The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 11, 1921, Image 1

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. k 2-1
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
THE YEAR $1.50 .J
VOL 7, NO 18
Koseltli Knapp Breed, Boston's not
ed humorist, Is one of lyrenm's most
popular etitertHlners. She presents a
carefully arranged program of mono-
lcgues, character sketches and short
ftorles. She is a clever Interpreter
and possesses a finished art which de
lights at all times. She Is more than
a reader; rather Is she an interpreter
of real people In real life. Her "types"
are distinctive, and you marvel at her
. gifted character Impersonations. Her
work is an art made so through years
of earnest study and successful plat
form experience.
School Notes
Shattuck's Hall
March 2nd
Tickets on Sale by. Committee
; Dolph Goetjen has been work
Jntt at the 0 T. depot this week.
I.O. O F.
.Lodge-' No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
DonaldDon's hall. Visiting in cm
bera always welcome.
Geo. McDonald, N. G.
B. F. Turner, SecieUry.
Most of the pupils are back tc
school after having been absent
on account of the measles. Tlu
attendance in the grammar grade
room is much improved, all but
two pupils being present at this
' Class leaders" for the fifth
month in the intermediate room
are: Claii; Green, eighth grade;
Jean Wilson, " seventh grade;
Laurence Harpham, sixth grade;
Earl Green, fifth grade.
The high school 'is planning a
valentine box Monday aftern-on
Great preparations . are being
made for a good time before the
strenuous work of examination?
next Ibursday and Friday. The
intermediate and primary rooms
are also preparing for valentine
day. ' .''
The work done last Tuesday
night at the Athletic Club was
appieciated by all the members
who were present. The teach
ers of the various departments
have now started on their regu
lar work in the way of uevelop-
ing form. . Let all the boys fall
in line and do their best.
Louis Derthick C.E.
Card of Thanks
We desire to express our ap
preciation of the assistance and
sympathy of the friends during
the illness and death of our son
and brother.
. . Harvey Martin,
- Mrs. Mary Mayfield,
Mrs. Bessie Mayfield, .
Harvey Martin Jr. ,
Mrs. Ora Smith.
J. H. Woodcock left yesterday
morning for a business trip to
I Salem.
Now is the Time
Everyone knows that - good
roads are the making of a coun
try and the only way to get them
is to build them, and this cannot
be accomplishad without the
help of the people and the money
that is back of them. With
work and money to back us up
anything can be accomplished:
and now since a few have taken
hold, whj not others get busy.
Everyone who has tried the
Maupin grade leading to the
Flat knows it is almost impassi
ble this winter: and if you are
one who has not tried it just ask
your neighbor, arid he will, tell
you it is almost impassible. With
a fine gravel pit at hand that
'an be taken out by blasting and
spread with much work a good
;lid road can be built, Dut in
order to do this we must hav e
Many kuow that work is being
done by a small crew, but all do
not know that this is all volun-!
teer work, so if you feel you can t
help a little "let yourself fce'
known" and help of any kind!
will be acceptable.
If you cannot come yourself
a cash donation will be accept
able and let Some one who can,
do the work.; and if this cannot
be done,- let the wife or bey
have the best team or pick and
shovel and let them come. The
grade is now in a good condition
to take the gravel and with
olentv of help can soon be
Wamic News
. Mrs. G. L. Ilarpham letirned
Sunday after a week's visit at
Shepard's Springs. G. L. went
on to Bend and arrived home
Monday morning accompanied
I by II. G. Ilarphaui. .
Eight inches of snow fell here
last Friday but had all disappear
ee by Tuesday. Nice warm
weather prevails now.
Lyle Bigbee arrived here Mor
day evening from The Dalits
and is visiting his parents. He
will leave Friday as he has to
report at Lake Charles, Louisi
ana, where he will go in training
for the baseball season. He will
play with the Philadelphia At h
lets this coining season.
Josephine O'Brien received an
American Penmanship certificate
John Ward wns called to The
Dalles Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Flinn vis
ited a few days last week and
thi3 at the homes of Harold
3tantnn: and Ed Bernard at
Mrs. J. S. Brown wrote to
relatives here that they with Mr.
and Mrs. D- Weodside aie at
Santa Barbara,-Cab, and like it
better there Shan any place they
have been.
The school here enjoyed a real
old fashioned spelling match last
Friday afternoon.
Winnie Heckler is the latest
victim of the measles.
Wilbur Gray who has been
employed by the ditch company
the past season, left Saturday
for Portland.
The Hedin Mill began sawing
again Monday.
The Mayfield Bros, were over
from Smock last Friday night
awLfurnished the music foi the
dance at fhe Hill hall.
N. G. Hedin is spending the
vveek in Portland.
Mack Hollman is making posts
for E. A. Hartman.
ACE social will be given at
the parsonage Saturday evening.
Mrs. Annie Pechette and son
are visiting at the home of her
mother. Mrs. Delco, here.
A challenge from the people
of the rural district was accept
ed by the town people to play a
contesting game of cards and a
meeting was held Thursday night
to make arrangements for the
contest which was set for Satur
day night, at which time about
sixty persons engaged in the
game of f-00. Fhe town people
won the game. A basket lunch
and hot cillVe vvcie woiveJ at
the cluse of tne gam?.
Miss Lucile Kennedy returned
to The Dalles after more than a
weeh at her home here.
Eight inches of snow fell Fri
day and the following night
W. H. Patison returned Mnn
day from a six weeks' stav in
Portland with his daughter Mrs.
Lois Wagner.
Belvie Patison returned to The
Dalles Tuesday and phoned to
day, Monday, that his motli-r
was operated on at the hose Hal
this morning.
Mrs. A. -E. Lake entertained
several of her friends at dinner
The roads are very bad here
For Sale
i M
One pure bred Poland China
Boar, weight 125 lbs. Cockerels,
Golden Buff, Rhode Island Red.
-Claud Wilson. "
just now.
The stage did not reach this
place Thursday till nine o'clock
at night.
Andy Bailes will Uke the role
of Belvie Patison in the coming
play to be given by tho dramatic
club v.
Guy BiiUain of Tygh spent
several days last week at the
John Illingsworth home. John
Illinus worth was a Tygli visittr,
Percy and Mrs. Daivr arrived
home from The Tuesday
night. .
Mr'3. Nell Justison of Portland
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Laura
Chastain, arriving here" Friday.
Those , old members of The
American Legion whose dura
are nut paid will be dropptd
after February 20, 1921.
Claud Wilson, motored in frbin
Bakeoven Tuesday;
n rt n
New Price $735.00, The Dalles
A Reduction of $ 1 65 00
Effective Jan. 26; 1921
Your Plowing' Must be Done in a Hurry
This Spring. You Can do it with a Fordson
Order Your Tractor and Plow Now
Opposite P. O. Main liyi" The Dalles, Ore.
We Have A Complete Stock of Tractor Parts
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval
Local Interest
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. The DaUes Oregon
name Building as the U. S. rec-
ruting office. All woi k guarant
eed, W. T. Slatten D, 1) P. Prop
We have several second hand
cars In good mechanical condi
tion, good tires and good lucking
for sale at reduced price's n
easy terms to suit you. -Crescent
Garage, Tygh Valley, Oregon.
' How about, a flash-light for
wintef's use. Two cell small
size $1.00, complete with battery
I'wo cell large complete $1.85
Three cell complete with battery
tl.75. Thi3 13 pre-war price
A card party was enjoj ed Wed
nesday evening at the home cl
Mr. and Mr3. John Williams.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs
Virgil Mayhew, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Cunningham, Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Milk-r. Delicious
refreshments were served.
42 piece Blue Bird China
Dinner Sets $12.00. Maupin
Those inciuiring for Dr. Dake,
find his ad on the last pape.
W. O. Miller has been having
a siege of blood poison in his
right hand, caused by running
a piece of bailing wire in the
One of JohnDelletiglie's horses
has been seriously ill the past
few days.
If you haven't one of our l'J21
Calendars, come in and get one
Its your3 for asking'. Maupin
Drug Store.
Do you know you can get?
Fresh and Cured Meats Home Rendered Lard
Butter Krust Bread and a Square Meal
at Andy's Place
Breakfast - - 7 to 9 a; m.
Dinner - - 11:30 to 2 p. m.
Supper - - 5:30 to 7:30 p. m.
Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery
Andy's Place, Maupin, Ore.
Maupin Athletic Club
will hold the following contests at
Shattuck's Hall, February 19, 1921
Laverne Fischtr
Hates Shatturk
Billie McClure
Arthur Morris
Dolplius Mayhew
Bill Miller
Albert RmskcH
Frt'd Miller
Levi Dyer
Lo:vud Cliastain
Hoy Morrow
Clifford Morrow
Darrel Turner
Gejrt;c Miller
Howard Nye
Clifford Mille
Billie McClure
Lester Crofoot
Fred Miller
George Morris
Everyone Invited
Come, one and all
Admission 50 cents
FurLher.lnfoi nuition, tee G. L. Morris or O. J. Williams