The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 10, 1920, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 6. NO 48
THE YEAR $1.50
Irrigation Progress
3 Wapinitia Irrigation Company
baa completed the flame over
Clear creok canyon that forma the
connecting link between the Frog
creek feeder canal and the Clear
creek main canal. The trestle
work was put iu by Messers Sceu
elrmaa, Keen and Dane and is of
railway strength in type. The
flume proper is of matched tongue
aud groye Gr white leaded in joints
bd creoeole painted inside. Ce
dar mud ailli of huge logs, that
will laat a life time, form a solid
bait. The apron and receiving
end ii laid in concrete. The en
gineer. Win. Uickey has blasted
tha Frog creek canal from intake
to flume and now has crew with
shovels and teams finishing up
the work. Two weeka or less
?ouJd finish ibis feeder canal and
release the flow of Frog croek to
augment the flow of Clear creek.
Tb? Company jias constructed
cabins at Cedar Post camp aud
Long Trough to make construction
camp work more possible.
; More men are requiied and a
call is ruade to the jarmers of (lie
Flat to send a man or two each to
aid iu the final work of the caual.
Sixty cents per hour for nine
hours is the wage.
Work on main canal enlarge
ment is also being done and work
generally to strengthen aud make
safe the canals for the larger flow
of water".
A crew of engineers aud men
are soon to start ou the big dam
at Clear lake. The fall work will
be in the nature of clearing away
the timber and uudergrowtli from
the dam site and building con
struction roads, also hauling in
material for building and coustruc
lion eqipment.
E. E. Miller and wife are on
the ground to assist N. G. Hedin
aud R. E. Ellinwood in carrying
on the work.
The farmers QQ the south hill
canal from Buruside's to (.labels
are liuing up for work and most
of the contracts have beep made
to iusqre the work,
The central hill canal from the
"cut" to Walkers via Doane plane
is also shaping itself for construc
tion. Tbg Company's office js nearly
It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's"
F M. fory
all tStaple Groceries
Fresh Meat
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Butter-Nut Bread
Doughnuts and Buns
House Dresses
Woolen Goods
It Pays to Pay "Cash at JoryV
Get your Fresh Bread daily at
Andy's Place
We now handle the
Butter-Krust Bread
Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream
. It's Refreshing
Home Cooked Meals
Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m.
Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. , Short Orders all Day
Fresh Meat at all Times
For Sale
All kinds of rough, lumber and
some dressed lumber. Plenty of
Shiplap. Rough lumber $25 per
M; other grades in proportion.
Mulvany Bros. Mill.
completed and furniture installed.
Several well built dwellings for
Company men have been construc
ted at Pine Grove aud things gen
erally look good.
The shortage of water this sea
son due to the late snows in the
mountains and their cousequeul
early melting has been cheerfully
born by the men who are back of
the company iu buying water as
they know that the cure is in
pushing the construction to cpm-pletiou,.
Mrs. H. F, Bothwell has time
available for only three more les
sons iu her class of music pupils
at M.iupln as all other hours haye
been npoken for by piano students.
The first to speak for the afore
said lessons will get them. Qther
piano Bdens will have to Join
the class tit her residence.
An article that has attracted
much local nttentip.n, was found
fttuong tbo imirrlnge license notes
of the Oregoiiimi aud Journal an
nounciug the marriage Tuesday of
Rates Shattwlr It ml Mr-a, Jess ft
Holljs. Tlieir .many friends are
wishing them much happiness aud
will welcome their return home.
i.o. o.r.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon.
meets every Saturday xmi m
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
R. B. Bkll, N. G.
B. F, Turner, Secretary. .
Tygh Fair Notice
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. m.
Attorney at Law
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Teacher of Piano
Mrs- H. F. Bothwell
Maupin, Oregon -
Tygh Valley Fair announced for
September 28-29-30. At a mass
meeting at Tygh Valley, Septem
ber 8th, 1920, called by the Fair
board of Tygh Valley Fair As'sn.
it was overwhelmingly demonstra
ted that all the towns in Southern
and Central Wasco county were
100 per ceut strong for a fair, de
spite the fact that the promised
division of the total fair fund was
cut in two. WitlKouly $600 as a
start it seemed ut hill work to
finance the full three days' pro
gram until public spirited men
from different districts pledged
themselves to meet the need by
raisiug the required funds.
The fair is iu no sense simply
to be a street caroiyal but an agri
cultural fair with full line of Btock
and products, premiums with
special school children club prizes.
The raciDg bill will be more com
plete, with attention to all side
lines of race sports, than in form
er years.
''Something Doing" is the key
uote. Patriotic and educational
program will start each day at
9:80 a. m., supported by a strong
musical program, with no dull
A Whirlwind Fair on short
notice. Following are the uameB
of the chairmen of tbe several
commiltees that represent the de
partments making up the Fair.
Committee on Finance, John
Fitzpatrick, Tygh Valley.
Committee on Publicity, Adver
tising and Program, N. G. Hedio,
Committer o, Exhibits, I,
Kenedy, Wamio,
Committee 00 feUOrts. L. C.
Pwwghw Iaut)i
'".mittee on Concessions, J. K
Voodcock, Wamic. '
President of Fair As'sn, J. U.
Woodcock, Wamic,
General Secretary Fair Ab'sii.,
E. Keuuedy, Wamic.
Members of the finance cotn-
uittne: Frank Stuart, Maupin,
Pete Olson, Shumko; E. A. Hart-
man. Wapinitiii; frame miver,
Wamic; Bert Brown, Tygh Valley;
red Ingels, Dufur.
Be reudy to aid the heads o(
the committees if called on and
above all let's demonstrate thai
tbe Tygb Valley Fair is an annual
established fact that cannot be
killed by simply tbrotling the fail
fund rightfully due the fuir. A
strong fight 1b to bo made to oblaii
the division of the funds that wat
agreed upon last fall at the
County Court meeting iu The
Dalles.. It has been stated by
good authority that Supt. Grone-
wald and Frauk Driver, member
of the Wasco County Fair Board,
are willing to give tbe Tygh Fair
tbe sum agreed upon, but that
they meot with opposition by the
other two members of tho board
Watch for fair premium list and
large posters. '
N, O. Hedin, Committeeman,
Mr. Alvia C. Martin was mar
ried to Miss Sophia Confer 82
years ago, aud their only children
two sons have charge of their 320
acre ranch on Juniper Flat.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin spent the
greater part of last summer out
ou the coast and came back with
the very best of health and spirits,
including a sweet smile for every
body, about two weeks ago, The
couple left lust Tuesday for tho
mountains and expect to reuiaiu
there for two weeks. After taking
care of all the huckleberries Mr. 1
Martin said be was going to bring
home or rather intends to bring
home, he in company with his
wile will make a brief visit with
meir numerous irionus ana 1
tives in The Dalles,
Local Iteos
The Maupin Warehouse Co.
has installed a Pacific portable
tor sacked grain. The piler does
the work hitherto requiring Bix
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. and Mr.
and Mrs. L. B. Kelly returned
from the huckleberry patches last
uight aud report lots of berriea
and a good time. Ye scribe is
indebted -to Mrs. L. D. Kelly for
a lot of fine berries which she pre
sented to us today.
Commercial Club will meet Sat.
urday uight, September 18th. A
big prograu will be staged. Come.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Staats re
turned Saturday night from tbeir
vacation atCanuou Beach.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval
At Last A Real Phonograph
No needles to change
Records last indefinitely
Plays any make of Record.
"Ears that have been distraught
by the glare of "talking ma
chines" have welcomed the jewel
ed music of the Pathe."
Costs no more than the
ordinary Phonograph
Terms if Desired
Pathe Records in Stock
Buys Maupin Home
Mr."and Mrs. Alvia C. Martin
purchased the property fornwrly
owned by A. .Baumgartner, last
week, and inteud to occupy the
premises ou or about the brut of
next month. They will make
their future home in the town of
Mr. Martin was boru iu Calitor
nia, moved with his, parents to
Oregon aud located In the Wil
lamette Valley iu 18G9, After
spendiug ten solid years in a damp
aud raiuy locality they decided
chauge of climate would be just
the thing. Accordingly they cross
ed tbe Cascades and solllcd 1
Wamic, Wasco, county.
Dufur, Oregon
Offers instruction in college preparatory courses,
domestic science, vocational training, and is the
Only High School in Wasco County
offering instruction in Agriculture,
Horticulture, Animal Husbandry,
and allied subjects
Fall Term commences, Monday, September 13th, 1920
For further information
Write or communicate with Principal G. C Scringer,
Dufur, Oregon
11 fe&te
Friday, Sept. 17
airy Pidkfoird
Century Comedy
Admission 25 and 50c
Coming' Sept. 24th
The Valley if Doubt
A Big Special