Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1920)
Pleae. M.atjoa ThU Paper When Answariu Theee Adnrtiseeaenta. If you Must sell your LIBERTY or VICTORY bonds sell to us. If you can buy more LIBERTY or VICTORY bonds buy from us. We buy and sell at the New York market GOV F.RNMFNT ln 1I I N IP I P A I 'RftNnS Write for descriptive circular! ind booklets. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., MorrU Buildim. 309-11 Stark Street PORTLAND. OREGON BONDS At Heilig Theater, Portland, Oregon Three Night.: Sun. Mon. Tue.. Four Matinees: Sun. Mon. Tue.. Wed. MATINEES 1 5c to 75c. NIGHTS-ISc to $1.25 Liberty Bonds & Unlisted Stocks On Any Market HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Railway Exchange Building. CYLINDER GRINDING FRED DUNDEE Motor Car Repairing & Machine Works Portland, Oregon. 1 : - V Hotel Seaside, Inc. Seaside (Clatsop Beach), Oregon I L- ' , ' a VIST AT T -THIT-VK R- ROLNU OCEAN BEACH RESORT HOTEL Rates (or Boom and Meal. Included. Per Day, On. Person, J5.S0 or Jti.50; Two, Per Week, On. Person, (38.50 or $42.00; J, WO, IU.UU. Bath, Per Day, On., $7.50 or 18.50; Two, $12.00 or $13.00. Bath, Per Week, One, $52.50 of $56.00; Two, ftau.DU or oa.ov. SPECIAL RATES FOB CHILDREN. AMEBICAN FLAN BOOM AND MEALS For reservations, address CHAS. H. BOWLEY, Manager. HOUSE BARN SILO BOAT4 Preservative Guaranteed PAINTS 16 Colors, gallon Hotel Alder Booms II per day and np. Special monthly re tee. Out-of-town risitors made to feel at homo. Southern Pacific electria train depot In same building. J. W. BUSHONQ. Manager. BH6 Alder St.. era. 4th. - POBXLAND, ORB FOB ALL MAKES OF CABS. A. J. WINTERS CO. DISTRIBUTORS. 15-6? Sixth St., Portland. Ship Your Cream to MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. paint INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Catalogue, eupplled and com mercial Inqulrlw cheerfully anewered. Writ, any firm below I Do It now I $3.65 Our Handy All-Round Electric Lantern PRICE COMPLETE $6.00 There should ba one of these lanterns with vou on your next outing, camping or hiking trip, as it la a much cheaper and more dependable light for sucn an occasion than the ordinary flashlight Has a drv battery guaranteed to burn 80 continuous hours. Sent prepaid Parcel Post on receipt of price, write lor luua trated folder of lanterns and batteries. DeLuxe Electric Lantern Co. INC. 609-10 Couch Bldg., Portland, Ore. r i i ii ninrrfU ' ,: T :. i -l u. I Al utlA aim nuvi inniitJt; 10 Colors, (Q i( gallon pU.tU Qrl .nln. i-orrl Order by mail. Mail orders tilled same day as received.. The Beebe Company Cor. 1st and Wash. Sts. Portland, - Oregon !MW'W,!M'IM1iM1:T!;l'! mm i - nr fT-rwl ART LEATHER GOODS Leather Leggina, Traveling Bags, Trunks, Cartridge Belts. Portland Leather Co., 226 W ashlngton. ARTIFICIAL TEETH SPECIALIST Dr. E. CRossman, $57 Journal Bldg. BOILE RWORK8r-Nw Repairing East Side Boiler Wka, East Water ft Mala BOOKS NEW AN D SECON D HAND jonnson a cooa piora, a.c aimu ou Highest Prices PORTLAND Accurate Tests Correct Weights SUNSET CREAMERY CO T. S. TOWNSEND, Pre.. ft 281-83 Firit Street. Msr. Cream shipped DIRECT to us gets HIGHEST POSSIBLE price But If sold to a CREAM STATION, a part of your profit goes toward paying station expense. BAB'S RESTAURANT A good place to Eat and Live iWell. Remarkable 60c luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m., 326 Stark St, J & i mm nr ni locro TUIT A rAin ur olhooco inti IS FIT TO YOUR EYES WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY. WEALTHY AND WISE. Dr. Hurley's Per- X feet Fitting Glasses will do T .11 .1 1L! A an OT nub. s Dr. C. A. Hurley t 6th Floor Raiiegh Building, e New and Second Hand Tents and Covers at SPECIAL PRICES 'ftt DArTPTrr TtrwT xv AWNTNrr. m No. 1 North First Street. ' We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Rag ruga, all sizes. Mall orders prompt Rugs and carpets steam and dry cleaned. Dk... writs f nr nrli.A II... HaVVa anile. nor s commiwiuii. ESSES ur mjirr?r?Q tonseth floral co. rLtU VVJlflX O The Hons of Flowen FOR ALL OCCASIONS Proms Main 5102 187 Washington St., Portland, Oregon rA BISSINGER & CO., Wool, Pelts, Tallow. Wool Pullers Largest dealers on the Coast. 148-164 North 13th St., P. O. box 4878 Portland, Ore.; Wool Pullery Sellwood Sta., Portland. Ship us your goods; highest prices paid at all times, ES O YOU CAN FLY USED CARS Aavu oro In thA lined car bus! In the used car business to sell new cars (JO Ha IU muno luuiicj met u Tne less reaisiance we iiu-vb vu naio of used cars enables us to sell more of them ana our new car saiee 1;"?; fore increased. Cars in perfect condition reduce this sales resistance to a mini mum. We spare no expense to obtain this result r-nvB-v nfriTrro tap rnMPANT Washington St. at 21st Main 6244 "Where Book Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, ORB, The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select Cosy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find In your own home town, await yon at the MaltBosaah. Garage in Connection. Northwest Welding ft Supply Co. ii 1st Bt BUTTER FAT UlUun I r ernwooa uairy payo cqgu iw uuucnak Willamette Dairy, Buyers or aula, ureair and Kirera. We Day cash. 483 Union Av.N Oregon Creamery for Ears, Cream HQ 8ad PERSONAL MARRY fiMLNELx; for results, try Hie, UTTBt eaiiu muni luvwrnerui uviuui soon; etrlcUy confidenlial; most reiaU; J rai aj Ul 3tn'i aviims lyuuu The Successful Club," Mrs. Bail. Boa S6S, Oakland, California. - . RAZORS Th. fiimniil mmraunil fop temDerlnC rasors wiinuui unnu nun umviu. m delight Th. Strataaum Co, (OS Chamber of Com. . PLATQJ(ILNCJLER Headlights resilvered, S3.00 pairTpot llDh,a tl Kri uiph Parts nini,AlAH Hld. ware refinished. California PlaUng Wka,, Cor, zna ana aimon ia ; PLUMBING A PLUMBING SUPPLIES We can supply you with any kind ot plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. We will gladly estimate cost ot any lob. nut. .. nrlnu nnw v jjhv. BTABK.-DAV1H W: 188-190 4th St. Portland riiT r- I rill EDO J c I O DAI HI C C I M ft ciarae aros., rioriata, tot wuin.mi pt DENTIST, L.ATE U. 8. NAVY Dr. P. Q. Brown, 808 Stevens BL Portland B. E. Wria-ht 808 Raleigh Bldg., I ft Wn r. . l v. c7eaw KinriM a ITUFrJlNja Oriental Cafe. Chinese-American Kitchen corner tsroaqway ana v hsu. rvn mflny WANTED FIR PITCH r.n'vTrir-Tttch In ftnv Quantity. Hlehest market nrlce. Payment on de livery. Write for schedule of prices on pitch ana equipment. iNorinweaicm u, pentlne Co., 368 East Ninth St., Portland, uregon. rTcToir m Anucbriaiiun SIOMS" Union Sign Co., 7 West Park at Oak. ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS Irwln-Hodson. Stationers, Portland. Ore. r- a n ,1 a n M C Uevereaux Mortgage Co., 87 6th St cri niucbs B-ADanjv nr.r.AfiibN Geo. Bets & Sonj697 Williams Ave. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. FURNACES, CORNICE" 4 ROOFING firund Sheet Metal Works. E. 3d ft Davis GARAGES AND AUTO REPAIRING MTXTfrcTirage, 21st andWashington Sts Multnomah Hotel 6arage, 2d and Ankeny. HARD WOOD FLOORING ... , Eisman Hurdwood Floor Co. 389 E Wash. WELDING A BRAZING TOfersonl5epbt Welding Shop. Repair ing of Boilers and Farming Implements. 189jColumbla St, Phone Marshall 8944. -PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Write us for prices. Pioneer Paint Co, 186 First St, Portland. tln vain, t? 00 nricA 13.45. Fh( Aide Hardwood Floor Co.. Inc.-' tiu c Duriisiuc. 1 : . . . r- wAiib eEa C V 1 U I M 7 n neve Twwn k. i -.r-. ...... - A. E. HurwIti. Optometrist 226 First Bt HEMSTITCHING, S ttnis Ella M. Stevens. 606 Raleigh Bldg. Hemstitching, Buttons Covered, Plaiting d. r. cunuurii, mum o H Northwest Rug Co. Ill E. Eighth St - East 1680. Flights over Portland or long trips any time every day. instruction ny piiois wit!, tinoniiallArl ntmril. and exoerience. Curatis planes for sale; repairs and parts; complete airplane service. 0. W. & I. Airplane Co., Port131"1. 0re8on "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE" , Printing Engraving Bookbinding tare. SV. V eortNO. oeeoo. G. & R. MACHINERY CO. 501 Gerlinger Bldg., Phone Main 8201 Portland, Ot Boilers and Engines, Sawmill Equipments OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE when competent Catalogue free J. A. Lakln,whoesale,rall1102 GranaAV MILLINERY ft PARCLEY CORSET Jones Miiunery, uiw I,nkiii,iE KITC C; M anrl Pin Rt.. Otto Schumann Granite ft Marble Works NURSERIES Russellvllle Iursery,rrvl. Benedict Nursery'Co.. 185 ET 87th N. svi ii idccdv ernr it Villa NurBeries, R. Na 1, Portlan. Lift qffComs! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. L J nnVi r-1 lire oiirs m J. H. L,enmann, irop. lao juai. a mm OIL SHAMPOOING ft MANICURING Myrtle Clarae, laa MorgTm """"" PIANOS ft TALKING MACH1NLS Soule Bros., It Tenui Drugs by MAIL WE PAY THE POSTAGE ts lam h. d 1 1 na Dpuri. and Cham I cats. Shoulder Bracei, Arch Supports. TRU8S8E8, Elastic BtocklnQt, ADaom mat supporxersi oupBnury B"uy Uan anrl till rthtP PllhhAI aoodsl Of SVerV fJaaanstlrtrlnn. Mnd tri islH Laue-Davis Drug Co. Third and Yamhllll, Portland. Oregon PLASTER DOLLS AND NOV E LTI ES Rose ttyHovenrwa).. av " - PRODUCE BOUGHT Peerless Produce Co., 176 Front Bt Shin na vour Hoes. VeaL Poultry, Eggs, Hlues. it-n. riuuuo .v., PYORRHEA DENTISTS Smith Long Service. 110 Bush ft Lane Bl !ersta?eRLandCo., 8StarkSt REAL ESTATE AND LOANS m V. Harrison. 613 Gerlinger Bldg. . . i ,un PUTCT MCTA WKH McDonald ft Wynkoop, 2d and Madison. . . i n r . ,m ni on ah Norrls Safe & Lock Co., 105 2nd Bt SHEET Mt AL n&.iiiiji. " Union Ave. Metal Wks.. 411 Union Ave. Buy Your Adding Machine where you will but see us first save money. jNew ana &econa-nana auuihb iimtiuuco. P. R. Mahoney, Factory Expert. All kinds of machinea. Overhauling and all kinds of general repairs a apeciauy. The Hazelwood CONFECTIONERY & RESTAURANT 388 Washington 127 Broadway. The best of everything to eat, prepared in the way you like best. The Hazel wood will welcome you in Portland. PORTLAND RUG CO. IMeaniif arilpnrBl flf FLUFF and RAG RUGS a Specialty CARPET CLEAA1NU, UIIKU a Bianu 1672-1674 East 17th Street SANITARIUM Dr. A. V. Downs, 940 Corbett St vi.i.IITUO Willamette Sheet Metal Wka, Auto Work e.,.i.lki li IK N. 3rd St. Window "ShaBes 428 Alder Bt Peake, The Shade Man i." . . i . r- n WDC ATC t Lowell M. Jones, M. 111 Morgan Bldg With vniii" ftno-araT Vnil Mil lift off ABf bard corn, soft cam, or corn be tween the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet A tiny bottle ot "Freezone" oosts little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon me corn or cauua. in stantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit ot pain or soreness. Truly 1 No hum- Dug I Poker as Glass Cutter. An lneenious method ot cutting glass with a poker Is described. Make a tiny notch on the edge ot the glaBS where you want to cut it. Lay the glass over a newspaper, bo that you have a printed line as a guide, heat a poker and apply it where the notch Is. There is a faluLclick, and it the hot poker is drawn slowly across, a crack follows. When the opposite edge of the glass is reached it will be found that it is In two separate parts. 384 Stark street. TO MONG CHUNG WO, Chinese Medicine Co. D.nMui n aau. RlTth St.. net Oak ft PORTLAND, ORE. pine, Portland. Call and see him or write. Consultation Free. Europe 105 Third Si, nf T A rtnATVT The only way to reach you is through advertising. This Razor SriAKIrUlN Strop Pali8 for all kinds of razors and iB guaranteed to give B,.f,l,ul ur... ,,r w,y nr 4 frr 11 DOStoaid. BailHlUCLIUIl Ul lUUIlc; . ' " " 243' Stark Street, Portland, Oregon 4 for $1 SHARPON, Wanted Laborers Paper Millwork at 54c per hr. and up. Good chance for advancement. Construction work at 60c per hr. Build ing new Pulp and Paper department. t Apply at either of our mills, West Linn, Oregon, or Camas. Wash., or come to 210 Commonwealth bldg., Portland,, Oregon, and we will pay your transportation tKbb from Portland to either mill. TIlrTC consultation rree. !S HOTEL RAMPO Money Orders UDELL & CLARKE PORTLANDJORE 14th and Washington Portland, Oregon in me neu.ri ui mo BMUriym.. .,,, thDotKlnal rllQtrl.'t Rates $1 to $3. Geo. R. Tre'mblay, Mgr r.irtlcura Soan for the Complexion. Nothlnir better than Cutlcura Sonp ClaSSV BlIB Bodies dally and Ointment now and then as ' . i nnnmlnvlnn plpnr. neeueu tu umnv i v,,,,,,. . scnlp cienn and hands soft anil wime. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. AUTO ACCEsaoitico Burness Auto ft Body Wks. 12th ft Everett Sts. KnKe and box pleating, hemstitching, 10c yd. Buttons covered. Eastern Noveltj AUK O., OOTS flllU ..4 v CASCARA BARK Shin to ui and receive the HIGHEST PRICE. We want all you have. Write for tags and prices. Sullivan Hide & Wool Co 144 Front St, Portland, Ore. NEW PALACE HOTEL LW. HIMES, tfl n4 Tin Washington at Manager. ya uuu up 1111 ouvct. Portland, Oregon. BOILER REPAIRS and WELDING of CASTINGS and STEEL nr. ...J all nvni. thft NnrthwOflt r .a .... di ,(Vi tmtt Mam-1 fnr niir roiaer Bnowinaj now wo tnu uuuun w capacity or your Doner. KMUK FILMS RFYFIOPED FREE "th Petty.. St... Portland, Ora 11V ft' 1 SVAn, ear aw a w BEAUTY PARLOR Mualm)lio'T5oBl hair wave. Most modern equipped cosmet ic anon in ciiy. u. oiuj BHAZ1NC ft WELDING WORKS ' Westell you a weldingoutnt and teach you thai hnainttu Knt-tiann nruzinic ol oiuviiiiiv Tiumo, 3rd ami Uleauon. CLEANING AND DYEINQ -or reliable Cleaning nad ivelna aerv- Ice .end parcels to us. W. pay return postage. Information and prices given upon reuueau . v s&Lri,a pitv nvu WORKS ir.or.ifaha,i isttn Portland I ARTIFICIAL" LI MBS When Prints Are Ordered n,,r aim. with five cents (stamps accept- a. nlirrM fITV Steam Cleaning editor each print wanted. We will return any JfS. V4JCJ! Wll and Dyeint Wlu exceaB. We pay return postage. Doubl. S ft H Gr..n Trading Stamps With all your Printing Orders. W00DARD. CLARKE & CO. Woodl.rk Building PortUnd. Oregon LU We make your worn garmenu look I la Uxe new. employ expeneaueu umi and get Beat results, vr e pay oi A Bat's a Hog. A bat is supposed to be able to ab sorb and digest in one night food three times the weight ot its own body. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine III Grand' Ave.. jortlsaV Fp CORONA HOTEL HO YT The Personal Writing Machine. Weight t lbs. PHn 160 00 case Included F.U It lis Tskt Will Yn: Tnwwnle Airwter. E. W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth, Portland Writ, for Folder "G" Keep the Northwest Prosperous by wtnj Northwestern Mad Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. RAINIER HOTEL ST. PAUL HOTEL Established 20 Yean In Portland, Or. C. GEE WO'S ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES Give Wonderful Results. 162V4 First Street Portland. Ore. 128 N. 6th SL, Portland, Ore Verr Centrallv Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Pottoffice. Medium Priced Among the Best - Elephants on His Hands. Order received by the grocer over the phone: "Please send us 10 cents worth of animal crackers and take out the elephants as the baby is afraid of them." Boston Evening Transcript Hamlet's Advantage. "The play's the thing!" exclaimed unrnlnf Then he added aside: "For tunately the cinema has not been In vented, so the king cannot forsake my show to go to the movies." Novel Blotter Pad. To save the time wasted by pen users in picking up and laying aside ordinary blotters, a western inventor has devised a means for attaching the absorbent paper to the wrist, where It is available for Instant use, but does not Interfere with the movement of the writer's hand. The contrivance in eludes a curved leather holder. Into which a small blotter can be fitted, and a strap for fastening the device in place. Sixth and Hoyt Streets Fortlana, uregon Convenient to Both Depots . KMnl.Altf lTlranrnif Rooms 11.00 and up without Bath. Kooms sa.uu aiiu up wnw amiu. ELBERT S. ROBE, Mgr. Fourth and Alder. CLEAN, MODERN, RESPECTABLE $1.00 Up. Private Bath $2.00. Ladies' Friend Electric Irons HOTEL CLIFFORD rMB momaon 01., M- . ' . I Principal East Bide Hotel. I minutes from Shopping District Four block, from 8. P. East Bide Station. llectric $5.50 each FI.KTTHirAI. BUPtLIKS. GRAND ELECTRIC CO.. Pertlaad. Or. Chinese Medicine Co. SOT GEE, Ptop. Root and Herb Remedies. 133'4 First Street ptll MB I 1 1 - rnilfl-taJ . ' , . ",,7iV, .. fir.f iirni u.l hTtiervanlMknia method without after effects. Let us ...... ur. mat, Y.rav i.m. Prove 11 w jvu. " " . ' , T : .... .4 -n.Mlall. In lrat.rlMU rlint. inaiiun. wiu Bimi' lstry at reasonable fees. Dr. A. W. Keens, l)r. Hi. vv. rrenn, jnjoLi a ur-u --" 3&1 "ri waaninKiun ot., rm tisaasu, y. DIAMONDS A JEWELRY BOUGHT nil siiiuB MiuiMw-.-- - . HtllTIB IUUI ll lt. l,aa f - Kelner Jewelry Co., Kt Wn Bt Portlnd DOORS AND WINDOWS WO uiu Ban uu f .... . .., . . 1 Tai.. riluaa anil Hiillrtera Hardware. direct at wholesale prices. Write for r,rin. t,f,ira buvlnr. Ueacock Saah ft iimir i:n.. zia pirai du. rvuwiiu. HEMSTITCHING A N DJPJE ATNO iniuiiilii dir. 3u8 l'auuma llldg. Accordian and Box Pleating. Button and Pleating snop, ntiv it rai biiibt. HIDES, WOOLS ft CASCARA BARK nay hlirheat prices Write us for mmtRtliin. Kahn Bros.. Ml Front Bt LARGEST HOME8ELLER ON PACIFit, t?.'.rJiulCT..nri''trmo fr Uula. He. Frank 1. Mcuuire, umsiuu piu.. MAtlll.NKKY .. rTTrTmTrTCMfiTriiuvtTiinii in Tron or Woodworklnu Maililiiery, LoKKiug, Hnwmlll, Contractors' Kiiulpiueut, L"o- niotivea, Hollers, ttuKines, i rusners, nan. Chum, Helling, etc. nurae atai-unmy lax Hallway Exchange Hldg., Purtland, Or ns I unvrwi ' , Dr. Geo. W. Crbckweli, Bpeclallat in Female iiaaae io.- uuiu Proved Himself Hard to Kill. There are many cases on record of professional fasters doing without food for 40 days. Some few years ago a French soldier, Corporal Desrata, fell Into an old mine-shaft near Brest He lay there, unable to get out, tor 28 days, and that without a morsel of food or drink. Yet at the end of that time he was able to call for as sistance, and when got out, could tell his story: With proper care he com pletely recovered. Devilfish Overcame Whale. 'According to some naturalist, the squid, or cuttlefish, Is the principal food of the sperm whale. But appar ently the game Is not always ono-sided. There is told a thrilling Incident of a huge sperm whale rolling on the moon lit surface of the sea enveloped In the mighty coils of an octopus. Bullen, who witnessed the fight, Is ot the opinion that the devilfish was far larger than any of which even fragmonts have yet been bandied by man. in ToMota nf Annlrlny is aenu- ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by pnysicians ior over iwnn ty years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Tooth ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Kheumatlsm, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." As pirin Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Monoacetlcacidester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. Cuticura Soap - AND OINTMENT Clear the Skin Sea 2S, Oialaiset 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Gave Him Idea for Balloon The Invention of the ordinary bal loon Is sold to have had an exceeding lv slmole origin, though some authorl ties give more than one Instance or this discovery. A linen shirt was hanging In front of a fire, and Stephen Montgolfcr, who Is said to have in vented the balloon, noticed that as the warm air rose It took the Bhlrt with It. Quito a simple Incident, which led to a remarkable Invention. Seattle Times. I YsiioWS UIDfNFl Belreshes, Seethes, U!S"Zi Heals Keep your Eyes Strong and Healthy. U they Tire, Smart, Itch, or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, fnflamxt nr Granulated. mmm .- - MU..;nj.r,4tAn IQaf fnr Infant nr Adult HIK 1.4 u, 11 IV. V, . .li. u... . . . . . . At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. slstUS Cyi neater tsnpsny, taicaq, Are Yoa Satisfied? Sco'LIIgi Is the biggest most perfectly .quipped HubIsms "raining School In th. North weat Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent positions aaeured our Graduates. Write for catalog Fourth and TerahiU, Portland P. N. U. No. 37, 1920