The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 10, 1920, Supplement, Image 5

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    bpiplomeinii to TIk Mmpiira Times
Vol. 6, No. 48, Maupin, Oregon, Friday, September 10, 1920
Wamic News
Miss Eula Stogsdill returned to
The Dalles Thursday after spend
ing several days with Miss Hilda
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Driver made
a trip to Sherar Friday.
C. M. Plyler gave another inter
esting picture show and dance Sat
urday night.
George and Frank Magill and
their families went to the moun
tains Sunday.
Henry Millet moved to the
White river plant yesterday where
he has employment.
J. H. and family and H. F.
Woodcock were over from Maupin
yesterday guests at the A, E. Lake
and Guy Harvey homes.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McCorkle
took Mrs. J. L. Cleminsto Maupin
after spending the week at the
McCorkle farm. Miss Katherine
Clemitis accompanied her mother
to Portland.
Andy Bailes and Mrs. M. Beaty
weul to The Dalles Saturday.
John Eubanks and family went
to Maupin today.
Mrs. Ella steers and Madge
Kistner came up from Tygh Fri
day. Mrs. Kistner accompanied
them home after a week's stay at
the Dean and Pratt homes.
Mrs. Ike and Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Driver returned from the
mountain! Saturday. Dr. and
Mrs. Short of Dufur were with
Cheap Watches the kind you
pay $ii.7o for ut other places,
$2 2.5 at Maupin Drug Store.
W. J Fischer is constructing a
.speeder from Ford parts. He
says machine'' of this type art
unpaid of 10U mile an hour rale,
but lie does not- expert to travel
that fast.
Mis Siieun Derthiek returned
t lie lact of the w eek fiom Albany.
Iv A May hew spent, u few day"
iii Maupin last week. The family
arj lumped at Dall-is ami expect
to impend the winter in Ashland.
J ihii Cnnioy was a week end
vi-itur in Maupin.
Grant Led font and family were
ivr from Snmck Saturday.
Kan a flan
Get your Fresh Salmon
for canning and salting
at ANDY'S, 10 and 15cts per lb
Get your orders in early, the
season lasts only three weeks
Eat what you can and what you
can't you can can
Direct from the Fisherman
For sale 25 sackB of fall rye if
taken right away. J. W. Ayres.
G. L. Harphani left Monday for
Nampa, Idaho.
II M. Green and family return
ed home Saturday from the moun
tains. Wage war on the flies Fly
poison 5c. Buhacli Powder 10
and 25c. Maupin Drug Store.
It. M. Cant well and family went
to the mountains this week.
H. F. Woodcock of The Dalles
and his brother, J R. of Wamic
leave here today for a hunting
trip out south of Bend.
Woodcock Bros, are making
preparations to build a warehouse.
Formaldehyde and Blue Stone
for sale at the Maupin Drugstore.
Wamic town property for sale
Morris Bros
Miss Carr and Mis1 Winning of
the County Library have been out
this week on a lour of the county
with Mrs. Bennett of The Dalle?.
Mrs. L. A. Bleakney of Shaniko,
accompanied the party home.
Aeroplanes will soon be on nr
dinaiy sight to residents of this
jeclio.i. One passed over from
the north yesterday morning.
W 0. Wilson of the Poitland
Flouring Mills came Friday and Judge Bennett passed through
ws the guest of his brot her, U. j heie yesterd ay enroute to his farm
ia maintained by the atate
in order that the young peo
ple of Oregon may receive,
without comI, the bencfita of
a liberal education.
The University includes the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, the
Graduate School, the School of Phys
ical Education, and the professional
Schools of Law. Medicine (at Portland),
Architecture, Commerce. Journalism,
Education and Music.
High standards of scholarship are
made possible by an uble faculty, veil
equipped laboratories and a library of
nearly 100.000 volumes.
Supervised athletics are encouraged
and every attention given the health
and of the students.
With a heiahtened confidence)
gained by the recent eapreaaion
ol public aupport, the. l.'iitvcraitr
la now entering upon an erst of
larie development and eitended
For a catalogue or for any information,
I'niveraitr of Oregon
Kuaenc, Oregon
K. Wilson, a few hours.
For sale Due team of mares 8
years old; will bieak good leaders,
weight about liiOO pounds. In
quire at Times,
John Connolly returned Friday
from looking after business inter
ests at Bend.
at Antelope.
Mr. and Mrs. S. It. ltav return
eil to Prineville the first of the
mountains with about forty gal
lons of berries.
A. F. Martin left Tuesday morn
ing for a business trip to The
Dalles and Portland.