E OF Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Event of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. Utah has 25,662 farms containing 5,050,410 acres and valued at $311, 274,728, the census bureau announces. The value of land and buildings shows an increase of 107.4 per cent as com part with 1910. The Belfast city hall at Cork was set afire Tuesday morning and reports from that city state the Thomas Ashe Sinn Fein club and the Charlotte quay are ablaze. Much damage has been done, it is stated. James Funge, clerk, and an Ameri can citizen, was arrested together with Martin Ryan, manager of, and James Burke, a contributor to the Sinn Fein newspaper, Young Ireland, during a raid on the offices of the newspaper Tuesday. But for deaths from tuberculosis and respiratory diseases contracted during the influenza epidemic in 1918, the army death rate for the laBt year would have been very low, according to the annual report of Surgeon-General Ireland. Funeral services were held in Long Beach, Cal., Friday for Eugene W. Chafln, prohibition candidate for presi dent in 1908 and 1912, who died Tues day from burns received November 20, when his clothing caught fire from a gas heater. Federal Judge Landis has granted 32 temporary injunctions to cIobs as many "black and tan" resorts and roadhouses on application of Attorney General Brundage of Illinois. Mr. Brundage filed 72 suoh petitions under the prohibition act last week. Seven men Imprisoned at the war prison barracks at Fort Douglas, near Salt Lake City, as "conscientious ob jectors," since 1917, were released Wednesday on orders from the secre tary of war. They are the last prison ers of that class to be released there. Disbursements by the democratic national committee from July 5 to November 22 totaled 11,308,007.32, and receipts $1,339,236.74, said a final re port on campaign expenditures filed with the clerk of the house of repre sentatives by Wilbur W. Marsh, treas- urer of the committee. "Mexico will not ask admission to the league of nations, but should an Invitation to membership be extended by the league It would be given con sideration." This declaration was made by General Alvaro Obregon, president-elect of . the republic, in an interview with the Associated Press. The Nlchl Nlchi in Toklo, denounces a speech made at the Itoosovelt club in Boston some time ago by United Stutes Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, in which Senator Lodge declared that the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand should be banded to gether to retard Aslatlo immigration. It. Wllmor Boiling, treasurer of the United States shipping board, and brother-in-law of President Wilson, emphatically donlos allegations that he had participated In the $25,000 fund alleged to have been distributed by Tucker K. Sands for obtaining a con tract with the United States shipping board. Charles Tonzl, promoter of a get-rlch-qulck scheme in which thousands of persons Invested millions of dollars before it collapsed last August, plead ed guilty to using the malls In a scheme to defraud in the federal dis trict court Wednesday. Sentence of five years In the Plymouth county jail wns imposed. William S. Hart, motion picture actor, was granted Judgment for $S7,- 779.73 against Thomas II. luce, film producer, in a decision in superior court in Los Angelos. Hart brought suit for profits he alleged were his under a contract made in June, 1917. Hart's attorney said the judgment meant Hart would obtain "accruing profits estimated at $750,000." Two surviving sailors and eight bodies from the lost barge W. J. Plrrle, including those of Captain Alfred Jen sen, his wife and Peter Hohlmann, first officer of the ill-fated steel craft, have been found. The fate of the rest of the 21 souls on board was still clouded In mystery with a possibility that some of them might have man aged to reach shore, where they may still be wandering about or lying help lessly until assistance arrives. WORLD PP KINGS CURRENT WEEK ASK AID HARBORS, RIVERS Washington and Oregon Waterways Needs Before Congress. Washington, D. C An appropriation of $785,000 has been asked for con struction and maintenance on the Co lumbia river, below Vancouver, Wash., and on the Wilamette river as far as Portland, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1921. The treasury estimates were submitted to congress at Its open ing Monday. Other river and harbor appropria tions for Oregon and Washington in clude the following Columbia river and tributaries above Celiio Falls to the mouth of the Snake river, $32,000; Willamette above Portland, including the Yamhill river, $46,500; Clatskanle river, $3100; Coos bay, completing improvement and bar entrance, $255,000 ; Coos river, $3000; Yaquina river, $3000; Snake river, Washington and Idaho, $38,000; Lewis river, Washington, $17,800; Cowlitz rivef, $5700; Grays harbor and bar entrance, $000,000; Grays har bor light station," $20,000; Wililapa river and harbor, $52,000; Skamokawa creek, $1000. For the Klamath irrigation project, which received $289,000 this year, an appropriation of $713,000 has been asked for next year, and for Umatilla project $467,000 next year against only $170,000 this year. Other emountB requested for Ore gon for the coming fiscal year are: Klamath Indian agency, $5750; Warm Springs agency, $4000; Umatilla agency, $3000; Salem Indian school, $257,400; Grand Ronde and Siletz agencies, $2500; Crater lake national park, $26,400; Clackamas station, bu reau of fisheries, $10,100; Coos bay wagon road grant, for Burvey, $125,- 000. The enlarged appropriation for the Salem Indian school makes provision for repairs and Improvements to cost $25,000; a heating plant to cost $40,- 000, and a boy's dormitory to cost $70,- 000. For vocational training of Alaska Insane at Dr. Coe's sanitarium in Port land, $5000 has been asked. Mrs. Wilson Entertains Mrs. Harding to Tea Washington, D. C For the first time within the memory of the oldest attache of the White House, a first lady of the land entertained a next flrBt lady of the land. Mrs. Florence Kling Harding, wife of the president-elect, was the guest of Mrs. Edith Boiling Wilson, wife of the president, at an informal tea for two at the executive mansion late this afternoon. Mrs. Wilson met her guest in the front hulll and escorted her to the blue room, where tea was served. After Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Hard ing had chatted a while, they walked about the White House through the green and red rooms and the state dining room over which Mrs. Harding will be called upon to preside after next March 4. Mrs. Harding did not meet the presi dent, who had retired to his study on the upper floor to read, and she was not shown over the White House kit chen. Mrs. Harding prepared to de part after spending an hour with her hostess and had progressed as far as the front doorway when Mrs. Wilson suddenly recalling details of the White House household organization which she had forgotten to impart, invited her back and they withdrew again to the blue room, where they talked for another 20 minutes. Upon leaving the White House, Mrs, Harding remarked that she had very pleasant visit, indeed," but she asked to bo excused from answering any questions as to her visit. This was her first meeting with Mrs. Wil son and her first visit to the White House. $44,100 To Save Pants. Boston. A mother's lotter complain ing that her young Bon had worn out three pairs of pants In three months on chairs in the public schools was answered by the chairman of the schoolhouse commission, with the state ment that $44,100 had been spent th year to keep chairs and desks smooth Ho said this boy's chair had been specially sandpapered at the request of his family, who said the youngster was hard on pants. Dry Philippines Wanted. Washington, D. C Extension of prohibition enforcement to the Philip pine islands Is proposed in an amend ment to the Volstead law Introduced by Representative Randall, prohibi tionist, California. Representattv Randall declared ho found Manila to be the wettest Bpot on the globe when he visited the city last summer. Hunger Strike It Fatal. Toklo. The first hunger Btrlke In the orient on record, that of a prisoner Incarcerated in connection with th Corean Independence movement, end ed fatally Sunday when the prisoner died in the Seoul jail. He had fasted 13 days. STATE NEWS 2 IN BRIEF. g Eugene. The mills of the Eugene Excelsior company in this city will resume operation early next week af ter having been idle for a number of weeks. Klamath Falls. The American Na tional, fourth of the city's banks, open ed for business last Wednesday. Work men are still putting finishing touches on the building. The Dalles. Next year's convention of the Oregon State Hotel association will be held at Astoria, it was decided at a final business session held at the Hotel Dalles Sunday night Tillamook. Requests made upon the county court by a group of representa tive business men of Tillamook for a $10,000 publicity fund were turned down last week by the court when the budget was made up. Prinevllle. J. E. Meyers, county su perintendent, has announced that the regular examination of applicants for state certificates will be held at the courthouse December 15 to 18. So far ten have announced their intention of taking this examination. Salem. Ownership of tide lands in cases where tidal streams, by process of erosion, encroach upon the lands of shore owners, follows the shifting boundary line to the line of ordinary high tide, according to a legal opinion given here by I. H. Van Winkle, attorney-general. Salem. Under amendments to the Btatutes approved at the special elec tion held last May it is within the power of the voters of Oregon to ap prove bonds in the sum of $96,654,216 for road construction and improve ments, according to a report prepared by the state highway' department. Salem. Hearing of the application of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company for an increase in rates throughout Oregon has been set for December 21, according to announce ment made by the public service com mission. The hearing will be held in the commission's offices in Portland. Halfway. The Cornucopia Mines company has practically exhausted its supply of ore for milling and has turned its attention to development work. It has made plans that include the spending of something like $250, 000 in two years' work. Two tunnels, each about 4000 feet long, will be driven. Salem. If the state game and fish commission does not desire the San- tiam hatchery for trout work the com mercial flBh department will be glad to take it over, according to R. E. Clanton, master fish warden, and Hugh Mitchell, superintendent of the United States bureau of fisheries, who re turned here recently after inspecting the plant. Salem. There were four fatalities due to industrial accidents in Oregon during the week ended November 2, according to a report prepared by the state industrial accident commission. The victims were Victor Marlow, troubleman, Portland; Floyd Hardy, truck driver, Portland; Joseph E. Caldwell, laborer, Parkesvillo, Ky., and Harvey Straw, rigger, Powers. Portland. Business in Portland is holding its own in a satisfactory man ner In spite of the fact that this is a period of readjustment, judging from the way bank clearings are holding up, Bank clearings for the month of No vember amounted to a total of $152, 476,407 compared to $151,701,278 for last year. This is considerably over the bank clearings for Seattle for the month of November, which amounted to $148,607,370. Klamath Falls. The Klamath Log ging company, recently organized with a capitalization of $250,000, will build a mill here next spring, directors an nounced recently. The chief stockhold ers are William Bray of the Oshkosh Land & Timber company, of Wiscon sin; Charles J. Ferguson and O. D. Williams. The company recently pur chased a half billion feet of timber on the Klamath reservation and Is surveying for a spur track from the Southern Pacific railway to the log- giug Bite. Salem. Underwriting by the govern ment of bonds In the sum of $500,000,- 000 for the development of the Colum bia river basin In the states of Wash ington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon, was proposed by W. E. Southard, an attorney of Ephrata, In a letter re ceived at the office of the state en gineer here Saturday. To carry on the development work successfully Mr. Southard would Include the five states In an Interstate Improvement district, and place the project under the con trol of a commission to be composed of a man from each state and three men to be named by the government. The government would provide engineers necessary to promote the plan, accord tng to Mr. Southard's proposal. Th Author of ryTTTTTTTTITXIIIIIITIIITTITTTITTTTTTTTTIIIIIITTTXlIIHX.IIIiaiimXIltIIl BONAVENTURE DE LAPP. Synopsis Writing long after the events described, Jack Calder, Scot farmer of West Inch, tells how. In his childhood, the fear of Invasion by Napoleon, at that time complete master of Europe, had gripped the British nation. Following a false alarm that the French had landed, Jim Horscroft, the doctor's Bon, a youth of fifteen, quarrels with his father over joining the army, and from that Incident a lifelong friendship begins between the boys, They go together to school at Ber wick, where Jim is cock boy from the first. After two years Jim goes to Edinburgh to Btudy medicine. Jack stays Ave years more at Ber wick, becoming cock boy in his turn. When Jack Is eighteen his cousin Edle comes to live at West Inch and Jack falls In love at first Bight with his attractive, romantic, selfish and autocratic cousin of seventeen. They watch from the cliffs the victory of an English merchantman over two French pri vateers. Reproached by Edie . for staying at home, Jack starts to en. list. Edle tells him to stay. Jack promises to stay and marry her. She acquiesces. Jim comes home. Jack sees Jim kissing Edle. Jack and Jim compare notes and force Edie to choose between them. She chooses Jim. Jack gives up Edie to Jim. The downfall of Napoleon 1s celebrated. A half-dead ship wrecked foreigner drifts ashore at West Inch. CHAPTER V Continued. 5 "He's dying, Jim," I cried. "Aye, for want of food and water. There's not a drop or a crumb in the boat. Maybe there's something In the bag." He sprang In and brought out a black leather bag, which, with large blue coat, was the only thing in the boat. It was locked, but Jim had It open In an Instant. It was half full of gold pieces. Neither of us had ever seen so much before no, nor a tenth part of It. There must have been hundreds of them, all bright new , British sov ereigns. Indeed, so taken up were we that we had forgotten all about their owner, until a groan took our thoughts back of him. His lips were bluer than ever, and his jaw had dropped. I can see his open mouth now, with its row of white, wolfish teeth. "My God! he's off," cried Jim Here, run to the burn, Jock, for a hatful of water. Quick, man, or he's gone! I'll loosen his things the while." Away I tore, and was back in a minute with as much water as would stay in my Glengarry. Jim had pulled open the man's coat and shirt, and we doused the water over him, and forced some between his lips. It had a good effect, for after a gasp or two he sat up, and rubbed his eyes slowly, like a man who Is waking from a deep sleep, But neither Jim nor I were looking at his face now, for our eyes were fixed on his uncovered chest. There were two deep red puckers In It, one Just below the collar bone, and the other about liulfway down on th right side. The skin of his body was extremely white up to the brown line of his neck, and the angry crinkled spots looked the more vivid against it. From above I could see there was a corresponding pucker In the back at one place but not at the other. In experienced as I was, I could tell what that meant. Two bullets had pierced his chest one had passed through It, and the other had remained Inside, But suddenly he staggered up to his feet, and pulled his shirt to, with a quick, suspicious glance at us. "What have I been doing?" he asked, "I've been off my head. Take no no tice of anything I may have said, Have I been shouting?" "You shouted Just before you fell." "What did I shout?" I told him, though it bore littl meaning to my mind. He looked sharp ly at us, and then he shrugged his shoulders. "It's the words of a song," said he, "Well, the question Is, what am I to do now? I didn't thought I was so weak. Where did you get the wa ter?" I pointed towards the burn, and he staggered oft to the bank. There he lay down upon his face, and he drank until I thought he would never havi done. At hist he got up, with a long sigh, and wiped his niustuche with bis sleeve. "That's better," said he. "Have you any food?" I had crnmmed two bits of oatcake Into my pocket when I left home, and these he crushed Into his mouth and swallowed. Then he squared his shoul deVs, puffed out his chest, and patted his ribs with the flat of his hands. i "I am sure that I owe you exceed Ingly well," said he. "You have been very kind to a stranger. But I see that you have had occasion to open my bag?" "We hoped that we might find wine or brandy there when you fainted." "Oh, I have nothing there but Just my little how do you say It? my savings. Thej are not much, but I must live quietly upon them until I find something to do. Now, one could live very quietly here, I should say. I could not have come upon a more pea-eful place, without,, perhaps, so tTTTtiifTiiniiifT'"'iinTiiiunni-ixxxxxzxxxxzixr e Great S By A. CONAN DOYLE "The Adventures of Sherlock much as a gendarme nearer than that town." "lou haven't told us yet who you are, where you come from, nor what you have been," said Jim bluntly. The stranger looked him up ana down with a critical eye. "My word! but you would make a grenadier for a flank company," said he. "As to what ou ask, I might take offense at it from other lips, but you have a right to know, since you have received me with so great courtesy. My name is Bonaventure de Lapp. I am a soldier and a wanderer bv trede. and I have come from Dunkirk, as you may see printed upon the boat." "I thought that you had been ship wrecked?" said I. But he looked at me with the straight gaze of an honest man. "That Is right," said he. "But the ship went from Dunkirk, and this is one of her boats. The crew got away In the "long boat, and she went down so quickly that I had no time to put anything into her. That was on Mon day." "And today's Thursday. You have been three days without bite or sup." "It is too long," said he. "Twice before I have been for two days, but never quite so long as tyils. Well, I shall leave my boat here, and see whether I can get lodgings in any of these little gray houses up on the hillsides. Why Is that great fire burn ing over yonder?" "It Is one of our neighbors who has served against the French. He Is re joicing because peace has been de clared." "Oh! you have a neighbor who has served, then? I am glad, for I, too, have seen a little soldiering here and there." He did not look glad, but he drew his brows down over his keen eyes. "You are French, are you not?" I asked, as we all walked up the hill to gether, he with his black bag In his hand, and his long blue cloak slung over his shoulder. "Well, I am of Alsace," said he. And you know they are more Ger man than French. For myself, I have been In so many lnnds that I feel at home in all. I have been a great trav eler. And where do you think that I might find a lodging?" I can scarcely tell now, on looking back with , the great gap of flve-and thirty years between what Impression this singular man had made upon me, Jim Horscroft was a fine man, and MaJ, Elliott was a brave one, but they both lacked something that this wan derer had. It was the quick, alert look, the flash of the eye, the name less distinction which Is so hard to fix. And then, we had saved him when he lay gasping on the shingle, and one's heart always softens to ward what one has once helped. "If you will come with me," said I, "I have little doubt that I can find you a bed for a night or two, and by that time you will be better able to make your own arrangements." He pulled off his hat, and bowed with all the grace Imaginable. But Jim Horscroft pulled me by the sleeve and led me aside. " You're mad, Jock," he whispered "The fellow's a common adventurer, What do you want to get mixed up with him for?" But I was always as obstinate man as ever laced his boots, and If you Jerked me back It was the finest way of sending me to the front. "He's a stranger, and it's our part to look after him," said I. "You'll be sorry for it," said he. "Maybe so." "If you don't think of yourself you might think of your cousin." "Edle can take very good care of herself." "Well, then, the devil take you, and you may do what you like," he cried, in one of his sudden flushes of anger. Without a word of farewell to either of us he turned off upon the track that led up toward his father's house. Bonaventure de Lapp smiled at me as we walked on together. "I didn't thought he liked me very much," said he. "I can see very well that he has made a quarrel with you because you are tnklng me to your home. What does he think of me then? Does he think, perhaps, that have stole the gold In my bag, or what Is It that he fears?" "Tut I I neither know nor care,' said L "No stranger shall pass our door without a crust and a bed." With my head cocked, and feeling as if I was doing something very fine. In stead of being the most egregious fool south of Edinburgh, I marched on down the path, with my new ac quaintance at my elbow. CHAPTER VI. A Wandering Eagle. My father seemed to be much of Jim Horscroft's opinion, for he was not over warm to this new guest, and looked him up and down with a very questioning eye. He set a dish of vine gar ed herrings before him, however. and I noticed that he looked more askance than ever when my compan ion ate nine of them, for two were alwavs our portion. When at last he had finished. Bonaventure de Lapp' faadow Holmes" Copyright by A. Conan Doyle lids were drooping over his eyes, for I doubt not that he had been sleep less as well as foodless for these three days. It was but a poor room to which I led him, but he threw himself down upon the couch, wrapped his big blue cloak around him. and was asleep In an Instant. He was a very High and strong snorer, and, as my room was next to his, I had reason to remember that we had a stranger within our gates. When I came down In the morning 1 found that he had been beforehand with me, for he was seated opposite my father at the window table In the kitchen, their head's almost touching, and a little roll of gold pieces between them. As I came In my father looked up at me, and I saw a light of greed in his eyes such as I had never seen before. He caught up the money with an eager clutch, and swept It into his pocket. "Very good, mister," said he. "Tin room's yours, and you pay always on the third of the month." "Ah, and here Is my first friend," cried De Lapp, holding out his hand to me with a smile which was klndlj enough, and yet had that touch of pa tronage which a man uses when he smiles to his dog. "I am myself again now, thanks to my excellent suppei and good night's rest. Ah, It Is. hun ger that takes the courage from a man. That most, and cold next." "Aye, that's right," said my father "I've been out on the moors in a snow drift for slx-and-thlrty hours, and 1 ken what It Is like." "I once saw three thousand men starve to death," remarked De Lapp putting out his hands to the fire. "Daj by day they got thinner and more like apes, and they did come down to the edge of the pontoons where we did keep them, and they howled with rage and pain. The first few days theii howls went over the whole city, but after a week our sentrlep. on the bank could not hear them, so weak they had fallen." . . "And they died?" I exclaimed. "They held out a very long time, Austrian grenadiers they were, of the corps of Starowltz, fine, stout men as big as your friend of yesterday, bul when the town fell there were but foul hundred alive, and a man could 'lift them three at a time, as if they were little monkeys. It .was a pity., Ah my friend, you will do me the honors with madame and with mademoiselle.' It was my mother and Edle, who had come into the kitchen. He had not seen them the night before ; bul now It was all I could do to keep my face as I watched him, for, Instead ol our homely Scottish" nod, he bent uf his back like a louplng trout, and slid his foot, and clapped tils hand oveT his heart In the queerest way. My mother stared, for she thought he was making fun of her, but Cousin Edle fell Into it in oh instant, as though it had been a game, and away she went In a great courtesy, until 1 thought she wouid have had to give It up, and sit down right there In the middle of the kitchen floor. But no she was up again as light as a piece of fluff, and we all drew up our stools and started on the scones and milk and porridge.' ' ' He had a wonderful way with wom en, that man. Now, If I were to do It, or Jim Horscroft, It would look as if we were playing the fool, and the girls would have laughed at us; bul with him It seemed to go with his style of face and fashion of speech, so that one came at last to look for It. For when he spoke to my mothei or to Cousin Edle and he was nevei backward In speaking It would al ways be with a bow and a look as If It would hardly be worth their while to listen to what he had to say; and when they answered he would put on a face as though every word they said was to be treasured tip and remem bered forever. Edle did not say much but she kept shooting little glances at our visitor, and once or twice he looked very linrd at her. When he had gone to his room, aftei breakfast, my father pulled out eight golden pounds, and laid them on the table. An eagle in a humble nest. (TU BE CONTINUED.) Making Sure. A story Is told of a fanner who was having trouble with his horse. It would start, walk about 20 yards or eo, then stop for a few seconds and start again, only to repeat the per formance. After watching this exhibi tion for some time a friend overtook the farmer during one of the horse's loug waits. "What's the matter with the horse?' he asked. "Is It lame?" 'Not as I knows of," answered the farmer very crossly, "but he's so dnshed feared I'll siiy 'whoa' and he won't hear me, so he stops every now and then to listen." The Tatler. White Elephant Isn't It a pity that a man never can dispose of his motor experience for as much as It cost him?