The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 10, 1920, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Event of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Genaral Semenoff, commander of
the remnants of all-Russian forces in
Siberia, has been seriously wounded
in a mine explosion in China.
Samuel Lehman, well-known musical
conductor and author of "Everybody
Works but Father," was killed in New
York Sunday by an automobile.
According to the London Dally Mall,
it has been decided to establish an
Arab parliament in Mesopotamia and
also an Arab cabinet with British
Both the Polish and Russian Boviet
delegations plan to resume the peace
negotiations within a week, probably
at Riga, Letvla, says a wireless mes
sage from Minsk.
The French government has decided
to appoint two delegates to the Ameri
can Mayflower celebration in Novem
ber and December, one of whom will
be General Neville.
Women of Georgia have a right to
vote in the state-wide primary Septem
ber 8, as well as at the coming gen
eral election, R. A. Denny, state at
, torney general ruled.
Ceneral Semenoff, anti-bolshevik
Cossack leader in eastern Siberia, has
applied to Leon Trotzky for permis-
slon to join the Russian soviet army,
says a Moscow dispatch.
Prince George Lotfallah, personal
friend of Emir Flsal, king of Syria,
says that the king was willing to ac
cept a foreign mandate for Syria, pre
ferably American or British.
Klltsu Kanayama, senior publlo pro
curator of Japan, was seriously wound
ed Tuesday when he was stabbed by
a Japanese, who went to his office to
Interview him on legal matters.
Search for Americans and British
subjects kidnaped by Pedro Zamora,
the Jalisco bandit, during his raid on
the town of Cuale, August 20, has been
' ordered by the Mexican war depart
It is reported at Trenton, Ont., that
a company with a capital of ?31,000,-
000 has taken over a former large
munitions plant here for the purpose
of manufacturing drugs and chemicals
on a large scale.
Prompt ncceptance of proposals by
Italy and Great Britain, relutlve to
Poland, by the Russian soviet govern
ment wus chiefly due to the Polish
victory before Warsaw accordlug to
a Rome dispatch. '
A misstep causod Mrs. Thllomena
Miistacl to full to her death Tuesday In
the huge bread mixer In her husband's
bakery In Chicago. The police worked
two hours extricating the body, nearly
every bone in which was broken.
No' morning papers appeared in
Liverpool Monday for the first time
in 112 years and no evening paper for
the first time in BO years as a conse
quence of a sudden strike of news
paper compositors there and in Man
Coal miners of five mines in the
Springfield, 111., district were on strike
Tuesday and others, Secretary J. J,
Watts, of the United Mine Workers
predicted would be out soon in pro
test against the price of powder, which
was raised 40 cents a keg, by the joint
agreement recently made in Chicago,
Negotiations botween Secretary of
Stute Colby and Ambassador Shldthara
at Washington have reached a solu
tion of the Japanese imigratlon prob
lem In the United States, according to
a Tokio dispatch to the Nlppu Jljl,
Japanese paper in Honolulu, giving Its
authority as the Kokumln Shtubun
Tokio newspaper, crediting the report
to a reliable source.
Ultimate ownership of the great
stockyards by livestock dealers and
producers is proposed by the "big five'
meat packing companies in a plan for
disposition of their yard holdings filed
Tuesday in the District of Columbia
supreme court Sale of the packer
. Interests In the stockyards was neces
sitated by a recent court decree com
pelling the packing companies to di
vest themselves of all ownership of
yards, terminal railways and market
Hotel and Business Houses Burn With
Loss of $150,000.
Klamath Falls, Or. Ten persons are
known to have been burned to death,
seven are injured, and several others,
two of whom are believed to be from
Portland, are missing as the result
of a fire which destroyed the Hous
ton hotel here Monday and also razed
a part of the business district Esti
mates of the number of dead have
been placed as high as 16.
The property loss was estimated
at $150,000.
All those who lost their lives were
occupants of the Houston hotel, which
was crowded with 180 persons who
had come to Klamath Falls for the
Labor day celebration.
The seven persons who were hurt
sustained injuries dr burns in at
tempting to make their escape from
the flaming building. The fire rap
idly dwept thirough ithe old three-
story building which almost at once
was turned to a fiery furnace. Many
of the patrons were forced to leap
from the upper windows. The flames,
in almost no time seemed to have
cut off all avenues of escape from
the hotel.
The hotel register was destroyed;
making the work of identification
difficult It was feared that in some
cases the names of the victims might
never be learned. Five unidentified
persons who were known to have oo-
cupled rooms in the hotel are missing
according to statements made by Mrs.
Goldie Houston, who managed the
hotel, and Harry Jones, night clerk.
From the Houston hotel the, fire
leaped south across the street and
wiped out the opera house and other
buildings in the same block. The
flames Jumped east across the sec
ond street and destroyed the Argraves
apartments and two adjoining resi
dences. The fire, which is believed to have
started from a refuse pile in the rear
of the hotel, was discovered about
3:30 A. M.
That others lost their lives in the
holocaust besides the ten persons
whose bodies have been recovered
was apparent by the grisly evidence
of human bones which couldi be seen
in the burned debris where the hotel
once stood.
With so many persons forced to flee
from the hotel in scant attire or none
at all, relief measures were at once
undertaken by local members o the
Red Cross. The Main-street court
house, an unoccupied building now in
litigation, was commandeered by the
Red Cross and the fire refugee's were
cared for there. Fifty cots were
placed in the building.
A relief fund was started this aft
ernoon by organized lubor bodies tor
the fire victims.
July Exports Exceed 1919 Record.
Washington, D. C Exports of the
United States to the principal coun
tries during July totaled $651,381,827,
an lndrease of $82,694,312 over the
corresponding period last year the
department of commerce reported Sat
urday. Imports for the same month
amounted to $537,170,351, an increase
of $193,424,281 over July, 1919.
For the first seven months of this
year exports totaled $4,899,254,121,
compared to $4,626,109,266 in 1919,
while Imports totaled $3,481,938,379,
compared with $1,954,257,362.
July exports to Great Britain to
taled $128,894,945, compared with $206,-
233,921 laHt year; Canada $98,484,423.
Imports from Great Britain totaled
$46,523,662, Canada $42,720,420, Japan
Imports from Geirmany totaled $10,-
436,022, compared with $291,166, while
exports to that country reached $28,-
025,621, compared with $2,426,742 last
All-British Bond Urged.
Edmonton, Alberta. Establishment
within the year of a common council
ut Loudon in which British dominions
would be represented by resident min
isters was predicted by Viscount Burn-
ham of the imperial press conference
delegation touring Canada in a speech
Viscount Burnhatn stressed the
necessity of empowering dominion
governments to "take their proper
places in imperial affairs."
Man, 8 feet 9, Gets Lost
Chicago. Johanne Aason of Uumld-
hon, Norway, who is 8 feet 9 inches
tall and weighs 503 pounds, walked
Into a police station Sunday and con
fided that he was lost. The police
captain directed him to his hotel
Auson is with a carnival company and
came here to buy clothes.
Peace Recruiting Heavy.
Washington, D. C Army recruiting
again broke all peace-time records in
AugiiBt, according to a statement by
Adjutant-General Harris showing 19,-
242 enlistments. July enlistments were
Albany. September 17 has been fix
ed as the date for the official open
ing of Albany's community house, and
plans for a big house-warming are be
ing developed.
Salem. Frank Davey, candidate for
representative from Marion county at
the November election, has accepted
a position as special claim investigator
in the state industrial accident de
partment Eugene. The outlet of Siltcoos lake,
in the western part of Lane county,
will soon be made navigable for small
power boats, according to R. S. Shel
ley, supervisor of the Siuslaw national
forest, who has just returned to Eu
gene. Salem. The Guernsey Cattle Breed
ers' association of the Pacifio north
west will hold a public auction in
Portland on November 18 in connec
tion with the Pacifio International ex
position, according to announcement
made here.
Portland. Damages totaling $428,-
053.74 for alleged breach of contract
are sought in a suit filed in the cir
cuit court recently by the Astoria
Marine Iron Works against the United
Statea shipping board emergency fleet
Hermiston. Owners of prune orch
ards on the Umatilla project report
that the crop returns will be very
good this year. Climate and soil are
proving favorable to the growing of
prunes and more land is being put into
prunes each year.
Albany. The mountains of eastern
Linn county have produced this year
the largest and best crop of huckle
berries In many years. People from
various sections who have gone into
the mountains are securing great quan
tities of the berries.
Salem. The state land board has
signed a contract with the Salem Sand
& Gravel company whereby the cor
poration agrees to remove a minimum
of 5000 cubic yards of sand and gravel
from the bed of the Willamette river
within a period of five years. The
stipulated price is 10 cents per cubic
Portland. More than $1,000,000 was
paid by Stanley Dollar of San Fran
cisco for the Monarch mills In North
Portland, according to L. W .David,
owner, who made the sale. The prop
erty will be operated by a company
of which Mr. Dollar will be the head,
but Mr. David will remain as man
ager of the mill.
Heppner. Harvesting and threshing
were resumed on some farms Thurs
day after several days' layoff on ac
count of the rain, and it is believed
that the damage to grain will be
slight. Between Wednesday morning
and Sunday morning 1.43 Inches of
rain fell here. This is an August rec
ord for this section of the state.
Salem. Marlon county hopgrowers
declare that the recent heavy rains had
no harmful effect on their yards and
that picking of fuggles, or baby hops,
started August 31st. In a few of the
yards the rain knocked the hops from
the trellis, but these were not dam
aged. It is estimated that the crop
this year will be 80 per cent normal
Marshfield. Accounts of the great
salmon run in the Rogue river toward
the close of the season indicate there
were more fish came into the river
than at any season in the memory of
the inhabitants of Curry county. The
reason assigned for the great rush
is that salmon which had been lib
erated in other streams schooled into
the Rogue river.
Medford. The record price for Bart
lett pears in the history of the -local
fruit business was $5.65 average
box for a carload sold in the Chicago
market Wednesday. Another car in
which the extra fancies averaged $5.62
and the fancies $4.10, was sold in the
same market, and a third car of Rogue
River valley Bartletts sold for an
average of $5.30.
Salem. A contract was received at
the state forester's office here recent
ly from the federal government ap
proving the recent application of the
stute land board for an exchange of 60,
000 acres of so-called scattered timber
lands In the forest reserve for a com
pact body of timber of similar area,
Signing of the contract has been defer
red until the next meeting of the state
land board.
Salem. That thousands of Oregon
people are being swindled annually by
Texas oil concerns operating as com
mon-law companies Is the report made
here by A. E. Gebhardt special ex
aminer for the state corporation de
partment, who returned to Salem re
cently from Wichita Falls, Fort Worth
and other Texas cities, where he con
ducted an investigation of several oil
companies which contemplate extend
ing their operations to this state.
The City of B i,D,SN
Purple Dreams
Synopsis. Typical tramp In ap
pearance. Daniel Randolph Fitz
hugh, while crossing a Chicago
street, causes the wreck of an auto,
whose chaufeur disables It trying
to avoid running him down. In
pity the occupant of the auto, a
young girl, saves him from arrest
and gives him a dollar, telling him
to buy soap, andwash. His sense
of sham is touched, and he Im
proves his appearance. That night,
he meets Esther Strom, a Russian
anarchist, who induces Fitzhugh
to address a meeting. Fitzhugh
visits Symington Otis, prominent
financier, and displaying a pack
age which he Bays contains dyna
mite, demands (10,000. Otis gives
him a check. At the house he
meets the girl who had given him
the dollar, and learns she is Kath
leen Otis. She recognizes him.
ABhamed, he tears up the check
and escapes, but Is arrested. Es
ther visits Fitzhugh in jail and
makes arrangements for procuring
legal advice. His trial Is speedily
completed and he Is found insane
and committed to an asylum, from
which he easily makes 'his escape.
Fitzhugh takes refuge in Chicago,
with Esther, who has become In
fatuated, with him. His one Idea Is
to become rich and win Kathleen.
In a fight with Nlkolay, jealous ad
mirer of Esther, Fitzhugh worsts
him. Securing menial employment
he learns that Nlkolay has been
found dead In Esther's house, and
In a letter to him she admits the
killing, telling him she did it for
his sake and that she has gone
away, He sees Kathleen from a
distance, and la strengthened in
his determination to win her. Fitz
hugh attracts the attention of
Qulgg, dealer in bogus stocks. Fitz
hugh act as a decoy for gullible
Investors. Staked by his employer
In a poker game for high stakes he
meets a wheat pit speculator, Hen
ry Hunt, who believes him to be a
New York man of wealth. With
his poker winnings he Joins Hunt
In a wheat deal. Through Hunt's
operations Fitzhugh nets nearly
CHAPTER VII Continued.
"So you see," he wound up, "there's
nothing to .it but a bull market.
There'll be a big rebound Just as sure
as we're sitting here. Symington Otis
is my strongest point. As I said be
fore, I'm nine-tenths certain he'll turn
bull again, now he's walloped the
man he went after, and you know
what that means. He'll send wheat
up like a balloon he's strong enough
to do It. All we need do Is to climb
into the basket and participate in the
grand ascension."
"As you have wisely pointed out,
Hunt," began Fitzhugh, turning the
fragile stem of his wine glass between
his long fingers, "we had better step
cautiously at first sort of feel our
way. There's never nny telling what
pitfalls may lurk below tranquil wa
ters. Afterward, we'll wade in boldly.
Merely as a starter, I'll give you my
check tomorrow for twenty-five thou
sand. I'm not saying what I'll do after
As they were leaving the club, Fitz
hugh turned to his companion and, as
though suddenly reminded of some In
consequential thought that had oc
curred to him earlier in the day, said
carelessly : .
"Oh, by the way, Hunt, I'm thinking
of opening a sniull banking account in
Chicago. I wish you'd introduce me
to your banker."
For once Hunt was mistaken. There
was no boom In December wheat.
True, there was a reaction, for when
the bears removed the pressure the
abnormally low market began gradu
ally to assume a natural level. But
winter wheat, which Hunt had expect
ed to mount by leaps, dragged slowly,
ascending, to be sure, yet moving little
by little an eighth or a quarter at a
time. Once or twice, In some sudden
flurry, it even went off half a point
Hunt was very much puzzled.
"There's a screw loose somewhere,"
be told Fitzhugh, after one of these
unexplnlnuble slumps j "but I can't fig
ure out Just where."
Of late, Fitzhugh had been studying
lndefatignbly the hundred and more
different conditions which, directly or
Indirectly, alfeet the Chicago wheat
market He devoted hours to this,
where another man would have de
voted minutes, and his brain, so keen,
so quick to grasp every salient detail
and appraise its true value, enabled
him to view the present situation with
a far clearer vision than that of Hunt
"I think I know where the wobbly
plnce is," he replied, "and, unless I'm
mistaken, It's going to shake the whole
machine to pieces before long. Hunt,
we'll hove to draw out. If we don't,
our little craft will be swamped, and
she'll sink like a rock. For my part, I
want to sell every bushel of wheat I
own tomorrow morning."
They called a taxlaib and repaired
forthwith to Fltzhngh's newly leused
apartment In a newly erected build
ing In Lincoln parkway. It was for
bachelors exclusively, this building,
and If Its smart elevators, smarter at
tendants and potted plants and costly
appointments were any criterion, it
was also exclusively for wealthy
The Japanese servant served dinner,
after which Fitzhugh and his guest
sauntered to a frout room, evidently
Intended for a library and study, and
there ensconced themselves before a
low bay window commanding a mag
nificent view of the lake. Hunt settled
himself contentedly in a ehair, whose
soft cushions embraced him In a de
licious manner, lazily emitted a stream
of cigar smoke and allowed his gaze
to wander about the beautiful room,
replete with soft tones and colors.
Suddenly Fitzhugh stood up. "Let's
get down to business, Hunt." He
spoke very briskly and, crossing the
room, took from the round safe em
bedded in the wall several packets of
pnpers secured by thick elastic bands.
These papers contained a mass of
data covering the past seven weeks,
consisting of crop reports, statistics
from many different sources, newspa
per clippings and telegrams and cable
grams that had exhausted his ready
money to the last cent. He walked to
a heavy desk of solid mahogany,
switched on the light thut was a mini
ature of the gorgeous one on the table,
and spread the papers on the flat top
of the desk. And while Hunt sat op
posite, following him with concen
trated attention, he went over them
point by point, dwelling fully on every
detail, explaining clearly the reasons
for his belief. So lucidly did he do
this that a child might have followed
him. .
"My deductions are substantiated,"
he summed up, "by the fact that Otis
and his following are not bulling the
market as you supposed they would.
What's more, they're not going to bull
It. I've put myself in their pluce. Otis
and company will make their attack
when the enemy is in its most vulner
able state, and that's Just the condi
tion the enemy's In now."
There wns a conversational pause,
while Hunt reperused some of the pa
pers scattered about the desk.
'So you think we'd better unload?
he said finally, sitting back and mo
tioning to Hakl to fill his champagne
"As though our lives depended on
Hunt watched the servant fill his
glass, then lifted it and surveyed his
host solemnly across Its rim.
"So be it" he rumbled in a sepul
chral voice. "The blame be upon your
head if we lose."
Fitzhugh's prediction was bounti
fully fulfilled next day. December
wheat went tumbling and crumbling.
Hunt, thanks to Fitzhugh, managed
to squirm from under with a whole
skin and a few thousands profit. Ilur-
He Stole Up the Six Flights of Stairs
to Hit Rooms, Unobserved, and Let
Himself In Without Awakening His
rylng through the outer office of Bur
ton & Burton, he spied Fitzhugh and
fell upon htm with open arms, pressing
into his hnnd a check for thirty thou
sand dollars.
"What had we better do now, Dan J'
"Sell December wheat It's going to
zero. This slump will keep up Indefi
"Rlght-o !" Hunt was fairly burning
with excitement the gambler's ex
citement, than which there Is none
more feverish.
''You nmy sell half a million for me,
You'd better sell an equal amount
yourself." Fitzhugh produced a slen
der check-book and started to fill out
a check. Abruptly he paused, bit his
lip, made as if to return his fountain
pen to his pocket "I forgot some
thing," he said slowly.
"What's wrong, Dan J" Hunt looked
properly solicitous.
"My a draft. Should have been
sent from New York day before yes
terday. My brother has It but he's sud
denly fallen 111. Probably forgot all
about It. That's all. I'm sorry. Hunt
but I can offer you nothing except my
personal check, and that'll be only for
a few thousands."
In a flush all of Hunt's reverence
for weulth and his desire to toady to
it were to the front. What an oppor
tunity to be of service to this man of
millions 1 He could have wished for
nothing better. "Don't worry about
that for a minute, Dan." He spoke
with the utmost friendliness. "I'll at
tend to your margins for you. Flvt
hundred thousand, I believe you said?"
Yes." Fitzhugh rapidly filled out a
check for twenty thousand dollars.
Take this, anyhow, Hunt" He tore
the check from the book. "Just as an
evidence of good faith," he laughed.
The courtier took the check in the
same jocular spirit in which it was
offered, scarcely glancing at its figure.
After a little they parted, Hunt hasten
ing to the private office of Burton,
Fitzhugh went straight to his bank
and- deposited the thirty thousand dol
lars. Immediately afterwards at
started back to the Board of Trade.
When nearly there, however, h
stopped, paused Irresolute, then turned
and walked slowly In another direc
tion. For over an hour he roamed
restlessly about the loop. He seemed
Infirm of purpose, aimless of destina
tion. Once, without exactly knowing why,
he entered the post office and strolled
absently about the dark corridors. H
was leaving by the western entrance,
when, happening' to glance to his left
he saw on the grass over a doorway,
"General Delivery."
He came to a dead halt. A hoi
blush of shame pricked him. He fell .
suddenly mean, contemptible. He en
tered the room nml asked If there wer
any mall for Daniel Fitzhugh. Thi
clerk handed him a half-dozen letter!
postmarked from a small town in Rus
sia. He opened and read them one bj
one, standing near the window. In all
of them Esther breathed her love foi
him, yet there was a difference as th
letters progressed. In the first two
she wrote chiefly of him and secondlj
'of the work she was doing for tin
Cause. The next one was solely about
him and there was a more Insistent
note in her passionate declarations
In the third wns a tone of despair,
hint of fond hopes fust slipping awayi
and the last two were filled with bit
ter reproaches, piteous pleadings
Jealousy I
From a word she let drop In one oi
the earlier missives he divined six
was in dire need of money. Even al
that moment she might be sufferin
from lack of necessities.
He stuffed the letters in a coal
pocket, went to his bank and procured
a bill of exchange to her order for l
thousand dollars.." :
At one of the public desks he wrot
on the back of a deposit-slip : "Tin
goal Is not yet in sight but I'm run
ning fast." -
This he attached to the draft and
sealed in an envelope, which he ad
dressed and mailed to her while re
morse was hot upon him.
From the post 'office he went to l
hotel In Randolph street, asked foi
stationery and wrote the following:
Dear Hunt
I have just received bad news. Mj
brother Is at the point of death. Musi
hurry to his bedside. May see you In I
couple of weeks. Meanwhile, good luckl
. Yours, K.
He directed this to Hunt's home ad
dress, took It to. the district messengei
office in the hotel and left orders foi
its delivery at nine o'clock. '
Had anyone looked for Fitzhugh
that night in his apartment, or in the
theaters or hotel lobbies, or In any oi
the other places where he usually
spent his evenings, it would have been
In vain. He would not have been
But In a vile saloon In lower Clark
street a tall, tramplsh-tooklng man
with a pointed beard, attired in ragged
habiliments and wearing low upon his
brow an old slouch hat fully half.a
size too large, was carousing delirious
ly with the muddled denizens, leading
them In maudlin song, and Inciting
them to drunken ribaldry. , -
Fitzhugh's debauch lasted two
weeks. Then he sobered up und went
home. Under cover of the somnolence
that enveloped the apartment building
at four o'clock In the morning he stole
up the six flights of stairs to his roomi
unobserved, and let himself in without
awakening his valet He removed his
shabby apparel, his decrepit hat, se
creted them in a wardrobe and went
to the bathroom. When he entered his
bedroom, glowing from a brisk scrub
and attired In silk pajamas, he looked
a little tired. It was not however, a
physical tiredness. Fitzhugh felt, men
tally, like a man who had taken a very
arduous Journey In search of gold only
to find he had been chasing a rainbow.
He climbed in between the snowy
sheets of his bed and lay very still.
His eyes were closed, but he was not
The only girl!
Study Banana Plants.
In making a thorough botanical and
commercial study of the banana to
ihlllpplne bureau of agriculture has
collected banana plants from all over
Ilia world.