The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 03, 1920, Image 4

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Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Jessiline R. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered a second class ninil
matter September a. loll, at the
postoflke Ht Maupin, Oregon, 1111
der the Act of March 3, i7y.
Local Items
r Frank Mairill of Wamie made
a bhort business trip to Maupin
G. L. and II. H. Harpham
were down from Wapinitia
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kelly
were business callers at this
Let us take your measure for
votir new winter Suit while the
assortment is complete. K.
Wilson Co.
f Dance and movie atlWapinitia
Fridav December 10th.
Basket Supper.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCorkle
were Maupin visitors Tuesday.
Ward Buzan is back to Maupin
A. A. Brittain was a business
visitor in Maupin Tuesday.
Ivlwin Mays was in Maupin
Mr. W. II. Staats is out from
Portland for a few days.
Jim Brown is moving from
Tygh to Terrebone and shipped
a car of stock and household
Commercial Club
Don't attend C. C. meetings
if it rains. You might get your
feet wet. and you are not in the
physical condition you were in at
the time of the last dance.
Don't think of going if it is
moonlight night. There are lots
of other things you could do that
sort of a night. F'r instance
oh, roll your own ideas.
If you should attend a meeting
find fault with everything that's
going on.
Get sore at the organization if
1 1 .
on are not appointed on a com
If you are appointed don't
ittend committee meetings.
fhey often are a bore.
During discussion on a motion,
eep still. After it has passed
ell everyone why they should
lave vo?d it down.
When other members are hard
it work trying to .make trie
issociation a success its time to
iowI that the club is being run
)y a clique.
For a limited time only we will include with
every Racine Casing sold a Racine Tube of
the same size Free of Charge.
We have not raised on the price of our
casings to do this, nor has there been any
drop in the price of Racine tires. We are
overstocked for the time of the year and in
order to lighten our stock we are making
this exceptional offer. If you need tires
now or will need them later, take advantage
of this offer.
CfVWS Wit'
Dec. 28, Annual
Second annual meeting Oregon
tate chamber of coninieic at
Portland, Oregon, December: 28
md 29th Portland chamber of
Mtnmerce rooms Oregon Building
5th and Oak Sts. 10:00 A. M.
President Charles Hall has set
the above dates for our Annual
Meeting, to which all members
and interested parties are invit
sd. Each Commercial Organiz
ation in the State is entitle . to
from one to five delegates, de
pending upon membership and
each Association Membership
two delegates.
Before the Annual Meeting,
our Annual Report will be for
warded to you. We have memb
ership of 3500, in addition to com
tnereal organizations, and the
meeting will be open to discus
sant of all matters pertaining to
the welfare of Oregon.
See that delegates from your
Commercial Organizations and
Associations are appointed at
once and the names forwarded
to the office.
We are all working for a
greater Oregon.
See Our Assortment before you buy
.We have many things suitable
gifts for the older folks too.
We Like Children - Bring them
with you and let them see the many
pretty things we have for them.
mmii Reffdl
Chamber iber of Commerce rests principally
'upon the strength and support ot
;the individual membership, as
The Oregon State
of Commerce is just completing
l- J. ...... C ,,.,.lr .and if 1C
TK Sr UI1LI Veal Ul vvuir. aax m i" , , . ,
iis becuuu jcai u I a organization is merely
Witn a reeling or sausiacuuu ma--,
we begin the preparation of out-
annual report. The demand for
an organization of this kind, was
state-wide, the need being felt
not only for some medium to act
as a.clearing house fur construct
ive state development, but to co
ordinate efforts along all lines
that mean something for a better
The strength of an organization
such as the Oregon State CJiam-
the grouping of individuals bound
achieve results.
It is your Organization and we
want to urge you to be present
at the annual meeting on Dec
ember 28th. and 29th. and take
together by mutual interests ancljin its deliberations,
Dirt hi your CngmeO'il-
Qet rui of it I
A LAV '"jR quantity of dust-lackn is "it'haled" by the
Matty peration of an automobile ei
dust, cm bon and tir particles of rr bl
eating o' I and circulate through your
efficiency of its operation, A5A to t
that esc; ; es past the pistons and &v:.
Here jrn have a combine ::cr . Calol Fit-
that w and tears and grlrls
sway, ".'. i day adding a littl
more dirt -:i forcir.g i Btfia more
unnejesK- "y wear on bearing sur
face?. F sle-.v response less
rower r--.or pt-form?
shorter c: ; .ne life.
Our tvw Modern Crar:!;case
Cleaning m-ice is the enemy of
dirt in t'.-. crankcase it means
an efc n a clean engine." The
it '.e.'VVith this road
2 rt into the lubri
!ine, lowering the
5 dirt the g?,?oline
3 the oil
shin? Oil we use is the
"e .v, f?i;r,.irj, thorough f!nhina
agent th:-t does not contaminate
the fresii 2'erolene refilled into
your c!-:'.ned crankcase. This
modern -.r-nvenvent service, given
quickly snd at a nominal cost,
returns your engine to you clean
and fi eh, ready to give that sat
isfactory performance you expect.
Today: Bring in your air for Mod
ern Crar.kcaae Cleaning Service.
I J fk -i vf-v Wwv cle
irr5!J'i ) ii.sMF-ir
- - 1 fror clean cl in a dean engine $ limmmm
cooperating toward a given end.
We wish to thank you for your
cooperation in the past, for it is
only through the united efforts
of all that we have been able to
Denarl merit tf U'P Interior
U. S. Land Offiee at The Dalles, Or
egun, November l;l, li'J.
l-!fjtiie is hereby given that.
('lareiice V. Karsslier
of Maupin, Uiogmi, wlm 011 November
6. lath, made AUUitiunai iiomesieau
Kiitrv No. OlfiSUt. for SWl-4 NEl-4,
NWl-4 SEl-4. and Sl-2 Nvl-4, Section
S4. iownshiu 5 Buuth. Raime 15 east,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final three year
pro: if, to establish claim to the land
a bee described, before F. D. Stnart,
U. 5. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ure
son. on Uie mn uav 01 January,
Uaimant names as witnesses: jaincs
Dorati, Dolph Goetjen, John Mannion
Arthur W. Fargher. all of Maupin
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Yours truly,
George Quayle.
General Secretary.
nenartment of the Interior
U. S. Land OMirp at The Dalles, Ore
gun. October 1. H'2'J.
1,'oticels beitby given that
Atbel V. Fialev.
of Dufur. Oieaon. wtio on October 11
191.". ninde Additional Homestead Entry
No. 015'jyy. for wl 2 svvl-4, fcec. Id.
and vl 2 nvvl-4. Section 'II, l'owiiship
Ssoiith, Rang" bi l.';'sf, Willamette
Meridian, lias filed, notice of intention
to uia're three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before i!isiei and Hoeiver, United
dtai"3 Land Office, at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on toe :jid day of December, 1920.
( laimant names 83 witnesses: Willis
Co'liman, of Friend, Oregon, J. B.
FrMev, of .the Dalles, Oregon, M. M.
Uluvey, of Dolor. Oregon, F. A.
French, of The Dalles. Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Notice ia hereby given that the
Countv Supt. of Wasco County, Oregon
will hold Hie regular examination of
applicants lor State Certificates at the
Court House as follows: Commencing
Wednesday, December 15, 1920 at 9. 00
o'clock a. 111., and continuing until bat
urdav, December 18, 1920, at 4 o'clock
p. m.
weanesuty rorenoon
U. S. History, Writing (Penmanship)
Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Aiternoon
Physiology. Reading, Manual Train
ing, Composition, Domestic Science,
Methods in Reading, Course of Study
for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic.
Ihuisday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of Education,
Phyeholopy, Methods in Geography,
Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art,
Course of Study for Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammar, Geography, -Stenography,
American Literature, Physics, Type
writing, Methods in Language, Thesis
for Primary Certificates.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthography
(Spelling), Physical Geography, Eng
lish Literature, Chemistry.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil
Saturday Forenoon
Geometry, Rotany.
Saturday Afternoon
General History. Bookkeeping.
Department of the Interior
II. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Ore
goo, October 19. l'.'i'l.
Notice is liercbv given that
Giover Franklin Douglas,
of Kaskels. Oregon, who en October,
5. l!'2'. iiiad" Additional Homestead
Lntrv No. l'2Ui'l, fr SWl 4S1.1-4. Sec.
s'a t 4:;f.1-4. Pi lNl-4.NWl-4!!U-4.
1 1-1 : I r,l 2sw. Section 33.
Township J 1 south, Ransre 11 East,
Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice
of intention to make three vear proof.
to establish claim to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart, United
States I ouiini??ioner. at Maupin, Ore
iron, on the 9th dv of December, 192i'.
Claimant names as witnesses: B. A
Marx, of Kakela. Ureaon. Owen 1
Brown. ' The Dal!e. Oregon. W.
Ward, of Kaskeia, Oregon, John Farre,
of Kaskeia. Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock. Register.
Depailmeiit of the Interiorior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore-
gnu, ijoveinner a, wi. ,
Notice is heieby given that
Lauifhlin. Morrison.
of Shaniko. Oregon, who on January 10
1910, made Homestead bntry No.
015T1O, for nwI-4 SEl-4, swl-4, Section
14, SF.l 4 KEl-4. El-2 SEl-4 bectlon lb,
Iownshiu 7 south, Range 14 bast,
Willamette Meiidian. has filed notice
of intention to make three year proof,
to pslabhsh claim 'to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 28th day of January 1921.
" Claimant name3 as witnesses: Oliver
Barton, Donald Morrison. Malcom Mc
Donald, John Me Inne?, all of Shaniko,
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Maupin Garage, Maupin
E. J. Fischer, Maupin
Crescent Garage, Tygh Valley
W. F. Magill, Wamic
Department of the Interior
V.. S Land Ollice at lb? DJJe, Pre
uoii. October 19th. 1920. '
N otice is hereby given tjiat
Jhines 1.. Maddron,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Novem
ber li. 1915. made Homestead entry
No. 015591. for SE.1-4NE1 4. Fl-2?El 4.
NF.1-4SE1 4. Section 4. wl-2sEl-4, N'l
4se1 4 and NEl-4wl-4. Section 9.
i'ownshiii 0 south. I'.aiiire 11 east. M1
lamette Meiidian, has filed
intention to make final
rroof to estalii:-h claim
above iltacrihed. befoie
Department of the interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dallej, Ore
gon, October 13, 1920.
Notice w hereby given that,
Ben F. Richardson,
wh"e post--office address ia Wapinitia,
p Oregon, did on the 13th day of January
1920, tile in this office Sworn State
ment and Application no. U2l2os, to
purchase the nl1-4 seI-4, Section 35
Township 5 South, Range 11 East.
Willamette Meiidian, and the timber
thereon, under th provisions of the
act of June 3, 1878, and acts amenda
tors. known as the "Timber and Stone
I Law." at uch value as might be fixed
by appiaisement, and that, pursuant to
such application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised. One Hun
dred Twenty-rive Dollars the timber
estimated 50 M board feet t $1.50 per
M. and the land $50.00: that said ap
plicant will offer final proof in support
01 his application ana sworn giaiemni
noflce of !on the 10th day of January, 1921. be-
three veari fore Register and Receiver U. s. Land
to the land; Office, at The Dalles, Oregon.
F. D. Stuart. Any person is at liberty to protest
IT v4 ' i'mniu;iiii, r wt Mmmin. t)re-
eon 011 the 9tb dav of December, K' a contest at any time before paten1
this purchase before entry, or initiate
Claimant names as witnesses: W. issues, by hung icorroDorjtea amaavit
D. McClain. Kd Davis. A. W. Dunning, j in this office, alleging tacu which
Jes'e I ewi.-. all of Wapinitia. Oitgon. 'would defeat the entry.
11. Frank Woodcock. Roister. II. Frank Woodcock, Register.