The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 15, 1920, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
United States mints during Septem
ber coined 780,000 pieces of silver
money for Cuba; and 640,000 pieces of
silver for Peru, Director of the Mint
Baker announced.
The states of Arizona and North
Carolina were shown, in population an
nouncments by the census bureau to
have hade during the last ten years the
largest numerical Increases in their
An earthquake estimated by the Uni
versity of Santa Clara seismologist, as
centering 66 miles northwest of San
Jose, or somewhere in the vicinity of
Golden Gate, was felt at 11:05:38
Tuesday morning.
About one of every five soldiers
whose enlistments expired in Septem
ber have re-enlisted, the army xecruit
lng service reports. At Camp Goron,
Oa., 65 per cent of the men discharged
re-enlisted immediately, and at Camp
Lewis, Wash., 60 per cent.
Twelve representatives and one
t United States senator, members of a
special congressional party which
toured the far east recently, arrived
in San Francisco Monday on the army
transport Madawaska. The party de
parted from here early in July.
The council of ambassadors has dis
patched a note to Germany demand
ing immediate release of three ships
loaded with munitions for Poland
which, are being held in the Kiel canal
by the German authorities. The note
specifically mentions the Danish ship
It is reported from Sebastopol that
the troops of General Wrangel's South
Russian government have occupied
Petroviket and Novospassovik on the
coast of the sea of Azov. The re
ports say Wrangel's forces captured
4000 prisoners, 12 cannon and 130 ma
chine guns.
Evidence that the communist party
of America is "tightly connected" with
the Russian third Internationale was
disclosed in a report received Tuesday
night by the department of justice on
the examination of Witty Shackman
ex-secretary to Nicholas Lenlne, ar
rested recently in Chicago.
Three negroes Rayfleld and Ben
Glvens and Milton Smith arrested in
connection with the murder of John
H. White, a farmer, were taken from
the county jull at McClenny, Fla
Tuesday night and lynched. A fourth
negro, Jim Glvens, brother to Ben and
who is said to have done the shooting,
Is being pursued.
The American Red Cross gave aid
to the country's fighting men or their
families at home in 7,000,000 cases
from the entrance of the United States
into the war until last June. The cost
was about $10,000,000. These facts are
shown In a statement Issued by that
organization Wednesday. The Red
Cross also describes how it is con
tinuing in peace time to aid the world
war veterans.
Edward A. Ryan, who was arrested
at the Fifth Regiment armory in Balti
more on the night of the Harding
meeting after interrupting the repub
lican presidential nominee with ques
tions about the league of nations, has
entered suit for $100,000 damages
against Galen L. Talt, republican
chairman; John J. Hanson, one of the
oflcials of the meeting; Police Marshal
Robert D. Carter, and two patrolmen.
Following an unsuccessful Sinn Fein
raid to burn the police barracks at
French Park, county Roscommon, Sat
urday, reprisals were carried out In
that neighborhood Sunday by police
and military. At Ballngare, two shops
and the residence of a farmer were
burned. Many crops and much prop
erty were destroyed. The house and
furniture of a prominent Gaelic leader
was burned, A farmer was stabbed;
there was considerable shooting.
New York state, the most populous
in the country, has a population of
10,384,144, an increase of 1,270,530, or
. 13.8 per cent, over that of ten years
ago. Population of three other states
also were announced by the census
bureau. Texas has 4,661,027 inhabi
tants, an increase of 764,485, or 19.6
per cent over 1910. New Jersey, with
a population of 3,155,374, showed an
increase of 618,207, or 24.4 per cent.
Idaho, with a population of 431,826, in
creased 106,232, or S2.6 per cent
To Stop Foreign Vessels From Smug
gling Liquor Into U. S. Ports.
Washington, D. C. Seizure and
sale of foreign ships violating Amer
ican prohibition laws is under consid
eration by the bureau of Internal rev
enue. Officials of the bureau were
represented Monday as seeing no so
lution to the problem other than
through invoking libel provisions of
the Volstead act against ships bring
ing In liquor. Evidence gathered by
federal enforcement agents was said
to have disclosed that masters of for
eign ships frequently conspired with
their seamen to violate prohibition
laws. The supply of alcoholic bever
ages has been greatly increased along
the eastern seaboard by this means,
it was said.
The bureau is understood also to
have discovered definite connection
between foreign seamen engaged in
smuggling and a "whisky ring,"
through which the commodity is mar
keted. The Volstead act provides specifi
cally for confiscation of vehicles of
transportation employed in violation
of that law. Bureau officials were
said to feel that although foreign com
plications .may result, they should
take steps in that direction in order
to control the traffic. No estimate
has been made of the amount of liquor
thus reaching American "bootleggers.'
Technically foreign ships are within
Jurisdiction of American laws when
inside the three-mile limit. This
makes them liable to confiscation at
any time contraband goods are found
on them.
Certain foreign ship masters are
alleged to have employed a unique
method of defeating prohibition. The
reports revealed, it was stated, that
pay of seamen had been reduced to
nominal amount and in some cases
to $1 a week in lieu of more pay, the
seamen being permitted to lay in
stocks of liquor in foreign ports for
delivery in American ports.
While questioning of masters al
ways has brought denials, officials
here were said to be confident of the
existence of such a conspiracy, since
the pay reduction has been made
without protest from the seamen.
IS $5,408,075,468
Washington, D. C. America's tax
bill for the fiscal year ending June 30
amounted to $5,408,075,468, approxi
mately a billion and a half dollars
more than paid into the federal treas
ury In the previous 12 months. The
figures were contained in the prelim
inary report of the commission of
Internal revenue. It showed that from
Income and profits taxes the govern
ment received approximately three
fourths of all its revenue. In these
two items there was an Increase of
$1,356,000,000 over the fiscal year of
1919, receipts for the two years being,
1920, $3,957,701,000; 1919, $2,600,000;
From multifarious sources of "mis
cellaneous" taxation, the levy pro
duced $1,450,374,000, an increase of
Internal revenue receipts for 12
months by states and territories in
eluded :
Alaska $500,680; Idaho $4,963,264;
Montana $6,770,257; Oregon $27,569,
223; Wyoming $4,225,282; Washing
ton $42,107,772.
The total for all states and terri
tories was $5,408,075,468.
Offenders Go to Prison.
San Francisco. The conviction of
five men for conspiracy to steal 1770
bottles of liquor valued at $20,000
from a customs warehouse in Seattle
was upheld by the United States cir
cuit court of appeals. The defendants
and their sentences to hard labor at
McNeil island were as follows: Ed
ward Casey, 15 months; Edward
Hagen and Dick Russell, two years
each; Jim Morrison, 22 months; Wal
ter F. Paton, two years.
Prison Warden Kidnaped.
Cork. The first known case of an
attack on an Irish prison official oc
curred Monday when Thomas Griffin
warden in the Cork jail, was kidnaped.
No trace of him has been found.
was stated that Griffin was on the
"black list," being accused of torment
ing hunger strikers in jail by offering
them food, and of mistreating other
Flour Still on Decline.
San Francisco. A drop of 40 cents
a barrel in the price of flour was an
nouueed by wholesalers here Monday.
It meant a drop of 10 cents on the 49-
pound sack. It was the second similar
decline in a week. The decline was
attributed to the new wheat coming
into the market
I . 1
WWWvvvwr 1 1 ? f r v w
Albany. A girls' band will be organ
ized this year at the Albany high
school. Plans for the organization are
being developed now. Girls of both
the senior and junior high schools will
Tillamook. At a recent meeting of
the state highway commission it was
decided that a piece of road which
will connect Tillamook and Lincoln
counties, will be built this year. This
will greatly increase the amount of
summer travel to Tillamook.
Medford. Ed. Walker, deputy game
and fish warden of Jackson county,
brought home a black-tailed deer
which was shot by him near Mt. Pitt
Wednesday. The buck, which weighs
175 pounds, is the largest brought to
the city since the hunting season
Salem. Gross receipts from motor
vehicle and operators' licenses during
the period of March 16 to September
15, 1920, totaled $486,142.75, with cash
remitted to the state treasurer aggre
gating $470,074.25, according to a re
port prepared by Sam A. Kozer, sec
retary of state.
Forest Grove. The farmers in and
around this vicinity are very much dis
couraged over their prune crops this
year. Owing to the heavy rainfall and
lack of help a 50 per cent loss is esti
mated, but if there should be a change
in the weather it is probable that 25
per cent of the standing crops could
be saved.
Salem. Fire losses in Oregon, ex
clusive of Portland, for September
totaled $457,160, according to a report
prepared here by the state fire mar
shal. The most disastrous blaze was
at Klamath Falls, where the Houston
hotel and eight other structures were
burned, with an aggregate loss of
Oregon City. An important land
deal was closed by the J. J. Sandsness
Realty company at Canby last week
when the old home place of Clarence
Becke, near Aurora, was sold, the
price being $24,000. The purchaser
was William Jeskey of Auburn, Cal.,
a fruitgrower who came to Oregon to
look for a location.
Bend. Under orders from Deputy
State Veterinarian Gardner 300 bucks
Intended for distribution among sev
eral bands of sheep in central Oregon
are being held under quarantine near
La Pine. The presence of scab, a
disease now almost unknown in Des
chutes county flocks, is suspected,
Thirty days is the term of the quar
Burns. Ira N. Gabrielson, in charge
of rodent control of the United States
biological survey, was in Burns re
cently investigating the rabbit pest
and taking steps to put his force in
the field to aid in combating them
He is ready to supply a number of
men and poison to aid in the destruc
tion of the pests that eat up the forage
needed for stock during the winter.
Bend. In order to replenish the
ranges of Montana and Idaho where
many thousands of sheep were lost
last winter, buyers have been active
in central Oregon the last few days,
and in the neighborhood of 95,000
lambs have been purchased and are
being shipped out as rapidly as pos
sible. Of these, 60,000 in round num
bers, are being sent out of Bend.
Salem. Governor Olcott has signed
a contract whereby the state will ex
change 50,000 acres of scattered lands
in the forest reserves for a compact
body of federal land of equal area,
The contract also was signed by C. V,
Martin, acting secretary of the inter
ior. Authorization of this exchange
of lands was made at a meeting of the
state land board held here four weeks
Medford. The largest one-day sale
and the highest average price ever
received for Rogue River valley pears
was made in New York last Wednes
day, when 13 cars were sold for $37,
868, or an average of nearly $3000 a
car. One car of Anjous from Bear
Creek orchard sold for $3869, or an
average of $4 a half box, wbich is a
new high record for any car of local
Halfway. Word has been received
of the death of another victim of the
fire at Roblnette Monday night Mrs.
George White died at Weiser, where
she had been taken. This brings the
number of deaths to five. There were
only ten persons in the hotel and two
of the living are injured. Bert Mc
Gee, owner of the hotel. Is in a dan
gerous condition at Boise hospital.
Three persons escaped uninjured.
Salem. Governor Olcott has issued
a proclamation formally accepting and
declaring to be in full force and ef
fect compilation of the Oregon laws
of 1920, as authorized under an act of
the state legislature in 1919. The
laws were codified by Conrad Patrick
Olson of Portland, who was allowed
$5000 for his services, subject to the
proclamation of the governor. This
amount of money was appropriated by
the 1919 legislature. '
The City
of Purple
Copyright by F. O. Browna & Co.
CHAPTER XI. Continued.
She had rushed to the adjacent
room. The door slammed. The key
turned in the lock. He stared at the
barrier. When he spoke to Otis, who
had renewed his attack with redou
bled frenzy and threats of legal pun
ishment, he was markedly calm.
"I will go quietly now" putting his
antagonist aside. "I apologize for
what I've done."
As he descended the staircase, leav
ing Otis with his daughter, the bevy
of servants in the hall ceased their ex
cited whispering, and rendered him
silent awe.
Fitzhugh did not go to his office the
following day, butmotored far out
along the north shore. His mind was
a blank until his car was turning in
and out through the mesh of traffic In
State street. The newsboys, ever vo
ciferous at the day's end, seemed to
have an unwonted note of excitement
in their hoarse cries of "Extra 1" De
layed at Monroe street by a policeman
at the crossing, he tossed the news
vendor on the corner a quarter-dollar
and ordered all the papers. The
first one he opened was a plnk-and-
black sheet, damp from the press, and
blazing on Its first page this:
This much he read in one hurried
glance. What followed he devoured in
snatches, getting the gist of the mat
ter In a minute's perusal ;
"Esther Strom . . . Anarchist
plot . . . Assassinate ambassador
. . . B. & O. station . . . Secret
Service ... Swallowed prusslc
acid . . . Found dead In cell."
Fitzhugh awakened next morning to
the ringing of his telephone. It was
Hunt He cut short the flood of ques
tions, and, still In his pajamas, got a
small valise from a closet and began
filling it with shirts, collars, and such
other articles as a man needs for a
short journey.
When he reached his office, for twen
ty galvanic minutes, without a wasted
word, he outlined concisely what he
wanted done during his absence, con
sidering and settling various problems
that in the interim might arise. Per
ceiving the flight of time, he snatched
his hat from the floor, and, with Hunt
trotting along beside, hurried to the
elevator, still giving directions and ad
vice. Down the elevator shaft, through
the rotunda of the first floor, to the
automobile In Adams street, and
thence to the railway station, he con
tinued the terse counseling.
As he dashed into the Grand Central
station, ran down the midway toward
his gate, the conductor cnlled
" 'Board 1" and his train pulled out
He caught the last Pullman as It
moved from the shed.
Fitzhugh returned from Washington
In four days, a changed man. There
had been little he could do; so little,
Indeed, that he felt his trip had been
wasted. .He had located some mem
bers of Esther's family and had given
them, quite anonymously, a sum of
money larger than any they had ever
known. Then he took a train for Chi
cago. There was nothing else to do,
But he could not forget Vividly
against the background of his mind
were marshaled nil Esther had done
for him, all her little acts of kindness,
her unselfishness, but doglike devotion,
And then he would think of the re
quital he had made. His memory
flogged him pitilessly. He thought of
how he bad left her alone with Nlko-
lay that morning, of his lncompasslon
ateness the last time he saw her alive,
of the death-dealing message he had
sent, the needless cruelty . .
"Brute I I was always a brute to
her. . . ."
It was nearly eleven when he
reached bis office. He had come di
rectly from his apartment In his auto
mobile, and wore a motoring cap and
coat, uuessentlals both, the last of
which effectually concealed all ap
parel beneath It from the collar down.
Hunt, costless and with his shirt
sleeves rolled to his elbows, sat at the
great flat-topped desk In the Inner
sanctum, head over heels In the day i
English Grower Proud of "Unique
Bloom, and Values It
at $2,000.
London. An English grower named
Armstrong Is proudly enjoying the
credit of having produced a new form
of orchid which is declared to be the
only bloom of Its kind In the world.
It is of the cypripedlum species and
is apparently a hybrid offshoot of
other varieties of orchid grown in the
With a brief excuse for his tardi
ness, Fitzhugh took the chair at the
opposite side of the desk and scanned
some Important papers requiring his
signature, conversing busily with Hunt
as he read. He had signed but one of
them, when, with an ejaculation upon
the warmth of the weather, he flung
oft his cap, and loosening the clasps
of his coat collar, walked Into the adja
cent room.
In a few minutes he reappeared;
and, having discarded the motoring
duster, he wds outwardly transformed.
Snow-white ducks, white outing slip
pers, with silken hosiery shimmering
where it showed, a soft white shirt,
through the attached collar of which
was looped a voluminous tie of blood
red hue, a crush hat, white as an
Easter lily, turned up in front and
down behind and encircled by a crim
son ribbon these made up his attire.
"You look like the epitome of a
comic opera," Hunt laughed, aside
from the phone. "Whither away?
"No," replied Fitzhugh, appending
his signature to the rest of the papers,
"No, I'm not going yachting." He put
down his pen, picked up his enne, stood
up. "I'm going into the pit."
"But what the" Hunt, who had
half-risen from his chair, sank back,
bewildered. "What the dickens do you
want to expose your hand for, Dan?"
Daniel showed his teeth In an odd
grin. For an Instant It somehow sug
gested to the other something sinister
like a wolf baring Its fungs.
"Better come along and watch me,
Hunt," starting toward the door. "I m
going to give 'em something to talk
about. Coming?" He waited at the
door, flapping his cane against his im
maculate trousers.
And this day began a spectacular
flourish of showy histrionics unrivaled
before or since on the Chicago Board
of Trade. During the rest of the day's
session In the wheat pit, Fitzhugh, the
actor, was the center of all attraction.
The visitors In the gallery remarked
him and pointed him out to one anoth
er; the speculators, dealers, brokers'
clerks, officers of the board, all those
whose duties brought them on the
"floor," soon or late found their atten
tion directed toward him. His extreme
height, emphasizing his unusual garb,
rendered him strikingly conspicuous
among his fellows. Of them all he
was the only one who stood out dis
tinctly. He was the only one of his
sort. The dramatic scene comported
with him. He was in his native ele
ment. This was the moment he had
dreamed of long ago when he bad
stood up yonder in the visitors' gallery,
his whole being keyed to the martial
pitch of gold that screamed to him
from the battlefield.
But how different the realization!
None of those who clamored about
him, chafing him, seeking to take ad
vantage of what seemed to them a
mental aberration, knew he was being
tortured by a ghost. The ghost of a
woman of raven hair and olive skin
and sad, accusing eyes that ever re
proached him, that ever seemed to
say; "You were cruel, Daniel al
ways cruel." They did not know that
when often he gesticulated to no end,
or that when he thundered his loudest
and appeared most abandoned to the
feverish excitement of the pit, the up-
braidings of the ghost were cutting
him to the quick, were lashing him the
As the days passed Fltzhugh's pas
sion for "showing oft" Increased amaz
ingly. Ever prolific with freaks of act
ing, he kept his associates on tenter
hooks of curoslty. None could Imag
ine what he would do next. He at
ways did the unexpected. Nothing
was too fantastical. Once during
Saturday noonhour he started a furore
In the. rotunda of the board of trade
by striding through the crowd playing
boisterously on a mouth-organ, while
round him capered several monkeys,
borrowed from some Forquer street
Italians; anon at a dinner In his apart
ment one evening he received his
guests in war paint and feathers and
the full regalia of an Indian chieftain.
Yet those who knew him intimately
as Hunt and two or three others
were not long in noticing a change had
come over him. When he thought he
was unobserved he was given to long
periods of brooding, and, as they right
ly supposed, all his bizarrerie was not
the real Fitzhugh, but only a mask,
all his theatrical excitement not genu
ine, but only a cloak for an Inner un-
It was during one of these dark
periods that he stole secretly away
not even Hunt knew of his where
abouts and for nearly a week was un
seen In Chicago. The day he returned
he went to his safety deposit vault and
locked therein a packet of papers.
These papers, obtained at great price
and with commensurate difficulty, were
the deeds to the Fltzrandolph home
stead in Maryland. . . . And still
he was not happy. Still thare remained
the void, the dull gap he could not fill,
Time and again during his first year
of grief Fitzhugh had endeavored,
with characteristic audacity, to see
Kathleen, but always substantially in
vain, tie had followed her to New
port, whence she flew with her moth
er after the rupture, found she had
same conservatory, the process having
been abetted by tie grower's skill. He
believes he can reproduce and perpetu
ate the new variety endlessly.
Mr. Armstrong rears flowers for
the pleasure of it rather than com
mercially. He is one of the many
English lovers of rare growths in
plants, whose fancy has turned to or
chids and whose experiments with
thevi have proved a valuable pastime.
Since glass houses became cheap and
modern methods of heating suitable
for orchid cultivation, the flower has
sailed the day before for Switzerland,
had taken the next steamer, only to
miss her again,, and for three months
had played battledore-and-shuttlecock
with two defenseless women over the
major part of the continent, often stay
ing In the same hotel, yet never catch
ing more than a fleeting glimpse of the
one he loved.
All efforts at communication were
likewise fruitless. His letters were re
turned unopened. His gifts, too. When
they returned home In the autumn he
had ordered a box of violets delivered
to Kathleen every morning. The
florist was an honest man, and at the
month's end he had rendered a bill
only for carriage. .
But Fitzhugh died hard. For three
years he never gave up trying. Then
the last gleam of hope flickered out.
She was abroad most of the time
now, returning to Chicago only at rare
Intervals, and then but for a brief stay.
He heard that Artie Sparkle was often
with her, and sometimes at the club
there were rumors of
But he laughed loudly at these. He
refused to listen. The Idea was pre
posterousabsurd. Yet it was never
theless true that this gossip of Kath
leen's engagement to Artie Immediate
ly preceded some extraordinary per- 1
formance that kept the name of Fitz
hugh on the lips of thousands for
weeks afterward. As another man
would have turned to drink, so he
turned to stagey extravagance. Un-
conventlonallty was his dissipation,
and in his own way he became Intoxi
cated. Some four years after that day In
June four years In which he had seen
Kathleen less than a score of times
and had spoken to her less than thrice
Fitzhugh laid the foundation of the
throne upon which he was to reign for
a brief but blazing period as King of
Wheat These four years had bred an
unwholesome change in the man. The
amassing of gold had become his re
ligion. Its virus had entered his soul.
He allowed nothing to stand between,
crushing all opposition with an Iron
hand. Everything was subservient to
but one end, and that end was Money.
All his faculties, all his tireless energy
and zeal and ambition were concen
trated upon It Waking or asleep, the
thought of it was always uppermost.
Hunt, in the erratic meanwhile, had
courageously piloted the deserted ship,
knowing its rightful captain would
again take the helm when "he came to
himself." More than any other, Henry
Hunt enjoyed the full confidence of
his chief. He was one of the very few
who knew Fltzhugh's real name and
family history.
At irregularly recurring periods
Fitzhugh entered the wheat pit and
while these Instances were generally
emblazoned with a burst of histrion
ics, he was never for a second blinded
by the glare. When he seemed most
ebullient he was really most cool-headed.
He fooled the pit traders. They
could never quite penetrate his "bluff
ing." They perceived his propensity
for posing, and made the mistake of
thinking him too self-centered to be
alive to his surroundings. While they
were pitying him for his rawness, his
crudities, and confidently expecting his
downfall, ho would astonish them by
executing some brilliant coup that sug
gested deep-laid plans as splendid as
his daring.
When in the conflict of the pit every
fiber of his being was qulverlngly
alert Seemingly absorbed in thinking
of himself and the effect of his pos
tures, he was searching his opponents'
faces for the slightest trace of mean
ing. Not a tremor of that higgledy
piggledy turmoil escaped him.- Ear
and eye were quick to grasp every
variation. He was Instantly alive to
every trick, every subterfuge. He was
swift to seize upon the merest open
ing, swift to attack the first unprotect
ed spot He was the shrewdest of
them all, and he played a game none
could understand. Outwardly, the
greenest of bunglers at it, secretively
he maneuvered with a master hand.
It was In the winter of this year
that Fitzhugh went deepest Into the
wheat pit. He plunged in farther and
farther, and with such apparent reck
lessness that many times Hunt held
back, counseling a slower and moro
cautious gait But the leader was ob
durate. He would listen to do advice.
He rushed yet deeper Into the pit,
dragging his hesitating follower with
him. Ensued long months of doubt
and uncertainty months that ground
flown the nerve of one and tried the
mettle of the other. There were times
when it seemed they would be wiped
out utterly. Their combined fortunes
were tied up In the deal to the last
cent All hung In the balance. It
was the biggest tiling Fitzhugh ever
engineered. If It went the wrong way
they would be crushed under it and
Lived With Needles In Heart
A woman physician under treat
ment in a lunatic asylum In England
told her nurse a year ago that r.i
had stuck a needle into her heart Tha
nurse found what seemed to be two
simple pin pricks over the heart The
woman died In August and an au
topsy revealed two needles sticking
into the heart
been grown In many private houses
and the display In the chief floral
exhibitions in London and the prov
inces has become largely of non
professional origin.
Mr. Armstrong has named this new
specimen the "Florence Spencer " He
values It at $2,000. Smaller hybrid
blooms, which he has grown, have
an estimated collective value of
The largest lake in Japan-Lake
BIwa is only 30 miles long.