The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 03, 1920, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 7, NO 8
THE YEAR $1.50
i 11
& 1 1IL
December 1st concluded the
contract of sale of the stock of
Jory's store to R. E. Wilson Co.
The invoice was made Wednes
day and Thursday. The stock
of groceries etc. are being con
veyed to the large store across
the street and the building will
be used for the hardware and
machinery parts. 1 Mrs. F. M.
Jory has successfully conducted
a thriving business since start
ing her store nearly three years
ago. After a few days she will
be employed in the main. store of
R. E. Wilson Co , where her
many friends will find her as
obliging as ever.
For Sale
I am too old to run a dairy
hence I wil trade a few young
registered -and grade Jersey
heifers for other stock.
I dozen Everbearing strawberry
plants by mail for 25 cents in
stanips-$1.00 per hundred post
age extra.
A. A. Bonney.
"Your Money Goes Farther At Hill's'
It is everybodyr priviledgeand just right to trade when'
they thing they can do best. In Portland or any where
else, but it isn't doing your home merchant justice; not
giving him a chance to figure on an order and know if
you are doing better or not.
When you pick up a catalogue and look at the prices
they may look good, but, when you pay the freight and
get an inferior quality of goods at what it would cost
at home are you gaining anything by it.
I am running a cash business and am cutting prices as
close as possible. I would be glad to have you call and
get my prices on Coffee, Oat Mush; Baking Powder,
Salmon, Tomatoes' Potatoes, Woodcock Flour, Diamoud
W Flour, Catsup, Peanut Butter, Canned Milks, Tobacco
Beans, Rice, Lard, and Syrup.
If we please you tell others if we don't tell us.
Meat Market in Connection With Store
S. N.
I.O. O.F.
Lodse No. '20'J, Maupin, Oregon,
nieeti every Saturday night in
Dooaldson's hall. Viaiting mem
bera always welcome.
R. B. Bell, N. G.
B. F. Turner. Secretary.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. ni
Sheridan Glass died at The
Dalles hospital, 5 a. m., Novem
ber 30, 1920, after a long illness
from nephritis.
Mr. Glass was born in Adams
county, Illinois, and was 52
years, 5 months and one day old.
He came west to the Willamette
valley when 13 years of age,
since which time he has lived in
Oregon, and is well known here.
Nineteen years ago Mr. Glass
used to drive stage from Wapi
tiitia to The Dalles.
He leaves two brothers, I eo
Glass of Willamina, ' Ore., S. M
of Wapinitia, and a sister Mr.
Mary Cunningham of this place.
Funeral services were conduct
ed this morning from the Maupin
church and interment made in
the Kelly cemetery.
December 1st. 1920
Owing to a shortage in collect
ions I will have to charge cash
for all work in the shop until
April 1st. 1921.
A. F. Martin
Wapinitia Oregon
Dr. TDcLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Kooiny 17-15 Yogt Block, oyer
Ciuiiiy'ii Drug stoic,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Attorney at Law
Strive to Merit Approval
Wamic News
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woodcock
and little daughter Carmel went
to The Dalles Monday. Carmel
had the cast removed from her
foot. The lame foot is much
Don Miller and Belvie Patison
went to The Dalles Monday re
maining overnight
The funeral of Mrs. Wilda
Roberts was held at the Lone
Pine cemetery Wednesday, 11:30.
Rev. A. E. Eads of Smock de
livered the funeral sermon.
Many sorrowing friends follower)
the remains to their last resting
place and expressed their esteem
and deep friendship fur her in
tokens of flowers and autumn
leaves. The father, John May
ileld and two brothers, George
and Johnie ' were here from
Wiley City, Wn., attending the
U--Iativea and friends grouped
toge'.'mr on Thanksgiving' day
and partook of bounteous feasts
in tok'.'n of the year's prosperity
A dance was given in hie ball
at night.
Miss ( hiris Zumwalt is up aft
er a week in bed with heart
Spring l,l;e weather all last
week with several showers of
Dr. and Mm. W. A. Short
were here from In fur Thursday.
Henry Knighlcn of Rye Valley
pent last week here.
Liberty Chastain came down
from Westfall Wedm e1bv.
Mrs. Charley Duncan of Smock
ha3 been quite ill.
Andy Bniles and -his mother,-
Mrs. Mary Beaty have moved
into the Emmit ZurnVvall house.
Mrs. Beaty has been ill th past
two week.
v. A. Furcell moved to Ty: b
last week.
A. J. Ranken of The Dalle;'
representing the Standard Oil
Co.. was here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McCorkle
returned yesterday from a trip
to Gateway. Miss Dorothy Mc
Corkle accompanied them to
Many young people went from
here to Maupin to attend the
dance Saturday night.
J. E Kennedy and family
went to The Dalles yesterday,
Henry P. Steers whose death
occurred Friday in The Dalles
was an old resident of Tygh Val
ley and wa9 well known here.
He won many warm friends by
his generous and pleasant dis
position who are saddened by
his death.
Blacksmith Shop
I have supplies and am prepar
ed to do all kinds of new work
and general repairing. Hoitc
shoeing a specialty. Reasonable
rates. A. f. Martin.
Very pleasant weather the
past week.
Mrs. Mary Pechette left here
Thursday for .Sandy Oregon
where she will spend sometime
visiting her daughters. From
there she goes to Seattle to
visit a brother.
J. S. Brown left Sunday for
Portland to attend the Keeps
Grandma Morris is visiting
Mrs. Kate Mc Corkle this week
Mrs- George Moody and dau
ghter who resided in this place
about seventeen years ago came
here from Washington and is
visiting: friends on the Flat. On
Tuesday they with Mrs. Both
well called at the C. J. McCorkle
A little son arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Endersby
Wednesday, December l3t. .-
Pller was here with his Movie
J.R. Lewis arrived boon from
The Dalles Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wood
side were visitors the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harlman
and Crystal went to Portland
Pearl Evick was in The Dallet
Mrs. Carrie Wcberg has bei,
suffering the past week with a
badly swollen band-
Dee Woodside returned horn
today after spending several
days in The Dalles where h
was called on the trial of tin
boys who broke into the SpencBi
home recenuly.
Mr. and Mrs. David Sharpc
maee a trip to Maupin" Wednerr
day taking their little daughtei
Melba to Dr. El wood.
James Harpbam his purchaser,
awjjinw a;u is prepair ing tc
cut wool near Hartman's mil.
this winter.
Jim Mi iron and son Lavvson
returned no ne baturoay mgiii
rum across the mountains with
bunch of government horse;
win n they win winter Mere,
Chaw. Cox is clearing land foi
U. S. Endcrsby tin' winter,
Mark Arneft went to Tin-
Dalles Monday.
Mrs. M'-u' Barzee and daughtei
Vivien spent the week end i
The Dalles looking al ter busi
ness affair;1-.
Fred Magill went to the moim
tains and hauled out a load ol
wood for the church.
George Rice made a trip tc
Maupin Wednesday returning
with a load of freight.
Mr3- J. S. Brown is the guesl
of Mrs. Dee Woodsido while Mr.
Brown is attending the ditch
trial at Portland.
Ray Kaylor and wife and Jin.
Harpbam have moved to Hart
mans mill to cut wood thk
John Mahancy and C. A. Bun:
Mo, uncle and brother of Geo.
Burnside arrived Wednesda
from Canada and are visiting rd
the Geo. Burnside home.
Sheridan Glass a respected old
time resident of this place died
Tuesday in The Dalles Hospital
Leave your orders at the Turn
ja ljun i o. lor coal, l'ricr
Hl.o'i at the car. will arrive
about the 25th. 'This is the eel
ebrated Utah Lump coal.
The finance committee is tak
ing a collection for a community
Xmas to be held it Shattuck's
hall. A program will be given
by the school children and the
poople of the community.
Local Interest
Mrs. Ray Kaylor visited her
sister Mrs- Barzee Wednesday.
Let us figure with you on your
paintirg and wa'l paper. Maupin
Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattuck's
attractive new apartments are
nearly completed.
Lester Martin fell from a car
while unloading ties Thursday
morning at the O W. depot cut
ting t'-.e back of his head on a
Decorated 42 piece China
Dinner Sets J'12.00. Maupin
Drug Store.
Mrs. R. L. Mc Knight and
little son Oi enco vi:.;ikd last
month with her brother A K
Troutnian and family left Wed
nesday taking in the Lyceum
while waiting for (benight train
How shunt a flash light feu
winter's use. 'two red treall
dze $1.00, complete with battery
Two cell large complete !i'l.!3C
I'bree cell complete with battery
11. 75. 1 h is is pre-, war pi ices
Maupin Thug Stoic. ,
Mrs. II. F. Bolhwell's music
clas.s has grown to the number
that she has found it ncces-ciry
to spend Saturday afternoon and
ill day Sunday in town to attend
to her duties.
Two cars of bogs and a mixed
ar of hogs and cattle were ship
oed from Mrupiu by II. L Young
loy Batty, and J. E. Woodcock
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Endershy
.vere in town Monday.
Fall and Winter Wearing" Apparel,
Woolen Underwear and Socks, Fine
and Heavy Flannel Shirts, Mackinaws,
Leather Jackets and Sweaters, Cord
uroy and Moleskin Pants, Winter Caps
and Toques, High
Weight Shoes for
the Kiddies.
The famous "Ball Brand" line of
Rubber Goods now in stock.
Now is the time to get fixed up for
the winter while our stock is complete
We ask thai you look us over.
The House of
!f your properly were destroyed by fire?
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
Protect Yourself Now.
found Insurance
Do you know you can get?
Fresh and Cured Meats Home Rendered Lard
Duller Krust Dread and a Square Meal
at Andy's Place
Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery
Andy's Place, Maupin, Ore.
School Notes
The regular literary program
given by the Maupin School
Literary Society was very en
joyable and a number of patrons
and friend3 attended. That is
the kind of a complement the
children really enjoy.
The question of a community
Christmas program was discuss
ed. After submitting the ques
tion to the ballot it was found
that those present strongly fav
ored some form of Christmas
A committee was chosen to
ouiline the work and see it
through." Lot us adjoin in for a
pkvuunt time with our own and
our neighbors' children.
The children are in the midst
of examinations. Results pub
lished a? usual next week.
A. M. Winn. Prin.
Portland Painless Dentist 31)5
Second SI. 'The Dulles Oregon
iifime Building rs the U. S. rec
ruting office. Alt work guarant
eed, W. T, Slat ten D, D. S. Prop
Jinnnie Flanagan came Sunday
for a few days visit with friends
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fallow
anl little daughter Helen drove
to Maupin Wednesday in their
Ford truck.
A nice assortment of Ivory
Pyralin, mi display at the
Maupin Drug Store.
Turkeys that have escaped tha
I'easters are roaming the streets
of Maupin.
- Top and Heavy
Men, Women and
Hotter Service
Morris Brothers
7 to !) a. ni.
llrIM) to 2 p. m.
5:30 to 7:30 p. in.