urn Plem Menrlo. ThU Paper When BONDS Write for descriptive circulars and booklets. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., Morris Buildint, 309-11 Start: Street I KcumCutxull Liberty Bonds & Unlisted Stocks On Any Market HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Railway Exchange Building. CYLINDER GRINDING Motor Hotel Alder DO Will with Ship Your Cream to MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. PORTLAND Accurate Tests Highest Prices SALE OF PAINT AT SMITH'S This Is the best time of the year to Paint, If you want to sell, it will make hundreds of dollars difference in your buildings. This September Sale comes at just the right time. Outside White Paint, Outside Ivory Paint, Outside Gray Paint, Inside Gloss White Paint, Inside Flat White Paint, Inside Floor Paint, all colors. Special at Per Gal, $3.59; Per Half gal, $1.85; Per qt. $1 A little bit of paper, a little bit of paint, makes those summer fly specks look as if they ain't. SMITH'S WALL PAPER HOUSE Second St., Bet. Wash, and Stark SUNSET CREAMERY CO T. S. TOWNSEND, Pres. & Mgr. 281-83 First Street. BAB'S RESTAURANT SS ma T?r niAl?J?Q TONSETH FLORAL CO. r LKJVV III MX O TV House of Floweri FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phona Main S102 287 Washington St.. New and Second Hand Tents and Covers at SPECIAL PRICES r -vTirr- mrrvrnn o iirxTTvr" "r C5 t' No. 1 OE PA BISSINGER & CO., V Largest dealers on the Coast. 148 0 Ore.; Wool Pullery Sellwood Sta., paid at all times. Curstit planes for sale; repairs and parti; complete airplane service. 0. W. & I. Airplane Co., ams HAND MADS , r i SHADES' COLUMBIA QU A T5QliT The only way to reach you is through advertising. jlhis Razor SXAXftXXdVvXH Strop Paste is for all kinds of razors and is guaranteed to give 1 satisfaction or money refunded. 86c per box or 4 for 81 postpaid. 4 IOr $ 1 SHARPON, 248-j Stark Street, Portland, Oregon Wanted Laborers Paper Millwork at 54c per hr. and up. Good chance for advancement. Construction work at 60c per hr. Build ing new Pulp and Paper department. .. Apply at either of our mills, West Linn, Oregon, or Camas. Wash., or come to 210 Commonwealth bldg., Portland, Oregon, and we will pay your transportation FREE from Portland to either mill. Dread Suspense. "Oh, doctor, tell me, quick!" moan ed the fair patient, clasping her lap dog and convulsively nibbling a thousand-dollar check. "How sick am I? Is it Cullfornla, Florida or Europe?" Such a Simple Process. During an examination in Kansas a would-be teacher declared that "An alien may become a citizen by being born in this country." Boston Tran script. Answerint Hum Ad.ertise.Mata. If you Must sell your LIBERTY or VICTORY bondB sell to us. If you can buy more LIBERTY or VICTORY bonds buy from us. We buy and sell at the New York market GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPALIBONDS PORTLAND. OREGON At Heilig Theater, Portland, Oregon Three Nights: Sun. Mon. Tues. Four Matinees: Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. MATINEES 1 5c to 75c. NIGHTS-ISc to $1,2S FRED DUNDEE Car Repairing & Machine Portland, Oregon. Works YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL 285 Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. rent you a room for $1.00 per day, or a room bath for $1.60 to $2.00 per day? FOR ALL MAKES OP CABS. A. J. WINTERS CO. DISTRIBUTORS. 5-7 Sixth St., Portland. Correct Weights Cream shipped DIRECT to us gets HIGHEST POSSIBLE price But If sold to a CREAM STATION, a part of your profit goes toward paying station expense. A good place to Eat and Live iWell. sue luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m., 826 Stark St. Portland. Oregon North First Street. Wool, Pelts, Tallow. Wool Pullers - 164 North 18th St., P. O. box 4878 Portland, Portland. Ship us your goods; highest prices YOU CAN FLY Flights over Portland or long trips any time every day. Instruction by pilots with unequalled records and experience. 2flth and Linnton Road. Take Depot- Pnrllann flrpcrnn Morrison car. Phone Broadway 83. IWIMUU, UlCgUU All Reputable Furniture Dealers Sell VENUS Hand-Made Shades Carried In twenty-four beautiful colors. Mounted on HARTSHORN Rollers only. Ask your dealer. AWNING & SHADE CO.. MFCS. PORTLAND, OREGON. Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. Vague Description. Little Betty running from a luncheon where some very dainty sandwiches were served said: "Moth er dear, will you make Borne ot those nice little sandwiches for me some day without any bark on?" A Real Science. A giant riveting machine of 675,000 pounds pressure can be so regulated as to crack the shell of an egg with out crushing it mm "Where Home Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, OB. The pleasure of your trip to Fort bud will depend upon the kotel you select Cosy surroundings, moderate rate, and the welcome yon fUd In Soar own home town, await yea at is Maitnosuh. Garage In Connection. t A PAIR OF GLASSES THAT IS FIT TO YOUR EYES WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY, WEALTHY AND WISE, Or, Hurley's Per fect Fitting Glasses will do all of this. Dr. C. A. Hurley 6th Floor Raliegh Building, 111 Washington Street. ft The Covey Motor Car Company wishes to dispose of several cars that have remained unsold beyond their time limit. The former gasoline shortage and seem lng unsettled conditions undoubtedly are responsible for this condition. These cars will be disposed of at very attractive prices, while they last. This Is your opportunity. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington St. at 21st Main 6244 Hotel Seaside, Inc. Seaside (Clatsop Beach), Oregon OREGON'S NEW AT1-THE-YEAR- ROUND OCEAN BEACH BESOM HOTEL Hates for Room and Meals Included. Per Day, One Person, $5.50 or 6.50; Two, 810.00 or $11.00. Per Week, One Person, 38.60 or 42.00; TWO, 170.00. Bnth, Per Day, One, 87.60 or 8.50; Two, 812.00 or $13.00. Bath, Per Week, One, $52.50 of 56.00; Two, tJO.SO or $S4.MJ. SPECIAL RATES FOR CHILDREN, AMERICAN PLAN ROOM AND MEALS INCLUDED. For reservations, address CHAS. H. ROWLEY, Manager. "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE" Printing Engraving Bookbinding - V rffm. Furnt- SIMJflfJf mre. aV s,.,7,,ji,r. StPTH QAK STNCKT. FOHTLAND. OMaOR ST. PAUL HOTEL Fourth and Alder. CLEAN, MODERN, RESPECTABLE $1.00 Up. Private Bath $2.00. G. & R. MACHINERY CO. 601 Cerlinger Bldg., Phone Main 8201 Portland, Or Boilers and Engines, Sawmill Equipments . HOTEL RAMPO 14th and Washington Portland, Oregon in the heart ot the Bhopping ana theatrical district. Rates $1 to $3. Geo. It Tremblay, Mgr. NEW PALACE HOTEL LW. HIMES, ffl ,J IT Washington at Manager. $1 dllQ UD 12th Street. Portland, Oregon. BOILER REPAIRS and WELDING o CASTINGS and STEEL We send men all over the Northwest. Let us figure with you. Send for our folder showing how we can double the capacity ot your Doner. Portland Boiler Works. 17th A Pettygrove Sts., Portland, Ore. CASCARA BARK Ship to us and receive the HIGHEST PRICE. We want all you have. Write for tags and prices. Sullivan Hide & Wool Co 144 Front St., Portland, Ore. CoroNA The Persona Writing Machine. Weight lbs. Price $60 00 case Included FU It Up Take Ills Yoa; Trsewrile aorwfccrs E. W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth, Portland Writ, for Folder "G" Ladies' Friend Electric Irons $5.50 eacl Et.F.rrninAL supplies. GRAND ELECTRIC CO., Portland, Or. Chinese Medicine Co SOT GEE, Prop. Root and Herb Remedies. 1334 First Street. Good rhlng They Weren't. Buffon calculated that if a pair of herrings could be left to breed and multiply undisturbed for a period of 20 years, they would yield an amount of fish equal in bulk to the globe on which we live. Cheerfulness. Cheerfulness is full of significance it suggests good health, a clear con science and a soul at peace with all human nature. Charles KIngsley, INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Catalogues aupplled and com mercial Inqulrleo cheerfully answered. write any firm beiowl Do it nowl ART LEATHER GOODS Leather Legging, Traveling Bags, Trunks, Cartridge Belts. Portland Leather Co icy ungmiUmii. ARTIFICIAL TEETH SPECIALIST Dr. E. C. Rossman, SOT Journal Bldg. BOILER WORKS New Repairing East Side Boiler Wka, East Water & Male BRAZING. WELDING oV CUTTING Northwest Welding ft Supply Co, it 1st Bt BUTTER FAT BUUUm Fernwood Dairy pays cash for Putterrat. CREAMERY Willamette Dairy, Buyers of Milk, Cream and Kggs. we pay casn, ess union av.n Oregon Creamery for Ergs, Cream 110 2nd CUT FLOWER8 A FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. DENTIST. LATE U. B. NAVY Dr. P. G. Brown, lull Stevens Bl, Portland DENTIST B. B. Wright, 10! Raleigh Blag.. ft wn DANCING EVERY NOON ft EVENING Oriental Cafe. Chinese-American Kitchen Corner Broadway and Wash. PORTLAND ELECTRIC- ADVERTISING SIGNS Union Sign Co., 78 West Park at Oak. NGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS Irwln-Hodson, Stationers, Portland. Ore FARM LOANS Devereaux Mortgage Co., 87 6th St FLOWERS FOR ANY OCCASION Geo. Beta ft Son, 697 Williams Ave. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7 th & Madison. FURNACE8. CORNICE ft ROOFING Grand Sheet Metal Works, E. 8d ft Davis anaqer i For Experienced Wood Turning and Cabinet Work CALL ION H. MANGOLD, 329 East Morrison Portland, Or.. JONES LUMBER CO. Established 18S9. 291 Fourth St., Cor. Columbia, Portland, Oregon, .umber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings Let us figure your next lumber bill. Buy Your Adding Machine where you will but see us first save money, New and second -hand Adding machines. P. R. Mahoney, Factory Expert. All kinds of machines. Overhauling and all kinds of general repairs a specialty. 384 Stark street, PORTLAND, ORE, KEROSENE KREAML ORTLAND RUG CO Manufacturer! of FLUFF and RAG RUGS a Specialty CARPET CLEANING, LAYING ft SIZING 1672-1674 East 17th Street 0. Ol IFF1M PITY Steam Cleaning ndDveiniWks A we maKe your worn garments look like new. Employ experienced help and get nest results, vre pay poai age one way. Ill Grand Ave.. Portlaaa We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets nai ruKS. mu ibb. aimii uiuon yiuiiaiv. n J ' .4 J.,, lnnA rugW fUlll mi Cl luaj.iii an, ii vi ui J wmucui Phone or write for price Hit. fciav. olle- 1WI VUU1U1JBB1UU. NorthwestRug Co. Ill K. Eighth Bt East mo. RAINIER HOTEL 128 N. 6th St., Portland, Ore Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Postoffice. Medium Priced Among the Best "A Modtrak Prkei Hotel sf Merit" HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St.. at East Sixth, th Principal East Bide Hotel. I minutes from Shopping District. Dour Diocaa irom B. r luaat Blue uiatioa. ATTENTION SANITILE Floors, beautiful and econom leal lor homes ana punno Dunaings. We hot-coat old shingle roofs. Oregon Mastic Floor Co., Inc, 80S Chsmber of Commerce Building Portland, Ore. Established 20 Years In Portland, Or. C. GEE WO'S ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES Give Wonderful Results. 162H First Street Portland. Ore. MONG CHUNG WO, Chinese Medicine Co r.iii'veu l 'I u?t diaih hi... uaw u Pine. Portland. Call and see him or write. t j. a- a a u i . u a k.t tr m Consultation Free. Very Rude, Indeed. "I'm not going to that woman bar ber's again; there's a rude girl there, don't you know. Why, she looked my moustache, and asked me if would have it sponged of or rubbed In." Edinburgh Scotsman. Too Busy Hitching. Also we have to remind you that the kind of man who hitches hi wagon to a star doesn't haul much- Dallas News. .V.vn 1 KEROSENE II MM (3 ((J a package Detore (a package V v aunns The Flavor' So Does the Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented convenient, ecouomicul face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. Two Regular Jobs. Ward and Yokes' idea of regular Job was picking blossoms from a cen tury plant, but our energetic nature prompts us to look for a position tear ing the Feb. 29 leaves off a desk calen dar. The Home Sector. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. ' Allan's Fnnt-KaM. theantlHDtleDowder. Makes tight or new shoe, feel easy. Relieve. Corns, Bunions, Hot, Swollen, Tender, Aching Feet Sold everywhere, 26c. Don't accept any substitute Sample FKEE. Address. Allen S. Olmsted, L. Roy, N. I. Wood Rat's Peculiar Trick. The wood or pack rat, common in the northwestern part of the United States, has this peculiar trait: It leaves bits of wood, leaves or trash as substitutes for the materials it carries away. Lift qffComs! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezona costs only a few cents. With your fingers! Ton cau lift of! af hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. In stantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly 1 No hum' bug! Cause for Admiration. Mildred's mother married an elder ly looking man with a gray beard, When Mildred's aunt asked her if Bhe liked her new father, she said, "Oh, very much, because be looks like San ta Claus." Just as Reasonable! And the reason why we think a twenty-one-year-old girl needs paint is because a month-old baby needs teeth. Dallas News. and Ja package TO W3 trie war f me war wow Lasts Price! Dally Thought A few more smiles of silent sym pathy, a few more tender words, a little more restraint on temper may make all the difference in our lives. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is genu ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twen ty years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Tooth ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Kheumatlsm, Colds and Fain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." As pirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Monoaceticacldester ot Salicyllcacld. Adv. Saying Kind Things. We cannot all say clever things, but we all can say kind things, the kind will linger in the heart and keep on doing business In the life after the most brilliant speech has slipped from memory. Red and White Lights. On dark nights a white light can be seen farther than any other, but on light nights red takes the first place. What Star Gazers Lack. Our observation is that an astrono mer has a great deal of latitude, but not much money. Dullas News. Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful Soap 25c, Ointment 25 as J 50c, Talcan 25c. Are Yoi Satisfied? BEHNKE.WAIKF.R BUSINESS COLLeCl Is the biggest, moat perfectly equipped Business Training School In the North west Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduate.. Write for catalog Fourth and Tamhlu, Portland. 'I7VVR Res,, Belresfies, Soelbet, VRilliZ DealsKeen vour Eves .- 1 Strong and Healthy. If ' IaV- they Tire, Smart, ltch,or sIVTQ Burn' U Irritated, I CI LJ Inflamed nr nrnnulat.! use Murine often.' Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book, Mirlse Eye Beswdy Ceinwy. Csltsee. II. 8. 1 P. N. U. No, 38, 1920