The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 26, 1920, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 7, NO 7
THE YEAR $1.50
"Your Money Goes
Why stay in the same old
know when you have a bill
it charged? Do you know you also pay the other fellows
bill; that doesn't pay at all. The credit system could not
exist if it wasn't run that way, Why pay the ether
T fellows bill? Will also carry a small supply of fresh meat.
We have a full line of groceries includ
ing Great American Coffee, Karo
Syrup, Fresh Apples, Oranges, Banan"
as, Nuts, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco
Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes.
Meat Market in Connection With Store
S. N.
Do you know you can get?
Fresh and Cured Meets Home Rendered Lard
Butter Krust Bread and a Square Meal
at Andy's Place
Breakfast - - 7 to 9 a. m.
Dinner - - 11:30 to 2 p. m.
Supper - - 5:30 to 7:30 p. in.
Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery
Andy's Place, Maupin, Ore.
House and Lot $250.00 cash
I.O. O F.
' -jP. 11- A n T M T Tt A
Lodge No. '209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
R. B. I'nt, N. C4.
B. F. Turner, Secretary.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m,
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. ra.
V. ROBERTS, Prop.-
Attorney at Law
Calendars, Fans, Panels, and
Wall Pockets for sale at The
Farther At Hill's"
rut year after year? Do you
charged you pay for having
Wapinitia Oregon
Dr. T. DcLarhuc ,
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby 'a Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Leave your orders at the Turn
a-Lun Lbr. Co. for coal. Price
$14.50 at the car. Will arrive
abont the 25th. This is the cel
ebrated Utah Lump coal.
Bert Knight brought Mrs.
Knight and son to take the train
train The Dalles Wednesday
where little Jimmie will receive
medical treatment.
s. - a
aupin otate
Strive to Merit Approval
Adolphus Mayhew and Miss
Lila Chastain were married in
Vancouver . Tuesday. Mr. and Basket Social held last Saturday
Mrs. Chastain are popular young night.
people of this place where they i To the Community and con
have lived the greater part of tiguous territory for the loyal
their lives and the Times joins 'support given the school and its
their many friends in offering agencies,
congratulations and best wishes, j To the ladies one and all for
Mr. Mayhew is the eldest son ; their artistically constructed and
of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mayhew bountifully filled baskets. But
and a promising farmer of this
section. The bride is the elder
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Chastain and an accomplished
and admirable young lady.
Fair weather this week, roads
are getting better.
A little 8 lb. daughter arrived
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Flinn Monday Nov. 22.
Mrs Rovven is stuping at the
Flinn home and caring for them,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellings
wood returned Sunday from a
ten days visit at Portland.
N. G. Hedin left Tuesday for
Portland to spend thanksgiving
with his family.
Mr. Lumis was out from The
Dalles Tuesday. '
Rev. J. I. Parker is on the
sick list this week. There ap
pears to be an epidemic of
stomach and bo.vel trouble mak
ing the rounds.
A. L. Fluharty and family left
Thursday for Idaho where he
will help organize the wheat
Mrs. Lu Woodside who was
at The Dalles Hospital the patt
three weeks returned today.
Mrs. Katie Graham returned
Wednesday from a few clave
visit at Portland.
Ernest Hart arrived Thurtc'ay
from Cherry ville Oregon to vitit
with his mother Mrs. Johnie
Mr. and Mrs. tiigbee arc
spending Thanksgiving at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harv
J. M. Powell shipped a load oi
hogs Saturday.
Lincoln Hartman was quite
sick the first of the week.
For Sale
lam too old to run a dairy
hence I will trade a few young
registered and grade Jersey
heifers for other stock.
I dozen Everbearing strawberry
plants by mail for 25 cents in
stamps $1.00 per hundred post
age extra.
A. A. Bonney.
Mrs. W. O. and Mrs. S. H.
Wilson were here Wednesday
to meet Don, who came out
from The Dalles to spend Thanks
giving holidays with home folkr.
J Financial Success
For the decided success of the
even more for the genial, enjoy
able presence that accompanied
each basket.
To t he-men one and all for their
almost lavish freedom in bidding
for the baskets and for the cour
teous, companionable spirit thai
made lunches a true pleasure.
To the Commercial Club ami
its officers and committees ir
charge of the various affairs foi
their efficient and business like
manner of conducting the affair.
To Shattuck Bros, for their
generous donation of the use oi
the Hall, and the kindly spirit
in which they aided .the prepara
tions. To The Maupin Time's for its'
free and generous advertisement.
To the little folks whose
numbers were so much enjoyed
by all and to the more mature
ones, whose parts were well ex
ecuted and especially to Mes
dames Bigsby and BothweH anc'
Messrs N. G. Hedin and Leon
ard Wilson for their very enjoy
able contributions.
To Mr. G. W. Mallatt for his
effective service as auctioneer.
Lastly to those that have do
nated directly to the piano fund
as well as by their prsence and
The financial statement fol
From 60 baskets $22.1.01
candy booth 9. It
Mr. I)a,i Clark 5.00
Mr. French Butler 2.5C
Mr. Bigsby 1.00 '
Total . 241.66
With no deductions.
A piano has born chosen by
the committee and purchas
terms arranged. It will be
placer in the school for service
at the regular literary program,
Friday Nov. 26, to which all an
While the friends of the school
and the pupils are highly plens d
by this substantial evidence of
the backing of the community ii
their efforts for a better school,
they are also thus forcefully re
minded that grea'er oportunities
mean greater efforts to live up to
Let our pupils and our teach
ers take up their work determ
ined to return to the community
value received in the way oi
better trained minds, more virile
and stanch characters and whole
some devotion to nobler and
purer ideals of service to man
Maupin School District No. 84:
By the School Board;
Per. A. M. Winn, Prin.
Blacksmith Shop
'I have supplies and am prepar
ed to do all kinds of new work
. . r.
and general repairing. Morse
shoeing a specialty. Reasonable
rales. A- F. Martin-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moir's
and Miss Hazel Williams motored
to Dufur Wednesday where they
spent Thanksgiving with re
latives. H. A. Whaite's children were
very i'l several days recently,
At Shattuck's - Thanksgiving Specials
Cranberries - Sweet Potatoes - Celery
Preferred Stock and Koyal Club Choice canned Fruits
and Vegetables . . . New Crop Nuts, Pecans, Walnuts,
Almonds and Fresh Koastcd Peanuts at
Prices that are Right
Apples, Scads of 'em, All Kinds and grades, Winter
Bananas, Rome Beauty, Spitzenberg, Winesaps,
Yellow New towns, ranging-
Ever hear of the National Biscuit Company?
Anyway their cookies and crackers always seem to be
so " absolutely fresh -(ry
"Inner Seal"'. -Demonstration later.
New SS&;
Ladies Spoil 0f;
and Black. Also
Shoes in hu.un
ber all our stock S
at 10 per ce'isl oJS", ;
ft - :
iday Wo"
A rich ma;'
Which did
Dainty V,'
C " t ; j
(.V i h "i
Projff.-i C . "i i v
'. i. : .- I .'- 'i.i
if, I U ,
T!ii'"o I jo 1
km In i lie in "i
tiM ewnli'Milh (,
- oi wi t'm-j
f Miss Anna
Wttteati I'ii !
ot Ifteums cluvei'txit young artit.
tot fetwtitlc artistry, t'o cot inlsi
At i'Idu(
in price from
75c to $2.00 per Box , I
them, and the reason is" the
s Just Arrived
-"!'. nM.ihry Heel, Vici, in Urcwn
Hi'iU i hciv mnnbers in men's dress
X a ::..-ii!';;l fitting shoe, iu mcnt
f -bH:!, i n I.nlln-r new arrivals selling
iA (U--w out prices on many numbers.
: e SJetlcr Service
ill hi a nobleman loved Lottie
t,he choose?
it Friday
Vlvjp.lLee Fair
of Seventeenth Ceniui y
Pimnrtic At tisltry Will Bo
Mere in Near Futur.
v X
it A
. 1
p I" Kiv trt!r ijt-huhilul sniertKiir.... ..'
:a ilu; duln'.y, ihpphcrdes costumes ni
of WaltPdu. the treat Freoth painter. Ths
iino llarall end MIks Boycs Jink?r, two
Jticlr program ccmblaw muslclansl
the program ot ths Watttan GirU.
's Hall. - December 1st
5 ale by all Members of the (