The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 19, 1920, Image 1

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Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 7, NO 6
THE YEAR $1.50
ilV W f i A YMl
s Our riuiic uucs i oi iu?i iin a
Why stay in-the same old rut year after year? Do you
know when you have a bill charged you pay for having
it charged? Do you know you also pay the other fellows
bill; that doesn't pay at all. The credit system coul.l not
exist if it wasn't run that way, Why pay the dhei
fellows bill? Will also carry n small supply of fresh nu-at.
Wclmvca full line of groceries ineluil
ing Great American Coffee, Kan'
Syrup, Fresh Apples, Oranges, liana l
as, Nuts, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco'
Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes.
Meat Market in Connection With Store
S. N.
Wapinitia Oregon
' SW&S iiMFfi(h every
Look Vp a
In rmr inn
If 71 YFAR (ft
, lEADESS f j
Fltnkc (if
you pfipt vvii ij
the brush v.hen
If If
If there's a gicl rcan .?r any
thing, then it's p!ntit( your
lioive with good paint.
Fl'LLEtt Faint is GOCI Faint.
It eaves a gieat dst mere than
it co:ts ?ave3 von money in rnv
k?pp and adds to the value of
vour pv.ipsrt-','.
' Invest in FULLER Paint righ
V. P. Fuller & Co.
IU9-IS20 10
coma, jy-oAena, riV,
Spencer Robbed
Get your Thanksgiving Turkey
at Cyrs.
Tor Sale Chopped barley.
George Claymire.
Get your Fresh Bread daily at
Andy's Place
We now handle the
Butter-Krust Bread
Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream
It's Refreshing
Home Cooked Meals
Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m.
Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. Short Orders ail Day
Fresh Meat at all Times
Billy Spencer's house back of
Wapinitia was broken into last
3jnday morning and 1115.00 in
cwh as well as Borne hay and
several other articles were taken
For several days there were four
or five men and boys camping in
the gulch above the Spencer
place. Floyd Holloman passed
and seeing the men about the
spencer home, came to Wapinitia
and reported the prowlers just
is they came through on Iheii
vay toTygh Valley. Billy Spen
der went home Sunday evening
liscovered the damage and
aine to Wapinitia Monday morn
i a tuid reported the theft to
t a Deputy Sheriff here. Mr.
tVoodside notified authorities in
f he Dalles to be on the watch
tinl they were picked up by ti e
po!i. e there.
vlr. Woo lside, Billy Spencer and
Floyd iNrtman all went to lhe
Dalles i itsday morning for the
preliiniu-ii y hearing Tuesday.
All the i'. 'libers were bound over
co the giti'Ki jury eacn under
500.00 bail.
Two of tii- boys formerly lived
here and aie the sixteen ant.
seventeen yesj old sons of Fred
Bert Tayl-ir Tnun Portland has
been here sev-. ral tunes tins
summer was an ilher of the
thieves, and a h'io of which
ittle is known.
It is reported that U rs. Spencer
in a vain attempt to defend the
properly was severely beaten bj
the men.
A man made the attempt Sim-
day night to make way wnh ti
saddle, bridle and blanket lrjtn
the Charles Crofoot barn.
lie was frightened away h
returned Monday and ransaclu
j the house. So far nothing ha;
I been missed.
School Notes
The annals of the peaceful are
quickly written.
School work seems to be prog
ressing very smoothly. The
attendance normal and
punctuality is becoming the rule.
The School's part of the prog
ram for the Box Social is well
underway and we hope it will be
a pleasant hour for all who at
The Children are much pleased
over the prospect for a piano.
The various Campaigns are
moving along quietly but good
habit3 are being formed.
A. M. Winn. Prin.
For SaleWhite Leghorn coch-
rels pure bred O. A. C. strain
Price reasonable if taken in two
weeks H. N. Dodge Wapinitia
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval
Louie Prout Rose At Shattuck's - Thanksgiving Specials
Cranberries Sweet Potatoes - Celery
Preferred Stock and Royal Club Choice canned Fruits
and Vegetables . . . N w Crop Nuts, Pecans, Walnuts,
Almonds and Fresh R mti;.l at
Prices (hat arc. Right
Vpples, Rcad3 of '
bananas, R:rvu
75c 'to ?2.00 per Pox
Mrs. Louie Rose died at her
home at Huntington Tuesday
morning. She leaves a husband
Clarence Rose, a babe two
months old, her parents, Mr and
Mrs. Joe Prout, her sister Mrs.
Max Clenehen, of that place, Mrs
Tom Woodcock and Mrs. Van
Norval of this place Mrs. Wakei
Meifert of Grass Valley, Marion
I3urlingame of Vancouver Waul,
and Ed Burliiiuauiu Poitlam1,
VIrs. Rose spent the greater
rnrt of her life here hi d will
ter kindly disposition won whih.
friends who are saddened bj
her passing away. Mrs- Wooc'-
jock and Mrs. Norval left hen
Vednesday morning to a'ttei'd
the funeral.
Wamic News
im, All Kinds and grades, Winter
..T-vty. Fpitzenberpf, WincsapF,
r.iii,",-!",;- in price from
Over iK.-r ol liic Biscuit Company?
Vnyway their c Lki .mi. I crricUtira iilwnvH i;e-i?i to be
io al:ii'.ik-1y try r.i, tiiid Hie n.' t-tin In ( I-e
'.eal"'. l)t ni'msifiUi u later.
'Inner E
.l,li:'n f.
k".1 ; f ! j I ?
v:ni Ir'hocu Just Arrlvcil
id. i
J. II. Woodcock spent a weel
in The Dalles returning Ti.nwlaj
Mr. and Mrs. "Hode" Swill
of Antelope spent several dajt
here last week.
A. A. Bonney and son Louif
were here froin'fyyh Wednefda)
Tom Driver is out again aftei
a severe attack of tonsilitb'.
A peculiar dust cloud hoveiid
over tins place lmirsaay ai u
Friday. On settling it made u
reddish color. A fall of 2 1-L' ind
33 of snow Thursday night fail
ed to dispell the clou 1 which wat
itill here all day Friday.
Charley Wing of Tygh huh(
t load of lumber from the milk
iiere Thursday. He was a gueH
ver night at the Joe Wing home.
Joe Mtiller and Guy Briltain
A'ere lygu visitors nere uec-
Don Miller and his cousin,
Vlina Driver were Tygh viaitoit
Uev. G. E Wood of North Bend
an over night visitor at the
lignite Pratt home Wednesday.
iVlanv persond went from heie
to attend the p'ay and basket
social given at rl.v;h Fiiday nighi
The Woodcock orchestra furnish
ed the inuaic for the dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Flujd Eubankt
and baby Florine were over from
Juniper Flat Saturday, over
night guests at the John Eu
banks home.
Those who attended the daii' e
at Maupin Saturday night line
were Mr. and Mrs. Willis Nor
Airs. Mabel Hull. Tom Woodcock
Vard and Vernon Norval, Glen
Lucas, Belvie Patison, Ilotisly
Johnson and the Muses Marj
Compton, Alma Driver, Lena
Wing, Claris Zumwalt, Crystal
Pratt and Pearl Baker.
Charley Pierce of Jumpei
Flat hauled a large truck load of
cedar posts from here Thursday
A. E. Lake returned Saturday
from a few days stay in Hi
Dalles. Milo Wood 3 of Typt
brought him out from town i
an auto.
Miss Lena Wing went to Tygl
todav to the school there. She if
boarding with Mrs. Mamie Wat-
Mr. and Mrs. Claud KoberU
left today for The Dalles wheie
Mrs. Robert will undergo a"
operation at the hospital. The
Misses Millie and Winnie M,ay
field accompanied them, haviiig
arrived here a week ago fron
Willy City, Washington,
Mrs. Clara Swable canie up
from Portland Saturday.
Mr3. Mary Walton came tut
from The Dalles Saturday, going
to the Ben Steed home.
OOll L'.iMiMi-',
mi Black. A!- r
ihoea in bniv, n U i, ;.
)er all our hLm U of
it 10 per c:n( oil, omi t
The Houf-;y of 'Hotter Service
i'ury Heel, V it i, in l'nwn
iif-.v insit:las in nii'ii'ii dress
hi;;ui(iJ't(l fitting choc. ReHin
i, i H'ltidii;g new aniviii.s neliing
Mvout p; ices (Mi ntnnv n'lmlM'ir.
.1 MM
Friday November
j V,-tJ
A ncii m'in, a poor iu.n w
Whkh did y-v 'jhoose?
Si?it liidry
a nobleman lwed Lottie
Lion Ctusiedy
'e i' air
Dainty Vattcp.n Girls VVja1
Court Ladies cf, Seventeenth Century
Frogtam Com'iiur-3 H ici'tnliin ! Dmmalie Artitlrf Will B
Mcnrd in Uiiasvr.l Ep.lsrtiiinment Hera in Near Future.
' 1 1 '
Thf t".
Ir in Hip r.?:ii
tin leventceiiui t
WsMesu Dun cor
! t ie tn t-ive Ibfclf 2ftliga;ftil ea:i;
cj.r.i-i-r ia the 5.;ntT. ehepl.crdess csstume p;
y of ihe tl.ja of Waiteaa. Hie great t rn3 painter. IV
of Mits Famo Hnrall an1 Miw Eoyce Ealcr, t"
cf tenm'a clevei-e.t youns srus'.s. Uhrtr program eomDiaes nasiciauei,
anf Irwnatlc artistry. Do not w. the proKraai of the Watteaa Girl.
hAttuck's Hall - December ll
ii.iv r;n I'ale by all Bkinbtra of the
tt Maupin -
Season Tidu
The snow which fell a few days
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