The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 24, 1920, Image 4

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    V r
1 1 1
, ;. -
Vote f-r
Republican Candidate
Present Incumbent
Why Change
Courtesy, Hfficiency
"I would rather have my Fordsor
than eight of the best horses. The
Fordson Tractor is not only a great
time saver, but the best tool I hav
ever owned."
This is what only one farmer says.
For Cars and 1 Ton Trucks
for immediate delivery
Gannett Motor Company
Ford and Fordson Dealer
Main 1191
The Dalles, Ore.
Opposite TostofTic
L)hj.'hi tnii'iit of tlie Intel ht
If. S. Laud OflW at Tim Ur
rgnn, August 21, li'li').
' Nutii't" is liifliy given that
Fi siiiriif HsyiUn,
of Friend, Urogun, why mi April, 29,
11)15 inaile HuiiilaJ Fntip Uo, (iliyob
for Sl-2 SWl-4, See. 18, REl-4 f Rl 4, Sec
lion 14, and neI-4 Nvl-4, Section 24,
Township 3 S"U.Ui, Pang? )2 east,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final three yar
pruof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Registr and
Receiver, U.S. Land Office, 'J he Dalle
Oregon, on the 12th day of Uetober,
Claimant names s witnesses: Joseph
Gray, Amv Grsv, Michoel Kelley,
William M. Brown, all of f riend, Ore
H. Frank Woodcock, Rejiister.
NO 1 It JL f OR ri'BLlCA I ION
Dpaitiiiiit of the lnteriurior
U. S Land i-MH-eat 1 he l'al!,Ore
ji"ii, September 3, lsiu,
Wotii' in hereby given that
'o'm W. Heilmeysr
of War.uc, Urgon, who on September.
17th, iaJ7, iiiade Homestead ntrv, Nu
01H25, for .vl-4 SEl-4, Section 12.
township 4 South, Pang U East,
Willamette Meridian, hfs tiled notice
of intention to make final three year
proof, to estsfeh claim to the "land
above described, befora F. LK Stuart,
United State? ('ommi"5i"r:e.r at Maupin
Oregon, on the 5th day of November
Claimant names as witnesses:
R. L. Centy, Ceoigs W Lucas.
George mg, George S. Heilmever,
ull ot Wamte, Oregon,
H. Frank Woodcock, nepistsr.
Wamic News
Wis-s. Liu-ile Kenneily nent t
The D.ille? to atteml ecliuol. ijlu
is with Let Grandmother,' Mif.
Julia A. Driver.
J. E. Kenned r, G. A. Halve
and H. E. Driver went to Hi'
tnuuiitains Monday to gather llieii
cattle. They letumed Salurdft;
with a drove, encountering heav;
raine and sums snotv.
Quince Muirotr was here fron
I'ygh Ihnrpday.
Mrs. Belle Shadlev, of C
and Mis. Bei t TIiuuihf, of ILkk
River fi.etit last ueek liete.
Prof. J H. and Mis. Ward am
children,. Jim my and Bubdii
and Mr. Wards Mother, IWra. T
A. Ward went to The Dalies bat
urday letuiniii-t; Sunday. Mrs. T
A. Ward went to her Lome ai
K'ls', Wash.
Mr. and Kt. Aldert Okermai
wtr lieie from Bums Saturday
retraining till today. Their lit t K
snn Billie aceornbauied them houi
Mr. f n 1 Mr'. Guy Harvey am
jtro children went, to Watinii
Better Tires
No Higher in Price
HKIilj are the higst-value tires on the
marlet-iii .! 30x3 1-2 sizes.
They're noODYEAK TIRES-and they con
inn in every tu the uniformlv high
Goodyear standard?.
They're built in immense quantities which
accounts for ihdr moderate price.
After you fully apdreciate the super
H'lities of the?e tires, we're sure
you'll use them,
'e have Goodyear Heavy
.ij Tourist Tute, too
The BRUNSWICK Phonograph
Plays all Disk Records
We have the agency for this wonderful machine
Brunswick Records
Why Brunswick Tone
Reproduction Is Best
The Brunswick "Ultona" All-Record Re
propuccrand the new All-Wood Tone Aniplilier
two improvements in phonographs pro
nounced by many, the greatest in years are
responsible for the wonderful tone of The
Both of these improved fea
tures can be Had in The Bruns
wick only. And both are integral parts
of the instrument not attachments in any
The Brunswick "Ultona" Reproducer
plays all records at their best. Just a turn of
the hand adapts it to any make of record, as
suring the proper position on the record, the
precise weight,antl the required point sap
phire ball, diamond, steel, etc.
The "Ultona" is the only reproducer that
fulfills these requirements,which are necessary
to properly play all makes of records on any
one machine.
Artistic companions of Brunswick Phono
graphs. These Records are made under the
direction of great interpreters men who have
the power and faculty of developing musical
selections as they would be played by the com
posers. Just as there are directors for the opera,
the stage.the orchestra, we now have directors
for records.
Brunswick Records bear the impress of
some guiding hand. One who knows how
to bring out inherent qualities, the hidden
beauty, the magnetic personality, the more
spiritual intuitions of the composers.
Ask to hear these records. They will play
on any phonograph with steel or fibre needle.
Made by the House of Brunswick a name re
nowned in the world of music. Compare Bruns
wick records with others. Be their sole judge!
Look for something entirely different. Some
thing sweeter, richer, truer! You'll find it in
full measure in this new Brunswick disc!
We also have a nice assortment of Brunswick Records and at any
time we will be pleased to play them for you.
Brunswick Phonographs are made in a wide range of styles,
finishes and prices.
We sell them on easy terms if desired .
Ve have some of the finest farms in the country
Some Genuine Bargains
Ve have listings in Bakeoven, Shatiiko, Criterion, Ridgeway,
vlaunin and Vicinity, Tygh Valley Hop Land, Friend and Dufur.
ee us before you buy. We can fit you. We carry the best stock
ibtainable and will treat you Right. Maiipin the To.wn with a Future.
Address or call MORRIS BROS., Real Estate
Fir Qraek 'BeMwy
Tygh Va!
A fnrt
litt! daughter, of Dufur visited at
fie A K. Lake home Sunday.
Misa. Hilda Lake accotnpanie I
them home.
Jim Kennedy Las completed a
ailo at hi$ farm.
C. M. Plyler of Grass V.ilhy
gave a picture show and dance here
Saturday n'ght. '
Rain fell here Monday.
Warm Springs
I have leaded the Warm Spring
and and the baths are being clean
ed and covered and the grade
leadidg to the mrings worked and
improved. Gaeoliuo supply sla
tion intstulled. Good camping
ground)). 1 will meet the train at
Meora, Oiegon, if notified two
days before. J. H, Pepper, Warm
springs, Ote. , Cf. Kah Ke Ta
Mrs Lotta Miller has gone to
Tue Dallea to keep houpe for the
Houeer children who are going !o
attend school there.
. Local Interest
School supplies ure now ready.
Maupin Di ug Store.
W. 0. Miller haa puichitHt'd the
Job Crabtree property on Dufur
For sale 25 eacka of full rye if
taken right away. J. W. Ayrea
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buzan were
here Monday. They will move to
Tygh next week from Shuuiko.
For sale One team of marea 8
years old; will bteak good leaders,
weight about 1300 pounds. In
quire at Times.
R. M. C'anlwell and family re
turned Tuesday from the moun
taiiiH whete they reported a pleas
a it vacation.
Cheap Watches the kind you
pay $!.75 for at other places,
2 25 at Maupin Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Cunning
ham and Frank Creager of this
place and Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Burk" and W. C, Locore of Sherar
atteued the S. P. & S. R. R. pic
D : Sund y at Cascade, Wn.
M'. and Mis. Jimmy Woodcock
And little Irene were over from
Maupin Sunday. Mr. Woodcock
nought a truck load of flour for)
the Lake store.
Mr. and Mis. Ed Woodcock and
children, Lenore and Leslie were
iown from Smock Saturday re
maining until! Monday. They
visited at the Frank. Willis and
ftt-rt Driver homes. Mr. and Mrs.
Cally Duncan looked after the
f nm in their abfecce.
Rev. (i. E. Wood rturned yes
terday from a weeks stay at the
onfereace in Portland. He ha
been assigned to Forth Bend and
will leave tomorrow for that place
He will jo by way of Zilla.Wash.
taking his sister Mrs. W. J. Lich
ty and little daughter home and
go on to Taconi Wash, to visit
Mrs. Woods Mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Norval
and Mrs. Mattie Patison went to
fhe Dalles Mouday. Mrs. Patisou
wilt remain tno weeks in town
taking chiropractic treatment.
Mies. Irma Diiver went to the
Dufur Orchard plant Sunday hav
ing secured employment in the
dining room.
Percy Driver and Mrs. Jessie
Woodctjck were Tygh visitors Snu,
Mr. RudiMrs. Tom Fargur and
When at the Tygh Valley Fair
remember you can g'et all the
gas you want, oils, tires and all
auto supplies. We have a complete
line at
Crescent Garage
Autos for hire
Remember the Fair dates
September 28, 29, 30
"Something Doing all the Time"