iU
rapidly disappnint. Only 1)f,,,t
four inches remain.
Mr. arid Mrs. Kohert Womvoon,
and 0011 arrived from Portland
Tuesday U. W. Richmond met
them at Maupin and brought
them Htt fur na Wopinilin. They,
nttempted u, go to Fine Grove
in the car, bnt had to leave it
n the road and continue the
rout of the way a sled. j
Chester Rice arrived here last
week from Portland and is visit
ing home folks.
Mrs. Pechette and daughter
Mt'P. Frank Pierce and little son
arrived from Sandy today. The
former spent the winter there,
Mr, and- Mrs. Dee Woodside
arrived home Friday from what
they term their .honeymoon to
California. Joe Ui attain met
them flt Maup'n am' "fought
them up in his car. In the even
ins a number of their friends
gathered m to charivari them.
They tepoit having; a fine trip,
hut say that Oregon is Rood
enough for them.
Alma Powell came home from
Dul'ur last week to visit with
home' folks.
David, Sharpe, Johny Sinclair
and W. A- Dane have been put
ting in logs 'to the Hedin mill
since the snow came. .
A surprise party was given
Fred Deleo Tuesday evening.
D being his birthday.
Grandma Morris is visiting at
the home of Mf. and Mrs. Calvin
tdcCorkle this week.
Anna Lewis came down Friday
from Abotts and is isitinsr re
latives and friends this week.
The W. M. association held
their annual Thanks offering
liieetiiiRat the Church last Thurs
day afternoon.
Mrs. Ietin McCoy is sick with
the measles this week.
A Pimm tuner was here from
Bend this week.
Pen Richardson and yon Frank
are here from Klamath .Falls.
Tmny Kindzel came out from
the. Mountains a few days a".
Ha reports that trapping ha?-
ii'imn vorv nnor this . winter, too
ouen and warm.
Mis. LvleBisheeand daughtei
arrived here from The Dalles last
.Ratiirriav and is visitine will
Mr. and Mr?, Btrrbee.
A Masnueiade Ball "as iv.-ii
at the Hiil Hall Friday night.
Rev. J. I. Parker received a
phone to-day from Tygh Valley
saying that Mrs. Osdorne of that
place had passed away. He will
conduct the funeral services at
Tygh Friday.
ItimJSfrrMVT.; ..s ' " -- " ' """Cl
Cmo IS'27 Kerosene Tractor
3 K
1 ' tgK
II III "V. TTTh T i A I 1. f& "N. 1 J
mi. HI e III Tfc "? '. 'W-AiA jn. r.-
tn'fields where plowing is tfffieati towel
pttked soil, BtifT Va3, c. tln3 Cs
fclS-27 Jferosene.Tractor wil. pull 3 i.Io as
easilyj JVhere'conditiotn an favorable, H"
itractor can pull 4 plows.
'So it is a favorite on thi av rsrM un. it.
femetthtfTtoo large nor loo pall. ,
Ejln'addition to its field work, it is dimgnoil
'foVbeltcrk, having the p ilfcy properly
placed. It will drive a Case i:st4tt i higher
equipped with feeder er.4 Wnd stacker or
iother machines requiring similar power.
.The Case 15-27 has abundant reserve
power: While rated at 15 horespovrer en
he tasty it caa deliver more than IS
"V OC Jt-lf-S. T
J(ERDSENE -TRACTORS , ... -I.. .-i.
lb, t-
horsepower. While rated at 27 ort the belt
it can deliver 33 horsepower. It is ever ready
for the hardest jobs. It never tires.
Alt rears are cut steel, enclosed and furt
in. oil. It Ins a four-cylinder valve-m-head
motor, mounted crosswise on a one-piece
(nnin frame. This r.ffords the use of all
fpnr gear?.
A Case Sylphon Thermostat controls the
knolinj s's.t;m and insures complete com
hustion ot kerosene. A Case air washer de
liver clean air to the carburetor.
There are dozens of betterments found
only in. this tractor. You should be familiar
with them, eo that you may make a careful
May ws have the" opportunity soon
to point out Case superiorities?
Depaitment of the Interior
U. S. I.nd Omec at The Dalles, Ore
Kn, Feb. VI, V.Ul.
Niilico in nci'i'iiy ifivtii iiH'i
William M. MoniKdii
of TvkIi Valley. Own, who on Marcli
!l I'liKi, made: llni:nlml No. Ol.Wll
for KH1-4SH1-4, Section lit, l-2s A
NK1-4MK1 t, Section 2d, w1-2nw1-4,
. . 'i' 1.;.. 'i dmhiIi Idiiiire
11 ciihI, Willumi'tte wei'liliaii, mm ihvu
notice of inlenlieli to liiulu) IHIop yei.i
Proof, to entiiliiitih claim to the mnu
.hove doHerihed, boforo F. I . Stuart,
it..:i...m ,d ( '.wninirtuinnel. ut MaU-
l.ih, tUcKon, on the 2:lrd dy ot March
' iVuimant immea us witneBses: John
M. Conroy. Tom L. Aahlev,
lacliaon, C. C. Con Icy all oflygh Val
ev, Oregon. , . '
11. Frank Woodcock, Reewter.
Department of the interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
:on, January 18. 1921.
Notice i nercny Kiven tnai
Albert E. Troutman
,t Maupin, Oregon, who on Februnry
'8th, 1915, made HornesteadEntry No.
,ir.7Ql f.ir1.4 R1-2SE1-4. SeC.
7. BWl-4swl-4. Nl-2sl-2, Section 8,
rownship 6 Bouth, Range 14 r.asi,
Villamette Meridian, has filed notice
,f intention to make final three year
roof, to establish claim to the land
liove described, before F. D. Smart,
ij. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Orc
., on the ith day of February 192
' Claimant imnies us witnesses: h.J
isclicr O. J. WilliHirm. W. II. VVil
iams, 11. F. Turner, nil of Maupm,
11. 1'i'Hiik Wooilcock, Kefs later.
The Underaigned iiM ben appointed
, A( nun swaior i
lilizauetn r nuruiwi, v, -
order of the County Court dated Feb
ruary 7th, 1921. All persona navuiK
il. Kolntn Mre hereby
notified to present the name to the un-
( eraiiitieu, ai m umvo , ,
Chiklera, 4(W-11 Ftiat National Bank
Huildini?, The Dalles, Oregon, on or
heforo aix moiitlm irom the date or
the first publication of this notice.
Done and Dated lit Dalles City, Ore
gon, this Will day of February, A. D.
ml' E. K. Haitman.
Department of the Interior
I! s. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, February 1, 1921.
Notice is nereoy given mm
Louis A. Bleukney
of Maupin, OreRon, who on October
28, 1916, made Homestead Entry No.
016666 for Lots 3 and 4, and sl-2 NWl-4
Section 3, Township 6 south, Range 16
east, Willamette Meridian, nas niea
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim 10 me inu
above described, before Register and
Receiver. U, S. banci umce, uv
Dalles, Oregon, on the 23rd day of
March, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: r. h.
Rennet of The Dalles, Oregon, F. S.
Fleming of The Dalles, Oregon, Clark
F. Bleakney, of Maupin, Oregon, l.utu
liennetl of The Dalles, Oregon.
II, Frank Woodcock, Register.
DfpartniiMit of Hie Interior
U, S. Land Office st The Dalles, Ou
un, January 29, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that
George E. Moss
f Maupin, Orenoti, who on Noveimiei
9 I'JUi, made Homestead Entry No
.lifgS. for Lot 2. 81-2N1-2, K1-28E1-4.
leetion 4, NEI-4NE1 4, Section 9, town
hip 6 couth. Range 14 east, W lllnmett
.U vidian, has filed notice of nileritioi
o make tloee year proof, to eutabliei
laim o the land above described
,efois F. D Stuart, U, S. Comrnisio'
-r. l M-rfUpin, Otfgun, on the 8th da
,f March, 1921. - ,
t'-laiuiant names ss witnesses : .
Hiclmidsoti, John Foley, Frank Dye)
William Moss all of Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcoclt, Register.
At the Church
Sunday tolmol 10 a.
rrt-Hchiiig 11 a. in.
rreaohioo 7:00
p. in.
Mrs. Andrew Cunningham left,
on the Satunlay night train for
a few week's visit with relatives
at Condon.
Apropos Brevity
In alut'k at this office:
Carhon paper lwrge sheets
typewriter ribbons variou;
makes '
Butter paper and carious
Blank Notes .
Real estate contracts
School report imnis
Baper, card board and enveln
- We do the printing
-- Maupin Time
Some Facts About Cold Storage
and the Charges of Manipula
tion and Exorbitant Prices.
Local Items
A Good Spring Tonic, K:al
S.trsnpanlln., Maupin LTur Store
.Floyd McLeotid and Khne
Honique:;t were in from Crite
iun Monday for supplies, takin.i
them out on pack hoises.
The local Sunday School ha; j
a set of new soiir buuks, a tie
edition, and used them fust la
Mrs. L. B. Kelly returned Sa -
urrlav after a week's visit wiH
her little grandsons at the F. 1..
Kelly home.
When in Maurjiu co to E.
Cjt's for your Candy, Cigs :
and tobacco
John lMletiplie's horse whi'"1
which had been sick for so:
time died Saturday night.
Business Is Busines;;
Ones agiiu the subject of cold stor
lee has rnme Into the limelight, of pub
lie attention; and this time in conn."
tlon with the nation-wide search after
the cause for the high cost of li-.lng.
There csn be no srgumsnt in behalf
of hoarding and holding back food sup
plies for spec-ulati-.-e profits. But this
Is a roattr unit? apart irom tne mw
and legitimate purpoje of cold stor
Jge; and. nnfortunatelv, hec-at?e of
.ha ninoh fni'ltstion nd damagine pub-
iiovo .iciiored about the
mhiwt from time to time, the real
..'-;o nerrni-m!! r function of cold
"!l 1-"- - -
storage has be larfely obscured.
Laylny !n Winter Stocks.
Clty-wlsa peopl, and e-?n conotry
wUe neople, hae ions; since forgotten,
amidst the conveniences of mod-ra
life, that there w a in the his
tory of cur country vhen "laving in 5
wintsr's stock" devolvfed upon each
iv,cthold Individually. Today, one
doe not even need to remember that
r-ggs are not an ail-year-around prod
uct; that butter is produced in scant
j amount in the v. inter, and cheese like-
I wise. Kot a few would be completely
surprised to know that even meat pro
11 j dact'.on has Us seasons of scarcity.
Tho bnvrr for the household in these
I, i rlflvs simply goes to the store, any day
j In the year, expecting to Bnd these
eland slinilar commodities on the mar
1 ket.
Nt net: ro cKtmroKS.
Notice in here Riven that the under
aigiied, Francis V. Galloway, has beei
rlulv aoijointeil an Administrator of tli
estate of William Breen, deceased, am
he bus qualified as such Administrator
A 11 nersuiis having claims against san
estate are hereby notified and reqoiier
to present the same, duly venlied, V
the said Admimshator at his oince v
The Dalles, Oregon, withm six moritli-
from the first piil'lication of this notict
jaid date of first publication being Jan
uary 21st, lffil,
Francis V. Galloway,
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Offi'-e at The Dalles, Ot
"in, January 81, 1H21.
" Notice is hereby yiven that,
William Moss .
)f Maupin, Oregon, who un Januan
lo 9I8, made Homestead entry, No.
H72 for nv1-4ne1-4. s!-2ne14, kkI
i. Section 34, swl-4sVl-4, Section So.
township B South, Range 14 East,
Willamette Meridian, lias filed nutice
,f intention lo make final three yeat
proof, to estalleh claim to the lane
iliove described, before F. D. Stuatt.
United States Commissioner atMaupm
Oregon, on the 16th day of March,
Claimant names as witnesses: C. C
Skogbeig, G. C. Allen, John foley,
Fiank Dver, all of Maupin. Oregon.
H," Frank Woodcock, Register.
"Business Is Husines?." the Little- man saitl,
"A battle where 'everything noes.'
Where the only gospel is 'pet ahead,'
And fever spare friends or foes,
iy or b? slain,' is the slogan cold,
', You must struggle and slash p.tid tear.
Kor Business is Business, a fight for pold.
Where all that you do is fair!"
"F.usir.ess is Iiusine??," the Big mat. sivd,
''A battle K make of earth
X place to yield JS more wine and tread
More pleasure and joy and niirlh;
There are still some bandits and buccaneers
Who are j-tnule-bred beasts of trade.
I'. tt their number dwindUs with VBPvine y. ais
And dead is the code they made!".
"Business j Business." the Big man said,
"But it's 'Mnethintr that's more, far more;
For it mab . sweet gardens of deserts dead,
And citi'-s it built now roar
Where one : toe deer and gray wolf ran
from the vioneer's swift advance;
Business it" .U?rRie that toils for man
Business is True Romance."
"Andtho?! who it a ruthess fight
Have on. themselves to blame
If they fee1 no whit of the keen delight
In playi. 2 the Bigger tiame.
The game that calls on the heart and head.
The best of man's strength and nerve;
"Business i- Business." the Big man said.
"And t!:.--t business is to serve!" . -
-Berton Beak
noticb: row. public a hon
popartnieiit of the Interior
U S- 1 and Office at The Dalles, Oie
gon, Feb. 18, 11)21. '
Notice is hereby given that
Samuel F. Lease
uf Ciiteii'iii. C'tegon. who, im June V.
HUB made Homestead Entry No
015 fin, for Si 2 KRl-4, iriec 12, t'l-Zt'E
1-1- Sediim 13, Township 7 south
Range 14 east Willamette Meridian
has tiled notice of intention to tnkf
teiee vear proof .o establish claim n
n, ..;,,i al,o!-o ,lci,.ril.ed before I: l
Stuart, United! states Commissioner a1
Maupin, Uiegon, on the 1st day c
April, 1921.
-Cl'imiut nm?s ?s witnesses: d. l
Anobiig, 1', J. Kirsch, Henry Kramei
all uf Ciileiiun. Oregon, O. D. W ilsoi
of shaniko, Oregon.
H. Fiayk Woodcock, Hester.
Department of the Interior
U. s. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
son, teb l,
Notice is hereby gwen tnar.
, Thomas Fahetty
uf riaupin, Oregon, who on Aug if
1919, made Additional Homeaceao ejo
trv No. 010353, tor Si zeei-4, Mi-f
1-4 sec. 4, Nl-2t!El-4, NF.i- i i 1
tl-'sivl 4, sectiun 9, Township 5 scut!
Ran?" 14 east, Willamette Meridian.
has filed notice of intention to ma'-.e
three vear proof, to esttblish claim ti
the land above described, before F. D.
atirt. United States Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 5th day oi
April, 1321.
Claimant names as vitnesses. v t.
Richardson, James Duian, A?a White.
John Folev, all of Maufin, Oregon.
H. f rank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interiorior
U. S. Land Ofhceat The Dalles, Ore
gun, January 31, 1921.
Notice is heieby given that
Jerome B. Kidder
if fJanpin, Oregon, who on Septembei
. 1915, made Homestead Entry No.
ilhlii for nwI-4 NWl-4, El-2 NWl-4.
4W1-4 NEl-4. Section ill, Township 0,
south, Range 15 East, Willamette
Meiidian. has filed nutice of intentioi
in make tlnee year proof, lo establisl
laim to the land above described,
before F. D. Smart, United Stale?
Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the Ltth day of March, 1.121.
Claimant names a3 witnesses: K. H.
DeCamp of Maupin, - Ort gon, 11. M.
Oieen, of Maupin, Oregon, Arthui
iionderson. of Criterion, Oregon, L. P.
Del ami1, "f Ciiterion, Oifgon. .
H. Fiank Woodcock, llegisttr.
Department of the Interior
U. B. Land Office at ibe Dalles, un
gon, January i. ivci.
Notice is liereliv ,gi"en mat
Iruy A. Wallace, one of the heirs am'
for the heirs of Luther Wallace, de
ceased of snaniKo, uiegon, wuu u,.
t'ebrnary 28. lMltj, made iiomesteao
Entry No. 015779, and on October H
lov'i,i, made Additional Homestead Entr
tjo 017002 for EI-2SE1-4, Sec. 21, swl
NWl-4, Sl-2, Section 22' N1-2N1-2, Sec
tion 27. neI-4neL4, Section 28, Town-.-biu
6 south, flange 15 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice oi
intention to make year three pruof.
to establish 'claim to the land above
described, before Register and Tteciv
er, United States Land Office, at The
Dulles. Oregon, on the 7th day of
Mo.h 1Qyl
Claimant names as witnesses: tieim
uth W. Lank', Artnur C. Wallace,
Lc-fter Wilkins, Tom Jones, all oi
Shaniko, Oreson, ,
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. H. Laud Office at The Dulles, Ore
ion, February 1. Utal.
Notice w hereby given that.
Clark F, Bleakney
of Maupin, Oregon, who on December
Lt 1015, umde Homestead Entry No.
'H50Y1, tor BWi 4, oecuuii uvy.,d.f
south, Range l(i east, Willamette
vi pridian, has tiled notice of intention
ro make three year proof, .o eslablis-h
laim to the laud above described, be
fore Register and Receiver, U. b.
and Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on
he md day of March, 1921.
Claimant dames as witnesses: r. h,
Bennett, of The Dalles, Oregon, V, b.
"leniing of The Dalits, Oregon. Louis
Bleaknev. of Maupin, Uiegon, M.
! fslaknev of Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Depaitment of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dallca, Oi'--gori,
Januaiy 10, 1921. .
to Jerome S. Gwynn of Wapmitiu,
Oregon. Contestee:
You ate hereby notified that
Slilltnan H. Goodenough
vho gives Wacinitia, Oregon, aa his
pustotVe addi ess, did on December 27,
1920 fi'e in this office his duly corrobo
rated application to contest and secure
the cancellation of your homestead
aerial No 02051 7, made March 28, 1919,
for sl 2NW1-4, Section. 4, Township 6
)uth, Range 12 eaat. Willamette Me
iidian, and as grounds for his contest
he alleges that said Jerome S. Gwynn
has not been on me ibiiu iur,
months and he is not in the military or
naval service of the United States.
M.erafri! fnrthpr notified
that the said allegations will be taken
as confessed, and your said entry will
be cancelled without further right to
be heard, either before this office or on
appeal, if you tail to nie in mis ouice
witnin 20 davs from the FOURTH pub
lication of this notice as shown below,
your answer, under oath, epecincauy
responding to these allegations of con
i,.uir,or nitVi rlup tnoof that vou
have served a copy of your answer on
the said contestant euner m pomm w
by registered mai1.
v..., M.n.ii.l ctaio in vniir answer the
name of the postoflice :o which you dc-
-ire future nonces io ue nnn
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Date of first publication Jan. 14, 1921.
" "second " " 21,1921.
"thud " " 28,1921.
" " fourth " Feb. 4, 1951.
Depart im fit of the Iuteiior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
ion, February 21, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that
Arthur L. Holt
of Kent, Oregon, who on August 21,
918. made Homestead No. oani, ior
1 ot 4, sl 2. nWl 4, NEl 4aWl-4, Sec.
1, and Lot 1, section 2, Township 5
sulh, Range lb1 east, Willamette Me
ridian, has tiled notice of intention to
uake three year proof, to establish
-1 i n (o Ihe land shove descnni oe-
foie Register and Receiver, United
states Land Office, at The Dalles. Ore
gon, on the Sih day of Aptil, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Math
ias Simon, Mike Bibby, Car) gchade
wi ?, Lou Clark, all of Kent, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Otiice at Ihe Dalles, Ore
gon. February 12, 1921.
. Notice is hereby given that
Warrmeton C. Ward
of Kaskela. Oregon, who on October t
I'W, made Additional Homestead Ln
trv No. 016957. for NEl-4. Section 35.
Nwt-4 SEl-4. Ni 2 swl-4, swl-4 Nvrl-4
Section Sl. Township 7 south, Rangt
U east Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final Prooi
ti.i. -i, ,. ni.., tn thf. nu aoevt
t'jiJV I ...... " j .1!LI!'.I
e-jcnbed. b-toie r. D. Muarr. I'miwi j shamku
ta'es Commissioner at Maupin. ure- jj
n, on the 2Mb day of March. 1921. j
riaimunt n.inies as witnesses: John ,
Oro'-ft t'oug'i?. ts tuaTs. v . 1
Ward, all i f Kajirla, 1"?',i
H. FiauU Woodcock, Regtefc
Department of the Interior
U. S Land Office at Ihe Dalles, Ore
gon, January 18th, 1321.
Notice ia hereby given that
Anthonv Comoy,
of Shaniko. Oregon, who on January
-4 Ia16 made Homestead entry No
od'.K, for n-L2 SEl-4, swl-4. w12nw1-
4, Section 2. Township 6 south, uange
Willamette lueriuian, nas nieu
. " "i . ....!..,,,,,., 1
nonce oi mienuuii tu man una. ...i.. .v. wu., ,
vear proof to es'abhsh claim to the land ner. Maumn, Oregon
, ;i. j l . U n P... s 14 Fttilf VVnf.rl
Department of the Interior
U. S, Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, January 24. 1921.
Notice is hereby given that
Oliver Barton
of Maupin, Oregon, who on Jane 22,
1916, made Homestead Entry No, 010225
for SEl 4swl 4, BW1-4SE1-4, Section 11,
NWL4NE1-4, E1-2E1 2, swL4se1-4, Sec
tion 14, Township 7 south, Range 14
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, United States States Commis
sioner at Maupin, Oregon, cn the 13th
dav of March, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Laug
hlin Morrison, Shaniko, Oregon, Donald
klnrrisnn Shaniko Orepon. Malcolm
McDonald, Shaniko, Oregon, H. Skin-
Acnlicd t.cfnre H. G. Rooter.
U. S. Commissioner, at Antelope, Ore
gon, on the 9th day of March, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses; James
Doran.of Maupin. Oregon, Judo Zierolf
Alfred Bennett, Edwin W akerhg, all ot
Flank Woodcock. Register.
iose mu'iitmg lor L'r. l.'ake.
And his ad on th? last raize.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
We have several tecoud hand
cars in good mechanical condi
tion, good tire3 and good looking
for sale at reduced prices on
easy terms to suit you. - Crescent
! Garage, Tygh Valley, Oregon. .-