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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1920)
MAUPIN Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County vol 6, no 50 MAUP1N SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1920 THE YEAR $1.50 'It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV F. M. Jory all 5 taple Groceries Fresh Meat Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Butter-Nut Bread Doughnuts and Buns House Dresses Woolen Goods HATS HATS HATS "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" Moving Picture Program for TYGH FAIR Tuesday, September 28, 192o in The Great Air Robbery Something Exciting Wednesday, September 29 Desert of Gold by -. 'Zaini Gray Mack. Sennett Athletic Girls Comedy Thursday, September 3o The Silver Hoard Rx B&dk Fatty ArbucKle Comedy Admission 30 and 55 cents Leave for New Home Mr, and Mrs. Jerome are moving to a forty acre ranch at Newberg. Their household goods were shipped Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Buzau expect to make the trip via the Columbia highway. Jerome Ituzan is one of Eastern Oregon's pioneers, com iug to Umatilla in 1881 later going to Bakeoven where he has resided 19 years. Mr. Buzau recalls the time when he hauled wheat to Umatilla Lauding, a three days journey at which time the main line of the 0. W. R & N. was the only railroad and Hunt's Kerry was the only means of crossing the Deschutes River at Maupin and the Shaniko Brauoh the only h 'el rails piercniE t ie interior of E'teru Oregon. Ralph, Frank, W 'il, Ora Biizini and Mrs. T. A. Li ml ley, sons and daughter of Mi. Buz. mi will continue to reside in Wasco 0o. The many friends ol Mr. and Mrs. Buzan will be eon.) to lose these good, friends and neighbor aud only the best wish es for h.ppinesg and prosperity follow them to their new home. Crabtree-McCorkle A very quiet wedding was sol emnized at the Christian Parson age Wednesday when Agnes Mc Coikle and Raymond Craptree were united in natrago, Only a few of the immediate relatives witnessed the impressive ring cer emony which was used. The bride wore a charming afternoon frock of blue taffeta and velvet and the groom wore a conventional busi ness suit. The young couple are well known in this part of the country. They will be at home to their friends on their ranch near Maupin, Wamio town prnpiiily fur sale Morris Htiis: i Claud Wilson of Bakeoven was in the Times office Wednesday and reported l'ic sale of his prop erty known as il.e Harvey Ranch near Bakeoven to W. I). Aldridge. I.O. O F. W. A 1 IN ITU Lodge No. '209, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night ir Donalduou's hail. Visiting mem oers always welcome. R. B. Bell, N. G. B. F. Turner, Secretary. Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. m. V. ROBERTS, Prop. J . B. DUFUR Attorney at Law MAUPIN, OREGON Ice Cream at Cyr's ConfectVy Maupin, Ore. HOTEL MAUPIN Under New Management Dr. T. DcLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore Phone Black 1111 Real Community Spirit Shown Mrs. Callie M. Bighee of Wap initia High School has bcrti ap pointed director of the Wasco Jounly , Juvenile Booth at t In state Fair, She will be assisted in the wink by Mr, Bunnell the nianuel train-j ing teacher of The Dulles. Mrs, Biguee accomparihul by representatives of the JL'orn an I Cooking Clubs of Wapinitia pus ed through Maupin on their way to Salem wheie they expect to spend a delightful week and at the same time boost -Wapinitia and Wasco County. Misses Josephine O'Brien of lb" cooking club, Messers Roy Wood side and Floyd Richmond of ti c corn club distinguished ivi ti t i tin i' a I'tmuiiM i r ncc'lut M IT Bigbee in the work for Wajminia. The happy delegrtes will be joined in The Dalles by different representatives of Wasco county, then proceed immediately to Salem where they will make a united effort to get their booth iu shape bg Moiid iy the 27tb, at epening hour and 'thereby receive an extra t00 for expenses. The Wapinitia delegates were 'laded dow with samples of theii works of art and evpect to cop some prizes. Wo certaiuly wish thmn all the suciess possibld. A united effort by Sotitbcrii Wasco county would undoubtedly accomplish some gmid as the out tide has no way of knowing what we have unless we show i lien). "Here is success to united effort! "It a'iut the individual, nor tin army as a whole, dut the ev i laM iug team-work of every bluomii soul." Oue who appreciates. Teacher of Piano Mrs. H. F. Bothwell Maupin, Oregon 1' PATRONIZE Maupin State Banl Wc Strive to Merit Approval At Last A Real Phonograph Paihe , No needles to change Records last indefinitely Plays any make of Record. "Ears that have been distraught by the glare of "talking ma chines" have welcomed the jewel ed music of the rathe." Costs no more than the ordinary Phonograph Terms if Desired Pdthe Records in Stock SHATTUCK BROS. mm There is no idlcsoil when a Superior Grain Drill is used in the V seeding. It doesn't skip, clog or leave empty furrows. Distributes all . the grain evenly at the bottom of the drill furrow insuring uniform covering. A full, even stand results, and the full stand brings the full crop. That's why HUB enor Grain Drills have won their way info thn favor of ilia farmers who proparo and plant their fields for the extra bushel the all profit bunlieh. Made of the choicest materials. Special features: Double nm positive force grain feeds two fcedn in one. Parallel disc bearings ftuamnl.eod for life of drill, Superior telescoping steel conductor tubea non-bmibihle; no fl Metf for wwin biuilme, h nil;iu, I lending or col b wirier. Superior pat- I i-A"1"4- . i .u..!.": I v ' " II ""V emea osculating ur.ig-UKra insuro ou more cicnrwiuu, rm and iiiiall 'f-mfn 4. fl. 7 H'nl i mwpi In iUln irmlii and ttlliw Constructed for V& With Any Tractor If, ftiil (jflV yiU lo Un tlilB 1'nll bpraii'jp its effort jvn tmd economical sowing will brio; you fcrator prolils in in creased crops. Superior Drills are noted ior lightness cl draft, easfl of operation and unusual strength. f, Formaldehyde and Blue tslone for Hale ul the Maupin Drug Store George Cunningham fiokl t i t tock fiirtn up the DeBchuleB, J hi week lo Bruce Bothwell, Stop al the Crescent Unrio foi free air, infuriiiHtiou, rami grouuda, while at the Tygli VmIIcj Fair. For Sale Buctional bookcaai and No. 5 Undorwood Slaudanl rypewritor. Call or address A Rauuigurluer, Maupin, Ort-gon. H. AnderHon was called to the city by btiBiuesH thin week, We can make delivery on FonK and can handle a few trade inn. Crescent Garage. - A. L. Martin took tip a collect ion from the business people of Maapiu and replaced the tuoken down ntep at the end of Hit bridge completing the job thi morning. Let us lake your nieaMiie lor your new winter buit while Ihc ausoitinen ie coiiipmidi'te. R, K Wilson Co. G. C. Blusher wuh in Maupin Wduesday driving the new truck o.vned by the Slusher Brolhera of 1 iU i,'r ,p mm d . a 4 i R. IL. W I un,i wimij in iison VO. Cot your Fresh Bread daily at Andy's Place We now handle the Butter-Krud Bread Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream It's Refreshing Home Cooked Meals Urcakfasl 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m. Supper 5:30 to 8 V. M. Short Orders ail Day ' Fresh Meat at all Times II. ANDERSON, Prop. L BAUMGAETNEf LAWYER Duftir and Manpiu.