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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1920)
The Maupin Times Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, Jessiune E. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 5cts, Three Months 50c Entered as Bccond class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. II nktimfmyigf,, ' V-1 V" n-n-r .fu a...Hjl Vote for . W. L CRICHTON Republican Candidate for COUNTY CLERK Present Incumbent Why Change Courtesy, Efficiency Economy Get your Fresh Bread daily at Andy's Place We now handle the Butter-Krust Bread Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream It's Refreshing Home Cooked Meals Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m. Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. Short Orders all Day Fresh Meat at all Times II. ANDERSON, Prop. MORRIS BROS. MAUPIN Give us a trial Real Estate, General Broker age, Notary Work and Sound Insurance HILL S CASH STORE I have purchased J. R. Lewis stock of goods and will keep a full line of groceries. Give me a trial, I am here to please the public. Let me figure with you on your winters supplies. It pays to buy in large quantities and I can save you money. . Why stay in the same old rut year after year? Do you know when you have a bill charged you pay for having it charged? Do you know you also pay the other fellows bill; that doesn't pay at all. The credit system could not exist if it wasn't run that way, Why pay "the other fellows bill? Will also carry a small supply of fresh meat. S. N. Wapinitia Oregon Wage war on the flies Fly poison 2c. Buhach Powder 10 and 25c Maupin Drug Store. Apples for Sale Good Cookers Culls $1.25 per box 75 per box 25c discount allowed if own boxes provided t Mail orders filled if accompanied by check DUFUR ORCHARD CO-OWNERS CO. Dufur Oregon School supplies are now ready Maupin Drug Store. Teacher of Piano Mrs. H. F. Bothwell Maupin, Oregon I.O. O F. WAPINITIA Lodge No. 200, Maiipio, Oregon. meets every Saturday night ir Donaldson's hail. Visiting Diem bers aIh'ryb welcomf. R. B. ISfcLL, N. G. B. F. Turned, Secietary. Wapinitia Items Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hickey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hickey came out from Cedar Swamp Tuesday evening and left for Portland Wednesday morning. W. J. Hickey has had charge . of putting the Frog creek feeder through. ' A meeting of the water users )n the plains was called at the Pine Grove of f ice Saturday after noon. E. E. Miller and N. G. rtedin each gave a splendid talk m irrigation in this and cither sections of the Northwest. They also spoke of the plans of the Company, among which is the construction of a dam at Clear Lake next season, and the build ing of the south ditch. Several thousand dollars worth of water has been signed for the last few days owing to the completion of the Frog creek feeder which has more than doubled the amount of water in the ditch. Ernest Dodge made a trip to the Post camp this week. Mack Hollman and family and Ben Flinn came out from the post camp Tuesday as the ground vas covered with snow and was ttill falling. EllaShepflin i at The Dalles hospital with typhoid fever, her mother is staying there with her she is reported as getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Delco came out from the Graham road camp where thpy have been employed the past summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Burnside were trading in Maupin Tuesday Mable Lewis visited several days at Simnasho last week with Mrs. Ed. Barnard. ' Bill Mc Gain who baa had charge of a section of the Mt. Hood loop near Government Camp the past, summer, came out from the Mountains Tuesday He with an other man are taking a bunch of work horses to Port land. V. W. and U. S. Emlersby made a trip to Dufur this week to get their winter apples. Lula Powell of the Powell district and Earl Bronner of the Pine Grove started to High School here Monday. J. M Powell has been cutting wood on the Reserve in tin mountains the past week. MPIEMEMTS Smock Items Seeding nearly done, some fields sowed early are up fine. Mrs. Jimmie Purcell of Port land is visiting the . Will Purcell home on Gate Creek. Miss. Ethel Ledford returnig from White Salmon, Washington Wednesday where she visited her brother Walter and wife. J. F. Blanchard has accepted a position as teacher in the Tygh school beginning October 10th. Virgil Mayfield and family returned to their home on Smock after spending Jthe spring and summer on Wapinitia plains. S. G. Ledford topk a carload of hog3 to Portland Monday. Nathan Hill purchased the Lewis store at Wapinitia, and had his household goods removed to that place Saturday. County Commissoner Claussen attended church Suuday at Smock. Albert Hill and family were entertained at dinner Sunday by the lom Farlow family. Mrs. Mary Mayfield is having her household good3 shipped to Washington. F. T. Feltch and sister with the boys Elmore and Walter went to Dufur Friday. The revival meetings to be held at Smock church begin Snn- day 17th at eleven o.clock. Elder Waterhouseof Silver Lake will conduct the meeting. Come out to hear him. TRACTORS I at extremely low prices Since discontinuing the sale of the Ford line we are closing out such stock as we have on hand, Note the following prices, and Quantity: Cheap watches the kind you pay $3-75 for at other places. 12 25 at Maupin Drng Store. First frost of the season, Wed day night. E. A. Cyr has recovered from his recent illness and is again attending to business duties. He is planning some material im provements for the peol hall. 3 6 1 1 1 1 1 "Fordson" Tractors $797.00 each "Forson" tractor plows No. 7 Oliver " 141.00 each "Fordson" orchard plows No.283 Oliver 3 Bottom 10 inch Chilled 210.00 "Fordson" 2 Disc Plow No. 42 Oliver ,215.00 "Fordson" 16 Disc Ames Co. Tractor Drill 200.00 "Fordson" 32-16 Disc Roderick Lean ' Tendam Tractor Disc Harrow 7 ft. 145.00 "Fordson" 23-18 Disc 10 ft. Orchard Disc Harrow Roderick Lean 152.00 1 3 Section Spring Tooth Tractor Har- . v row Roderick Lean 58.00 3 Sets Fenders for Fordson Tractor 28.00 set All the above are reco-mizsd Fordson Tractor Imnlemnnts and am nvcAmmon - i - m. vvvviuillvilWVU for use with Fordson. If you are in the market for anv of the ahove. nlare vmir order at once as they won't last long. WALT RflS CO. pin iiiSTii ":i' UiM"Ma1!i"M'""iiiiarwsfj3 I if JkBw I I f4l$Vvl VOTE FOR R. D. BUTLER Candidate for COUNTY CLERK Wasco County Oregon Must Have A Port Equal to Any Port on the Pacific Coast. Inititive measure No. 310 on the ballot givei to the Port of Portland means to oreate suoh a port. The primary object of this bill is to furnish the means to insure the opening and maintaining of a 30 foot ohannel from Portland to the sea and of building and establishing port facilities at the City of Fortland sufficient to handle the foreign and coastwise shipping of that port. The cost of this improvement wil be met by the people living within the boundaries of the Port of Portland. When you go to the loll s November second vote 310 YES and give to the Fort of Portland Ue power to maintain its 30 foot channel to the sea and-to build adequate port facilities to handle all of the great produots of the interior of the state. The passage of this bill means lo,v3r freight rates for the produot of Oregon in reaching the markets of the world and a consequent greater prof it to the produoers . This is themost important and the most valuable measure that has ever been put up to the voters of the interior portions of the state. - VOTE 310 YES Oregon Port Developement League G. S. O'Neal, Seoretary. Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m. Leaves Wapinitia. 7 a. m. V. ROBERTS, Prop. R. & Wilson purchased a Mitchell car the first of the week Clark Richardson returned Tuesday from the mountains where he 1 1 as been with sheep during the summer. Mr. llich ardsun states that much rain and fog was experienced during the last month and they were unable for many days to see the sun. He also reports many sheep of different bands have been lost this year. Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Rooms 1748 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore Phone Black 1111