The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 10, 1920, Image 1

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Devotee! to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 7, NO 9
THE YEAR $1.50
T7 r?Ym
T7 m ri
(i ii M ii
Jl living
School Notes
cnntimas preparations are
progressing nicely. A good fund
has been donated and an enjoy
able program is being prepared
We hope everybody will enjoy a
merry Christmas Eve.
School vacation begins Dec. 28
The entertainment by Prof.
Aetel netted the school $3:35
which was turned over to the
Rebort of standings :
High School Class Leaders
Seniors Ida Duncan.
Junior9 Lester Crofoot.
Sophomores Mable Cyr.
Freshmen -Jesse Walter.
Those receiving 90 or over are
Seniors Ida Duncan and Lewis
Derthick. Sophomores Mabel
Cyr and Calvin Potts
Freshman -Jesse Walter and
Hazel Williams.
Gramnier Room.
Class Leaders
8th; grade -Clair Green.
7th- grade Jean Wilson.
6th. grade-Helen Weberg.
5th. grade Ira Kidder.
Those above 90
8th. grade Arthur Pliilmlee,
Erma Morris and Clair Green,
' Your Money Goes Farther At Hill's'
It is everybody! priviledgeand just right to trade where
they thing they can do best. In Portland or any where
else, but it isn't doing your home merchant justice; not
giving him a chance to figure on an order and know if
ypii are doing better or not.
When you pick up a catalogue and look at the prices
they may look good, but, when you pay the freight and
get an inferior quality of goods at what it would cost
at home are you gaining anything by it.
I am running a cash business and am cutting prices as
cloie as possible. I would be glad to have you call and
get my prices on Coffee, Oat Mush, Baking Powder,
Salmon Tomatoes' Potatoes, Woodcock Flour, Diamoud
W Flour, Catsup, Peanut Butter, Canned Milks, Tobacco
Beans Rice, Lard, and Syrup.
' If we please you tell others if we don't tell us.
Meat Market in Connection With Store
I.O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon.
?ueeU every Saturday night in
oualdeou'B hall. Visiting lueiu
bcrs always welcome.
U. B. Butt, N. G.
B. F. TtHNrn, Secretary.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m.
I Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a- ru.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Surerur of
Grass Valley and Mr. .and Mrs.
Bert Knighten, of lower Tygh
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Dell Packard for Thanksgiving
Willis Norval made a trip to
Maupin some time ago and on
returning had an accident to his
car while ascending the Tygh
hill W. E. Woodcock went to
his rescue and assisted in get
ting the car home.
Joe Wing and Housty Johnson
were Maupin visitors Wednesday
A. E- Lake spent several' days
in Hood River recently.
The Wamic basket ball team
played two games at Tygh Sat
urday night. One game was play
ed against the high school and
one against the town boys teams
of Tygh. Both games were won
by Wamic.
Prof, and Mrs. J. It. Ward
gave a card party to a numper
of their young friends WedneS'
day night.
7th. grade Winifred Kaiser
and Jean Wilson-
6th, grade Helen Weberg'
A. M. Winn.. Prin.
Wapinitia Oregon
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Ilooms 1748 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby'i Drug store,.
The Dalles. Ore
Phone Black 1111
Attorney at Law,
in State
Strive to Merit Approval
License Law
Motor vehicle owners who
have not applied for their 1921
licenses are urged by the Sec. of
State to do so at once in order to
avoid congestion in the Depart
ment around the first of the
coming year and also that they
may avoid arrest by the peace
officers for failure to carry 1921
license plates after January first
The law will be rigidly enforced
by the inspectors of the depart
ment. There are now over
103,000 licensed cars in Oregon-
To this time about 9,000 appli
cations for 1920 licenses have
been received. The facilities of
the Depart merit are limited and
unless the work cnvolved in issu
ing licenses is distributed over a
reasonable period car owners
cannot expect to receive their
icense plates promptly. By
inlay they are improving their
chu K-ps for arrest for failure to
ha vp their 1921 licenses by Jan. 1
192) About October 1st blanks
were jnr warded to all the orvners
of nvii-.T vehicles for amilvine
for ll'-M licenses. If any of them
failed to receive blanks it has
been by reason of change of
residence not reported to the
office or failure of the mails.
Application blanks may be sec
ured of your chief of police or
marshal, ci y or town recorder
sheriff, county clerk and the
ice need motor vehicle dealer in
your locality, or by request oT
the Secretary of State, Salem,
Dr. El wood was called here last
week to attend Nadine, little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Lcnore Woodcock was down
from Smock Saturday, rnest of
Carmel Woodcock and Hilda
Willard Wing had an accident
to his car Saturday while ivniing
to town.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Maaill
went to Portland today,
Mrs. Irnia Munier and Mist
Alma Driver spent several days
in Smock last week- guests of
their mother. Mrs. Ethel Duncan
Very pleasant weather this
week roads are getting fine for
this season. One year ago to
day the big snow and cold spell
struck here.
J. S, Brown returned Sunday
from Portland after spending a
week there attending the Keepb
trial. lie reports it still in bio
grpps when he left there.
A little baby girl weighing 8
pounds arrived at Ihe home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mc Cork if
Sunday December fifth. All ate
doing well.
Rev. I J. Powell who has been
slopping at the home of his son
has been quite tick the past week
and he is now at the home n
his daughter Mis. Bessie Niek-
erson at Tygh Valley.
Mr. and Mis. Dee Woodside
left here Wednesday to be gone
this winter. They will stop
few days in The Dalles, Portland
and Cottage Grove. From there
they go to L03 Angeles and
then to Mexico w here they hope
Mrs. Woodside will regain her
Stock Suffocate
A card from Mrs. Brown reads
as follows:
Redmond, Oregon Dec. 6th '20
Dear Mrs. Morrison,
We have arrived at our new
home, with the worst of luck;
the car was tight, was to be a
car with windows in each end;
loaded after dark and our stock
all smothered to death except
one mare and she was noarly
dead, she may get well but is in
a bad shape. Four horses, my
buggy mare was one of them and
twenty five head of cattle. Just
made me Bick, is a fright to see
them. Hope this finds you all
well. We have awful colds.
Ever your friend,
Mrs. James Brown.
The Times gleans the follow
ing from the Railway company's
Friday tiighl of lat-t week
James Brown, a former largf
stockman and farmor of the
tygh Valley section, loaded "5
cattle and 5 head of horses into
a box car at the O. T. yards here
which when opened at destina
tion at Terrebone the next morn;
ing were found to have all mifi'u
cated but one horse, it surviving
by means of the oxygen passing
through crreks after the weaker
animals had succumbed and ab
sorbed less.
Mr. Brown had arranged for
rates November 27th and order
ed the car for use December 2
particularly specifying that a
regular box car would be satis.
factory. On the 3rd he came
bringing the cattle to the stock
yards, and expressed satisfaction
with the car, loading them with
some horses a 7 o'clock thai
evening. Hie local agent neie
had advised Mr. Brown to wait
until 1 o. m., 40 minutes before
i ho train should leave, to load
ois stock, at wiucli time, lie
would be assisted by the section
rew, but owing to the fact thai
only cattle were billed to load it
is supposed he proferfed loading
them at 7 o'clock than have it
discovered he was also shipping
horses and have to pay a little
ligher freight rate, He borrow
ed a hammer of local ageril
Hubbard who told him where t
get lumber for slats aero: a Uk
-lides of the car to allow ventila
tion for the animals, but im-THi!
of following instructions
th'! side doors tight. Mr. llu'
bard is on day duly only arcl
gave no fm'ther attention to 1 In
matter, therefore did not know
the car had been closed up with
out allowing for ventilation.
It ia said Mr. Brown gave no
attention to the animals after
loading, except at about 9 o'clock
he came down and heard Ihrrn
moaning, but thought nothing ol
it. It is believed t'le animals
were dead a number of ho'Irs le
fore the train left Maupin, a:i all
was quiet when the crew picked
up the car with another one coi
laming household goods.
Mn J. S. Parker is on the
sick-list this week.
The Ladies Aid Baraar whirl
was civen in the School hous
Fridav night was a splendid
success. About $30 was received
which will be used to help fuuiidli
the Tarsoiiage.
! Mr. Whaite fmiaheJ painting
Walter Woodsides new house the
first of the week and its ready
I for occupancy. This is said to be
I one of thehj:st finished buildings
jon me r lat.
I Harry btantoti nan remgner!
i his position in IIarlnias store
, here and has received a Gov't
position at Simnai-hoaud moved
I there.
I Mr. and Mrs. Ld Bernard
I came over Saturday and hauled a
i load of household goods ov
' (to last page)
Local Interest
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Morris
and John Mc Corkle were Dalles
visitors Tuesday.
The grain on the Flat is look
ing extraordinarily well for this
time of year, which promises
a bumper crop next year. The
continued moist atmosphere is
sure to prove beneficial. The
serious problem with the farmers
now is that of getting a price for
the grain in Dresent storage that
will cover the heavy exrense
of labor employed in its product
ion. Miss Ruth Mo Corkle wtnt to
The Dalles Wednesday.
Mrs. L, C. Wilhelm left
Fall and Winter Wearing Apparel,
Woolen Underwear and Socks, Fine
and Heavy Flannel Shirts, Maekinaws,
Leather Jackets and Sweaters, Cord
uroy ami Moleskin Pants, Winter Caps
and Toques, -High - Top and Heavy
Weight Shoes for Men, Women and
the Kiddies.
The famous ' ' Ball-Brand " line of
Rubber Goods now in stock.
Now is the time to get fixed up for
the winter while our stock is complete
We ask that you look us over.
The House of Better Service
Maupin, Oregon.
f your property were destroyed by fire?
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
Protect Yourself Now.
Sound Insurance
Wheat Up
You Mr. Wheat
Kortl Cr wiih
rrm True!?, or
uve been thiiikintr
tl mis liHx? well to sell i?omc of your wheat now and
make a p v oK'nt upon delivery, another in the Spring,
ind the balaa' later.
Get it now and ha c (he use
(.'on. i in and talk it over
Ford & Fordson Healer
Opposite I1. O. The Ualles' Oregon.
Do you know you can gel.?
Fresh and Cured Meals Home Rendered Lard
Butter Krust Bread and a Square Mtal
at Andy's Place
Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery
Andy's Place, Maupin, Ore.
Lost Dec, 8th in Maupin a gold
watch, hunting case name Per
fect on face. Finder leave at
Anderson's and receive $5:00 as
nesday morning for Seattle to
visit her daughter and other
Mrs. C. E. Charles and two
children of Vale .Oregon are
here visiting Mrs Arthur Morris
and Miss Hazel Williams daught
ers of Mrs. Charles.
Miss Nellie Harpham arrived
from Idaho the last of the week
and is visiting at H. H- Harp
ham's near Wapinitia.
Morris Brothers
Fanner tan row tuy mw
tUxlric starter and lights, One
Fordson Tractor thai you
of it.
7 to. 9 a.m.
11:30 lo 2 p.m.
5:30 lo 7:30 p. m.