The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 24, 1920, Image 2

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Financial Center on WallStreet
Scene of Shock.
Noon Hour Catastrophe Causes Great
Panic Evidence Discloses Plot
and Warning Given.
New York. A mysterious explo
sion In Wall street, near Broad, be
lieved by trained department of Jus
tice and police Investigators to have
been caused by an Internal machine,
rocked the heart of New York's finan
cial district at noon Thursday, leav
ing death and destruction in Its wake.
At least 29 persons were killed,
more than 200 were injured, the bank
ing house of J. P. Morgan & Co., the
United States sub-treasury and assay
office were partially wrecked and
property damage estimated in excess
of 51,000,000 was caused.
Thomas W. Lamont of the J. P.
Morgan firm expressed the belief,
however, that the explosion was pure
ly an accident caused by a collision
between an explosive wagon and an
other vehicle. The firm had received
no threats of any kind, he said, and
there was no real reason for the plant
ing of a bomb outside the firm's office,
The noon hour had struck and an
endless stream of office workers had
just started pouring Into the streets
from buildings in the neighborhood,
Suddenly a cloud of yellowish-black
smoke and a piercing Jet of flame
leaped from the street outside the
Morgan office.
Then came a deafening blast. A
moment later scores of men, women
and children were lying prostrate on
the ground and the streets were cov
ered with debris from thousands of
broken windows and the torn facades
of adjacent buildings. Two minutes
later the stock and curb exchanges,
the financial pulse of the world, had
Panic and confusion reigned in the
heart of New York's financial district,
Thousands of clerks and stenogra
phers fled in terror from adjoining
structures. Scores fainted, fell and
were trampled on in the rush. Mean
while the noise of the explosion
which was heard throughout lower
Manhattan and across the river in
Brooklyn, brought thousands of the
curious to the scene.
Sub-treasury officials, fearing that
an attempt might be made to rob the
building, all the windows of which
were broken, requested assistance of
the military authorities at Governor's
Island and a company of soldiers was
sent to guurd the Institution.
Hurry calls were also sent to all
hospitals lu the downtown section of
New York and scores of ambulances
were soon speeding through the nar
row streets. Dressing stations were
established In the lobbies of buildings
nearby, whore the less seriously in
jured were given treatment.
Chief Police Inspector Laney re
ported that he had found evidence to
Justify the conclusion that the explo
sion was caused by a huge bomb load
ed with T. N. T.trlnitrotuluol rein
forced with iron slugs fashioned from
window weight burs. Pieces of these
slugs were found in Beveral adjacent
structures. This type of weight bars,
a close inspection by police and de
partment of justice agents disclosed,
is not used in any building within a
radius of several hundred feet from
the explosion.
Warning that radicals planned
renewal of bombing outrages were
sent less than a month ago to all east
ern clients of the William J. Burns
detective agency, according to a state
ment by Mr. Burns, who said he was
convinced that the explosion was a
premeditated attack and was not ac
cidental, Legion to Fight Prices.
New York. The American Legion
has announced formation of plans to
mobilize Its forces for a war against
the high cost of living. In every com
munlty where there is a post the le
gion contemplates organizing retail
dealers into au association, prospec
tive merchant members of which, it is
aid, have pledged discounts approxi
mating 5 per cent from the current
selling prices to the 2,000,000 members
of the legion and their families.
Letter From League Council Goes to
Nations Defers Opinion.
London. The headquarters of the
league of nations has just made public
the text of the project for a perman
ent court of international justice, as
adopted by The Hague committee of
jurists, of which Elihu Root was a
member, together with a letter from
the council of the league to all govern
ments which have entered the league.
The letter says:
"The council does not propose to
express any opinion on the merits of
the scheme until it has had a full
opportunity of considering it."
It Btates, however, that the project
was prepared by a most competent
tribunal representing widely different
national points of view and adds:
"The council would regard an Ir
reconcilable difference of opinion on
the merits of the scheme as an in
ternational misfortune of the gravest
kind. It would mean that the league
was publicly compelled to admit its
incapacity to carry out one of the most
important of the tasks which it was
invited to perform. The failure would
be great and probably irreparable; for,
If agreement proves impossible under
circumstances apparently so favorable,
It Is hard to see how and when the
task of securing it will be success
fully resumed."
The council states it will later sub
mit its recommendations to the assem
bly of the league of nations.
The draft of the proposed court
given out today consists of 62 ar
ticles, divided into three chapters on
organization, competence of court and
procedure. A preamble states the gen
eral purposes of the court as follows:
"A permanent court of international
justice to which parties shall have
direct access, is hereby established, In
accordance with article 14 of the cov
enant of the league of nations. This
court shall be In addition to the court
of arbitration organized by The Hague
convention in 1899 and 1907, and to
the special tribunals of arbitration to
which nations are always at liberty
to submit their disputes for settle
Article 2 and 3 gives the member
ship of the court as follows:
"The permanent court of interna
tional justice Bhall be composed of a
body of Independent judges, elected
regardless of their nationality from
amongst persons of high moral char
acter who possess the qualifications re
quired in their respective countries
for appointment to the highest Judi
cial offices, or are Jurisconsults of
recognized competence in interna
tional law.
"The court shall consist of 15 mem
bers. 11 judges and four deputy judges
The number of judges and deputy
judges may be hereafter increased by
the assembly upon the proposal of
the council of the league of nations
to a total of 15 judges and six deputy
"The manner of choosing the Judges
by the different national groups is
provided. The members of the court
are elected for nine years. The presi
dent and vice president of the court
serve for three years. The seat of the
court is established at The Hague; a
session shall be held each year begin
ning June 15, and an extraordinary
session may be called whenever nec
essary by the president of the court,
who must reside at The Hague.
'"The full couft shall sit, but It 11
judges are not available, nine judges
shall Biiffice to constitute tne court.
Three judges sit in chambers an
nually to hear and determine sum
mary procedure. Salaries of the court
are fixed and expenses borne by the
league of nations."
"Article 31 gives the court juris
diction over suits between states. The
court Is open by right to states belong
Ing to the league. Other states may
have access to it under conditions pro
vided by the league."
Article 33 provides:
"When a dispute has arisen between
states and it has been found impos
sible to settle It by diplomatic means
and no agreement has been made to
choose another jurisdiction, the party
complaining may bring the case before
the court. The court shall first of all
decide whether the preceding condi
tions have been complied with; if bo,
it shall hear and determine the dispute
according to the terms and within the
limits of the next article."
The questions which the court is
competent to determine between mem
bers of the league are given as fol
"The Interpretation of a treaty.
"Any question of international law.
"The existence of any fact which, if
established, would constitute breach
of an international obligation.
Premier' Election Sure.
Paris. Premier Alexandre Miller-
and agreed to be a candidate for the
presidency of the republic, to succeed
President Deschanel, who has tender
ed his resignation. M. Mlllerand's ac
ceptance as a candidate for the presi
dency has virtually averted the presi
dential crisis, as it is conceded by all
sides lu the chamber of deputies and
senate that his election Is certain. He
would receive more than 700 votes.
$3,000,000 Damages Given.
Duluth, Minn. The Great Northern
Railway compauy was held responsi
ble for the origin of the forest fire
that swept the Cloquet district, Oc
tober 12, 1918, and the district court
has awarded to 273 plaintiffs dam
ages approximating $3,000,000. The
verdict is directed against W. D. Hlues
as wartime director of railroads.
Robbers Dynamite Bank.
Sioux City, Iowa. Robbers dyna
mited the Pierce bank of Linn Grove,
la., 100 miles northeast of here, and
stole $10,000 in United States bonds
and $1000 in cash early Friday. Police
are scouring the country here for the
bandits, who escaped lu a motor car.
Willamlna. Mills here are unable
to fill all the orders being received
from various sections of the state.
Every mill is working overtime at
present and no shutdown is anticipat
ed for the winter.
Willamina. The hon crop is some
what lighter than was expected in
this locality, though the grade of hops
Is excellent and the absence of aphis
conspicuous. No damage is expected
from the recent rains.
More The county farm bureau
will unload an 8000-gallon car of gaso
line at Moro this week into storage
provided by the farmers. The supply
will be sold at 30 cents as against 42
cents charged from local pumps.
Salem. The capital stock of the
Spauldlng Logging company of Salem
has been increased from $150,000 to
$2,500,000, according to notice filed
In the state corporation department.
Albany. The county court of Marl
on and Linn counties probably may
not be able to complete the new steel
bridge across the North Santiam riv
er at Mehama this year, as a result
of high water In the river this week,
which washed out the false structural
Salem. Thirty-eight aliens now re
ceiving medical treatment at the state
hospital left here Wednesday in
charge of six attendants for New
York City, where they will sail to
their native lands. Another Bhipment
of six Mexicans will be made later in
the month.
Prineville. The frequent rains In
this section of the country are prov
ing harmful to many farmers who
have not their second crop of hay
stacked. In Ochoco valley, under the
Irrigation project, hundreds of tons of
hay is ready to be stacked, but all
work is stopped.
Hood River. A crew of wreckers
has begun razing the old Wau Guln
Guln hotel, pioneer resort hostelry,
the site of which was recently pur
chased by S. Benson, who will finance
the construction of Oregon's first ex
clusive all-season tourist hotel, for
Henri Thlele of Portland.
Medford. Property, owners and oth
er citizens of Jacksonville held a mass
meeting Wednesday night for the pur
pose of discussing ways and means
to combat the movement started by
Medford and Ashland business men
to have the courthouse removed from
Jacksonville to this city.
Bend. A marked decrease in orders
received at the pine milling plants of
the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber company
and the Shevlin-Hixon company is re
ported here by the general managers
of the two local companies. The de
cline in business is virtually coinci
dent with the rise of freight rates, it
Is said.
Eugene. Three new structures
have been erected on the grounds of
the Lane county fair and even with
the additional exhibit space all stock
stalls have been spoken for. The pa
vilion is expected to be crowded to
overflowing, according to Will C. Yor-
an, executive secretary of the fair as
Medford. In the opinion of District
Attorney Roberts the report of State
Banking Superintendent Bennett upon
the condition of the defunct bank of
Jacksonville will not be ready for at
least ten days. The bank examiners
are still facing a tedious task in au
diting the books, as they were in a
chaotlo condition when the bank
Salem. More revenue raising with
out increasing the taxation burdens on
land was the chief subject discussed
at the recent meeting of the National
Tax association at Salt Lake City,
Utah, according to Frank Lovell, state
tax commissioner, who returned from
that city last week. Mr. Lovell said
representatives were present at the
convention from 41 states.
The Dalles. Poultry culling demon
strations will be held in Wasco coun
ty for three days commencing October
16, according to an announcement
made by E. R. Jackman, county agent
Charles S. Brewster, formerly head
of the poultry department of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, will conduct
the demonstrations at Chenowith,
Thompson's addition and Dufur.
Roseburg. Mrs. J. M. Lane, a resi
dent of North Roseburg, has complet
ed 40 days of fasting, according to an
nouncement made public here Friday.
Mrs. Lane was not on a "hunger
strike'" but took this method of dis
posing of some stomach ailment. She
says she has taken only a little lemon
and orange Juice during her fasting
period and the experience has cost
her a loss of 25 pounds in flesh. She
has not been confined to bed any of
the 40 days.
ctatp ivrcnire
CHAPTER VIII. Continued.
"I like to hear a man talk that way.
despise modesty In business. Of
course you are coming In with us?
As I said, we shall require five addi
tional millions, perhaps more, to work
the thing properly. There Is no need
now to go Into further details. You
understand the situation even better
than I do." He paused.
Since this Is Saturday," said FItz
hugh, "and since nothing can be
jalned by your knowing my decision
before Monday, I shall meet you Mon-
Jay morning at ten o'clock and will
then give you my answer."
A slight frown appeared on Otis'
thin face. He began gathering up his
data. "Very well. At what place?"
"At my brokers' Shirley & Co., in
the Merrlmac block.
At ten? very well. I know al
ready what your answer will be an
emphatic 'yes.' " Suddenly he stood
up, with a sweeping gesture, as
though to force Into the background
everything pertaining to business.
"Now let's talk no more shop. We've
had enough for one night"
While they were exchanging part
ing words the hall door opened and
Mrs. Otis and Kathleen entered.
Fltzhugh's heart seemed to stop for
the Infinitesimal part of a second, and
then, as Kathleen came down the hall,
It leapt, bounded, raced on with mad
dening speed. He tingled to his finger
tips. It was the first time he had
seen her since that moonlight night
two summers ago. Then, with the soft
June moon on her glorious hair, a
gauzy scarf -Over her bare shoulders,
he had thought her exquisite, ethe
real. Now, with her sables, her tur
ban of white fur, the tang of the
frosty night in her glowing skin, he
thought her ravishing, dlstractlngly
Momentarily Otis seemed to hesitate,
as though reluctant to do somethinng
that might afterward earn him a re
buke. But as Kathleen and her
mother drew near he Intercepted them
with his guest and presented hlra, first
to his wife then to his daughter.
As the girl spoke an acknowledg
ment of Fltzhugh's salutation she
looked up for the first time into his
eyes. The next Instant she started
visibly, and, seemingly unconscious of
her act, did a rather singular thing:
she came very close to him and looked
senrchlngly Into his face. The bright
color heightened In her cheeks. Her
fingers closed convulsively on the muff
she carried. Her eyes traveled swift
ly over him to his feet, and came to
rest again on his face. She seemed In
a state of bewilderment
Then, recovering her composure as
quickly as she had lost it, she mur
mured something conventional and
was gone.
He never quite knew, when he
found himself walking rapidly down
the drive, with the snow swirling
round him, how he got there. His
brain was In a whirl, his pulse on fire,
and over and over he repeated to him
self: "She's wonderful more wonder
ful than ever . . . And she knows
me I knows me Of them all she is
the only one. . . ."
His appointment was with Hunt at
a Michigan avenue club. It was here
he renewed the third acquaintance
ship of that memorable day. A "quiet
little game" was brewing In an upper
room, and he arrived In time to Join
at the beginning. The first deal fell
to him, and as he shuffled the cards
In high feather, exchanging quips with
the men around the table anent his
obvious good spirits, the door behind
him opened and some new players
The next moment FItzhugh was be
ing Introduced to the new arrivals.
"Mr. FItzhugh, this Is Artie Sparkle."
A foppish young man, smiling vacu
ously, came forward with mincing
step and held out a flabby, bejeweled
The "quiet little game" lasted all
Saturday night and until late Sunday
afternoon. Fltzhugh's GoWen God
dess, Luck, frowned upon him at first
and he lost steadily J but later his su
perior playing began to tell, and as
her Inclemency gradually turned to
smiles he won much faster than he
had lost. He was decidedly the mas
ter of the others.
Artie Sparkle lost continually. Also,
he continually drank. It was not
julte clear whether his adversity was
responsible for his intemperance, or
vice versa, but certainly as his liba
tions Increased he played the more
recklessly. He distributed his paper
freely, but as he became more intox
icated there was a decided reluctance
to the advances. At length he was
flatly refused and advised to go to
At this point FItzhugh, who so far
had loaned him nothing, removed the
requested number of chips from his
generous heap and shoved them across
the table to the tipsy one, who with
much difficulty counted them and gave
In exchange his I O U for five hun
dred dollars. They soon went the
way of the rest, and he sat slumped
down in his chair, his arms dangling
limply at either side, his head sunken,
his mouth open, leering stupidly from
under drooping lids.
FItzhugh caught his wandering eye.
"Better try another stack, Sparkle,"
he Invited In a friendly way, and be
gan cutting off a small section of his
chip pile. "How many may I help
you to, Sparkle?"
Artie struggled valiantly to speak
distinctly. "A thou a thou a hlc!
a thousan', oP shap."
With considerable slowness and de
liberation the transaction was made,
and FItzhugh pocketed Artie's I O U
for a thousand dollars.
The early winter darkness had closed
In before the game ended, and most
of the gamblers were reudy for bed.
Very quietly FItzhugh went in turn
to all those who had taken Artie's
I O U's and bought them In. In all
they amounted to over eight thousand
dollars, and the ones he himself held
brought the total to ten thousand five
FItzhugh was alone In a private
compartment of his broker's office on
Monday morning when, promptly at
ten, Otis entered. With a brief "Good
morning," the capitalist came straight
to the point.
"You are with us, FItzhugh?"
"Sit down, Otis. Make yourself com
fortable. Try one of these cigars?
You'll find them of an excellent fla
vor." Otis took a cigar from the prof
fered case and sat on the edge of the
only remaining chair In the small
room. Resting a long hand on his
knee, he tapped his wiry fingers Im
patiently against his leg. He was a
little annoyed by Fltzhugh's easy cor
diality. He never liked to mix good
fellowship with business.
"Well? You are coming In with
"For all I am worth."
"Good I" Otis sut back a little far
ther on his chair and smiled his sat
isfaction. "Good for you."
"What we want most of all just
now Is cash?"
"Yes, and lots of It."
FItzhugh took out his check book,
rested It on the small writing table,
"No!" Artie Jumped Violently. "You
Let Me Have No Such Sum. It's a
- Falsehood!"
dipped a pen In the ink. "I will give
you my check now for two hundred
Otis returned to the edge of his
chair. "We must have at least half a
million now, and perhaps five millions
altogether. I thought we went Into all
that Saturday night."
"So we did. And I repeat I am
with you for all I am worth."
Otis removed the glasses from his
aquiline nose, and, twirling them on
his finger, looked at the younger man
"I don't believe I quite understand
you," he said.
"Didn't I spenk distinctly? I say
again I am ready to pool my Interests
with yours to the last cent I possess,
He opened his check book, filled In
the date, stopped with pen poised.
"Will you take my check for two hun
dred thousand?"
While FItzhugh talked a great light
had been dawning upon his caller. It
now burst upon him effulgently and
he saw the truth. He stood up.
"I understand," he said icily.
hardly think there is need for further
He, turned to go. But suddenly the
thought of how simply he had been
"taken In" became too much even for
his halt-starved sense of humor. He
stopped at the door.
"It was very cleverly done," he con
gratuluted. "You are a gifted actor.'
"Then you won't accept my check?"
- "No. This is no game for rabbits
to play In."
FItzhugh smiled. "So you think I
am a rabbit?"
Otis deemed the question unworthy
an answer, and the door closed behind
Monday afternoon FItzhugh rang
the doorbell of Artie's apartment Soon
Artie appeared.
"My business," explained FItzhugh,
when the servant had gone, "has to
do with your I O U's which I hold."
"Aw, yes. You did let me have a
few hundreds, I remembah."
"The total amount," said FItzhugh,
Is eleven thousand dollars."
"No 1" Artie Jumped violently. "You
let me have no such sum. It's a false
hood 1" "
"Don't get excited. I bought in all
your paper after the game. It totals
eleven thousund dollars, Just as 1
Artie sprang to his feet, and, light
ing a cigarette, began pacing nerv
ously to and fro. Tossing the ciga
rette aside, he sat down, resting his
elbow on his knee, and . passed his
hand shakily across his brow.
"I can't do anything for you now,"
he muttered, without looking up.
My allowance Is overdrawn and I in
In a hole. You'll have to wait, that's
"Have I said I wouldn't?" suggested
Artie looked up quickly, a sudden
glad hope leaping to his pale eyes.
"Then you won't press me for It?
he wondered eagerly.
"I may not ask you for it at all.
I may make you a Christmas present
of the entire batch, if you"
"Only command me I I'll do any
thing you sny."
"The last three days," continued
FItzhugh, watching the effect of his
words, "I've had detectives working
for me on a rather delicate matter. They
were making a secret Investigation of
you and your family. I know to a
nicety your financial status, your so
cial standing, and I knew before 1
came here that you were unusually
hard up at present. "I need a social
valet, and I'm willing to give you the
"My deah fellow"
"I shall want to 'join the best clubs.
Your part Is obvious. You will Intro
duce me to people whom I wish to
meet, you will procure me the entree
to homes I wish to enter. There will
be other commissions which I shall
give you from time to time, and as
you fulfill them I will return, one by
one, your I O U's."
The effect of the proposal upon Ar
tie was somewhat singular. He
screwed up his mouth in a ludicrous
manner and emitted a sound thut was
a cross between a baby's crow of de
light and the screech of a peacock.
"It's excruciating I" he cried, when
he found his breath. "It'll be fright
ful fun." He sobered suddenly. "Aw
I sayl One teeny-weeny peep at the
slips, what?"
FItzhugh showed him the I O U's
and he nodded his head brightly.
Then his mirth overcame him a second
time and he went off Into another peal
of delight.
While FItzhugh snt watching him In
critical silence a servant entered and
announced several cullers. -
"Ask 'em to toddle right In." Then,
turning on FItzhugh : "I'll try you on .
my friends what?" He smiled pret
tily. "I suppose I can stand it."
The four or five youug men who en
tered were, for the most part, of Ar
tie's class. They were flaccid, listless,
seemingly consumed with ennui and
a-weary of the world. They talked
languidly of tailors and different
makes of motorcars. They expressed
lukewarm preferences for a certain
brand of cigarette or a particular kind
of mixed drink. None had any Indi
viduality but all were cut from the
same pattern.
Some time later, In the street be- -low,
FItzhugh paused a moment In
the falling snow and spoke feelingly
to himself.
"It's enough," said he, "to muke a
man stop posing."
Then he went home, addressed an
envelope to Kathleen Otis, slipped
therein a one-dollar bill and after It
a card, upon which he wrote :
"May you have a Merry Christmas
is the wish of him who bought the
soap and water."
FItzhugh planned well in making
Artie his "social valet." After that
Monday conference In his broker's
office he had surmised the relations
between himself and Otis would
thenceforth be unamlcable. His sur
mlsal proved correct when not long
afterward he met Otis and his wife
one Sunday on the drive. He doffed
his silk hat with a Chesterfieldlan
gesture and was rewarded for his
courtliness by being ignored more
pointedly than If he had been an ut
ter stranger.
Clearly after this there wns but one
way for him to see Kathleen, and that
was by the aid of Artie Sparkle.
FItzhugh never required a second at
tempt to scale the citadel of any
home, no matter how "exclusive" that
home might be. He Immediately be
came "the sensation" wherever he
went. What with his distinguished
appearance, his flashing wit-,- his skill
at repartee, and, above all else, his
gift of adapting himself readily to any
role and playing It with avidity, his
popularity was of a wondrous growth.
He never lacked an audience, nor did
he ever fall to keep one hanging on
his every word.
But FItzhugh had little time to be
a society pivot Though he was be
come a Hon he seldom went out to
roar. Only when he believed he
should see Her would he accept any
of the invitations.
All is fair In love except brunettes.