The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 17, 1920, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Fiiday Ht Miaipin,
JeHsiliue K. Morrisou, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter .September 2, 1 914, at the
postoflke nt Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1871;.
Wamic News
J. H. Woodcock returned Mon
day from a two weeks stay in
Portland and in Tacoma Warh.
Miss Lena Winjr came up from
Tytfh Monday remaining' over
night, the guest of Miss Claris
A card party was given at the
home of Prof, and Mrs. J. R.
Ward Wednssday night
W. F. Maafill returned Friday
from Portland Mrs. Majill re
mained with her clauvrhter to
take medical treatment.
Heavy showers of rain have
fallen at intervals the past week
The temperature remains high
and sunshine is mingled with the
A game of basket hall was
played here Saturday night be
tween Tygh and Wamic teams,
Tygh winning; the game. Many-
were here from that place to
witness the game.
Wallace Conley was here Sun
day from lower Tygb.
Mrs.John Magill has a broth
er frojn the east visiting her that
she has not seen for forty years.
Mrs. Mabel Hull and Mrs.
Ethel Hull arrsved Monday from
Lost Dec, 8th in Maupin a gold
watch, hunting case name Per
fect on face. Finder leave at
Anderson's and receive $5:00 as
Mrs. Gene Decker of Hugo
Oregon accompanied by her
BTandaughter Madge Wiseman
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. ("lurk
Kicharuson. the lames are
Frank Creager is in Portland
this week on business.
For Sale
lam too old to run a dairy
hence I will trade a few young
registered and grade Jersey
heifers for other stock.
I dozen Everbearing strawberry
plants by mail for 25 cents in
stamps-ifl.00 per hundred post
age extra.
A. A. Bonney.
The American Legion met at
the I. 0. 0. F. Hall Tuesday
December 14th. Maupin. It was
the best attended meeting for
sometime and showed a renewed
interest. Six new members
were enrolled. Plans are under
way for a Ladies Auxiliary to be
discussed at the next American
Legion meeting to be held Wed.
2 nd. There are a great many
ulvantages held out for the Am
i hum Legion men in all iines of
work: and all ex-service men
will find it to their advantage to
attend meetings and show in
terest in an "organization solely
for their benefit.
Lorn to Mr. and Mrs. Selz
Miller Sunday a daughter.
"fir clem til in
rrtf -5---2-i w ' 7 furl. !'J
iiliiv 181 w Wv-;
II If VV.SX3 K-U.-3I v TKI , W.
If f
.70H nmm mtm mva w
t . : . pur car
"Jf OW many rnfes--,vpih-
1 . oi tt eh;T:.gir.g jgine ol'?
Diit ?ccumi3"te3 in the cU of
evay engine carton, road duzl,
fine part'cH rf met'-J, tvA gasoline
that has escaped pact lbs pisicrs.
This dirty, dlhstcd c..D. circuletxg
through yrur i-r-gt-i"? c.t:ts
essary vrecr bciu-1 g imrfrcj.
Have it drTtd cuino:c r.rJ
fresh oil put h ti:e crajjlcnase.
We can do tivst fiT you ccivcn
icntly, quickly, coonLJin'ca!lyvlth
Mem Cra.nki;
vice. We i:re C
the new, sciei")
v. hich c!e?.nc:c;
cut danger of
mpply of fresh
coirect lubric
c!satied cm. "
the correct tr-
Erliig myev
Crankcise CI
fjive i;;iaiiin:
(ztrxt. ay.
,'ol Flushing Oil,
; Hv.sliingr agent,
hf. roughly v.ith
ntaminathig the
L And to assure
' ve refill the
with ferolfiis of
..V t,-d.-.y.MoJcm
'.: g S .rvice. will
' i;cr enrine ytr
rcjrulavly it will
.":v.?v'ul lue.
Maupin Garage, Maupin
E. J. Fischer, Maupin
Crescent Garage, Tygh Valley
W.R Magill, Wamic-
B Jmft Ola Wk Moire-
In which to select your
Christmas Gifts
For Him we have:
Tobacco in Glass Humi
dors or Tins just the
kind he likes
Cigars-especially pack
ed for Xmas in boxes
of 12, 25 or 50.
Pipes-- a nice selection
Slick Pins
Cuff button sets
Suspender sets in Hol
liday boxes
Watch Chains and
For Her we have:
Box Stationery
Handkerchiefs Box Chocolates:
Cameos and many other
things she would like
o TrTl n
-. iit a
Get one for the family this
Very Easy Terms-
T7 o
crf3 -
N We still have a very nice selection of
Dolls and Toys
Smock Items
Mrs. Lillie Austin rettirneri to
Tlie Dalles Monday after a ten
days visit w it h her daughter Mrs.
Cecil May field.
J. F. Blanchard and family of
Tygh called at F. T. Feltchs and
J. C. Eradways on Saturday
Mr. Frank Bradway and siater
are visiting with their cousin
Ethel Ledford for a few days.
Miss Sara E. May will close
her terrri of school on Dec. 23rd.
After spending the holidays with
her parents at Cecil, Oregon,
she will enter Monmouth Normal
School to complete her training
Miss May has been very success
ful as a teacher and the patrons
are sorry to lose her-
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Savage of
Wamic were Sunday visitors at
the home of Virgil Mayfield.
The Sunday School at Smock
under the supervision of Miss
Feltch is progressing finely.
Pastor Eads is preaching up to
date sermons. Spiritualism and
Christian Science weie past sub
jects. Mormanisru is the subject
for next Sundays discourse Come
out to hear him.
Harry Ayres and Orin Farlow
returned Sunday night from
their trip over the mountains in
search of cattle.
Mr, S. G. Ledford held a sale
of household goods at the prem
ises of the late J. Staulder Sat.
December 15.
For Sale
All kinds of rough lumber and
some dressed lumber. Plenty of
Shiplap. Pvough lumber $25 per
M; other grades in proportion.
Mulvany Bios- Mill.
R. W.McvCorkle went to The
Dalles Wednesday morning. Miss
Vina Ayres accompanied him
and is taking teachers examinati
on, A. M. White lias been improv
ing the interior of his residence
and put in another flue.
Clyde Whitlock of Criterion
attended the American Legion
meeting Tuesday.
Mrs. Jory made a business trip
to The Dalles and Portland the
fore part of the week.
Notice ia hereby given that the dis
trict kmndry board at its meeting to
tie held at Vhe eounty court roum on
Wednesday. January Dth, 1921 at 10 a.
m. will consider a petition to transfer
from District No. 7U to District No. 65
the folluw&iff described territory, to
Section SI or Township Four South,
Range Thirteen East, Willamette
Mer'diun Section Three, the West half
of the northwest quarter of Section ten,
the Last half of the Northeast quarter,
the North half of the Southeast quarter,
of seetiou nine. Township Five South,
Range Thirteen East, Willamette
Dated at The Dalits this 11 day of
Dtcembcr 1920,
A. E, Gronewald
County School Superintendent.
Deuattment of the Interior
U. S. Laftd Office at The Dalits, Or
egm, NovfTiber 13, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
Clarence W. Fargher
of Mauuin. Jr2on. who on November
6, 1915, rwade Additknal Homestead
Entry No. 015561, -for Swl-4 Ntl-4,
nwI-4 EEl-4, and sl-2 nvl-4, Section
34, Township 5 south, Range 15 east.
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice
of intention to make final three year
proul. to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stnart,
U.S. Commissionerat Maupin, Ore
Bin. on the 12th dv of January. 1?21.
Claimant names as witnesses: James
Doran, Dolph Goetjen. John Mamiion,
Arthur W. Fargher. all of Maupin.
Or gem.
H. Frank Wcodcoek, Register.
Decorated 42 piece China
Dinner Sets $12.00. Maupin
Drug Store.
Department of the Inleriirior
U. S. Land Office ct The Dalles, Ore
gon. November 22, 11)211,
iNotioe is hereby given that
Laughlin, Morrison,
of Shanil.o, Oregon, who on January 10
1916, made Homestead Entry No.
015710, for NWl-4 Slil-4, swl-4, Bection
14. srA 4 KEl 4, El 2 sr.1-4 Section 15,
Township 7 south, Range 14 Eaut,
Willamette Meridian, has riled notice
of intention to make tlnee veur proof,
to establish claim to the and above
described, before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 28th day of January 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Oliver
Barton, Donald Morrison, Malcom Mc
Donald, John Me Inne?, all of Shaniko,
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gun, October 13, 1020.
Notice is hereby given that,
Ben F. Richardson,
whose post-ofiiee address is Wapinitia,
Oregon, did on the 13th day of January
1920, rile in this office Sworn State
ment and Application No. 021233, to
pur chase the NLl 4 SEl-4, Section 35
Tov-nship 5 South, Rang 11 East,
Willamette Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under the provisions of the
act of June 3, 1373, and acts amenda
tory, known as the "Timber and Stone
Law." at such value as might be fixed
by appraisement, and that, pursuant to
such application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised, One Hun
dred Twenty-ri'e Dollars the timber
estimated 50 M board feet at $1.50 per
M. and the land $50.00: that said ap
plicant will offer final proof in support
of his application and swor n statement
on the loth day of January, 1321, be
fore Register and Receiver U. S. Land
Oltk-e, at The Dalles, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initiate
a contest at any time befure patent
issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit
in this 'office, alleging faet9 which
would defeat the entry.
H, Frank Woodcock, Register.