The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 03, 1920, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Eventi of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
The socialist-labor party reports
campaign receipts of $18,099 up to
November 12. Expenditures amounted
to $16,146.
Freight movement on American rail
roads during September continued to
exceed records for bulk, according to
a statement by the Railway Executives'
New York. All six refineries of the
American Sugar Refining company
have been closed as a result of slight
demand for the commodity, It was an
nounced In New York Saturday.
President Wilson Is now able to
walk about the White House without
even the aid of a cane. It was stated
at the White House. He uses his wheel
chair only for occasional relaxation;
It Is said.
President Wilson will be awarded
the Nobel prize for 1920, according to
Swedish newspapers. The announce
ment of the prize committee, however,
will not be made before the end of
Former President Deschanel of
France has completely recovered in
health and 1b looking for an apartment
in Paris to which he intends to return
some time during the first two weeks
of December.
Two women and sevA children were
burned to death in tlA village of Pa-
doue, Nev., Monday night when the
explosion of a tank of gasoline set fire
to thoir home. The cause of the ex
plosion was not known.
A referendum Is being conducted by
the Industrial Workers of the World
to determine whether that organiza
tion shall indorse the programme of
the third Internationale, formulated at
Moscow in March, 1919.
A commission of silk manufacturers
from China will attend the interna
tional Bilk exposition in New York
next February to demonstrate Chinese
processes, according to cablegrams to
the department of commerce.
Armenia, according to the French
foreign office, has refused to comply
with the ultimatum of Mustapha Ke
mal Pasha, the Turkish nationalist
leader, for the delivery of war mater
ials and has decided to continue the
flcht agaliiBt the Turks to the finish
Pre-war prices for live hogs in Chi
cago became general Wednesday
throughout the United ' States. Big
receipts from the farms appeared to
bo the immediate cauBe, the total sup
ply of hogs on sale at the ten principal
markets of the country being estimat
ed at 182,000 head, as aguluHt 124,000
a week ago.
James Dryce, former British ambas
sador to the United States, pictured
the world at "the abyss of calamity
into which the war plunged it," in a
letter to the Colonial society of Boston,
made public recently. The American
and English peoples, he said, are es
pecially called to try to rescue the
world from the danger. .
Thirty-two persons in the army
were sentenced to death by courts-
martial during the last fiscal year, but
in no case was the sentence carried
into effect, says Major-General E. II
Crowdcr, Judge-advocate-generul, In his
annual report Twelve of the death
sentences were disapproved, 19 reduced
to imprisonment ranging from life
' terms to five years, and one cose is
pending on review.
More than 12,000,000 tons of bitum
inous cool were produced in the United
States during the week ending Novem
ber 13, the geological survey estimated
in its weekly report. The soft coal
output this year is placed at 476,000,
000 tons, which is less than the pro
duction during the same period in
1918 by 38,000,000 tons, but approxi
mately 67,000,000 tons ahead of the
total of the first 270 working days of
A conference of several hundred
farmers of eastern Washington, east
ern Oregon and northern Idaho, de
claring that the United State Grain
corporation, during Its existence, made
profits of $50,000,000, "which properly
belongs to the producers," adopted res
olution urging the secretary of tb
treasury to use that fund through the
federal reserve board or other agencies
to extend credit to the farmer by pro
viding a revolving fund.
Uncle Sam Declared Bilked of Many
Thousands of Dollars.
New York. Testimony that 10 per
cent of the $7,000,000 shipping repair
bills in the south Atlantic was "graft"
was given here Monday to the Walsh
congressional committee examining
shipping board affairs. The allegation
was made by Charles Banzahf, a
traveling auditor of the board out of
New York. It was contained in a
letter he wrote to the general control
ler of the board last July, read by
Chairman Walsh and Identified by the
Means by which the alleged "graft"
was made possible, the witness tes
tified, included lack of inspections,
failure to check repair work, over
charges for materials and labor and
unnecessary repairs. He cited an in
stance of a repair engineer w,ho, he
said, had sat in a pilot house and
approved repair bills amounting to
thousands of dollars without ever
looking at the work. He declared in
spectors had been told that "costs"
were none of their business and that
there was a spirit of make rather
than cut down repair work.
rices of Meats and
Bread Take Big Tumble
Spokane, Wn. Reduction of 10 cents
a pound in the retail prices of all pork
meats and 5 cents a pound on all beef
cuts became effective Monday at a
number of the larger markets. The
retail price cuts follow gradual de
clines of from 4 to 6 cents a pound in
the wholesale prices of pork and beef.
A wholesale price reduction of from
to 6 cents a pound on pork shoul
ders and pork loins was announced
by Armour & Co.
Cleveland. A general cutting of re
tail meat prices, ranging from 3 to 11
cents a pound, bringing prices nearer
normal that at any time in months,
was in evidence throughout the city
Monday. Bac6n was cut from 46 to
35 cents.
The price of a 24-ounce loaf of
bread also was reduced from 14 to
12 cents by a grocery company operat
ing a large number of stores here,
Lynn, Mass. Shoe manufacturers of
this city Monday made formal request
of the joint council, United Shoe Work
ers of America for abolition of the
wage bonus of 12 V4 to 20 per cent
that has been paid for more than a
Elimination of the bonus is neces
sary, according to the manufacturers,
In order to reduce their operating
costs to the point where the 100 fac
torles, normally employing 1500 op
eratives, may be reopened.
Germany Back Mexico.
San Antonio, Tex. Germany has of
ficially recognized the De la Huerta
government of Mexico, according to a
dispatch In La Prensa, Spanish lan
guage newspaper here. The announce
ment came In a cablegram from Presi
dent Elbert to Dr. Cuthberto Ridalgo,
secretary of foreign affairs of Mexico,
according to the report. The Gorman
minister to Mexico has been Instructed
to attend the Inauguration of Gen
eral Obregon.
American Women Held.
Washington, D. C Two American
relief workers in Poland, Martha Gra-
ciyk and Mary Wasilczk, wore said to
be held at Kovno on suspicion of
espionage, in advices to the state de
partment. They are members of the
Grey American corps, assigned as in
spectors of the Europenn child fund,
and were arrested In Vllna by Lithuan
ian authorities and taken to Kovno
for Investigation.
London Building Bombed.
London. A bomb was exploded at
1 o'clock Tuosduy morning In a build
ing occupied by a hide merchant In
Old Swan lane, near London bridge.
A floor of the building was wrecked
but nobody was injured. The bomb,
fitted with a time fuse, apparently had
been left in the building In a grip
sack. Draft Evasion Alleged.
San Antonio, Tex. After more than
two years' wunderlng In South
America, Mexico and western cities of
the United States, Tom Cuples, Jr.
and Joe Caples, farmers of Shrove
port, La., reputed to be wealthy, were
In the city jail here with their father.
The three nro charged with conspiring
to violate the draft laws.
Greed Cause Arrest.
New York. George Smith, ten year
of age, was overheard by a police
man to accuse a companion, Harry
I'endergnst, 12, of "holding out" on
him in the division of spoils from
housebreaking. At a detention home
search of the boy' clothing disclosed
a revolver, two boxes of cartridges and
$2.92, largely In pennies, in Hurry's
possession. George bad $4.15.
V V V www
Albany. The trustees of Albany
college have been notified of a be
quest left the college by the late Ellen
E. Geary, who died In Portland, Octo
ber 26.
Portland. The N. M. Ungar Fur-
company was fined $50 recently for
having in its possession 25 beaver pelts
contrary to state regulations. The
furs, worth about $750, was confiscat
Salem. It will require $77,620 to
maintain the capitol buildings and
grounds during the next biennlum, ac
cording to the budget of estimated ex
penditures filed with the secretary of
Salem. A total of $20,500 will be re
quired to defray the expenses of the
board of control during the next two
years, according to a budget of esti
mated expenses filed with the secre
tary of state.
Roseburg. The bridge spanning
Rock creek, thirty miles east of this
city, has collapsed, according to word
received here. A drove of cattle had
just passed over the bridge when it
fell. One animal was caught by the
falling timbers and instantly killed.
Eugene. Purebred livestock valued
at $500,000 was carried by special train
of 21 cars from the Pacific Internation
al Livestock exposition to points in
the Willamette valley and southern
Oregon during the past few days,
Ashland. The Ashland winter fair
is being held this week. This fair in
cludes the sixth annual exhibition of
the Southern Oregon Poultry associa
tion and also the farmers', fruit grow
ers' and Industrial exhibits of Jackson
Salem. Charles T. Early, president
t the Stanfield for Senator club, ex
pended $12,000 In behalf of Robert
N. Stanfield, successful candidate for
United States senator, prior to the
last general election, according to a
statement filed with the secretary of
Salem. Standing timber is assess
able as real estate, according to At
torney-General Van Winkle here. The
opinion was asked by F. L. Calkins,
county assessor of Douglas county,
who wanted to know if the timber
could be assessed separate from the
Salem. A total of $733,380.70, cov
ering the tax on gasoline and distil
late sales by the Beveral companies
operating in Oregon during the period
February 26, 1919, to October 31, 1920,
has been received by the secretary of
state, according to a report prepared
by that official.
Salem. The Thomas Kay woolen
mills, the largest plant of Its kind in
Oregon outside of Portland, will close
down early in December and will re
main closed until some time in Jan
uary, according to announcement Sat
urday. More than 250 men and women
will be thrown out of employment.
Tillamook. The lumber and dairy
interests of Tillamook county have
combined in a vigorous campaign to
obtain common point rates for the
county. It Is charged that Tillamook
is taxed $200 more per car between
certain points than Astoria and other
terminals on an equal hauling basis,
Eugene. Eight carloads of hops are
being loaded here for shipment to
Europe, bought by T. A. Livesley & Co,
of Salem from different growers In
this part of the valley on contracts
made earlier in the season. This
only one of a number of shipments
being made by this firm from differ
ent parts of the valley.
Bandon. At a recent meeting of the
local post of the Grand Army of the
Republic a motion was passed unani
mously to petition the state legisla
ture at the next session to exempt
veterans of the civil war from taxa
tion of property to the value of $1000.
It was also resolved to request each
of the Oregon posts to adopt similar
Tillamook. A 25 per cent reduction
in the prices of various grades of lum
ber went into effect here Nov. 29,
Herenfter $85 flooring will be on the
market at $70, shiplap drops will fall
from $35 to $27 and other grades in
proportion. The drop, said Mr. Boltz
is the result of the freight rates and
the impossibility to obtain enough cars
for shipment,
Astoria. The Altoona Packing com
pany has plans well under way and
construction has been started on
largo modern cold storage plant which
it is building on its property in the
vicinity of Thirty-sixth and Commer
cial streets in upper town. A new road
way leading down to the site of the
new plant is now under construction,
Salem. There were two fatalities
due to Industrial accidents In Oregon
during the week ending November 23
1920, according to a report prepared
by the state industrial accident com
mission. The victims were Charles
Freeman, rigger, of Deer Island, and
W. A. Adams, logger, of Myrtle Point,
au j nun f I nt Auvtn i uitj
Synopsis. Writing long after the
vents described. Jack Calder, Scot
farmer of West Inch, tells how, in
his childhood, the fear of Invasion
by Napoleon, at that time complete
master of Europe, had gripped the
British nation. Following a false
alarm that the French had landed,
Jim Horscroft, the doctor's son, a
youth of fifteen, quarrels wttta Us
father Over Joining trie army, and
from that Incident a lifelong
friendship begins between the boys.
They go together to school at Ber
wick, where Jim is cock boy from
the first. After two years Jim goes
to Edinburgh to study medicine.
Jack stays Ave years more at
school, becoming cock boy In his
turn. When Jack Is eighteen
Cousin Edle of Eyemouth comes to
live at West Inch. Jack falls In
love at first sight with his hand
some, romantic, selfish and auto
cratic cousin of seventeen. They
watch from the cliffs the victory
of an English merchantman over
two French privateers. Reproached
by Edle for staying at home, Jack
starts to enlist. Edie tells him to
stay. Jack says he will stay and
marry her. She acquiesces. Jim
comes home. Jack sees Jim kiss
ing Edie.
CHAPTER IV Continued.
They were not far away, but too
taken up with each other to see me.
She was walking slowly, with the
lltttle petulant cock of her dainty head
which I knew so well, casting her eyes
away from him, and shooting out a
word from time to time. He paced
along beside her, looking down at her
and bending his head in the eagerness
of his talk. Then, as he said some
thing, she placed her hand with a ca
ress, upon his arm, and he, carried off
his feet, plucked her up and kissed
her again and again. At the sight I
could neither cry out nor move, but
stood with a heart of lead and the
face of a dead man staring down at
them. I saw her hand passed over his
shoulder, and that his kisses were as
welcome to her as ever mine had been.
Then he set her down again, and I
found that this had been their part
ing, for Indeed In another hundred
paces they would have come In view
of the upper windows of the house.
She walked slowly away, with a wave
back once or twice, and he stood look
ing after her. I waited until she was
some way off, and then down I came,
but so taken up was he that I was
within a hand's touch of him before
he whisked round upon me.' He tried
to smile as his eyes met mine.
"I saw you," I gasped, and my
throat had turned so dry that I spoke
like a man with a quinsy.
"Did you so?" said he, and he gnve
a little whistle. "Well, on my life,
Jock, I'm not sorry. I was thinking
of coming up to West Inch this very
day and having It out with you. May
be Its better as It Is."
"You've been a fine friend," said I.
"Well, now, be reasonable, Jock,"
said he, sticking his bands Into his
pockets and rocking to and fro as he
stood. "Let me show you how It
stands. Look me In the eye and you'll
see that I don't He. It's this way. I
had met Edle Miss Calder, that Is
before I came that morning, and there
were things which made me look upon
her as free, and, thinking that, I let
my mind dwell on her. Then you said
she wasn't free but was promised to
you, and that was the worst knock
I've had for a time. It clean put me
off, and I made a fool of myself for
some days, and It's a mercy I'm not
in Berwick jail. Then by chance I
met her again on my soul, Jock, It
was chance for me and when I spoke
of you she laughed at the thought. It
was cousin and cousin, she said, but
at for her not being free, or you being
more to her than a friend, It was fool's
talk. So you see, Jock, I was not so
much to blame after all, the more o
as she promised that she would let yon
see by her conduct that you were mis
taken In thinking that you had any
claim tipon her. You must have no
ticed that she has hardly had a word
for you for these last two weeks."
I laughed bitterly. "It was only last
night." said I, "that she told me that
I was the only man In all this earth
that she could ever bring herself to
Jim Ilorscroft put out a shaking
hand and laid It on my shoulder, while
he pushed his face forward to look
Into my eyes.
"Jock Calder," said he, "I never
knew yon tell a He. You are not try
ing to score trick against trick, are
you? Honest, now, between man and
"If God's truth,! said I.
He stood looking at me, and his face
had t like thnt of a man who Is hav
ing a hart fight with himself. It was
a long two minute before he spoke.
"See here. Jock," ald he, "this
woman 1 fooling ui both. D'you hear,
man? she' fooling ns both. She loves
you at West Inch, and she love me
on the brae-slde, and in her devil's
r oritKLutK puunto
heart she cares a whin blossom for
neither of us. Let's join hands, man,
and send the hell-tire hussy to the
But this was too much. I could not
curse her In my on-n heart, and still
less could I stand by and hear another
man do it, not though it was my old
est friend.
"Don't you call names!" I cried.
"Ach 1 you sicken me with your soft
talk. I'll call ber what she should be
"Will you, though?" said I, lugging
off my coat. "Look you here, Jim
Horscroft, If you say another word
against her I'll lick it down your
throat If you were ns big as Berwick
castle. Try me, and see!"
He peeled off his cont down to the
elbows and then he slowly pulled it on
"Don't be such a fool, Jock," said
he. "Two old friends mustn't fall out
over such a well, there, I won't say
it. Well, by the Lord I if she hasn't
nerve for ten!"
I looked around, and there she was,
not twenty yards from us, looking as
cool and easy and placid as we were
hot and fevered.
"I was nearly home," said she,
"when I saw you two boys very busy
talking, so I came all the way back
to know what It was about."
Horscroft took a run forward and
caught her by the wrist. She gave a
little squeal at the sight of his face,
but he pulled her toward where I was
"Now, Jock, we've had tomfoolery
enough," said he. "Here she is. Shall
we take her word as to which she
likes? She can't trick us now that
we're both together."
"I am willing," said I.
"And so am I. If she goes for you
I swear I'll never so much as turn an
eye on her again. Will you do as
much for me?"
"Yes, I will."
"Well, then, look here, you! We're
both honest men and friends, and we
tell each other no lies, and so we know
your double ways. I know what you
said last night. Jock knows what you
said today. D'you see? Now, then, fair
and square I Here we are before you,
once and have done. Which is It to
be, Jock or me?"
You would have thought that the
woman would have been overwhelmed
with shame, but Instead of that her
eyes were shining with delight, and I
dare wager that It was the proudest
moment of her life. As she looked
from one to the other of us, with, the
cold morning sun glittering on her
face, I had never seen her look so
lovely. Jim felt It also, I am sure, for
he dropped her wrist, and the harsh
lines were softened upon his face.
"Come, Edle! Which Is It to be?"
he asked.
"Naughty boys; to fall out like this,"
she cried. "Cousin Jack, you know
how fond I am of you."
"Oh, then, go to him!" said Hors
croft. "But I love nobody but Jim. There
Is nobody that I love like Jim." She
snuggled up to him, and laid her cheek
against his breast.
"Yon see, Jock!" said he, looking
over her shoulder.
I did see, and away I nent for West
Inch, another man from the time that
I left It
The Man From the Sea.
Well, I was never one to sit groan
Ing over a cracked pot; If It cannot
be mended, then It Is the part of a
man to say no more of It. For weeks
I had an aching heart; Indeed, It Is
a little sore now, after all these years
and a happy marriage, when I think
of It. But I kept a brave face on me,
and above all I did as I had promised
that day on the hillside. I was a
brother to her, and no more, though
there were times when I had to put
a curb Upon myself.
For the most part she and JIpi were
happy enough. It was all over the
countryside that they were to be mar
ried when he had passed his degree,
and he would come up to West Inch
four nights a week to sit with us. My
folk were pleased enough about it.
and I tried to be pleased too.
We used to take long ramble to
gether, Jim and I, and it is about one
of those that, I now want to tell you
We had passed over Bramston heath
and round the clump of fir which
screen the house of Major Elliott
from the sea wind. It was spring.
and the year was a forward one, so
that the tree were well leaved by the
end of April. It was a warm as a
summer day, and we were the more
surprised when we saw a huge fire
roaring upon the grass plat before the
major' door. There was a fir tree in
It, and the flame were spouting up
as high a the bedroom windows. Jim
and I stood (taring; but we stared the
more when out came the major, with
a great quart not In hi hand nd
his heels his old sister, who kept
house for him. and two of the maids,
and all four began capering about the
Are. He was a douce, quiet man, a
all the country knew; and here he
was, like Old Nick at the carllns'
dance, hobbling round and waving his
drink above his head. We both set
off running, and he waved the more
when he saw us coming.
'Peace !" he roared. "Huzza, boys I
Peace !"
And at that we both fell to dancing
and shouting too, for It had been such
a weary war, as far back as we could
remember, end the shadow had lain so
long over us that It was wondrous to
feel that It was lifted. Indeed It was
too much to believe, but the major
laughed our doubts to scorn.
"Aye, aye, It is true," he cried, stop
ping, with his hand to his side. "The
allies have got Paris, Boney has
thrown up the sponge, and his people
are all swearing allegiance to Louis
"And the emperor?" I asked; "will
they spare him?"
"There's some talk of sending hlrn
to Elba, where he'll be out of mis
chiefs way. But his officers there
are some of them who will not get off
so lightly. Some deeds have been
done these last twenty years that have )
not been forgotten. There are a few
old scores to be settled. But it's peace,
peace!" and awny he went once more
with his great tankard, hopping round
his bonfire.
Well, we stayed some time with the
major, and then away we went down
to the beach, Jim and I, talking about
this great news and all that would
come of it. How little did Jim know
at that moment, as he strode along by
my side so full of health and of spir
its, that he had reached the extreme
summit of life, and that from that
hour all would In truth be upon the
downward slope. '
There was a little haze out to sea,
for it had been very misty in the early
morning, though the sun had thinned
it. As we looked seaward we- sud
denly saw the sail of a small boat
break out through the fog and come
bobbing along toward the land. A
single man was seated in the sheets,
and she yawed about ns she ran, aa
though he were of two minds whether
to beach her or no. At last, deter
mined, It may be, by our presence, he
made straight for us, and her keel
grated upon the shingle nt our very
feet. He dropped his sail, climbed out,
and pulled her bows up onto the beach.
"Great Britain, I believe?" said he,
turning round and facing us.
He was a man somewhat above
middle height, but exceedingly thin,
well dressed In a suit of brown with
brass buttons, and he wore high boots,
which were all roughened and dulled
by the sea wnter. His face and hands
were so dark that he might have been
a Spaniard, but as he raised his hat
to us we saw that the upper part o
his brow was quite white, and thnt it
was from without that he had his
swarthlness. He looked from one to
the other of us, and his gray eyes had
something In them which I had never
seen before. You could read the
question, but there seemed to be a
menace at the. bock of It, as If the
answer were a right and not a favor.
"Great Britain?" he asked again,
with a quick tap of his foot on the
"Yes," said I, while Jim burst out
"England? Scotland?"
"Scotland. But it's England past
yonder trees."
"Bon ! I know where I am now. I've
been in a fog without a compass fot
nearly three days, and I didn't thought
I was ever to see land again." H
spoke English glibly enough, but with
some strange turn of speech from
time to time.
"Where did you come from, then?"
asked Jim.
"I was In a ship that was wrecked,"
said he shortly. "What Is the town
down- yonder?"
"It Is Berwick."
"Ah, well, I must get stronger be
fore I can go further." He turned to
ward the boat, and as he did so h
gave a lurch, and would have fallen
had he not caught the prow. On thl
he seated himself, and looked round
him with a face that was flushed and
two eyes that blazed like a wild
"Voltlgeurs de la Garde!" he roared
in a voice like a trumpet call, and
then again, "Voltlgeurs de la Garde!"
He waved his hat above his head, and
suddenly pitching forward upon hli
face on the sand, he lay all huddled
Into a little brown heap.
Jim Horscroft and I stood and
stared at each other. The coming ot
the man had been so strange, and hi
questions, and now this sudden turn.
We took him by a shoulder each and
turned him upon his back. His llpa
were bloodless, and his breath would
scarce shake a feather.
The coming of Bonaventuro
im Lapp to West Inch.
Can Always Find a Kicker,
Jud Tunklns says the oldest man h
ever met couldn't reuiember a tlm
when everybody agreed that buslnesi
was fine and things were as cheap ai
could reasonably be expected.
White Island.
Albion White Island the ancient
name of Britain was probably given
to It by the Gnuls, on account of the
white cliffs on the southeast coast
Ancient Diamond.
Diamonds were known and worn
Jewel in India 5,000 years ago and
used as cutters and graver 3,000 year