The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 29, 1920, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
The Next President Asks You
To Vote For Bob Stanf ield
"All who are earnestly desirons that the Republican party shall take
control of national affairs, to the end that we may restore the health
of the Republic and insure the pood of the country, will wish, as I
wish, that the voters of Oregon may find it to their best judgment
to support Robert N. Stanfield for United States Senator."
Warren G. Harding
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
Jfcsilink R. foRRisoN, Publisher
Subscription: One Ycat $1.50, Six Months 5cts, Three Months 50c
Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at th
poat at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879,
, "k ' fit j
B 1 . Xl 'S-i'-v
SJS1 -j. i l.".i.Br. . Jfa-KMj
i .1
Vote or
Republican Candidate
Present Incumbent
Why Change
Courtesy, Efficiency
(Jet your Fresh Bread daily at
Andy's Place
We now handle the
Butter-Krust Bread
Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream
It's Refreshing
Home Cooked Meals
Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 lo 2 p. m."
Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. Short Orders all Day
Fresh Meat at all Times
Real Estate,
ioans, and Insurance
Apples for Sale
$1,25 per bux
75 per box
i'fie discount allowed if
own boxes provided
Mail orders filled if
accompanied by check ,
Dm fur
Teacher of Piano
Mrs. II. F. Dothwell
M-uupm, Oregon
Basket Social
At the next social meeting of
the Commarcial Club Saturdtn
November 30' 1920.
A good auctioneer will lx
A. M. Winn.
Buy a Home in Maupin.
3 lots House Barn, close in.
See Morris Bros, for price terms
Wapinilia Amo Slip
Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. m. j
' V. KOTO. frOD.
Dr. T. DeLarke
Cf-13-.CS FlOpefly Fitted
K,5i-lu:i'rilv Optical
fionivs 17.15 Ycgt Block, over
Cr.lj'(. I'mg store,
The P,,lloi, Ore
Phone r.htgk 1111
For Salt
All kinds of rough Iiimbur and
some dressed lumber. Plenty of
Shiplap.' Rough lumber $25 per
M: other grades in proportion.
Mtilvany Bros. Mill.
Local Interest
Job Crabtree brought several
fine pigs to Maupin Thursday,
About 7 tons of ha v.' wheal
and rye mixed. -G. E- Cunnint
ham, Mai.ipin Oregon.
D. A.. S'tosrsdill and wife weie
Maupin visitors Monday.
For; Sale-25 head of Ewe
and Lambs. -G. C Allen.
Mm. S. E. Bisbrow, sons anc
daughter were guests at this
office Wednesday.
For Sale Ons team of mare?
"i . , ....
years old; will break zooc
leader, weight about 1300 lbs
inquire t limes,
iMr, and Mrs. Wiley J- Harri;
were in from Bakeoven Wednes
The Times received a chert'
frcm Mr. and Mrs. Harpham c
Narapa Idaho also thev sent'
regards to Maupin friend.
Oiejonian Thursday Octobei
2Sth.!Marriaie License columr
Gsy-Walton, G. W. Gay 1333 E
Stark and Mattie Walton-
Miss. R n by Wilson and brother?
were in Maupin todav.
J. W. Ayers and family vers
Sunday visitors at the J. W.
Fallow home at Smock.
The Next Vice President Wants Oregon
Send a Republican Senator:
"The success of the Republican ticket in Oregon is wrnestly to be
desired. More than that, my own desire to preside over a Republican
Senate leads me to hope for and recommend the election of R. N.
Stanfield to represent your great state in that honorable body."
Calvin Coolidge
Young Teddy" Makes the Same Request of
"Heartily endorse candidacy of Robert N. Stanfield for Senate. Apart
from the fact that a Republican majority in the Senate is of vital
importance just now, he is the type of man all the voters of Oregon
should be proud to have represent them."
Theooori Roosevelt
Taft Urges that You Vote for Stanfield:
"Election of Harding is assured, but he can do little unless he has a
local Republican majority in the Senate and the House. I earnestly
urge all who vote for Harding to vote for Stanfield."
William H. Taft
Hughes Belives in Stanfield:
, , "I cordially endorse the candidacy of Robert N. Stsnfield for United
. States Senate. In addition to Mr. Stanfield's qualifications for that
office, it fte of very great importance that there should be a Republican
majority in the Senate to Support a Republican President and make
possible an efficient and successful administration. I sincerely trust
that the people of Oregon will riot fail to elect Mr. Stanfield."
harlks E. Hughes
Don't Waste Your Vote Trying to Send a Democrat to Wash
ington to Support a Republican President.
Vote the Republican Ticket Staight
Thos. II, Tongue, Chairman
640 Morgan Building Portland, Oregon
r W'3a
DeDartment of the Interior
tr. S Laud Office at The Dalles, Ore
ton, (X-tobr 19th, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
James L. Maddron,
of Waoimtia, Oregon, who on Novem
er 13. 1915, made Homestead entry
Io. 015591, for SE1-4NE1-4, S1-2SE1-4,
.1-4se1-4. Section 4. v1-2n'E1-4. kwI-
t6El-4 and NEl-4swl-4, Section 9,
TownshiD 6 south. Eanea 13 east, Wil-
amette Meridian, hss filed notice of
ntention to mat a final three year
jroof to establish claim to the land
iboi'e described, before F. D. btuart,
U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, 0
on, on the 9th day of Dteeinber, 1929.
Claimant name as witnesses: W.
O. licCliin, Ed Davis, A. W. Duanlng,
fesse leis, all of Wapinitift Ortfon.
H. Frank Woodcock, Icegister.
NOTICE tOU rtBLICATlON of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or
jon, October 19. 1920.
Notice is heresy given that
Grover Franklin Douglas,
)t iUtKeii, ureeon, wno on uctoDer,
1929, made Additional Homestead
try no. 021271, for swl-4NEl-4, Sec
S, S'.vl-4N'El-4. s1-1n'v!-4.KW1-4nw1-4.
iFl 45F.1-4, Nl-zsw, Section S3,
rownshin 7 outh. Rar.fee 14 East
Villamette Meridian, has filed notice
f intention to make three vear Droof.
:o establish claim to the land above
lescribed, before F. D. Stuart, United
itates Commissioner, at Maupm. ure-
;on, on the 9th day of December, 1920.
Claimant names s witnesses: B. A.
llirx, cf Kaskela, Oregon, Owen' T.
Brown, The Dallei, Oregon, W. C:
Yard, of Kaskela, Orr-gon, Jolin t arre,
f KasSela, Oregon.
H. rtank Woodcock, negieter.
Does Poultry Pay?
Only when you keep the best.
My hens are bred to lay, not for
fine feathers. All my hens have
ten, some fifteen 200 egg ancest
ors; are mated with cockerels
whose dams have a record ot
two hundred and eighty eggs.
Cockerels for sale at $3.59; a
few May hatched pullets at $1.50
each if taken at once.
Pure bred Barred Rocks.
Don A. Stogsdill.
Ate jou using The Times liuet
column when you haye any thing
to sell or want to buy some article
that your' neighbor tua have ot
wishes to dispose ft? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
sure that it will bring results.
That the small country week
iies are not the only ones who
?et in an error occasionally was
evidenced Monday by the head
ing in the Oregonian.
"Fall from Widow Fatal"
iTimes, $1.50 per year.
Oregon Tuberculosis Associat
ion's Christmas seals on sale at
The Times. Come and help the
good work i t j i .
t' '