451 SLAIN BY DUBilNRIDIERS Black and Tan Fire on 15,000; Many Wounded. FOOTBALL CROWD HIT Fifteen Army Officers and ex-Officers Assassinated Earlier in Day Streets Put Under Guard. Dublin. Dublin was the scene Sun day of far-spread murder and reprisal. Not since the first outbreak of the . vicious civil warfare that has been shedding blood in Ireland have the as Bassinatlons been so concerted or the retaliations so swift and pronounced. Forty-five persons were killed and many wounded during clashes between opposing factions. Thirty persons were reported killed and many injured in a panic when "Black and Tans" invaded a football match and fired upon the crowd of 15,000 persons in attendance. Fifteen others were slain and six wounded earlier in the day in what appears to have been prearraned si multaneous attacks on military offi cers and ex-officers in their lodgings in various parts of the city. The at tacks on the officers and ex-officers were announced officially. The method was the same in each case. Small bodies of men numbering gen erally from six to eight posted them selves at various houses, called their victims out, or entered and shot them in bed, while dressing or at breakfast. The districts where the killings were committed were in some Instances close together; others were separated by miles, but all of the killings took place about the same hour 9 o'clock in the morning. In the afternoon, while a football match was in progress at Croke park, 18 lorries filled with auxiliary police moved swiftly up and surrounded the pluco. Accounts differ as to what happen ed. After mounting machine guns on heights above the police broke through the gates. The auxiliaries were hoot ed, and, according to eye-witnesses in the crowd, fired Into the crowd. It was declared from another source that the Sinn Fein pickets first fired into the government forces when they were seen approaching and that the fire was returned. Within the park the assembly of 15,000 became paulo stricken. How many were killed Is not known, but the estimates range from ten to 30 or more. Several were reported trampled to death. An official version said that the aux iliary police vlBltcd Croke park to Bearch the crowd, as it was known many gunmen connected with the murders earlier In the day were pres ent. Somo went ostensibly to attend the match. According to this account, ten per sons were killed. After spectators and players had vacated the place no fewer than 30 rovolvers were found on the round. Panama Canal Earns $2,387,599 In Profits Washington, D. C The Tanama canal has closod the best year finan cially In its six years of oporatlon with an excess of $2,387,699 in revenue over the expense of operation and maintenance. Brigadier-General Chester Harding, governor of the Panama canal, predlc ed in his annual report to the secre tary of war, made public Sunday, that within a reasonable period of normal world conditions the canal will earn an actual profit pn its cost, which has been $866,650,000 exclusive of expendi tures for its military and naval de fense, In the meantime, the general added, the canal is performing an im portant commercial service by stlmu latln American trade with the west coaBt of South America and the orient. More than 25 per cent of the cargo handled throuh the canal Blnce Kb opening was in transit botween the United States and South America and 14 1-2 per cent between the Atlantic coast of tho United States and the orient. Peace Plan Need Told. Boston. "With President Wilson's league of nations dead so far as the United States Is concerned by the ver dict of the people, it is for the Harding administration and its supporters in congress to bring about some arrange ment with other nations to promote world peaco without Incurring dangers to our independence and our consti tutional system." Senator Lodge said In a speech here. "The responsibility is great," he continued. SURPLUS ARMY STOCK SOLD Uncertain Market Holds Up Dispo sition of Rest. Washington, D. C More than $258, 000,000 worth of surplus army ord nance materials hag been disposed of in the last fiscal year, according to the annual report of Major-General C. C. Williams, chief of ordnance, made public Monday. Falling market prices, stringency in the money market and unsettled shipping conditions are hold ing up disposition of remaining stocks, the report said, and final closing out of the surplus material, originally planned for December 31, will prob ably not be achieved by that date. Satisfactory progress has been made in improving existing ordnance models, particularly aircraft, rifles, bombs and bomb-dropping devices, General Williams reported. Among equipment received during the year to be retained, the report enumerates 118,000 machine guns, 1500 37-millimeter guns, 11,000 guns and howitzers of various calibers, 68,000 automatic rifles and over a million rifles. Captured enemy material received Includes over 10,000 machine guns, 2250 pieces of artillery, 72,000 rifles and 50,000 bayonets. Giant Eagle Almost Takes Boy. Glendo, Wyo. It took the combined efforts of the Spaulding family Mon day to save 8-year-old Walter Spauld ing from being carried away by a giant eagle at their ranch near here, The huge bird, with a spread of eight feet, attacked Walter in the ranch yard. He graBped the eagle by the neck and screamed for help, John, Walter's 7-year-old brother, went to the rescue and a third boy ran for help. Mrs. Spaulding beat off the bird with a stick and the eagle attacked her. She was saved when Mr. Spaulding came with a shot gun and shot the bird. The two boys were severely lace rated by the eagle's claws. Gasoline Output Record. Washington, D. C All gasoline out put records were broken during Sep tember, the bureau of mines announ ced Monday. Refineries produced a dally average of 15,000,000 gallons, making the output total for the first nine months of 1920 three and a half billion gallons as compared with 2 900,000,000 gallons during the same period in 1919. Exports for the first nine months of 1920 amounted to 46.5, 439,992, almost 200,000,000 gallons more than was sent abroad during the same period in 1919. Bank Looted By Robber. Sioux City, la About $1200 was taken by a lone robber who entered the State Bank of Oto, Iowa, near here, Monday and bound and gagged the cashier and a customer in a rear room of the building. After helping himself to the cash, he made his escape. A customer entored the bank while the robber was at his work, but was unaware of what was transpiring and offered no interference. Election Cost 4 Million. Washington, D. C Campaign ex penditures of the republican national committee between June 14 and No vember 19 totaled $4,022,580.09 and receipts amounted to $3,833,152.14, ac cording to a final report received Mon day by the clork of the house of rep resentatives from Fred W. Upham, treasurer of the committee. The re port Indicated that the committee had incurred a deficit of $189,428.95. Vessel Going to Pieces. Marshfiold, Or. Telephone informa tion Monday from Port Orford de clared the last hope of the owners that the Joan of Arc might be saved is gone, as half of the craft has broken away, one mast is down and the sea again is rough. During a calm last Saturday Captain Michelson and his five men were able to make several trips to the wreck and secured some of the valuables on board. Soviet to Start War. London. The Russian soviet gov ernment declared in a wireless mes sage from Moscow that it Is compelled to carry the war into the neutral zone between Poland and Russia. The at tacks being made on the soviet forces by Polish volunteer forces which re fused to cease fighting when the Po lish-Russian peace was made caused tho decision, says an Exchange Tele graph dispatch from Berlin. Ice Seen In Atlantic. Boston. An iceberg in the Bteani ship track east of Newfoundland was reported in a wireless dispatch Mon day. The appearance of ice in mid Atlantic at this season is unusual. Walla Walla. Farm bureaus are be ing organized throughout the county. The series of meetings will end at Dixie. The annual farm bureau meet ing will be hold in December. NEWS ; IN BRIEF. ! V V V V Corvallls. Calvin Ingle, living near here, returned from the international livestock show with one heifer for which he paid $1100 and five cows for which he paid $3450. Salem. L. J. Goldsmith of Portland, In behalf of certain tax measures, spent $1525.05 during the campaign preceding the general election here November 2, according to a statement filed with the secretary of Btate. Eugene. The Eugene Bible univer sity celebrated the 25th anniversary of its incorporation last week with a aeries of meetings at which friends and alumni of the institution from many parts of the northwest were in attendance. Salem. The Oregon Agricultural college, according to Its budget of esti mated expenditures for the years 1921 and 1922 filed with the secretary of state here, will require appropriations at the next session of the legislature aggregating $393,641.12. Klamath Falls. Division of Klam ath county and the creation of a new county in the eastern portion, to be called "Equity," is the purpose of a petition being circulated by J. O. Ham- aker of Bonanza, among residents of the eastern section of the county. Salem. Governor Olcott will' leave Salem sometime this week for Harris burg, Pa., where he will attend the governors' converence. The confer ence will convene December 1, and will be attended by governors from practically every state In the union. Salem. That substantial reductions will be made in the budgets of esti mated expenditures filed by several of the state institutions, to care for their operation during the next biennum was indicated following an all-day in vestigation of the demands by the state board of control. Willamina. It has been announced that no reduction in wages will 'be made here in the railroad work under the supervision of the Spaulding Log ging company. The work is expected to last throughout the winter and the men all seem to be in earnest to push the job along at a good pace. Eugene. B. B. Brundage, cashier of the Bank of Commerce, who returned Saturday from the livestock exposition In Portland, purchased while there from J. A. McCutcheon and sons of Elmira one of the finest Holstein bulls on exhibition. This is said to be the highest-priced animal ever brought to Lane county. Salem. While going through some old files recently W. P. Ellis, secre tary of the Oregon public service com mission, discovered a map of the Ore gon Central railroad made in 1869. It shows the road from Portland to Jef ferson on the Santlam river, along a route about the same as the present Southern Pacific line. Prlneville. The Crook county post of the American Legion has taken over the Commercial hall building and will have entire control of the build ing, the only conditions being that the post meet all expenses, upkeep and improvements. All profits made will go into a fund for the memorial build ing, to be built later on. Salem. A check for $4513.63, cover ing the tax on sales of gasoline and distillate by the Union Oil company of California for the month of Octo ber, has been received at the offices of the secretary of state. Another check aggregating $392.21, covering the tax on sales of the company's sub station at Klamath Falls, also reach ed the secretary of state Saturday, Portland. John B. Yeon of Portland has accepted appointment as a mem ber of the state highway commission, to fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of Simon Benson. Mr. Yeon did not make his decision until after he had considered the matter from all angles. He consented to serve from a sense of public duty and at the in stance of Governor Olcott and good roads enthusiasts from all sections of Oregon. The position carries no sal ary. Fortland. Approximately $72,000 in prize money was distributed among the stockbreeders of the northwest Saturday at the Paclflo International Livestock exposition, where a crowd swarmed all day long before the win dow where the awards were being paid, Many drew amounts ranging in to hundreds of dollars, while others, less fortunate, but none the less happy, drew much smaller sums. Per haps no Individual record for prize winnings approached that of A. B. Cook of Townsend, Mont., who won in the neighborhood of $1500 on his Here fords. Edward Coles of Haines, Or., received more than $600 in prizes on carload lots of fat steers and the Cong don & Battles exhibits of Aberdeen Angus drew heavily In prize money. STATE The Great Shadow By A, CONAN DOYLE Author of "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' ftiriiinimmmnTTiTrni "SILLY BOY." Synopsis. Writing long after the events described, Jack Calder, Scot farmer of West Inch, tells how. In his childhood, the fear of Invasion by Napoleon, at that time complete master of Europe, had gripped the . British nation. Following a false alarm that the French had landed, Jim Horscroft, the doctor's son, a youth of fifteen, quarrels with his father over Joining the army, and from that Incident a lifelong friendship begins between the boys. They go together to school at Ber wick, where Jim la cock boy from the first After two years Jim goes to Edinburgh to study medicine. Jack stays Ave years more at Ber wick, becoming cock boy In his turn. A visit from Cousin Edie of Eyemouth to West Inch gives no hint of the part she Is to play in the lives of the two friends. When Jack Is eighteen Edie comes to live at West Inch and Jack falls In love at first sight with his attrac tive, romantic, selfish and auto cratic cousin of seventeen. They watch from the cliffs the victory of an English merchantman over two French privateers. CHAPTER III Continued. 3 But not an inch of canvas did she lower, floundering on In her stolid fashion, while a little black ball ran up her peak and the rare old flag streamed suddenly out from the hal liard. Then again came the rap-rap-rap of her little guns and the boom boom of the big carronades in the bows of the lugger. An Instant later the three ships met, and the merchant man staggered on like a stag with two wolves hanging to its haunches. For a stricken hour the hell-cloud move slowly across the face of the water, and still, with our hearts in our mouths, we watched the flap of the flag, straining to see If It were yet there. And then suddenly the ship, as proud and black and high as ever, shot on upon her way, and as the imoke cleared we saw one of the lug gers squatterlng like a broken-winged duck upon the water, and the other working hard to get the crew from her before she sank. For all that hour I had lived for nothing but the fight. My cap had been whisked away by the wind, but I had never given It a thought. Now, with my heart full, I turned upon Cousin Edle, and the sight of her took me back six years. There was the vacant, staring eye and the parted Hps, Just as I had seen them In her girl hood, and her little hands were clenched until the knuckles gleamed like ivory. "Ah, that captain !" she said, talking to the heath and the whin bushes. "There Is a man so strong, so reso lute! 1 would give a year of my life to meet such a man. But that is what living in the country means. One never sees anybody but just those who are fit for nothing better." I do not know that she meant to hurt me, though she was never very backward at that; but, whatever her Intention, her words seemed to strike straight upon a naked nerve. "Very well, Cousin Edle," I said, try ing to speak calmly. "That puts the cap on it. I'll take the bounty In Ber wick tonight." "Oh, you'd look so handsome in a red coat, Jack, and It Improves you vastly when you are in a temper. I wish your eyes would always flash like that, for It looks so nice and manly. But I am sure that you are joking about the soldiering" "I'll let you see if I'm Joking." Then and there I set off running over the moor, until I burst Into the kitchen where my father and mother were sit ting on either side of the ingle. "Mother," I cried, "I'm off for a soldier." Had I said that I was off for a bur glar they could not have looked worse over it, for In those days among the decent, canny country folks it was mostly the black sheep that were herded by the sergeant. But, my word, those same black sheep did their coun try some rare service, too 1 My mother put up her mittens to her eyes, and my father looked as black as a peat hole. . "Hoots, Jock, you're daft," says he. "Daft or no, I'm going." "Then you'U have no blessing from me." "Then I'll go without." At this my mother gave a screech and throws her arms about my neck. I saw her hand, all hard and worn and knuckly with the work that she had done for my upbringing, and it pleaded with me as words could not have done. My heart was soft for her, but my will was as hard as a flint edge. I put her back In her chair with a kiss, and then ran to my room to pack my bundle. It was already growing dark, and I had a long walk before me; so I thrust a few things together and hastened out. As I came through the side door someone touched my shoulder, and there was Edle in the gloaming. "Silly boy I" said she. "You are not really going! I don't want you to go, Jack." "You said that the folk In the coun try were fit for nothing better. You always speak like that. You think no more of me than of those doves In the rnimimiTiTiiiiTTimilHIIIHimKira cote. You think I'm nobody at all. I'll show you different." All my troubles came out In hot little spurts of speech. She colored up as I spoke and looked at me In her queer, half-mocking, half petting fashion. "Oh, I think so little of you as that," said she. "And that Is the reason why you are going away. Well, then, Jack, will you stay if I am if I am kind to you?" We were face to face and close to gether, and in an instant the thing was done. My arms were round her, and I was kissing her, and kissing her and kissing her, on her mouth, her cheeks, her eyes, and pressing her to my heart, and whispering to her that she was all, all to me, and that I could not be without her. She said noth ing, but It was long before she turned her face aside, and when she pushed me back It was not very hard. "Why, you are quite your rude, old, Impudent self," said she, patting her hair with her two hands. "You have tossed me, Jack. I had no idea that you would be so forward." But all my fear of her was gone, and a love tenfold hotter than ever was boiling in my veins. I took her up again and kissed her, as if it were my right. "You are my very own now," I cried. "I shall not go to Berwick, but I'll stay and marry you." But she laughed when I spoke of marriage. "Silly boyl Silly boy!" said she, with her forefinger up, and then when I tried to lay hands on her again she gave a little dainty courtesy and was off Into the house. CHAPTER IV. The Choosing of Jim. And then there came ten weeks which were like a dream, and are so now to look back upon. I would weary you were I to tell you what passed between us, but oh! how ear nest and fateful and all-important it was at the time. Her waywardness, her ever-varying moods, now bright, now dark like a meadow under drift ing clouds, her causeless angers, her sudden repentances, each In turn fill ing me with Joy or sorrow these were my life, and nil the rest was but emptiness. But ever deep down be hind all my other feelings was a vague disquiet a fear that I was like the man who set forth to lay hands upon the rainbow, and that the real Edle Calder, however near she might seem, was In truth forever beyond my reach. It was after Christinas, but the win ter had been mild, with just frost enough to make it safe walking over the peat bogs. One fresh morning Edle had been out early, and she came back to, breakfast with a fleck of color on her cheeks. "Has your friend, the doctor's son come home, Jack?" says she. "I heard that he was expected." "Ah, then It must have been him thaf I met on the mulr." "What? You met Jim Horscroft?" "I am sure it must be he. A splendid-looking man, a hero, with curly black hair, a short, straight nose, and gray eyes. He was dressed In gray, and he has a grand, deep, strong voice." "Ho, ho, you spoke to him?" said I. She colored a little, as if she had said more than she meant. "I was go ing where the ground was a little soft, and lie warned me of it," she said. "Ah, it must have been dear old Jim," said I. "Why, heart alive 1 here Is the very man himself I" I had seen him through the kitchen window, and now I rushed out with my half-eaten bannock in my hand to greet him. He ran forward, too, with his great hand out nnd his eye shining. "Ah, Jock!" he cried, "it's good to see you agoin. There are no friends like the old ones." Then suddenly he stuck in his speech and stared, with his mouth open, over my shoulder. I turned, and there was Edle, with such a merry, roguish smile, standing in the door. How proud I felt of her, and of myself too, as I looked at her. "This is my cousin, Miss Edle Cal der, Jim," said L "Do you often take walks before breakfast, Mr. Horscroft?" she asked, still with that roguish smile. "Yes," said he, staring at her with all his eyes. "So do I, apd generally over yon der," said she; "but you are not very hospitable to your friend, Jack. If you do not do the honors I shall have to take your place for the credit of West Inch." Well, in another minute we were in with the old folk, and Jim had his plate of porridge ladled out for him, but hardly a word would he speak, but sat, with bis spoon in his hand, star ing at Cousin Edle. She shot little twinkling glances across at him all tht time, and it seemed to me that she was amused at his backwardness, and that she tried by what she said to give Mm heart. "Jack was telling me that you were studying to be a doctor," said she. "But ohl how hard It must be, and how long It must take before one can gather so much learning as that." "It takes me long enough," Jim an swered, ruefully, "but I'll beat It yet" "How candid and truthful you arel" Copyright by A. Conan Doyle she cried, and so they went on, she decking him with every virtue and twisting his words to make him play the part, In the way that I knew so well. Before she was. done I could see that his head was buzzing with her beauty and her kindly words. I thrilled with pride to think he should think so well of my kin. "Isn't she fine, Jim?" I could not help saying when we stood alone out side the door, he lighting his pipe be fore he set off home.- "Fine!" he cried. "I never saw her match." "We're going to be married," said I. The pipe fell out of his mouth, and he stood staring at me. Then he picked it up and walked off without a word. I thought that he would likely come back, but he never did, and I saw him far off walking up the brae with his chin on his chest. But I was not to forget him, for Cousin Edle had a hundred questions to ask me about his boyhood, about his strength, about the women thai he was likely to know; there was no satisfying her. And then again, later In the day, I heard of him, but In a less pleasant fashion. It was my father who came horns. In the evening with his mouth full of poor Jim. He had been deadly drunk since midday, had been down to West house Links to fight the gypsy cham pion, and it was not certain that the man would live through the night. My father had met Jim on the highroad, dour as a thunder cloud, and with an Insult In his eye for every man that passed him. "Ouid sakesl" said the old man. "He'll make a fine practice for hlmsel' If breaking bones will do it." Cousin Edle laughed at all this, and I laughed because she did, but I was not so sure that It was funny. On the third day afterward I was going up Corriemuir by the sheep track, when who should I see striding down but Jim himself. But he was another man from the big, kindly fel low who had supped his porridge with us the other morning. He had no col lar nor tie, his vest was open, his hair matted, and his fuce mottled like a man who has drunk heavily overnight. He carried an oak stick, and he slashed at the whin bushes on either side of the path. "Why, Jiml" said I. But he looked at me In the way that I had often seen at school when the devil was strong in him, and when he knew that he was in the wrong, and yet set his will to brazen It out. Not a word did he say, but he brushed past me on the narrow path, and swag gered on, still brandishing his stick and cutting at the bushes. Ah well, I was not angry with him. I was sorry, very sorry, and that was all. Of course I was not so blind but that I could see how the matter stood. He was In love with Edle, and he could not bear to think that I should have her. Poor devil I how could he help it? Maybe I should have been the same. There was a time when I should have wondered that a girl could have turned a strong man's head like that, but I knew more about it now. For a fortnight I saw nothing of Jim norscroft, and then came the Thursday which was to change the whole current of my life. I had woke early that day, and, with a little thrill of joy, which Is a rare thing to feel when a man first opens his eyes. Edle had been kinder than usual the night before, and I had fallen asleep with the thought that maybe at last I had caught the rainbow, and that, without any Imaginings or make believes, she was learning to love plain Jack Calder of West Inch. It was this thought, still at my heart, which had given me that little morning chirrup of Joy. And then I remembered that if I hastened I might be in time for her, for it was her custom to go out with the sunrise. But I was too late. When I came to her door it was half open and the room empty. Well, thought I, at least I may meet her and have the home ward walk with her. I zigzagged up the steep pathway, breathing in the thin, keen morning air, and humming a lilt as I went, until I came out, a little short of breath, among the whins upon the top. Looking down the long slope of the farther side, I saw Cousin Edle as I had expected, and I saw Jim Horscroft walking by her side. "See here, Jock, this woman is fooling us both." tTO BJ CONTINUED.) Home Versus House. Home cannot be given us. We may be given a house, a place to eat and sleep. This is not a home. A home, is a place of love and rest and peace. Love and rest and peace must be de served, must be earned. Nobody can hand them to you as so many pack ages. They are matters of reciprocity. If you have none to give there will be but little for you to receive. West ern Methodist. Curtain, "What do they mean by a curtain lecture?" "It usually follows smoking In the parlor."