PImm Mentioa Thli Paper Wk BONDS Write for descriptive circulars and booklets. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., Morrli Building, 309-1 1 Stark Street CYLINDER GRINDING Motor Hotel Alder Ship Your Cream to MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. PORTLAND Accurate Tests Highest Prices SUNSET CREAMERY CO T. S. TOWNSEND, Pre., ft Mgr. 281-83 Firat Street. D A D-'C1 DPPT TTT3 A saaraa .gap New and Second Hand Tents and Covers at SPECIAL PRICES PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO., No. 1 SEE FT (IWFRSk TONSETH FLORAL CO. J LlrriyAO The House if Flowers FOR All OCCASIONS Phonti Main S102 287 Washington St, ES BISSINGER & CO., Largest dealers on the CoaBt 148 Ore.; Wool Pullery Sellwood Sta paid at all times. Hazelwood Candy By Parcel Post, Prepaid. THE HAZELWOOD CONFECTIONER & RESTAURANT 388 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. "A Moderate Priced Bote! of Merit." HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth, the Principal East Side Hotel, 6 minutes from Shopping District Four blocks from S. P. East Side Station. Drugs by MAIL WE PAY THE POSTAGE If In need of Pur. Drugs and Chemicals, Shoulder Braces, Arch Supports, TRUSSSES, Elastic Stockings, Abdom inal Supporters, Suspensory Bandages for Men, and all other rubber goods of .very description, send to the Laue-Davis Drug Co. TRUSS EXPERTS Third and Yamhllll, Portland. Oregon. G. & R. MACHINERY CO. 601 Gerllnger Bldg., Phone Main 8201 Portland, Ot Boilers and Engines, Sawmill Equipments NEW PALACE HOTEL L. W. W. HIMES, CI 4 f Washington at Manager. pi U1U Ul 12th Street Portland, Oregon. BOILER REPAIRS and WELDING of CASTINGS and STEEL We send men all over the Northwest. Let us figure with you. Send for our folder showing how we can double the capacity or your Doner. Portland Boiler Works, 17th ft Pettygrove Sts., Portland. Ore. Established 20 Years In Portland, Or. C. GEE WO'S ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES Give Wonderful Results. 162V4 First Street Portland, Ore. His Idea of Train's Action. There la a story of a Suffolk (Eng land) yokel who, having lived some distance from a railway station, and being content with the society around him, had never had need of a train, and, being brought Into contact with a railway, Btood watching thia new won der not far from a tunnel. Hla de scription of It afterward was that a train was more or less like a rabbit "he ran up to the hole, let off an awful screech and bolted into It." Aniwtriiu Time AdTertiamMate. vo bonds sell to us. If you can buy more LIBERTY or VICTORY bonds buy from us. We buy and sell at the New York market GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS PORTLANDjOREGON FRED DUNDEE Car Repairing & Machine Works Portland, Oregon. Rooms tl per day and up. Special monthly rates. Out-of-town visitors mad. to feel at homa. Southern Pacifte electric train depot In saose baudlng. J. W. BU8HONQ, Manager. m Alder St.. ear. 4th. - PORTLAND, ORB FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS. A. J. WINTERS CO. DISTRIBUTORS. 66-S7 Sixth St., Portland. Correct Weights Cream shipped DIRECT to us gets HIGHEST POSSIBLE price But If sold to a CREAM STATION, a part of your profit goes toward paying station expense. JVT A srood'place" to Eat and Live Well. Remarkable 60ct luncheon ,at noon. Open 7 a. m..to 2 a. m.. ;326 Stark St. North First Street BETES Portland. Oregon Wool, Pelts, Tallow. Wool Pullers - 154 North 18th St, P. O. box 4378 Portland, Portland,- Ship us your goods; highest prices Homemade Specials, $1.00 per lb. ML Hood Chocolates, SI, 2, 3 t 5, box. Oregon Chocolates, $2.00 per pound. Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Mad Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. RAINIER HOTEL 128 N. 6th St., Portland, Ore Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Postoffice. Medium Priced Among the Best We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Raff run. all Mail awum Mnn, Rusts and carnta at nam mnA Hrv Aiaan' Phone or write for price list, Bave solic itor s commission. Northwest Rug Co. 181 H. Eighth 8t ' Bast 1680. ST. PAUL HOTEL Fourth and Alder. CLEAN, MODERN, RESPECTABLE $1.00 Up. Private Bath $2.00. ft, QUEEN CITY SSSS& Ltl We mak. your worn garmeats look 111 like new. Employ experienced help Ire. get pem result. VT pay post' I Mw age one way. Sit Grand At., Portland Z PORTLAND RUG CO. Manufacturers of FLUFF and RAG RUGS a Specialty CARPET CLEANING, LATINO ft SIZING 1672-1674 East 17th Street MONG CHUNG WO, Chinese Medicine Co. Removed to 66 Sixth St., bet Oak ft Hue, Portland, call and see mm or write. Consultation Free. Chinese Medicine Co. SOT GEE, Prop. Root and Herb Remedies. 133H First Street. No Chance at All 'for Joy. Junior had spent several weeks one summer visiting a favorite aunt who lived In the suburbs, and he was rem iniscent of those happy weeks when he again paid her a visit. However, she had moved, and now lives In a flat. When Junior came home he voiced his grievance to his father, saying: "There wasn't no room to move around in; why, they didn't even have any kids in that building to fight with!" wmm m tferyftiii 9 Hotel Seaside, Inc. Seaside (Clatsop Beach), Oregon OREGON'S NEW ALL-THE-YEAR- ROIND OCEAN BEACH RESORT HOTEL Rates for Room and Meals Included. Per Day, One Person, 6.50 or (0.50; Two, (10.00 or (11.00. Per Week, On Person, (38.50 or 142.00; Two, 170.00. Bath, Per Day, One, $7.50 or $8.50; Two, $12.00 or $13.00. Bath, Per Week, One, $52.50 ot $56.00; Two, $80.00 or SS4.DU. SPECIAL BATES FOB CHILDREN. AMERICAN PLAN ROOM AND HEALS INCLUDED. For reservations, address CHAS. B. ROWLEY, Manager. RELATIVE TO USED CARS There has exaduallv been develoDing a new feeling regarding used cars. For years, moat used cars were looked upon almost as a plague, but during recent months our sales of the better and stand ard makes of used cars have been almost exclusively to the keenest type of buyers men of wealth as well as business acumen men who know motor car values when confronted with them men who value and enjoy the pride of possession not one whit the less, because they have saved the first big item of depreciation, while they have remaining the real in trinsic value the thousands and thous ands of miles of reliable and satisfactory service. Our stock has been most careruiiy ana thoughtfully selected. We have, for months, accepted only here and there a car of real merit and exceptional value from the trreat number offered us in trade, and all of these have been repaired and reflnished If required. We feel that any prospective purchaser of a motor car or light delivery Job will be Impressed by even a casual examina tion, while a close inspection will convince him that from our stock he may select a hlch exade car at a rjrice In keeDing with nis sound Dusiness judgment. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington St at 21st. Main 6244 BETTER EYE GLASSES "T urleY FOR LESS MONEY JL Scientific Examination. Modern Instruments. DR. C. A. HURLEY Sixth Floor Raliegh Bldg., Portland, Ore. "Where Home Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, ORE. The pleasure of your trla to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select Cosy surroundings, moderate rates, and the w.lcom. yon flmd In Sou own home town, await yoa at e Ktutnoauk. Garage in Connection. Our Handy All-Round ELECTRIC LANTERN PRICE COMPLETE $6.00 There should be one of these lanterns with you on your next outing, camping or hiking trip, as it Is a much cheaper and more dependable light for such an occasion than the ordinary flashlight Has a dry battery guaranteed to burn 80 continuous hours. Sent prepaid Parcel Post on receipt of price. Write for illus trated folder of lanterns and batteries. DeLuxe Electric Lantern Co. INC. 609-10 Couch Bldg., Portland, Ore. KOOIKjLMyiEVElOKlLjBEE ,i'HiiM;i' "itiiv HOTEL HOYT Sixth and Hoyt Streets Portland, Oregon Convenient to Both Depot Absolutely Fireproof Rooms 11.00 and up without Bath. Rooms $2.00 and up with Bath. ELBERT S. ROBE, Mgr. OFFICE FURNITURE, APPLIANCES Blank Books Loose Leaf Supplies. "Every thing for the Office" ftrTM .QAM .TREIT. .O.TLAND. ORI.O. HOTEL RAMPO 14th and Washington Portland, Oregon In the heart ot tne snopping ana theatrical district. Rates 11 to (3. Geo, R. Tremblay, Mgr. About Ideal Small Boy. There Is something that always makes me feel good that Is a red- haired, freckle-faced little boy that can whip all In his gang and at the same time Is not a bully. Exchange. Grain Quickly Ripened In Norway, It is a curious fact that grains ripen earlier in Norway than In the south of Europe, an advantage due to the long days and short nights ot the summer in the north. y cess - r HOUSE PAINT BARN SILO BOAT Preservative Guaranteed, PAINTS 16 Colors, gallon $3.65 Deck and Floor PAINTS, 10 Colors, J A gallon J.4U Send for color card. Order by mail. Mail orders filled same day as received. The Beebe Company y Cor. 1st and Wash. Sts. Portland, - Oregon TO TICKETS Europe and Money Orders UDELL & CLARKE 105.Third St., PORTLANDAORE USE FOR CoroNA The Personal Writing Machine. Weight 6 lbs. Price 160.00 case included Fold ll Up Take With You; Typewrite Anywhere E. W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth, Portland Writ, for Folder "G" Ladies' Friend Electric Irons - - $5.50 each ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. GRAND ELECTRIC CO., Portland, Or. CASCARA BARK Ship to us and receive the HIGHEST PRICE. We want all you have. Write for tags and prices. Sullivan Hide & Wool Co 144 Front St., Portland, Ore. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Catalogues supplied and com mercial inquiries cneenuiiy answered. writs any tirm d.iowi uo nowi ART LEATHER GOODS Leather Leggina, Traveling Bags, Trunks, Cartridge Belts. Portland Leather Co., j-m Washington. ARTIFICIAL TEETH SPECIALIST Dr. B. C. Rosaman, 15 1 Journal Bldg. BOILER WORKS New Repairing East Side Boiler Wks, East Water ft Mall BOOKS NEW AND SECOND HAND Johnson's Book Store, 248 Main St. BRAZING. WELDING ft CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co, .8 1st Bt BUTTER FAT BOUGHT Fernwood Dairy pays cash for butter-fat. CREAMERY Willamette Dairy, Buyers of Milk, Cream and Kggs. we pay cash, 483 union av.m Oregon Creamery for Eggs, Cream 130 2nd CUT FLOWERS ft FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St, DENTIST, LATE U. 8. NAVY Dr. P. G. Brown, 108 Stevens Bl, Portland DENTIST B. E. Wright, 101 Raleigh Bldg., 1 ft Wn. DANCING EVERY NOON ft EVENING Oriental Cafe. Chinese-American Kitchen Corner Broadway and WaBh. PORTLAND ELECTRIC ft ADVERTISING SIGNS Union sign Co., 78 west Park at oak. ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS Irwin-Hodaon, Stationers, Portland, Ore FARM LOANS Devereaux Mortgage Co., 87 6th St FARM LIGHTING PLANT Lalley Light, ! 1st Bt FLOWERS FOR ANY 0CCA8ION Geo. Bets ft Son, (97 Williams Ave. FURNACES. CORNICE ft ROOFING Grand Sheet Metal Works, E. 3d ft Davis GARAGES AND AUTO REPAIRING M. & F. Garage, 21st ahflvlishmgtoOts Multnomah Hotel Garage, 2d and Ankeny. HARD WOOD FLOORING Elsman Hardwood Floor Co. 889 E Wash. East Side Hardwood Floor Co., nc., 410 E. Burnslde. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED A. E. Hurwitz, Optometrist, 226 First Bt nKmg, r, vni , - u. m , Ella M. BtevenB, 606 Raleigh Bldg. Hemstitching. Buttons Covered. Plaiting B. P. Sanborn, 242 Alder St. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE Portland, Oregon Enter now. Position 1 1 when competent Catalogue free. MANF. OF AGATE JEWELRY J. A. Lakln.wholesale.i-etall, 102 Grand Ay MILLINERY ft PARCLEY CORSET Jones Millinery, 19 Grand Ave MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine 8ts. Otto Schumann Granite ft Marble Works NURS ER IES " RusseUvllla Nursery, B F. D. 1. Benedict Nursery Co., 186 E. 87th N. NURSERY 8TOCK Villa Nurseries, R. No. 1, Portland. New Zealand. Discovery of the Island of New Zea land is attributed to Tasman in 1642, but exploration did not take place un til the time of Capt. James Cook, 150 years later, while colonization was delayed until 20 years before the Amer ican Civil war. Colonization resem bled the settlement of the Ameri can colonies In that settlements were made In half a dozen places instead of being promoted from a central base, according to the usual British method mum i i mi m i pi III 111 U j 1 -J OREGON FLUFF RUG. CO, J. H. Lehmuiin. Prop. 1S84 East Stark ClL SHAMPOOING. A, MANICURING Myrtle Clarke, 733 Morgan Bldg, Portland PIANOS ft TALKING MACHINES Soule Bro... 16ti Tenth St. PLASTER DOLLS AND NOVELIlk Rose JIltyNoveltj- Was., lot Grand Ave. PRODUCE BOUGHT Peerless Produce Co., 176 Front St Ship ua your Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Eggs, Hides. R-K Produce Co., 20 Wash. St. PYORRHEA DENTISTS Smith Long Service, 110 Bush ft Lane Bl REALTORS Interstate Land Co., 148 Stark Bt. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS MV Harrison, 612 Gerllnger Bldg. ROOFINGAND 8HEET METAL WKS McDonald ft Wynkoop, id and Madison. SAFES FIRE AND BURGLAR Norrls Safe & Lock Co., 11)6 2nd St SHEETMETAL ft RETINNINQ WM, Union Ave. Metal Was., 411 Unloa Ave. SANITARIUM Dr. A. V. Downs, 40 Corbett Bt TINSMITHS Willamette Sheet Metal Wks. Auto Work Specialty. 106 N. 3rd Bt WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM Duro Pumps, 98 1st Bt WINDOW SHADES Peake, The Shade Man. 428 Alder Bt Cancer Treated Lowell M. Jones, M. P., Ill Morgan Bldg. AUTO ACCESSORIES Classy Bug Bodies Burness Auto ft Body Wks. " 12th ft Everett Sts. ACCORDIAN PLEATING Knife and box pleatlag, hemstitching, 10c yd. Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 86 Fifth street, Portland. BEAUTY PARLOR Marliiello Cosmetic Shop. Permanent hair wave. Most modern equipped cosmet ic shop In city. 2u8 Brdy Bl., Mar. 2207. BRAZING ft WELDING WORKS We sell you a welding outlit and teach ycu the business. Portland Hrazing & Machine Works, dra ana uieason. CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning nad Dyeing serv ice send parcels to us. We pay return postage. Information and prices given upon requeBt. ENKU'S CITT DTH WORKS Established 1890 Portland ARTIFICIAL LIMBS 'NGregnOrflfTcTaTh tor tjataiog. zui zna pt., yortiana. DENTISTRY PAINLESS Absolutely performed by nerve-blocking metnoa witnout alter enecta, i.et ui Srove It to you. We make X-ray exam, tations and specialise In first-class dent Istrv at reasonable fees. Dr. A. W. Keene. Dr. K. W. Prehn, Majestic Theatre Bldg., 861H Washington St., Portland, uregon. DIAMONDS ft JEWELRY BOUGHT All kinds diamonds and Jewelry bought; name your price. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co., 44it Wn Bt Portlnd DOORS AND WINDOW8 W'ecalirsluTyour'l3om: lng, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. Write for E rices before buying. Heacock Bash ft joor Co., 212 First St., Portland. Amanda Orr, 3U8 Panama Bldg. Accordlan and Box Pleating. Button and Pleating Shop, 600 R yal Bldg, HIDES, WOOLS ft CASCARA BARK We pay highest prices write us for quotation. Kahn Bros., lit Front Bt LARGEST HOMESELLER ON PACIFIC Over 0U0 Portland Homes for Sale. See Frank L. McGuire, Ablngton Bldg. MACHINERY. Send us your iuuuiries for anything in Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Lugging, Sawmill, Contractors' Kqulpuieut, Loco motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushers, ltuil, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 528 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. NATUROPATH Dr. Geo. W. Crockweu. Specialist In Female Diseases 704-S Dekum Bldg. PERSONAL JVLARRVlFLONELYjforre me; best and most successful "HOME MAKER": hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; yettrai ui experience, utKiiyuwi mv. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 666, Oakland, California. RAZORS The famous compound for tempering razors without heat Makes shaving a delight The Stratanum Co, (08 Chamber of Com. PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER eatiTiKliu9resWereX3M pair, Spot lights (1.60 each. Parts nickeled. Hard ware retinisnea. uauiornia riaung n&., Cor. 2nd and Salmon Btaj PLUM ING ft PLUMBING 8UPPLIES We can supply you with any kind ot plumbing supplies at wholesale pticer. we win giaaiy estimate vum ui wuij jul. nri STARK-DAVIS CO.. 188-190 4th St., Portlaad RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE oung men and women: best returns for am't Invested. Position when qualified 434 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Portland. WANTED FIR PITCH "We buv FlrjPitch in any quantity. Highest market price. Payment on de livery. Write for schedule of prices on pitch and equipment. Northwestern Tur pentine Co., 3(i8 East Ninth St., Portland, Oregon, WELDING A BRAZING JeffeT;soirDeDot WeldlngShop. Repair ing of Boilers and Farming Implements. lay uoiumDta pt, rnone jnaranaii bp... PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Write us for nrlces. Pioneer Paiat Co. 186 First Bt. Portland. 8ANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR elD the appearance ot women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value 17.00, price 12.46. .no to sjz ueitum ninp;- Don't Be Too Curious. A person who is too nice an-observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curlouB In observing the labor of the bees, will often be stung for his curiosity. Pope. Leading Question. "My wife is practicing with dumb bells," proudly exclaimed a would-be athlete. "Do you find them any softer than the flatlron?" queried a wag who overheard the remark. On the Way. The time seems to be coming when those who indulge in luxury and show will be regarded with quite as much suspicion and contempt as was for merly directed toward those who haunted the doors of chicken coops after dark. Utica Observer. Queer Old-Time Signals. On the first railways a candle stuck In a station window meant "stop;" Its absence was a signal to go on. Muff and Mutt. Of course there are others, but one kind of a simp Is the girl who car ries a muff In the summer and marries a mutt In the winter. Dallas News., Lift cflCorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. With your fingers! Ton cau lift ofl any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs llttlo at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. In stantly It stops hurting, then shortly you lirt tnat bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit ot pain or soreness. Truly 1 No hum bug 1 Queer Little Isle. The smallest dependency of France is the He d'Hoedie, situated at the east of Bella Isle. Its population Is 238. They do not speak French, but Celtic. They are provided with food at an Inn managed by the women. The town has no streets. Added Percentages. A 50 per cent Increase for an article that costs $1 would make It cost $1.50. But for the article that has doubled In price the new price Is 200 per cent of the old. Cutlcura for Sore Hands, Soak hnntls on retiring in the hot suds of Cutlcura Soup, dry and rub in Cu tlcura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cutlcura will do if Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes. Adv. Where Women Equal Men. In Italy women teachers, school in spectors and employees In the admin istration of antiquities and fine arts receive the same pay as their male colleagues. - "Safety First" Better Known. Today "safety first" Is one of the most common expressions In the Eng lish language. Every one knows what it means and the principles It stands for. - - Counting Has a Limit in China. Ten thousand is the largest number in the Chinese language. Therefore all large sums must be stated in mul tiples of this figure the population of the country is four times 10,000 times 10,000, or 400 million. Asia Magazine. Daily Thought. Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great. Emerson. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine". "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twen ty years.- Accept only an unbroken "Bayer package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Tooth ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes ot 12 tablets cost few cents, Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." As pirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Monoacetlcacidester of Sallcylicacid. Adv. Economy. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow has anybody ever Been It? Will anybody ever return with It? Economy may mean the difference be tween living in a poor house and sup porting one. Napoleon had ten marshals. They were Ney, Massena, Bernadotte, Mar mont, Murat, Davout, Soult, Bessiover, Angercan and Lannes. Skin Troubles Soothed . With Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcnm 25c Are Too Satisfied? BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Is the biggest most perfectly equipped Business Training School In the North, west Fit yourself for a higher poeltlon with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write for catalog Fourth and Yamhill, Portland P. N. U. No. 35, 1920